View Full Version : Muslims raise Awareness in Upper Austria

06-26-2015, 12:07 AM
VÖCKLABRUCK. Mit einer breit angelegten Straßenaktion unter dem Motto „Gestatten, Muslim“ wollte die Austria Linz Islamische Föderation ALIF auch am Vöcklabrucker Stadtplatz positive Stimmung schaffen und so Vorurteile gegenüber den Islam abbauen.‎ "Studien belegen, dass dort, wo kein persönlicher Kontakt mit Muslimen stattfindet, die Angst vor dem Islam am größten ist", sagt Kadir Arslan, Referent für Verbandskommunikation des ALIF-Ortsvereines in Attnang-Puchheim. "Ziel war es, mit Bürgern unbekümmert ins Gespräch zu kommen, ihre Fragen rund um den Islam und die Muslime zu beantworten und etwaige Vorurteile abzubauen." Zurzeit rede jeder von der Integration und Islamisierung, die Islamophobie nehme europaweit zu. Daher sei es wichtig, den Islam besser kennenzulernen. http://www.meinbezirk.at/voecklabruck/chronik/infostand-in-voecklabruck-gestatten-muslim-d1387621.html

"with a broad operated street action the Austria Linz Islamic Federation Alif tried to raise awareness of islam, goal of the action was to come in contact with random citizens and answer their question about islam and help reduce prejudice against muslims, islamophobia is rising in europe and it is important to get to know islam better and studies document that there where is least contact to muslims the fear of islam is greatest, says Kadir Arslan referent for ALIF"

06-26-2015, 12:16 AM
Blaming it on ignorance. How old. Many people who dislike Islam and are critical of it actually know the religion and have many contacts with muslims.

They keep telling themselves otherwise.

06-26-2015, 12:19 AM
Blaming it on ignorance. How old. Many people who dislike Islam and are critical of it actually know the religion and have many contacts with muslims.

They keep telling themselves otherwise.

islam is the most intolerant religion in the modern world, the pope kissed the quran and prays with jews etc. and bows to the wall in jerusalem etc. but muslims would never take infidels as friends, thats the essence of their religion, thats why it needs to be reformed

06-26-2015, 12:32 AM
islam is the most intolerant religion in the modern world, the pope kissed the quran and prays with jews etc. and bows to the wall in jerusalem etc. but muslims would never take infidels as friends, thats the essence of their religion, thats why it needs to be reformed

True. Also a Muslim shot the Pope in 1981

06-26-2015, 04:51 AM
True. Also a Muslim shot the Pope in 1981

yes but lets not forget that there are many law abiding citizens who are muslims and who are cool and nice friendly people, thats why its important what they did