View Full Version : What does it mean to be a European culturally/spiritually

06-27-2015, 01:32 AM
No Mohammedan is a European. No Mohammedan can be European.

Some may look European, but being a European is much deeper than merely looking like one

If their culture and priorities are not European (which I don't believe they are), then no they are not.. they may look like them, though.

No muslim can be considered European.

Reading this im wondering now, why cant a "muslim be european" but a buddhist or atheist or heathen or satanist can, they are also not christians (if you mean christianity is the factor which decides if you are european). And what are European Priorities, White Nationalist Priorities or "Multicultural Liberal Democracy/modern EU values" etc.

To me a European is a European, no matter his ideas, beliefs, priorities or whatever. So saying a "muslim cant be european" is wrong.

06-27-2015, 02:57 PM
Reading this im wondering now, why cant a "muslim be european" but a buddhist or atheist or heathen or satanist can, they are also not christians (if you mean christianity is the factor which decides if you are european). And what are European Priorities, White Nationalist Priorities or "Multicultural Liberal Democracy/modern EU values" etc.

To me a European is a European, no matter his ideas, beliefs, priorities or whatever. So saying a "muslim cant be european" is wrong.

It means that you look like a ''torello'' dude.

06-27-2015, 03:04 PM
Islam came from the Saudi peninsula, and is a product of non European people, culture and worldview. Christianity came from Asia as well, but worked it's way into Europe while the religion was still young, came to maturity in Europe, and formed what is thought of as modern European society.

I think the ice behind saying "a Muslim cannot be Euro" is that his sympathies and world view is alien to anything Europe ever produced, even if the Muslim in question is a European convert.

06-27-2015, 03:06 PM
do you think king kong is a torello?

ius semper
06-27-2015, 03:15 PM
white caucasian and cristian is what people normaly understand for european, as it represents the biggest part of its population.