View Full Version : Nazi sympathisers and Holocaust deniers filmed at Grosvenor Hotel for secret race hate rally

European Knight
07-05-2015, 06:24 AM
Nazi invasion of London EXPOSED: World's top Holocaust deniers... filmed at secret race hate rally where Jews are referred to as the 'enemy'

Shocking rally seen by undercover team at Grosvenor Hotel saw several speakers unleash sick anti-Semitic rants

Comes as UK marks largest ever Holocaust remembrance event tomorrow, 70 years after Bergen-Belsen liberation

Nazi sympathisers at meeting laughed at Charlie Hebdo massacre and cheered at the mention of Spanish Fascists

Star speaker at rally was self-confessed Nazi Pedro Varela, 57, whose adoration for Adolf Hitler is unrivalled

Nazi sympathisers, Holocaust deniers and their supporters from across the world have held a sickening secret rally in Britain at which speakers unleashed anti-Semitic rants, referring to Jews as ‘the enemy’ and ‘children of darkness’.

The meeting of the shadowy organisation will fuel fears of a growing resurgence in hatred towards Jews across Europe. The vile event was observed by a Mail on Sunday undercover team.

Held in London’s Victoria, the meeting was, said experts, the most significant gathering of Holocaust deniers Britain has ever seen, with speakers invited from Spain, Canada and the United States.

Read more: Nazi sympathisers and Holocaust deniers filmed at Grosvenor Hotel for secret race hate rally | Daily Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3045115/Nazi-invasion-London-EXPOSED-World-s-Holocaust-deniers-filmed-secret-race-hate-Jews-referred-enemy.html)


European Knight
07-05-2015, 08:46 AM
What’s more disturbing than a group of discredited old Nazis? The Green Party

Yesterday’s Mail on Sunday had an interesting account of a meeting in London of Nazis, neo-Nazis, British National Party types and anti—Semites of various other hues. The paper infiltrated the meeting and exposed what was said - which is a very good service and deserves praise.

What's more disturbing than a group of discredited old Nazis? The Green Party - Spectator Blogs (http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2015/04/whats-more-disturbing-than-a-group-of-discredited-old-nazis-the-green-party/)


07-05-2015, 08:58 AM
Why don't they just play bridge, like all decent seniors?