View Full Version : Row over statue of 'cruel' explorer Henry Morton Stanley

07-27-2010, 12:52 AM
Plans to honour colonial explorer Henry Morton Stanley in his home town in Wales have been criticised by objectors who say his expeditions were cruel, racist and exploitative.

Residents of Denbigh hope to celebrate his legacy with a £31,000 bronze statue, but have been told by academics that their plan is "appalling".

Stanley was the Victorian explorer who trekked to the heart of Africa and greeted a fellow Briton with the words “Dr Livingstone, I presume?”

His supporters have raised the £31,000 needed to pay for the bronze monument, after a vote among residents of Denbigh found that a clear majority wanted to commemorate the town’s most famous son. A prime site has been chosen, a sculptor has been commissioned, and councils and the local Labour MP have lent their support.

But a group of up to 20 British and American academics is calling for the “appalling” project to be abandoned.

One opponent, Selwyn Williams, a lecturer in community development at Bangor University, said: “The people in Denbigh who’ve gone ahead with it have thought 'Who have we got who’s reasonably well known?’ without really thinking about what the man actually did.

“What would be better is a statue of him as a child, holding hands with a Congolese child, or a museum where the issues are explored. For Denbigh to make a hero of this man is totally the wrong decision.”

Gwyneth Kensler, a county councillor and chairman of the HM Stanley Commemorative Group, said she welcomed the debate, adding: “This will only highlight our locally-based campaign to give Stanley the recognition that he deserves.”

Born in Denbigh in 1841, Stanley was sent at the age of five to a workhouse in nearby St Asaph where he stayed until he was 15. He emigrated to America aged 18, eventually becoming a journalist.

Dispatched by the New York Herald to find David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary who had gone missing in Africa, Stanley set off in 1871 on an eight-month, 7,000-mile trip accompanied by 200 porters. The goal was accomplished, but not without cost – deserters were flogged and a contemporary, Sir Richard Francis Burton, claimed: “Stanley shoots Africans as if they were monkeys.”

On a second trip in 1874, Stanley, in partnership with The Daily Telegraph, traced the course of the River Congo to the sea. In 1876 he made a deal with King Leopold II to travel back to the Congo, and as a result became associated with the Belgium king’s brutal regime, a link he spent years defending.

A later Stanley expedition was surrounded in controversy when it emerged that European officers had behaved with extreme cruelty, one offering a girl to cannibals. Stanley himself wrote that he had “destroyed 28 large towns” in the Congo. Once he allegedly cut off his dog’s tail, cooked it and fed it back to the dog.

After returning to Britain, Stanley married and served for five years an MP.

There are currently no statues anywhere in the world commemorating Stanley. One stood in Kinshasa, capital of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, until it was pulled down in 1971; earlier this year British diplomats began considering whether to restore it.

Plans to commemorate Stanley in Denbigh surfaced after the centenary of his death in 2004. In a council consultation, 84 per cent of residents backed a permanent statue. Money has been pledged by Denbighshire county council, Denbigh town council, St Asaph town council and Cadwyn Clwyd, a development agency. Nick Elphick, a sculptor, has been commissioned.

However, planning permission is needed before the statue can be erected outside the town’s library, and objectors may attempt to halt the project at this stage.

Mrs Kensler said that a 2007 biography of Stanley by Tim Jeal, which depicted the explorer in a positive light, had changed many people’s opinions.

She added: “I want to concentrate on the positive. I feel he’s been maligned unfairly in the past. I even met someone from the Congo who told me they were delighted, and were full of praise for Stanley.”

Chris Ruane, Labour MP for Denbigh and a former history teacher, who was born in the HM Stanley Hospital in St Asaph, said: “I’m quite surprised that these American academics have picked on this.

“If we followed this criticism to the extreme then we wouldn’t have statues of any figures in the past that have both dark and light sides to their legacy, and then most cities wouldn’t have any statues. We shouldn’t be afraid to celebrate our heritage.”

Ashley Jackson, professor of imperial and military history at King’s College London and an expert in African colonial history, said: “It is easy to understand the point of view of the people of Denbigh celebrating a famous son. On the other hand, Stanley today certainly wouldn’t he held up as an unequivocal hero.

“I would compare it to putting up a statue of Cecil Rhodes [the colonial statesman who founded Rhodesia].

“Stanley had one of the biggest kill rates of all the great African explorers in terms of the number of people who died during his journeys, and you can’t gloss over the fact.”

Jeal, author of Stanley: The Impossible Life Of Africa’s Greatest Explorer, said: “Stanley was his own worst enemy because he exaggerated what he did and the number of people he shot.

“He was basically an unsophisticated person who had a hard life. Maybe the stereotype of him as a brute is so ingrained now it can’t be changed, but it isn’t right.

“It is sad that this sort of postcolonial guilt prevents people from actually trying to understand what happened.”

A spokesman for Denbighshire county council said: “Whilst we appreciate people will have different points of view, a questionnaire, which was widely circulated throughout the area as part of our consultation process, generated an extremely positive response.”

Source (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/congo/7908247/Row-over-statue-of-cruel-explorer-Henry-Morton-Stanley.html)

07-28-2010, 12:03 PM
I would compare it to putting up a statue of Cecil Rhodes

Good idea.:thumb001: