View Full Version : Goofy Black guy complaining about dating

07-15-2015, 06:48 AM
So I guess not all the brothas are smooth with the ladies.


07-15-2015, 07:32 AM
The dude is hilarious. I can't believe he made a 20 minute video talking about this. He's defiantly goofy. He's a Carlton type of brotha..... Maybe that's why he's not having any luck with the ladies. Or maybe its just the type of chicks he's going for. Who's knows? I would never wear the clothes he's wearing. When you wear those kind of clothes,you're mostly only going to attract certain types of wimmenz. Like ghetto wimmenz perhaps . I don't know. I don't if he's going for ghetto chicks but if he is then he might need to try his luck with some good,wholesome,bookworm,Librarian,nerdy,suburban girls. He wish he was as suave as me. To get chicks you have to be a suave,charming,hipster mixed dude like me haha. Of course i'm just joking. I'm suave but i'm not that suave. I don't get with every chick I want to get with. Even I fail sometimes.

Lets get back to the real topic. Confidence plays a part in getting women but it sure isn't everything. You could be the most confident guy in the world but if a woman doesn't like you way you look,you're features,race,ethnicity,mixture,etc then all the confidence in the world wouldn't make a difference. You could have absolutely no confidence at all but be attractive and still be getting with women or you could be unattractive with no confidence but be rich but still be getting them.

07-15-2015, 07:40 AM
Supreme Gentleman in the making.