View Full Version : Arabs from the arabian peninsula. How much % are they of hunter gatherer ancestry ?

07-08-2015, 04:20 AM
I'm aware of the fact that people once were all hunter gatherers. But as we know it the europeans are mostly a mix of european hunter gatherers and immigrants from the near east.

So how much can you compare this ethnogenesis to the Arabs ? Of which groups are they a mix of ? Or are they mostly similar to the hunter gatherers lived in the arabian peninsula 15000 years ago ?

07-09-2015, 04:30 AM
What do you mean by Arabs? If you put a European, an Asian, and a Black in a "blender" the result will be an Arab!

Arabs are not a real ethnicity. Anyone who speaks Arabic as a first language is called an Arab. Even those who belong to J1 Y-DNA haplogroup are mix of people from Asia, Afria, and Europe.

spanish catalan
07-15-2015, 02:20 AM
i think this:
gulf arabs: 1%
levantine arabs: 5-10%