View Full Version : Edward Bulwer-Lytton - A Strange Story.

01-25-2009, 11:11 PM
Edward Bulwer-Lytton - A Strange Story. (http://nsl-archiv.com/Buecher/Fremde-Sprachen/Bulwer-Lytton,%20Edward%20-%20A%20Strange%20Story%20%28EN,%20236%20p.,%20Scan %29.pdf)

"There are not only two principles opposed to each other in Man,--there are three. For there are in him three lives and three orders of faculties. Though all should be in accord and in harmony between the sensitive and the active faculties which constitute Man, there would still be a nature superior, a third life which would not be satisfied; which would make felt (ferait sentir) the truth that there is another happiness, another wisdom, another perfection, at once above the greatest human happiness, above the highest wisdom, or intellectual and moral perfection of which the human being is susceptible."