View Full Version : Classify Sikh Jatt

07-02-2015, 08:57 PM

07-02-2015, 08:58 PM
Alpinised Nord-Indid.

07-02-2015, 09:13 PM
albinonized nord-indid

edit: to be honest its hard to classify in that getup.

07-03-2015, 12:09 AM
he looks nord indid who got fat with age..

07-03-2015, 12:24 AM
sorry jatt shah jehan and co but to me he looks like a american convert not like a punjabi

07-03-2015, 12:26 AM
to me this is a punjabi has even same name as this guy


Peter Nirsch
07-03-2015, 12:54 AM
big lips reveal non-white ancestry. He's mixed.

07-03-2015, 12:56 AM
sorry jatt shah jehan and co but to me he looks like a american convert not like a punjabi

his lips scream South Asian.

07-03-2015, 12:57 AM
big lips reveal non-white ancestry. He's mixed.


07-03-2015, 12:58 AM
his lips scream South Asian.

maybe he is, but nothing about him screams southasian, dude. as if whites cant have full lips and only blacks have those big lips not southasians

07-03-2015, 01:03 AM
maybe he is, but nothing about him screams southasian, dude. as if whites cant have full lips and only blacks have those big lips not southasians

It's the pigmentation of the lips. White people don't have dark lips usually.

07-03-2015, 01:03 AM
sorry jatt shah jehan and co but to me he looks like a american convert not like a punjabi

He is atypical de pigmented which is actually not considered good trait and neither plus points in looks. There is a reason jatt never created thread for him. ;)

07-03-2015, 01:04 AM
It's the pigmentation of the lips. White people don't have dark lips usually.

he has pink lips to me. if he is southasian he is very atypical, come on you claim romas look like balkan but this guy is typical punjabi?

07-03-2015, 01:04 AM
He is atypical de pigmented which is actually not considered good trait and neither plus points in looks. There is a reason jatt never created thread for him. ;)

ok he maybe atypical depigmented, true. thanks for explanation.

07-03-2015, 01:06 AM
he has pink lips to me. if he is southasian he is very atypical, come on you claim romas look like balkan but this guy is typical punjabi?

Besides for super light pigmentation which is atypical but not that rare, feature-wise yes, he is typical Punjabi.

He will melt easily with the crowd in Brampton here.

07-03-2015, 01:07 AM
Besides for super light pigmentation which is atypical but not that rare, feature-wise yes, he is typical Punjabi.

He will melt easily with the crown in Brampton here.

the only thing typical about him is his turban

07-03-2015, 01:07 AM
sorry jatt shah jehan and co but to me he looks like a american convert not like a punjabi


American converts look like this man.

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-03-2015, 01:08 AM

American converts look like this man.
They kinda look like some Balkan people.

07-03-2015, 01:09 AM

American converts look like this man.

this man is younger, has blonde beard, i dont know the colour of this other man beard because he is gray.

07-03-2015, 01:12 AM
ok he maybe atypical depigmented, true. thanks for explanation.

On other hand this infamous anthroforums sikh jatt light skin tone is more preferred.


07-03-2015, 01:29 AM
you all can hate us jatts all you want and post ugly looking people as jatt but that wont change ground reality.

07-03-2015, 01:30 AM
you all can hate us jatts all you want and post ugly looking people as jatt but that wont change ground reality.

so brown people are ugly looking people and this nordid is beautiful?

07-03-2015, 01:34 AM
so brown people are ugly looking people and this nordid is beautiful?

:picard2: man I was talking about fat man posted in op.

07-03-2015, 01:35 AM
:picard2: man I was talking about fat man posted in op.

How's he ugly or even fat?

07-03-2015, 01:38 AM
How's he ugly or even fat?

note his arse cheeks

07-17-2015, 10:07 PM
sorry jatt shah jehan and co but to me he looks like a american convert not like a punjabi

Subject dude aint no American convert.
His phenotype quite common in Jatt Sikhs except he's got this lighter complexion which occurs in some.

07-17-2015, 10:10 PM
maybe he is, but nothing about him screams southasian, dude. as if whites cant have full lips and only blacks have those big lips not southasians

With his look he screams Jatt Sikh. You got caught with his skin color.

Those saying he's ugly or fat, he ain't neither fat for his age nor ugly.