View Full Version : Palestinian refugee girl allowed to stay in Germany after crying footage goes viral

07-19-2015, 12:42 PM
Reem Sahwil is clearly 'well integrated,' minister says, after online derision showers Chancellor Merkel for stroking teen after reducing her to tears during immigration debate.
By Haaretz | Jul. 18, 2015

A Palestinian refugee girl will be allowed to stay in Germany after all, local media reported Friday, after footage of Chancellor Angela Merkel reducing her to tears during a debate on immigration became viral on social media.

Germany's Integration Minister Aydan Ozoguz told Der Spiegel that while she isn't familiar with 14-year-old Reem Sahwil's personal situation, she was clearly eligible for a residency permit as she is a "well integrated youth."

"…she speaks fluent German and has visibly lived here for a long time," the minister told Der Spiegel, according to AFP.

Merkel faced controversy after a meeting with schoolchildren in the northern city of Rostock, where Reem told her in good German she wanted to study in Germany. It was unpleasant that she could not share the enjoyment of life experienced by her peers because of uncertainty over whether she will be able to stay, she said.

Merkel answered that "politics is sometimes hard" and that Germany wouldn't be able to manage an unchecked influx of Palestinian refugees. The chancellor's subsequent attempt to console Reem when the girl started to cry - described by critics as "heartless" - caused a Twitter storm, with the hashtag #merkelstreichelt, or "Merkel strokes," becoming a number one trending topic in Germany.

However, Sawhil later came to Merkel's defense, describing the chancellor's handling of the situation as "fair enough."

"She listened, and she gave her opinion, and I think that is fair enough," 14-year-old Reem told public broadcaster ARD on Friday.


Hareetz (http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.666634)

07-19-2015, 12:47 PM

The only reason to flee from Palestine is Israel... :rolleyes:

07-19-2015, 12:52 PM
I understand the girl, i understand her sadness and frustration but she shouldnt be given permission to stay in Germany just because she cried in frond of cameras....How many other girls or boys are in her or worse situation....How many Syrians, Lybians, Palestenians and Afgans with war at their countries? How about those who would starve in their lands? That would be the entire Africa and most of Asia....should they cry too in frond of cameras and be allowed to live in Germany or any other country? :stop:

07-19-2015, 12:57 PM
I understand the girl, i understand her sadness and frustration but she shouldnt be given permission to stay in Germany just because she cried in frond of cameras....How many other girls or boys are in her or worse situation....How many Syrians, Lybians, Palestenians and Afgans with war at their countries? How about those who would starve in their lands? That would be the entire Africa and most of Asia....should they cry too in frond of cameras and be allowed to live in Germany or any other country? :stop:

It's not because of the video, it's because her family has been there for four years and they speak german and are well integrated. Families with kids who integrate and live there for four years legally are automatically given a right to stay permanently.

07-19-2015, 12:59 PM
It's not because of the video, it's because her family has been there for four years and they speak german and are well integrated. Families with kids who integrate and live there for four years legally are automatically given a right to stay permanently.

Says the German... :rolleyes:

07-19-2015, 01:05 PM

The only reason to flee from Palestine is Israel... :rolleyes:

Says the German... :rolleyes:

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/45/45dadbd9551fa0faa1b84d1023b0b038279608fd1274725f10 4df76ddd7ce5e7.jpg

07-19-2015, 01:07 PM
You know nothing about Germany...

07-19-2015, 01:09 PM
It's not because of the video, it's because her family has been there for four years and they speak german and are well integrated. Families with kids who integrate and live there for four years legally are automatically given a right to stay permanently.

If thats a law....its a very bad one :eusa_eh:
...Then i am lucky to have lived in a century where Germans still existed... Prost http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Germany/german_beer.gif ... it was an honor knowing them....

07-19-2015, 01:35 PM
This is really misguiding. She didn't get residency because she cried. But because she and her family fulfilled the criteria imposed by the law.

07-19-2015, 01:46 PM
If that is true, I am a bit disapointed in Angie.

07-19-2015, 01:59 PM
Yeah, let's see who cares when German girls are crying when they're getting bullied in school as a minority for having white skin.

glicine max
07-19-2015, 02:17 PM
If thats a law....its a very bad one :eusa_eh:
...Then i am lucky to have lived in a century where Germans still existed... Prost http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Germany/german_beer.gif ... it was an honor knowing them....

where do get all these emoticons?:....

07-19-2015, 03:26 PM
Yeah, let's see who cares when German girls are crying when they're getting bullied in school as a minority for having white skin.

It's worth noting that, although things like glasses, height, weight, appearance and so on are common features targeted by bullies, the actual cause/motivation is more intrinsic to the bully's life, and any excuse which gives them a victim suffices.

We can try our best not to be racist, but ethnicity plays a large part in the groups people form. I agree that if we are looking at the perspective of the natives in the country, too much immigration can marginalize a previously ethnic majority. From the perspective of Native Americans, the influx of European settlers was disastrous. From the point of view of Mexico, the white settlers immigrated in mass numbers then carved out a piece of the country for themselves (Texas). I get where your frustration comes from. Most developed countries are losing population. You need immigrants to keep your country going.

The key to successful integration is allowing it to happen naturally rather than insisting that everyone who arrives must become just like everyone else immediately.
Germany, like most other developed countries really has little choice anyway. It either gets with the babymaking, which is hard to make happen with policy, or it accepts increased immigration. The alternative is facing a crisis in the next few decades trying to pay for the health care and pension needs of a very large number of elderly people.

07-19-2015, 03:30 PM
It's worth noting that, although things like glasses, height, weight, appearance and so on are common features targeted by bullies, the actual cause/motivation is more intrinsic to the bully's life, and any excuse which gives them a victim suffices.

We can try our best not to be racist, but ethnicity plays a large part in the groups people form. I agree that if we are looking at the perspective of the natives in the country, too much immigration can marginalize a previously ethnic majority. From the perspective of Native Americans, the influx of European settlers was disastrous. From the point of view of Mexico, the white settlers immigrated in mass numbers then carved out a piece of the country for themselves (Texas). I get where your frustration comes from. Most developed countries are losing population. You need immigrants to keep your country going.

The key to successful integration is allowing it to happen naturally rather than insisting that everyone who arrives must become just like everyone else immediately.
Germany, like most other developed countries really has little choice anyway. It either gets with the babymaking, which is hard to make happen with policy, or it accepts increased immigration. The alternative is facing a crisis in the next few decades trying to pay for the health care and pension needs of a very large number of elderly people.
Uh.. or Germany like stop paying for reperations to Israel, foreign wars, foreign aid and use that money on pensions/healthcare?

Most elderly pay for their own healthcare anyway from their own pensions they worked for, not government pensions.

07-19-2015, 04:14 PM
Yeah, let's see who cares when German girls are crying when they're getting bullied in school as a minority for having white skin.

I have seen most of the bullies to be White actually. The usually bully Amerindian children mostly, and sometimes other non-Whites in schools.

07-19-2015, 07:37 PM
She and her family should be dispatched over Tel Aviv with a parachute.

07-19-2015, 07:51 PM
The ones who are really in need of crying in Germany are the ethnic Germans living there, the little girl is pulling off some crocodile tears.

07-19-2015, 11:45 PM
Germans made a genocide against Jews and are the direct reason of the creation of Israel and the situation of Palestinians, if Justice was to be made, Bavaria should be the Palestinian homeland.

07-19-2015, 11:53 PM
I have seen most of the bullies to be White actually. The usually bully Amerindian children mostly, and sometimes other non-Whites in schools.

Must be in Alberta. Over here Whites were usually victims, not perps. I always found it odd as a child, seeing White kids not have a social 'backing' in their own lands and usually vulnerable lambs for the slaughter by the other more 'social' races. It cant be an intrinsic thing, because there were white mobs in the past, but how many times would I witness Black or Brown kids demand money from a white boy, as other white boys look on with helpless impotence. White men just arent able to naturally/spontaneously organize and rally along 'tribal' 'instinctive' lines. This is their biggest weakness, their organizations and societies are institutionalized, so they cant form 'gangs'*

Then, I'd go in the toilets and see written on the wall: "fuck niggers" :lol:

And now, internet forums

*American militias are a joke for this reason and will never be more than 'tree house' clubs for disenchanted white guys.

07-20-2015, 12:19 AM
The ones who are really in need of crying in Germany are the ethnic Germans living there, the little girl is pulling off some crocodile tears.


07-20-2015, 12:36 AM
She is very atypical phenotypically, I do not believe she is Palestinian.

On topic: Immigration policies shouldn't be influenced by emotional rhetoric. People who can contribute to the needs of a society are the ones who should be allowed to immigrate. Asylum seekers should be granted temporary stay in a host country for a predetermined period, or until the conflict/debacle is resolved.

07-20-2015, 01:01 AM
She is very atypical phenotypically, I do not believe she is Palestinian.

On topic: Immigration policies shouldn't be influenced by emotional rhetoric. People who can contribute to the needs of a society are the ones who should be allowed to immigrate. Asylum seekers should be granted temporary stay in a host country for a predetermined period, or until the conflict/debacle is resolved.

Good to know...because all Palestinians have is emotional rhetoric. People just feel bad seeing your folk rounded up in a cage/zoo called Gaza and then culled every few years by IDF. You know, Gaza reminds me of the African game reserves, when the elephants get too populated, the game wardens 'cull' the herd to prevent over grazing. You'd prefer that to the humanistic principle of providing asylum?

Hey who cares though, a good 20% of them probably have the same phenotype as that girl, so that is the important part of the story...that she isnt 'palestinian looking'

07-20-2015, 01:04 AM

I agree Leilana. Why shed tears for her...when like Oskar Gröningm, yourself can be prosecuted at the age of 94 for things you believe in and said now, today! (your masters have no mercy)

07-20-2015, 01:07 AM
Must be in Alberta. Over here Whites were usually victims, not perps. I always found it odd as a child, seeing White kids not have a social 'backing' in their own lands and usually vulnerable lambs for the slaughter by the other more 'social' races. It cant be an intrinsic thing, because there were white mobs in the past, but how many times would I witness Black or Brown kids demand money from a white boy, as other white boys look on with helpless impotence. White men just arent able to naturally/spontaneously organize and rally along 'tribal' 'instinctive' lines. This is their biggest weakness, their organizations and societies are institutionalized, so they cant form 'gangs'*

Then, I'd go in the toilets and see written on the wall: "fuck niggers" :lol:

And now, internet forums

*American militias are a joke for this reason and will never be more than 'tree house' clubs for disenchanted white guys.

Ganging up on one person is seen as a sign of cowardice in our culture too. When a group of brown or black people beat up one person, they are seen as low scum.

However, you are right that the 'bystander effect' is still a weakness. With such principles one is bound to lose often.
And it's a visual circle. Many people refuse to intervene, because they know other people will ignore them, leaving them vulnerable for nothing. They have put one step forward and get beaten up by a gang they stand no chance against, all the while their 'friends' watch. At least in the case of 'friends' I think they have no excuse.

My father also used to have been beat up like that. His friend got in trouble with a thug (a white thug, same ethnicity) and he'd defend him knowing that both his friend and him could take him on. He'd tell him 'messing with my friend is messing with me' upon which he'd release his victim and take him on. What happened. His victim fled the scene as soon as he could like the coward he is. Weak. They're no friends anymore after the event.

07-20-2015, 01:10 AM
Good to know...because all Palestinians have is emotional rhetoric. People just feel bad seeing your folk rounded up in a cage/zoo called Gaza and then culled every few years by IDF. You know, Gaza reminds me of the African game reserves, when the elephants get too populated, the game wardens 'cull' the herd to prevent over grazing. You'd prefer that to the humanistic principle of providing asylum?

Hey who cares though, a good 20% of them probably have the same phenotype as that girl, so that is the important part of the story...that she isnt 'palestinian looking'

Palestinians have the rights to their land under international law... The 1948 expulsion of Palestinians (nakba) still remains a contentious point to Israelis (despite the overwhelming evidence from Israeli scholars of its reality) because they refuse to admit that we have tangible rights to our homeland. This is not an emotional appeal to reason. The sympathy one might have for the Palestinian plight is, however, emotional because the vast majority of people are extremely ignorant when it comes to the geopolitical and genetic intricacies of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. You, as an ardent Muslim, probably see it as a Muslim vs Jew dilemma and support your fellow Muslims in their endeavor (though it seems like you've grown increasingly apathetic and even disdainful towards Palis from the past months).

And although I do not consider people like the female in the video to be Palestinian compatriots, I do still sympathize for her and other non indigenous "Palestinians" because they're human beings.

07-20-2015, 01:10 AM
Ganging up on one person is seen as a sign of cowardice in our culture too. However, you are right that the 'bystander effect' is a weakness. And it's a visual circle. Many people refuse to intervene, because they know other people will ignore them. They put one step forward and get beaten up by a gang, all the while their 'friends' watch. At least in the case of 'friends' I think they have no excuse.

My father also used to have been beat up like that. His friend get in trouble with a thug (a white thug, same ethnicity) and he'd defend him knowing that both his friend and him could take him in. He'd tell him 'messing with my friend is messing with me' upon which he'd release his victim and take him on. What happened. His victim fled the scene as soon as he could like the coward he is. Weak.

Believe me, bullied by gangs was seen as a terror not at all Cowardice, (your 'cowardly' description would be verbalized, yes... though the sentiment is stated with much insincerity)

I agree about the bystander affect. It is the cost of 'civilization'.

07-20-2015, 01:12 AM
Believe me, bullied by gangs was seen as a terror not at all Cowardice, (your 'cowardly' description would be verbalized, yes... though the sentiment is stated with much insincerity)

I agree about the bystander affect. It is the cost of 'civilization'.

I take civilisation any time of the day though. And I rest my case. Some of these gangs even take girls as victims, which is the ultimate sign of cowardice.

And of course, people aren't stupid. They know '80s action movies are fake. One person stands little chance versus five-ten people.

It's not that white people get bullied left and right by darkies though. Greatly exaggerated here. I'm talking Western whites here, as Eastern Europeans are more violent.

07-20-2015, 01:15 AM
Palestinians have the rights to their land under international law... The 1948 expulsion of Palestinians (nakba) still remains a contentious point to Israelis (despite the overwhelming evidence from Israeli scholars of its reality) because they refuse to admit that we have tangible rights to our homeland. This is not an emotional appeal to reason. The sympathy one might have for the Palestinian plight is, however, emotional because the vast majority of people are extremely ignorant when it comes to the geopolitical and genetic intricacies of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. You, as an ardent Muslim, probably see it as a Muslim vs Jew dilemma and support your fellow Muslims in their endeavor (though it seems like you've grown increasingly apathetic and even disdainful towards Palis in the past coming months).

I sincerely believe that without Islam, Palestinians will become a broken race like red indians, abo and african americans. It is already happening, the mental colonization of Palestinians...there are the uncle yahoods and the 'house palis'. I have sympathy for the field Palestinians whose rights and sovereingty have been usurped but have held on to their roots and their religion. Those who havent, I just want to avoid the same way I avoid self destructive Aboriginals and New World blacks.

07-20-2015, 01:16 AM
Why is it always white and christian countries who have to host this fucking muslim parasites? Go in an arab or a muslim country if you want to leave your shitthole that you call home !

We don't need you, you're a plague for our societies, you are invading us whith your high natality, your women can't stop laying babies.

07-20-2015, 01:19 AM
Why is it always white and christian countries who have to host this fucking muslim parasites? Go in an arab or a muslim country if you want to leave your shitthole that you call home !

We don't need you, you're a plague for our societies, you are invading us whith your high natality, your women can't stop laying babies.

Muslim fertlility is not high it is NORMAL...your infertility is what is ABNORMAL. Your women pop birth control pills like tic-tacs and have abortions for fun. The few that do have children, have them out of wedlock (illegitmate shameful BASTARD) and are usually at the lower end of the socio-economic demographic. How is that a Muslim problem?

07-20-2015, 01:20 AM
Muslim fertlility is not high it is NORMAL...your infertility is what is ABNORMAL. Your women pop birth control pills like tic-tacs and have abortions for fun. How is that a Muslim problem?

Our abortion rate is fairly low though for a culture that allows it.

Population growth also has to stop at some point, though I'd prefer stagnation like a natality of 2.1.

I'm in my late twenties and many women if not most who were my classmates are all mothers now. It's not as if making babies isn't in vogue no more.
The both of us however (you and I), are probably childless.

One girl I'm seeing comes from a family of 13, by the way. I know that's a rarity in my ethnicity, but they still exist.

07-20-2015, 01:29 AM
Muslim fertlility is not high it is NORMAL...your infertility is what is ABNORMAL. Your women pop birth control pills like tic-tacs and have abortions for fun. The few that do have children, have them out of wedlock (illegitmate shameful BASTARD) and are usually at the lower end of the socio-economic demographic. How is that a Muslim problem?

In the case of Belgium (like UK, Netherlands and Germany), it's already overpopulated so a decrease of the population wouldn't be bad and would even increase our HDI.

If we were in the need of workforce, we could accept migrant workers but they would not have the right of welfare benefits before several years and almost impossibility for them to obtain the citizenship of the host country as well as for their descendants.

07-20-2015, 01:32 AM
In the case of Belgium (like UK, Netherlands and Germany), it's already overpopulate so a decrease of the population wouldn't be bad, it would increase our HDI.

If we were in the need of workforce, we could accept migrant workers but they would not have the right of welfare benefits before several years and almost impossibility for them to obtain the citizenship of the host country as well as for their descendants.

this works in places like Saudi Arabia where nobody (citizen or guest worker) has a vote.

But in europe, there is a 'vote' and it is valuable to your politicians more than your precious spaces, your precious 'race' your precious 'culture'.

07-20-2015, 01:34 AM
I sincerely believe that without Islam, Palestinians will become a broken race like red indians, abo and african americans. It is already happening, the mental colonization of Palestinians...there are the uncle yahoods and the 'house palis'. I have sympathy for the field Palestinians whose rights and sovereingty have been usurped but have held on to their roots and their religion. Those who havent, I just want to avoid the same way I avoid self destructive Aboriginals and New World blacks.

This is simply the unfortunate reality of any society where a minority's rights are severely restricted. This isn't just related to religious structure. For example, in Jordan (a country where 55% of the pop. are of Pali descent) many Palestinians refuse to identify with their ancestry and just consider themselves to be Jordanian. Why? Because of the strained and volatile relations with ethnic Jordanians throughout the decades and the fact that Palestinians are mostly excluded from politics and governmental affairs. You see the same in Israel, where these Palestinians forsake their heritage to lead a more comfortable life under these unfair conditions. I still don't find it excusable in the least (nearly traitorous in fact), but I at least understand the mentality of these "house Palis." I just hope ethnic Palestinians don't lose sight of their heritage from various ideologies (Zionism, pan Arabism, Islamism, etc) and become just another remnant of the hellhole that is the contemporary Middle East.

07-20-2015, 01:40 AM
this works in places like Saudi Arabia where nobody (citizen or guest worker) has a vote.

But in europe, there is a 'vote' and it is valuable to your politicians more than your precious spaces, your precious 'race' your precious 'culture'.

It is true and it's why I said that foreigners shouldn't be allow to obtain the citizenship of the host nation(except in rare circumstance and with bordering nations).

It's why we fucked up but this is not an argument to justify the arrival of new immigrants, it has to stop while we have a still a chance to solve this problem.

07-20-2015, 02:42 AM
Well, of polarisation keeps going like it is, I bet European society might become more authoritarian. I'll expect the rise of some 'third way' party, like you have in Singapore. RIP democracy.

07-20-2015, 02:44 AM
Poor angel...why they made cry like that?...stop being icecreams and be human beings...dio la benedica.

07-20-2015, 02:47 AM
It is true and i'ts why I said that foreigners shouldn't be allow to obtain the citizenship of the host nation(except in rare circumstance and with bordering nations).

It's why we fucked up but this is not an argument to justify the arrival of new immigrants, it has to stop while we have a still a chance to solve this problem.

I wonder how much 'we' are to blame. I was against mass migration of culturally incompatible people right from the get go. Importing MENA people en masse. Terrible idea. Common sense.

It was written in the stars that they would form parallel societies. If someone hates secularism but loves luxury, that person might be better off living in the UAE or so, or maybe Saudi Arabia. Hey, I could also be a happy secret atheist in the first (not so in the latter), as many Westerners live there happily but I'm very likely to stay out of those countries.

I do wonder though, in the case of the UAE, what would happen once all those expats get naturalised as citizens (which they are offered to become often enough). Would it still remain a conservative muslim country? Even one decade ago it was far less crowded there. It's changing at a huge pace.

07-20-2015, 03:01 AM
There's no such thing as a "well integrated" brown person in a white country

07-20-2015, 03:08 AM
Poor angel...why they made cry like that?...stop being icecreams and be human beings...dio la benedica.

Sicilians, keep all your migrants and then we could talk about being an "icecream". If you want to be submerged by migrants, it's your choice but don't bother the others with your shit.

07-20-2015, 03:13 AM
I wonder how much 'we' are to blame. I was against mass migration of culturally incompatible people right from the get go. Importing MENA people en masse. Terrible idea. Common sense.

It was written in the stars that they would form parallel societies. If someone hates secularism but loves luxury, that person might be better off living in the UAE or so, or maybe Saudi Arabia. Hey, I could also be a happy secret atheist in the first (not so in the latter), as many Westerners live there happily but I'm very likely to stay out of those countries.

I do wonder though, in the case of the UAE, what would happen once all those expats get naturalised as citizens (which they are offered to become often enough). Would it still remain a conservative muslim country? Even one decade ago it was far less crowded there. It's changing at a huge pace.

I don't believe that westerners will ever be naturalized in such countries like Qatar, Bahreïn, Saudi Arabia or UAE, same for their children.

07-20-2015, 03:13 AM
She is just a children...scoundrels and idiots who cause troubles are other.

07-20-2015, 03:17 AM
I don't believe that westerners will ever be naturalized in such countries like Qatar, Bahreïn, Saudi Arabia or UAE, same for their children.

It does happen very often they get offered citizenship, also non-muslims. People from the UAE told me. They often refuse it because they want to retain ties with their home countries (no dual citizenship allowed).

07-20-2015, 03:20 AM
She is just a children...scoundrels and idiots who cause troubles are other.

Ok you are maybe right, so we should kick her when she will be 18. That's better :thumb001:

07-20-2015, 03:24 AM
It does happen very often they get offered citizenship, also non-muslims. People from the UAE told me. They often refuse it because they want to retain ties with their home countries (no dual citizenship allowed).

I've never heard of it, it's a pacific immigration, highly selected but they will maybe be thrown out by the natives someday.

07-20-2015, 03:26 AM
I've never heard of it, it's a pacific immigration, highly selected but they will maybe be thrown out by the natives someday.

Well, being naturalised is no guarantee you will be able to stay there. If you misbehave you'll get your citizenship revoked and get kicked out. And in the UAE being an atheist is already a criminal offence, even though it's rarely enforced. As a Catholic you're probably best not talk too much about your religion neither. In the end, people just don't talk about religion because it's the safest bet.

07-20-2015, 03:28 AM
Then in that situation you should consider taking action against her ...

07-20-2015, 03:38 AM
Well, being naturalised is no guarantee you will be able to stay there. If you misbehave you'll get your citizenship revoked and get kicked out. And in the UAE being an atheist is already a criminal offence, even though it's rarely enforced. People just don't talk about religion.

It's impossible to revoke a citizenship from somebody who don't have an other one because he would be stateless (that's not authorized by the UN), somehow you can be considered as a refugee and be accepted in almost all the countries in the world.

As belgian, if you get a citizenship from UAE you are still belgian because I don't believe that they will force you to write a letter to your embassy to withdraw your original citizenship, which is the only way to lose your belgian nationality.

07-20-2015, 03:44 AM
I've never heard of it, it's a pacific immigration, highly selected but they will maybe be thrown out by the natives someday.

They are not "selected", native emiratis only compose 29% of the population in the UAE, the rest are permanent residents, mostly of South Asian origin who are workers/expatriates mostly.

07-20-2015, 03:46 AM
Then in that situation you should consider taking action against her ...

When she'll be 18 years old, she will go back in her country for holyday and come back married with her cousin Mohammed, they'll both return to Germany for founding a wonderful family of little brown people in multicultiland.

07-20-2015, 03:47 AM

07-20-2015, 03:48 AM
They are not "selected", native emiratis only compose 29% of the population in the UAE, the rest are permanent residents, mostly of South Asian origin who are workers/expatriates mostly.

We are not talking of the permanent residents but of foreigners who get naturalized by UAE.

07-20-2015, 03:51 AM

And in 50 or 100 years, there will be no more german people .

Sure that's not a big deal, just the disparition of one of the greatest people on earth.

07-20-2015, 03:53 AM
There are no real germans anymore ...just fake ones...replaced.

07-20-2015, 03:55 AM
There are no real germans anymore ...just fake ones...replaced.

What do you mean ?

07-20-2015, 03:57 AM
That the germans in germany are not the real ones most are replaced thanks to german genocide.

07-20-2015, 04:01 AM
That the germans in germany are not the real ones most are replaced thanks to german genocide.

With imigration ? They are not replaced yet, only in some suburbs.

07-20-2015, 04:23 AM
Expulsion of that family will not change anything..Germany is already full of immigrants from middle east and turkey,and many other parts negroes etc..it seems that your politicians are favorable to this...and they are white...arabs are caucasoid=white....people with darker skin are not bad...unless they are black as shit.

07-20-2015, 04:37 AM
Expulsion of that family will not change anything..Germany is already full of immigrants from middle east and turkey,and many other parts negroes etc..it seems that your politicians are favorable to this...and they are white...arabs are caucasoid=white....people with darker skin are not bad...unless they are black as shit.

I already talked about this with Wadaad (on this thread), the fact that Germany is already full of foreigners don't justify that mass migration still continue.

This family, it is one more, on many who push, a little bit more, Germany and Europe towards the abyss.

07-20-2015, 04:39 AM
Be angry with politicians then not with this family or the kids...

07-20-2015, 04:49 AM
Be angry with politicians then not with this family or the kids...

They remain parasites and probably like the other immigrants rude and arrogant. Never, no thanking to the host nation, the politicians are machiavellian but not directly responsible for actions of their little proteges.

07-20-2015, 04:56 AM
You are overthinking...how do you know they are arrogant?...have you ever meet them?...Do not generalize..don't be hateful and stereotypical.

07-20-2015, 05:05 AM
You are overthinking...how do you know they are arrogant?...have you ever meet them?...Do not generalize..don't be hateful and stereotypical.

Immigrants in general, nothing personal, if immigration was only about this family I wouldn't care.

I hate the immigration as mass, not as individual.

07-20-2015, 05:08 AM
Well that's right...the situation today is very bad...but for example why Saudi Arabia can't take these muslims?...aren't they rich and share the same religion?...

07-20-2015, 05:12 AM
She seems well-educated and can speak German, English like her mother tongue. Her parents are apparently not perverted assholes as well considering she's not covered. It's the right thing to do. Such modern-minded people should always be provided with opportunities. I kinda envy Germany, we have to deal with millions of syrian refugee scums who even cover their 5-year old daughters...

07-20-2015, 05:14 AM
Well that's right...the situation today is very bad...but for example why Saudi Arabia can't take these muslims?...aren't they rich and share the same religion?...

I've asked the same thing on this thread. There's plenty of work in the arabian peninsula so why are they coming in Europe ? There are very few jobs available for them here.

07-20-2015, 03:51 PM
Must be in Alberta. Over here Whites were usually victims, not perps. I always found it odd as a child, seeing White kids not have a social 'backing' in their own lands and usually vulnerable lambs for the slaughter by the other more 'social' races. It cant be an intrinsic thing, because there were white mobs in the past, but how many times would I witness Black or Brown kids demand money from a white boy, as other white boys look on with helpless impotence. White men just arent able to naturally/spontaneously organize and rally along 'tribal' 'instinctive' lines. This is their biggest weakness, their organizations and societies are institutionalized, so they cant form 'gangs'*

Then, I'd go in the toilets and see written on the wall: "fuck niggers" :lol:

And now, internet forums

*American militias are a joke for this reason and will never be more than 'tree house' clubs for disenchanted white guys.

Well yeah I was thinking mostly in Alberta. Here most of the bullies were indeed White. They often bullied people that were either of Amerindian origins or other non-whites. They also tend to pick on the weak kids. There was a blond guy who used to steal bus passes and money from the non-White kids for example. If they did not give it to him he would beat them up. Most of the people he bullied were for example South Asians, or Mideasterners, and at rare occasions Amerindian ones. However in high school there was indeed a big problem with the Amerindian kids often complaining about bullying mostly from the White kids, and the racial tensions between them was high. My point was that Whites are not the only victims of bullying and they are angels, certainly far from it, I know in other areas they probably get bullied but based on what I have seen many of them were the bullies. I have seen them calling Arab and South Asian kids sandniggers, terrorists ect, Pakis, go back to where you come from,and the list goes on. Then their is the common racial slur toward Amerindians to. However a lot of it was indeed individualistic, and having group was somewhat rare, and sometimes people also joined the bullying because they thought the guy was cool and a bad ass.

07-20-2015, 08:15 PM
This whole situation is idiotic. If the MENA countries actually cared about these people, the Palestinians, they wouldn't force them to be refugees for 60+ years. They could've been integrated into their societies and there wouldn't be as big of a problem.

But hey, us humans seem to hate solutions, so I'm not surprised.

07-20-2015, 09:09 PM
I agree Leilana. Why shed tears for her...when like Oskar Gröningm, yourself can be prosecuted at the age of 94 for things you believe in and said now, today! (your masters have no mercy)
He was working in a KZ and plead guilty by himself for years, he wasn't prosecuted for his mere views and the things he said. Bad try, Somalian troglodyte.

The few that do have children, have them out of wedlock (illegitmate shameful BASTARD) and are usually at the lower end of the socio-economic demographic. How is that a Muslim problem?
Even the European couples who are at the lower end of the socio-economic demographic are ten times higher in wealth, culture and civilization than the average Muslim couple worldwide.

07-21-2015, 02:42 AM
This whole situation is idiotic. If the MENA countries actually cared about these people, the Palestinians, they wouldn't force them to be refugees for 60+ years. They could've been integrated into their societies and there wouldn't be as big of a problem.

But hey, us humans seem to hate solutions, so I'm not surprised.

"Oh, we Jews just displaced/expelled 800,000 Palestinians from their ancestral homeland, they should be content with being assimilated into another country and not inconveniencing us 'rightful' (read: mixed and non-Levantine) descendants!" Just because we speak Arabic doesn't mean we can just live as refugees in other contries with very limited rights.

07-21-2015, 02:44 AM
She seems well-educated and can speak German, English like her mother tongue. Her parents are apparently not perverted assholes as well considering she's not covered. It's the right thing to do. Such modern-minded people should always be provided with opportunities. I kinda envy Germany, we have to deal with millions of syrian refugee scums who even cover their 5-year old daughters...

You haven't explained why these refugees are a problem in a previous thread. Are they responsible for crime or something?

07-21-2015, 01:43 PM
"Oh, we Jews just displaced/expelled 800,000 Palestinians from their ancestral homeland, they should be content with being assimilated into another country and not inconveniencing us 'rightful' (read: mixed and non-Levantine) descendants!" Just because we speak Arabic doesn't mean we can just live as refugees in other contries with very limited rights.

There's no such thing as the palestinian people, it's a bunch of arab invaders and they can go back to their REAL ancestral land.

07-21-2015, 01:48 PM
You haven't explained why these refugees are a problem in a previous thread. Are they responsible for crime or something?

Because Jordan is not playing his role as the palestinian country, you shouldn't forget that this country was made by the UK to host the arab population of the whole Palestine so it's the only true palestinian state.

07-21-2015, 02:06 PM
Because Jordan is not playing his role as the palestinian country, you shouldn't forget that this country was made by the UK to host the arab population of the whole Palestine so it's the only true palestinian state.

We're talking about Syrian refugees, not Palis. Also, Jordan is only 55% Palestinian demographically (far from being a Pali state), and artificial states should NOT be a replacement for one's ancestral homeland. That's like me telling you that, if Belgians were expelled from their nation by a belligerent occupier, you should all be content with living in Germany with limited rights while still facing deplorable conditions in your territories.

07-21-2015, 02:09 PM
There's no such thing as the palestinian people, it's a bunch of arab invaders and they can go back to their REAL ancestral land.

Genetics refutes this nonsensical assertion. I suggest you go look at some papers and studies about this issue. Only a minority of Palestinians are foreigners (like the girl in the video) thanks to the British empire's extremely lax border policies, and they aren't considered indigenous by the native population.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 02:11 PM
Are you fucking kidding me? She cries so she gets to stay? Are they inferring that none of the other refugees would cry? There is nothing special about her. By this logic, they should let all the refugees stay, that is if you cry, you stay. I'm sure there are many more refugees who would cry if they had to go home. Does that mean we should let them stay?

07-21-2015, 02:16 PM
We're talking about Syrian refugees, not Palis. Also, Jordan is only 55% Palestinian demographically (far from being a Pali state), and artificial states should NOT be a replacement for one's ancestral homeland. That's like me telling you that, if Belgians were expelled from their nation by a belligerent occupier, you should all be content with living in Germany with limited rights.

That's not possible with Belgium, it's our land we didn't take it from an other people.

Are you aware that the majority of the so-called "palestinians" are just descendants of arab migrants of the 19th and 20th century in the same period than jewish migration. I've read many books about it from travelers, Palestine was almost unpopulated in the 18th century (for example there was no population in gaza).

07-21-2015, 02:18 PM
That's not possible with Belgium, it's our land we didn't take it from an other people.

Are you aware that the majority of the so-called "palestinians" are just descendants of arab migrants of the 19th and 20th century in the same period than jewish migration. I've read many books about it from travelers, Palestine was almost unpopulated in the 18th century (for example there was no population in gaza).

Palestinians have never stole land, we're indigenous to the region...That is nonsense that has been refuted by population genetics. You're buying into Zionist claims and historical heresay without looking at the scientific evidence. Read my post above ^

07-21-2015, 02:24 PM
That's not possible with Belgium, it's our land we didn't take it from an other people.

Are you aware that the majority of the so-called "palestinians" are just descendants of arab migrants of the 19th and 20th century in the same period than jewish migration. I've read many books about it from travelers, Palestine was almost unpopulated in the 18th century (for example there was no population in gaza).

Thats true and false at the same time. There was always an Arab population there...even during Roman and Sassanid times, denying this is just being ignorant and I doubt your claim that you read 'many books about it from travelers'...the one source zionist use the most is Mark Twain's travelogues, and like a typical American fiction writer, he just wrote bullshit (aka 'creative writing' aka 'lying' aka typical English literary/cultural artforms: the fiction novels of yesteryear are the hollywood lies of today ) and since Americans are ignorant of the outside world, no one questioned him on his BS (for instance he compared the Jordan river to the MISSISSIPI when it is just a pathetic stream compared to that massive river system)

The reality is that Palestine always was populated (though lightly). It was a backwater stuck between two 'hubs' of the Arab World (Syria and Egypt)...so not only do many Palestinians have ancestry from these places, many Egyptians and Syrians have origins from Palestine (just like how someone from Oklahoma would travel to California, an American hub).

07-21-2015, 02:27 PM
Thats true and false at the same time. There was always an Arab population there...even during Roman and Sassanid times, denying this is just being ignorant and I doubt your claim about 'many books about it from travelers'...the one source zionist use the most is Mark Twain's journals, and like a typical American fiction writer, he just wrote bullshit and since Americans are ignorant of the outside world, no one questioned him on his BS (for instance he compared the Jordan river to the MISSISSIPI when it is just a pathetic stream compared to that massive river system)

The reality is that Palestine always was populated (though lightly). It was a backwater stuck between two 'hubs' of the Arab World (Syria and Egypt)...so not only do many Palestinians have ancestry from these places, many Egyptians and Syrians have origins from Palestine (just like how someone from Oklahoma would travel to California, an American hub).

Ethnic Palestinians are not descended from Arabs (or Egyptians), and the Arab presence has always been minimal. We were simply linguistically Arabized. The only Arab-descended Palestinians are the Negev Bedouins.

07-21-2015, 02:29 PM
Palestinians have never stole land, we're indigenous to the region...That is nonsense that has been refuted by population genetics. You're buying into Zionist claims and historical heresay without looking at the scientific evidence. Read my post above ^

Genetic proofs shows that the jews are semitic like the palestinian. This is true that in some area in Judea-Samaria, many palestinians are descendants of the samaritans, their ancestors were some Cohen priests who married syrian women.

07-21-2015, 02:30 PM
Ethnic Palestinians are not descended from Arabs, and the Arab presence has always been minimal. We were simply linguistically Arabized. The only Arab-descended Palestinians are the Negev Bedouins.

Bro, I like you but your OWD is off the hook...I know palestinians IRL and no one calls himself "Aramean" (an Israeli invented neo-ethnonym)

What next, are you going to impose Aramaic on your descendants? :lol: Atleast put in work like the Jews, and revive Aramaic language in the westbank or something...dont just settle on petty OWD (we aint ay-rabs we aint ay-rabs!!!)

Taiga Lake
07-21-2015, 02:30 PM
I'm more annoyed when some rapist criminal scum is allowed to stay or even immigrate in first place, in fact i feel bad for Muslim women to have to live with those religious fanatics in Middle East.

07-21-2015, 02:32 PM
Awww, I'm happy for her! :)

However, I doubt Merkel's "compassion" made any difference to her case. She probably would have been able to stay anyway, since she seems well-integrated, can speak German etc. This is just a media stunt pushing Govt propaganda to show they actually "care". They don't in reality. Germany is one of Israel's staunchest supporters, and they won't criticize Israel because of its treatment of the Palestinians. Hypocrites.

07-21-2015, 02:33 PM
Genetic proofs shows that the jews are semitic like the palestinian. This is true that in some area in Judea-Samaria, many palestinians are descendants of the samaritans, their ancestors were some Cohen priests who married syrian women.

Genetics shows that Ashkenazi Jews are largely mixed, retaining approximately 30-40% of their ancient Levantine component. This is why Palis and Euro Jews have some genetic affinity even though we're very different populations.

07-21-2015, 02:35 PM
Ethnic Palestinians are not descended from Arabs (or Egyptians), and the Arab presence has always been minimal. We were simply linguistically Arabized. The only Arab-descended Palestinians are the Negev Bedouins.

Are the Palestinians from Gaza significantly different in ancestry than those from the West Bank?

07-21-2015, 02:37 PM
Thats true and false at the same time. There was always an Arab population there...even during Roman and Sassanid times, denying this is just being ignorant and I doubt your claim that you read 'many books about it from travelers'...the one source zionist use the most is Mark Twain's travelogues, and like a typical American fiction writer, he just wrote bullshit (aka 'creative writing' aka 'lying' aka typical English literary/cultural artforms: the fiction novels of yesteryear are the hollywood lies of today ) and since Americans are ignorant of the outside world, no one questioned him on his BS (for instance he compared the Jordan river to the MISSISSIPI when it is just a pathetic stream compared to that massive river system)

The reality is that Palestine always was populated (though lightly). It was a backwater stuck between two 'hubs' of the Arab World (Syria and Egypt)...so not only do many Palestinians have ancestry from these places, many Egyptians and Syrians have origins from Palestine (just like how someone from Oklahoma would travel to California, an American hub).

I've read books about french travelers, they only exist in french language but I've read one about a scottish evangelist (translate in french).

They've made a great demographic analysis of the population of Palestine and I can show you some of the texts, I'd just have to translate it in english.

07-21-2015, 02:38 PM
Bro, I like you but your OWD is off the hook...I know palestinians IRL and no one calls himself "Aramean" (an Israeli invented neo-ethnonym)

What next, are you going to impose Aramaic on your descendants? :lol: Atleast put in work like the Jews, and revive Aramaic language in the westbank or something...dont just settle on petty OWD (we aint ay-rabs we aint ay-rabs!!!)

OWD? I couldn't care less about some New World term like white, nor have I ever associated myself with any European populations. Aramean is far from an Israeli construct, it's an ethnicity that has been native to the Levant for millennia and is what I'm descended from. Ethnic Palestinians aren't descended from Arabs and that's simply the truth. I don't delude myself into believing otherwise, and hopefully other MENA groups recognize their ancestral legacies and throw off this pan-Arabist farce that has poisoned the region.

07-21-2015, 02:38 PM
Genetics shows that Ashkenazi Jews are largely mixed, retaining approximately 30-40% of their ancient Levantine component.

If this is the case, doesn't it disprove the Khazar ancestry of Ashkenazis theory? Or perhaps Khazars make up a certain percentage of the mixture.

07-21-2015, 02:38 PM
Awww, I'm happy for her! :)

However, I doubt Merkel's "compassion" made any difference to her case. She probably would have been able to stay anyway, since she seems well-integrated, can speak German etc. This is just a media stunt pushing Govt propaganda to show they actually "care". They don't in reality. Germany is one of Israel's staunchest supporters, and they won't criticize Israel because of its treatment of the Palestinians. Hypocrites.

They wont? or CANT?

I dont think this was a media stunt at all...this was embarassing for Merkel, she really wished the girl didnt cry. I also wish the girl didnt cry, something tells me it wasnt Merkel telling her she cannot stay that brought her to tears, but when Merkel mentioned the thousands of others in refugee camps that Germany cannot afford to bring. I can imagine feelings of guilt, self-pity and remorse (for her being in a peaceful prosperous place while some of her relatives languish in various makeshift camps)

07-21-2015, 02:40 PM
OWD? I couldn't care less about some New World term like white, nor do I associate with any European populations. Aramean is far from an Israeli construct, it's an ethnicity that has been native to the Levant for millennia and is what I'm descended from. Ethnic Palestinians aren't descended from Arabs and that's simply the truth. I don't delude myself into believing otherwise, and hopefully other MENA groups recognize their ancestral legacies and throw off this pan-Arabist farce that has poisoned the region.

I will take you seriously the day Palestinians no longer speak Arabic or call themselves Arab :lol:

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 02:40 PM
They wont? or CANT?

I dont think this was a media stunt at all...this was embarassing for Merkel, she really wished the girl didnt cry. I also wish the girl didnt cry, something tells me it wasnt Merkel telling her she cannot stay that brought her to tears, but when Merkel mentioned the thousands of others in refugee camps that Germany cannot afford to bring. I can imagine feelings of guilt, self-pity and remorse (for her being in a peaceful prosperous place while some of her relatives languish in various makeshift camps)

Anyone who supports Israel is an enemy to me.

07-21-2015, 02:41 PM
Genetics shows that Ashkenazi Jews are largely mixed, retaining approximately 30-40% of their ancient Levantine component. This is why Palis and Euro Jews have some genetic affinity even though we're very different populations.

That's right, I don't deny it, Ashkenazi jews are highly mixed, same for the sephardi and the jewish arabs.

07-21-2015, 02:43 PM
Are the Palestinians from Gaza significantly different in ancestry than those from the West Bank?

Gaza has a decent minority of people with mixed/foreign ancestry because of historical circumstances. It's apparent when you flip on the news and see some demonstrations being held there.

07-21-2015, 02:43 PM
If this is the case, doesn't it disprove the Khazar ancestry of Ashkenazis theory? Or perhaps Khazars make up a certain percentage of the mixture.

Some Khazars may have been mixed with the european jews but the khazar admixture must be very low, the theory of the khazar is just not serious at all.

07-21-2015, 02:48 PM
I will take you seriously the day Palestinians no longer speak Arabic or call themselves Arab :lol:

Probably will never happnen without massive efforts to educate the populace about their heritage. Even then, it would be polarizing for people because some Palestinians aren't Aramean so they would be very adamant against efforts for us to reclaim our history. I'd imagine it'd also support Israeli hegemony by weakening international support from Muslims (Arabic is the blessed language afterall...). Palestinian Islamists are just a lost cause too, so unfortunately (or fortunately for you ;) ) this isn't going to happen in the foreseeable future

07-21-2015, 02:48 PM
I dont think this was a media stunt at all...this was embarassing for Merkel, she really wished the girl didnt cry.

Oh, you misunderstood me :) Or I used the wrong words in the wrong place. For sure, the girl's tears and situation were genuine. But what I mean is that the media is now using the solving of her problems for propaganda purposes, showing the Govt in a good light in a situation which should actually be embarrassing for Germany - what I said earlier. German support for Israel is contributing towards Palestinians becoming refugees. The root of the problem is forgotten for a moment.

07-21-2015, 02:52 PM
Anyone who supports Israel is an enemy to me.

Wow, strong word choice. Compare this: I despise America's treatment of Russia, and their foreign policy in general, but I won't go as far as saying anyone who supports America is an enemy to me! :eek:

07-21-2015, 02:52 PM
German support for Israel is contributing towards Palestinians becoming refugees.

Germany don't support Israël, Germany is neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

07-21-2015, 02:54 PM
Gaza has a decent minority of people with mixed/foreign ancestry because of historical circumstances. It's apparent when you flip on the news and see some demonstrations being held there.

The Gazans might be significantly Arab, in contrast to the "purer" West Bankers? Maybe Wadaad is referring to Gazans primarily?

07-21-2015, 02:55 PM
Germany don't support Israël, Germany is neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Do you have some source to back up this statement?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 02:55 PM
Wow, strong word choice. Compare this: I despise America's treatment of Russia, and their foreign policy in general, but I won't go as far as saying anyone who supports America is an enemy to me! :eek:

I wouldn't say I don't support the USA, I may disagree with the USA foreign policy but at the least the USA has a right to exist

Israel does not.

07-21-2015, 02:55 PM
The Gazans might be significantly Arab, in contrast to the "purer" West Bankers? Maybe Wadaad is referring to Gazans primarily?

Mixed Gazans would have Egyptian or Sudanese ancestry rather than Arab. The Negev Bedouin Palestinians are quite endogamous and aren't fond of other Palestinian groups.

07-21-2015, 02:55 PM
Anyone who supports Israel is an enemy to me.

Neocons ffs

07-21-2015, 02:56 PM
Wow, strong word choice. Compare this: I despise America's treatment of Russia, and their foreign policy in general, but I won't go as far as saying anyone who supports America is an enemy to me! :eek:

Thing is Loki, many people in the US who support Israel also support foreign intervention and consider Snowden a traitor.

07-21-2015, 03:00 PM
Do you have some source to back up this statement?

Do you have some sources that say Germany support Israël ?

Germany sells weapons to Israël but business is business, so that doesn't count.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:01 PM
Neocons ffs

Neocons are worse than tumblr liberals.

07-21-2015, 03:04 PM
I wouldn't say I don't support the USA, I may disagree with the USA foreign policy but at the least the USA has a right to exist

Israel does not.

In my opinion, Israël have more right to exist than the US : you are a colony, you are not natives, you are not a nation, you piss off all the fucking world and americans betrayed their Fatherland UK.

07-21-2015, 03:05 PM
Germany don't support Israël, Germany is neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

LOL. Germany even support PKK. Just several years ago, PKK can even make freely propaganda with their own media organs in Germany. It was legal.

07-21-2015, 03:05 PM
I wouldn't say I don't support the USA, I may disagree with the USA foreign policy but at the least the USA has a right to exist

Israel does not.

Why do Jews not have the right to have a homeland?

07-21-2015, 03:06 PM
Thing is Loki, many people in the US who support Israel also support foreign intervention and consider Snowden a traitor.

What percentage of Americans support Snowden, do you think?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:07 PM
In my opinion, Israël have more right to exist than the US : you are a colony, you are not natives, you are not a nation, you piss off all the fucking world and americans betrayed their Fatherland UK.

We fought to have this land, unlike the Israelis, who were handed that land.

07-21-2015, 03:08 PM
I bet after his 18 she'll certainly join ISIS terrorist group and she'll become another murderer in the name of devil or she'll become another victim in the sheikh's harem

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:10 PM
Why do Jews not have the right to have a homeland?

They would have a right if they fought for it but they didn't, they were handed Israel.

07-21-2015, 03:10 PM
What percentage of Americans support Snowden, do you think?

Most younger people are pro-Snowden, most older people like boomers dislike him.




07-21-2015, 03:10 PM
Why do Jews not have the right to have a homeland?

They could've had a homeland in an isolated region of Argentina to call a country, but they those to occupy an already occupied land with the aid of colonial powers. Zionists are very undeserving peoples to say the least.

07-21-2015, 03:12 PM
They would have a right if they fought for it but they didn't, they were handed Israel.

So if China or Russia occupies the States and genocides the population, they're deserving of a new country?

07-21-2015, 03:12 PM
LOL. Germany even support PKK. Just several years ago, PKK can even make freely propaganda with their own media organs in Germany. It was legal.

This is a little bit off topic, anyway Germany can be neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and be engaged on one side in an other conflict, personally I would also be in favor of the PKK but I consider that we shouldn't involve in a foreign conflict so it would be only an oral support :cool: .

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:13 PM
So if China or Russia occupies the States and genocides the population, they're deserving of a new country?


07-21-2015, 03:18 PM
This is a little bit off topic, anyway Germany can be neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and be engaged on one side in an other conflict, personally I would also be in favor of the PKK but I consider that we shouldn't involve in a foreign conflict so it would be only an oral support :cool: .

What I meant was Germany can easily support every terrorist organizations. Include Israel.

07-21-2015, 03:18 PM
We fought to have this land, unlike the Israelis, who were handed that land.

So the independence war of Israel was not a fight ?
Same for the six-day war I suppose ?
What about the Yom Kippur war ?
War in Lebanon ?
1st, 2nd Intifada ?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:18 PM
So the independence war of Israel was not a fight ?
Same for the six-day war I suppose ?
What about the Yom Kippur war ?
War in Lebanon ?
1st, 2nd Intifada ?

By that time Israelis had tons of weapons given to them by Britain and U.S. and this is what they fought with

07-21-2015, 03:19 PM
So the independence war of Israel was not a fight ?
Same for the six-day war I suppose ?
What about the Yom Kippur war ?
War in Lebanon ?
1st, 2nd Intifada ?

That's more likely an invasion. Not "independence war".

07-21-2015, 03:20 PM
In my opinion, Israël have more right to exist than the US : you are a colony, you are not natives, you are not a nation, you piss off all the fucking world and americans betrayed their Fatherland UK.

So what do you suppose we do, move back to Europe en masse? I love how Europeans consider us not from here when it suits them, but at other times when white Americans propose we go back you don't consider us from there either. How do you define native? How do you define nation? Both things you consider us not to be, all of your claims are very generalizing. For the latter, I believe the UK betrayed the colonists when they started treating them like shit. You do realize the colonies were wealthier under the hegemony of the Brits, right? They were fighting for a reason. Read Common Sense by Thomas Paine. There were numerous grievances that were never addressed even after 10 years of petitioning, supplication, and entreaty.

07-21-2015, 03:21 PM
By that time Israelis had tons of weapons given to them by Britain and U.S. and this is what they fought with

Were the Americans helped by French during the war for independence ? I can't remember ;)

07-21-2015, 03:24 PM
That's more likely an invasion. Not "independence war".

It depends in which side you are. This is obviously subjective.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:25 PM
Were the Americans helped by French during the war for independence ? I can't remember ;)

Not at first.

Nevermind. Perhaps Israel may have a right to exist, but I disagree with almost everything they do. They do not have a right to segregate themselves from their Palestinian neighbors. The U.S. is very friendly towards it's Native Americans (nowadays anyways). If the Jews can be in Israel, then they must treat the native Palestinians with respect and honor. They can't just go and displace them and put them all in camps and deny water to them. They have to be more like the U.S.

It is hypocritical that U.S. has to be friendly to it's natives and Israel does not have to. Israel can push around the Palestinians and that is simply not right.

07-21-2015, 03:27 PM
By that time Israelis had tons of weapons given to them by Britain and U.S. and this is what they fought with

The arabs (Jordan, Syria and Egypt) had tons of weapons given by the USSR during the 6 day war and they still failed...

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 03:28 PM
Israel does not have the moral right to Jewishize that land. Look at how partisan this country is. They have the Jewish symbol on their flag, they call themselves the Jewish state, etc. it is not fair to non-Jews, especially since the people who lived there before these European Jews arrived were non-Jews. They should show a little respect and stop denying the non-Jews the rights that they deserve as human beings.

I am for the complete separation of church and state.

07-21-2015, 03:29 PM
Not at first.

You're thinking of ground troops, France did offer support in regards to gunpowder and supplies from the beginning. I don't believe it was required though.

07-21-2015, 03:31 PM
Not at first.

Nevermind. Perhaps Israel may have a right to exist, but I disagree with almost everything they do. They do not have a right to segregate themselves from their Palestinian neighbors. The U.S. is very friendly towards it's Native Americans (nowadays anyways). If the Jews can be in Israel, then they must treat the native Palestinians with respect and honor. They can't just go and displace them and put them all in camps and deny water to them. They have to be more like the U.S.

It is hypocritical that U.S. has to be friendly to it's natives and Israel does not have to. Israel can push around the Palestinians and that is simply not right.

But you said that if you won a territory by war, it's yours : West bank, gaza and golan were won by war, the arabs lost their wars so Israel deserved these territories.

I only apply your ideology here.

07-21-2015, 03:34 PM
You're thinking of ground troops, France did offer support in regards to gunpowder and supplies from the beginning. I don't believe it was required though.

It's obvious that the americans would faild without the french, Washington was a bad tactician. The american army was a joke compared with the european armies.

07-21-2015, 03:37 PM
But you said that if you won a territory by war, it's yours : West bank, gaza and golan were won by war, the arabs lost their wars so Israel deserved these territories.

I only apply your ideology here.

I simply have a grievance with Americans who put the interests of other nations almost above our own. I'm not a big fan of interventionism, the founders warned against it numerous times. What I'm arguing is, I don't think the US should be allies with Israel.

07-21-2015, 03:39 PM
Not at first.

Nevermind. Perhaps Israel may have a right to exist, but I disagree with almost everything they do. They do not have a right to segregate themselves from their Palestinian neighbors. The U.S. is very friendly towards it's Native Americans (nowadays anyways). If the Jews can be in Israel, then they must treat the native Palestinians with respect and honor. They can't just go and displace them and put them all in camps and deny water to them. They have to be more like the U.S.

It is hypocritical that U.S. has to be friendly to it's natives and Israel does not have to. Israel can push around the Palestinians and that is simply not right.

You are not objetive at all, you just disagree that the jews have a homeland.
I hope if Israel stops to exist, you'll take all of them in your 'murica.

07-21-2015, 03:42 PM
Nevermind. Perhaps Israel may have a right to exist.

I thank you for that.

07-21-2015, 03:47 PM
Israel does not have the moral right to Jewishize that land. Look at how partisan this country is. They have the Jewish symbol on their flag, they call themselves the Jewish state, etc. it is not fair to non-Jews, especially since the people who lived there before these European Jews arrived were non-Jews. They should show a little respect and stop denying the non-Jews the rights that they deserve as human beings.

I am for the complete separation of church and state.

Yeah, sure, it's well known that the arabic countries do have a strict separation of the church/faith and the state. :picard1:

Israel is not a religious country, there's a separation between judaism and the jewish state, it is a jewish beacause of the jewish ethnicity not about religion.

07-21-2015, 03:48 PM
It's obvious that the americans would faild without the french, Washington was a bad tactician. The american army was a joke compared with the european armies.

That's simply not true. Yes, Washington relied A LOT on luck but if it wasn't him it would have been someone else. Here's a quote from another forum that rings true

"If George Washington was NOT a great general, who was? Napoleon (ha- that idiot invaded Russia, and left himself overextended!)? Robert E. Lee (moron- he took big gambles at places like Antietam and Gettysburg, wasting men he couldn't afford to lose)? Douglas MacArthur (phooey- the jerk ignored warnings about Chinese intervention in Korea)? Eisenhower (yeah right- that moron was caught off-guard at the Battle of the Bulge, and was LUCKY that the Normandy invasion wasn't a fiasco)? You get the idea. Folks, war is a messy, bloody, dangerous, unpredictable business, even under the best of circumstances. No matter how brilliant a commmander is, no matter how well he plans, no matter how well he prepares, things can and do go horribly wrong."

Were patriots prepared for the war? Not necessarily. Were their military forces sub-par compared to Europe at the time? Yes, because it was the very beginning, no one expects vast expanses of trained military might when a nation is just forming. People also seem to forget the 30 thousand Hessians who aided Britain in fighting the colonists. Truth be told however, when the numbers on the battlefield were equal during the revolution the patriots weren't all that bad and fared rather well.

07-21-2015, 03:50 PM
The Western countries is lost with the idea of multiculturalism, it is a cancer for a homogeneous society. This percentage division to accommodate refugees by orders of EU is also wrong.

07-21-2015, 03:50 PM
They have the Jewish symbol on their flag, they call themselves the Jewish state, etc. it is not fair to non-Jews, especially since the people who lived there before these European Jews arrived were non-Jews. They should show a little respect and stop denying the non-Jews the rights that they deserve as human beings.

That's weird, I've heard that arabs israeli prefer Israel of Palestine or any other arabic country, you know nothing about Israel.

07-21-2015, 03:58 PM
That's simply not true. Yes, Washington relied A LOT on luck but if it wasn't him it would have been someone else. Here's a quote from another forum that rings true

"If George Washington was NOT a great general, who was? Napoleon (ha- that idiot invaded Russia, and left himself overextended!)? Robert E. Lee (moron- he took big gambles at places like Antietam and Gettysburg, wasting men he couldn't afford to lose)? Douglas MacArthur (phooey- the jerk ignored warnings about Chinese intervention in Korea)? Eisenhower (yeah right- that moron was caught off-guard at the Battle of the Bulge, and was LUCKY that the Normandy invasion wasn't a fiasco)? You get the idea. Folks, war is a messy, bloody, dangerous, unpredictable business, even under the best of circumstances. No matter how brilliant a commmander is, no matter how well he plans, no matter how well he prepares, things can and do go horribly wrong."

Were patriots prepared for the war? Not necessarily. Were their military forces sub-par compared to Europe at the time? Yes, because it was the very beginning, no one expects vast expanses of trained military might when a nation is just forming. People also seem to forget the 30 thousand Hessians who aided Britain in fighting the colonists. Truth be told however, when the numbers on the battlefield were equal during the revolution the patriots weren't all that bad and fared rather well.

That's true about the Hessians but I still believe that it would have been very diffcult nearly impossible without France, it was a great help they brought weapons, trained armies and officers to train the american revolutionaries.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 04:09 PM
But you said that if you won a territory by war, it's yours : West bank, gaza and golan were won by war, the arabs lost their wars so Israel deserved these territories.

I only apply your ideology here.

You are forgetting one thing.

Israel deserves it's land, I suppose, but they do not deserve the right to treat Palestinians the way they are treating them. I do not disagree with Jews living there, I disagree with how the Israeli government is treating the Palestinians.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 04:15 PM
Yeah, sure, it's well known that the arabic countries do have a strict separation of the church/faith and the state. :picard1:

Israel is not a religious country, there's a separation between judaism and the jewish state, it is a jewish beacause of the jewish ethnicity not about religion.

You fucking idiot.

First of all, I do not support the Arabic countries either, I do not support ANY countries that have an official religion or have theocratic tendencies. Just because I do not support Israel, doesn't mean I automatically support the other Arabic countries. Nice logic, fool.

Second of all, the fact that Israel is ethnocentric is even WORSE than being a theocracy. You just strengthened by point. Israel favors Ashkenazis over anybody else. You just basically said that. And you are okay with that? I suppose that means the U.S. has the right to favor white Anglo Americans over any other ethnic group, too? You would be contradicting yourself then, wouldn't you? I thought you didn't like the U.S.

So if the Jewish State means ethnicity rather than religion, it all makes sense now. No wonder they deny citizenship to Ethiopian Jews. They don't matter. Only pale-skinned Ashkenazis matter in Israel. This is not morally justifiable. It is one thing to favor a religion and another to favor an ethnic group. That is even WORSE.

It is hypocritical to criticize the Nazis while at the same time declaring yourself a Jewish state, and by Jewish meaning ethnicity rather than religion...The Zionists are very much like the Nazis.

07-21-2015, 04:19 PM
You are forgetting one thing.

Israel deserves it's land, I suppose, but they do not deserve the right to treat Palestinians the way they are treating them. I do not disagree with Jews living there, I disagree with how the Israeli government is treating the Palestinians.

So, how do they treat palestinians ?

Better than Jordan, Lebanon and the palestinian authority do.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 04:21 PM
So, how do they treat palestinians ?

Better than Jordan, Lebanon and the palestinian authority do.

Nice logic idiot. I don't support Israel so that means I MUST support Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinian authority.

That's like saying if you don't support the Soviet Union, then you support the Nazis.

07-21-2015, 04:36 PM
You fucking idiot.

You know you're wrong, don't try to be rude.

First of all, I do not support the Arabic countries either, I do not support ANY countries that have an official religion or have theocratic tendencies. Just because I do not support Israel, doesn't mean I automatically support the other Arabic countries. Nice logic, fool.

Yes you do.

Second of all, the fact that Israel is ethnocentric is even WORSE than being a theocracy. You just strengthened by point. Israel favors Ashkenazis over anybody else. You just basically said that. And you are okay with that? I suppose that means the U.S. has the right to favor white Anglo Americans over any other ethnic group, too? You would be contradicting yourself then, wouldn't you? I thought you didn't like the U.S.

Israel don't favor anyone except on immigration policy. The only difference between the jews and the arabs is that the arabs don't have to do their military service but they can if they want to, while it's an obligation for jews.

So if the Jewish State means ethnicity rather than religion, it all makes sense now. No wonder they deny citizenship to Ethiopian Jews. They don't matter. Only pale-skinned Ashkenazis matter in Israel. This is not morally justifiable. It is one thing to favor a religion and another to favor an ethnic group. That is even WORSE.

You are not following the point that it's a jewish state because it has been built to host and reunite the jews from the entire world in their ancestral land.

It is hypocritical to criticize the Nazis while at the same time declaring yourself a Jewish state, and by Jewish meaning ethnicity rather than religion...The Zionists are very much like the Nazis.

I'm absolutely in favor of nation-state but you can't understand that, you fought during all your history against the only way a country must be.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 04:39 PM
You know you're wrong, don't try to be rude.

Yes you do.

Israel don't favor anyone except on immigration policy. The only difference between the jews and the arabs is that the arabs don't have to do their military service but they can if they want to, while it's an obligation for jews.

You are not following the point that it's a jewish state because it has been built to host and reunite the jews from the entire world in their ancestral land.

I'm absolutely in favor of nation-state but you can't understand that, you fought during all your history against the only way a country must be.

A colony?

And simply saying "Yes I do" isn't helping your argument. Israel needs to stop being ethnocentric/religiocentric. Whichever they are, they need to stop. Take the fucking shield of David off of their flag. We might as well put the Christian cross on ours. Or something. It's simply bigotry. You Belgian fool. You make me laugh.

07-21-2015, 04:42 PM
Nice logic idiot. I don't support Israel so that means I MUST support Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinian authority.

That's like saying if you don't support the Soviet Union, then you support the Nazis.

I was talking about the 'palestinians' who live in Israel. Why do almost all the 'palestinians' of Gaza and Judea-Samaria want to be part of Israel ?

Maybe because the israelis have built the greatest country in the middle east without the help of any natural ressources and in a constant climate of war.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 04:46 PM
I was talking about the 'palestinians' who live in Israel. Why do almost all the 'palestinians' of Gaza and Judea-Samaria want to be part of Israel ?

Maybe because the israelis have built the greatest country in the middle east without the help of any natural ressources and in a constant climate of war.

I give them credit for that. Still, Israel may treat the Palestinians better, but they still do not treat them with the respect they deserve. They are human beings, too.

Israel is some sort o' ethnocentric or religiocentric state, I don't like it. Seems like the Ultra Orthodox Jews control the country. A Jew cannot marry a non Jew in Israel, etc. they obviously have very theocratic tendencies, or as you put it, they are simply Jewcentric.

This is not good. This is not moral.

Why do you support them anyway? You do realize it is Jewish politicians that are enforcing multiculturalism in Europe, don't you? Nice job supporting the people that are behind the multiculturalism! :thumb001:

07-21-2015, 04:54 PM
That's true about the Hessians but I still believe that it would have been very diffcult nearly impossible without France, it was a great help they brought weapons, trained armies and officers to train the american revolutionaries.

Indeed, Tories as well. I just don't think we would have lost without France, I think I said it in another thread, the war would have dragged on longer probably into the 1790's, but as much hate as I'm going to get for saying this, I don't think we would have lost. Jefferson was a huge Francophile, so in a way French support was inevitable, along with there being common goals during the revolution, it's difficult to imagine the revolution happening without France. Was just the times I guess. Of course we went onto to fight France later on in the Quasi-wars. Things are always changing.

07-21-2015, 04:56 PM
A colony?

A colony ? Yes and in what kind of country you live in ?

And simply saying "Yes I do" isn't helping your argument. Israel needs to stop being ethnocentric/religiocentric. Whichever they are, they need to stop.

Well, that's the only way Israel could still exist, if they start opening their borders to non-jews or create a national union with the Palestine authority, they will be submerged and will become a minority.

What will happen to them if they become a minority in a muslim and palestinian country ? Do you know what's the sharia law ?

Take the fucking shield of David off of their flag. We might as well put the Christian cross on ours. Or something. It's simply bigotry. You Belgian fool. You make me laugh.

The shield of David is a religious symbol but this is also a ethnic symbol (the Torah is a religious book and also a jewish mithology book) and about the christian cross : many countries does have it and I don't see any problem with it (UK, Scandinavian countries, Georgia, Switzerland, etc).

07-21-2015, 05:14 PM
I give them credit for that. Still, Israel may treat the Palestinians better, but they still do not treat them with the respect they deserve. They are human beings, too.

Israel is some sort o' ethnocentric or religiocentric state, I don't like it. Seems like the Ultra Orthodox Jews control the country. A Jew cannot marry a non Jew in Israel, etc. they obviously have very theocratic tendencies, or as you put it, they are simply Jewcentric.

This is not good. This is not moral.

Why do you support them anyway? You do realize it is Jewish politicians that are enforcing multiculturalism in Europe, don't you? Nice job supporting the people that are behind the multiculturalism! :thumb001:

If you read israel news, you'll know that they do a lot to improve the life and the situation of the palestinians in west bank and gaza , who feed them ? Israel. Who pay for their schools ? Israel. Who give them job and create entreprise that could let them enjoy a normal life ? Israel. Who give them help when they are sick, handicaped or if they need glasses ? Israel. That's a few example, of course there's not only Israel who help them, there is also the EU, Jordan and maybe the US and some other countries but you know what I mean.

Israel is not control by orthodox jews, the orthodox jews hate the israeli governement because they consider it as anti-jewish anti-colonialist, there are two sides who divide Israel : the pacifist liberals and the conservative colonialists, their governement is a little bit between those.

About the jews who push our countries and our governement to embrace multiculturalism are not the israeli jews but diaspora jews and I would prefer that they all go to Israel.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 05:18 PM
A colony ? Yes and in what kind of country you live in ?

Well, that's the only way Israel could still exist, if they start opening their borders to non-jews or create a national union with the Palestine authority, they will be submerged and will become a minority.

What will happen to them if they become a minority in a muslim and palestinian country ? Do you know what's the sharia law ?

The shield of David is a religious symbol but this is also a ethnic symbol (the Torah is a religious book and also a jewish mithology book) and about the christian cross : many countries does have it and I don't see any problem with it (UK, Scandinavian countries, Georgia, Switzerland, etc).

You don't understand. Are you some sort of white nationalist? You think it's okay for every people to have their own country? That will simply never work.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 05:21 PM
If you read israel news, you'll know that they do a lot to improve the life and the situation of the palestinians in west bank and gaza , who feed them ? Israel. Who pay for their schools ? Israel. Who give them job and create entreprise that could let them enjoy a normal life ? Israel. Who give them help when they are sick, handicaped or if they need glasses ? Israel. That's a few example, of course there's not only Israel who help them, there is also the EU, Jordan and maybe the US and some other countries but you know what I mean.

Israel is not control by orthodox jews, the orthodox jews hate the israeli governement because they consider it as anti-jewish anti-colonialist, there are two sides who divide Israel : the pacifist liberals and the conservative colonialists, their governement is a little bit between those.

About the jews who push our countries and our governement to embrace multiculturalism are not the israeli jews but diaspora jews and I would prefer that they all go to Israel.

The diaspora Jews who push multiculturalism in Europe (let's take Barbara Lerner for example) are almost always pro-Zionist. It's pretty ironic, really. They support multiculturalism in Europe, yet when it comes to their homeland, they do not want it. What does this tell us?

Basically, you support Israel because you think every ethnic group deserves a homeland. Okay. Well, that will never work but okay. Why does Belgium exist, then? Aren't you a mix of French (Walloons) and Dutch (Flemish)?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 05:24 PM

I am not saying Israel should just open their borders and let everyone in, but they should take the shield of David off their flag. Ethnocentrism is morally wrong. It is unfair and cruel to the native Palestinians. It is the same as the U.S. putting the British Lion or the Cross of Saint George on their flag to promote Anglo supremacy. You think that would be okay?

Jews have no more right to Israel than Palestinians. The Ashkenazis themselves being a mix of white european and old Levantine stock. The Palestinians are also mixed with old Levantine stock, but just because they have ancestors there, does not make it their land, Europeans also come from the Levant originally. The fact is, everyone should be able to live where they please, and no one has a right to a land more than anybody else. Of course, multiculturalism is dangerous but I am not referring to that.

07-21-2015, 05:40 PM
The diaspora Jews who push multiculturalism in Europe (let's take Barbara Lerner for example) are almost always pro-Zionist. It's pretty ironic, really. They support multiculturalism in Europe, yet when it comes to their homeland, they do not want it. What does this tell us?

That's just tell me that it would be worst if the israeli jews would have to go back to Europe. I believe they should all go back to their ancestral lands, once they've made their Alyah (and have israeli citizenship), they lose their former citizenship and they do not have the right anymore to return (I don't know why our fucking countries authorise the multiple citizenship).

Basically, you support Israel because you think every ethnic group deserves a homeland. Okay. Well, that will never work but okay. Why does Belgium exist, then? Aren't you a mix of French (Walloons) and Dutch (Flemish)?

That's true, I believe that every ethnic group deserve the right to have a state or at least a place to live as a nation (same for gypsies --> India/Pakistan) .

Belgium exist because it's meriodional Netherlands (Belgica/Belgicus was the latin word for Netherlands : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Belgicus) and separated from Netherlands for religious belief (North was calvinist and south was catholic)

Yes, I'm mixed : walloon and flemish but I'm not especially a pro-Belgium.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 05:42 PM
They just tell me that it would be worst if the israeli jews would have to go back to Europe. I believe they should all go back to their ancestral lands, once they've made their Alyah (and have israeli citizenship), they lose their former citizenship and they do not have the right anymore to return (I don't know why our fucking countries authorise the multiple citizenship).

That's true, I believe that every ethnic group deserve the right to have a state or at least a place to live as a nation (same for gypsies --> India/Pakistan) .

Belgium exist because it's meriodional Netherlands (Belgica/Belgicus was the latin word for Netherlands : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Belgicus) and separated from Netherlands for religious belief (North was calvinist and south was catholic)

Yes, I'm mixed : walloon and flemish but I'm not especially a pro-Belgium.

Okay well at least I know why you support Israel now, you just think every ethnic group deserves a homeland...

but tbh that will never work!!!!!!

Are Gypsies Hindu? If no then why send them back to India/Pakistan? Gypsies are like Belgians. They belong to a different ethnic group but have different religion than the other people in the ethnic group. Therefore maybe Gypsies deserve their own country?

Also there is an idea that Queers deserve their own country. It is not just limited to ethnic groups, the idea of nationalism.

07-21-2015, 05:53 PM
Okay well at least I know why you support Israel now, you just think every ethnic group deserves a homeland...

but tbh that will never work!!!!!!

Are Gypsies Hindu? If no then why send them back to India/Pakistan? Gypsies are like Belgians. They belong to a different ethnic group but have different religion than the other people in the ethnic group. Therefore maybe Gypsies deserve their own country?

Also there is an idea that Queers deserve their own country. It is not just limited to ethnic groups, the idea of nationalism.

Roma come from Pakistan/India, they were sent in Europe by the turks, but not all the gypsies come from India/Pakistan, the best example is the irish travelers.

07-21-2015, 05:54 PM
Also there is an idea that Queers deserve their own country. It is not just limited to ethnic groups, the idea of nationalism.

Ok, let's the queers go to Svalbard, that's open to everybody !

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 05:56 PM
Ok, let's the queers go to Svalbard, that's open to every body !

Is it livable conditions there?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 05:57 PM
Roma come from Pakistan/India, they were sent in Europe by the turks, but not all the gypsies come from India/Pakistan, the best example is the irish travelers.

But Roma are not the same religion as Indians or Pakistanis. They need their own country.

07-21-2015, 06:21 PM
Is it livable conditions there?

Who cares ?

They love night style, hey it's night 6 months a year, so great :thumb001: !

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 06:23 PM
Who cares ?

They love night style, hey it's night 6 months a year, so great :thumb001: !

I care! :mad:

07-21-2015, 06:31 PM
I care! :mad:

So, in fact, you are an universalist, anti-zionist, pro-gay, pro-abortion and anti-theist liberal ?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 06:37 PM
So, in fact, you are an universalist, anti-zionist, pro-gay, pro-abortion and anti-theist liberal ?

I'm not really universalist, definitely anti-zionist (but not opposed to jews dwelling in Israel, so maybe I am a zionist myself), I am pro-gay of course, and I am pro-abortion but I am not anti-theist in fact I am spiritual, I am just against theocracies.

If ethnic groups can have countries, I do not see why Queer people can not have a country. It is very similar to Zionism, actually, the idea that Queers are a nation. The reason we would want a country for Queers, is the exact same reason that Zionists want a Jewish state, a place where a group of people are free from discrimination, where they can live in harmony and without fear.

It used to be that the ideas of Jewish nationalism and Queer nationalism both had a lot of people supporting the other. Nowadays Queer nationalists are more anti-Israel. In reality the Jews are great friends of the Queer cause, and it was indeed Jews who have helped Queers to success, espeically in USA and Europe. If you look at the history.

07-21-2015, 06:37 PM
I was talking about the 'palestinians' who live in Israel. Why do almost all the 'palestinians' of Gaza and Judea-Samaria want to be part of Israel ?

Maybe because the israelis have built the greatest country in the middle east without the help of any natural ressources and in a constant climate of war.
Why are you "quoting" our ethnonym? Are you still doubting our existence despite what anthropology tells us?

07-21-2015, 06:40 PM
I'm not really universalist, definitely anti-zionist (but not opposed to jews dwelling in Israel, so maybe I am a zionist myself), I am pro-gay of course, and I am pro-abortion but I am not anti-theist in fact I am spiritual, I am just against theocracies.

If ethnic groups can have countries, I do not see why Queer people can not have a country. It is very similar to Zionism, actually, the idea that Queers are a nation. The reason we would want a country for Queers, is the exact same reason that Zionists want a Jewish state, a place where a group of people are free from discrimination, where they can live in harmony and without fear.

It used to be that the ideas of Jewish nationalism and Queer nationalism both had a lot of people supporting the other. Nowadays Queer nationalists are more anti-Israel. In reality the Jews are great friends of the Queer cause, and it was indeed Jews who have helped Queers to success, espeically in USA and Europe. If you look at the history.
Is Queer nationalism actually a thing? lol.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 06:41 PM
Is Queer nationalism actually a thing? lol.


07-21-2015, 06:43 PM
Why are you "quoting" our ethnonym? Are you still doubting our existence despite what anthropology tells us?

Exactly but I don't say that you don't exist, I just believe that you are south syrians.

07-21-2015, 06:43 PM
But Roma are not the same religion as Indians or Pakistanis. They need their own country.

Do you suppose they'd be okay with some land in the Himalayas? If the Roma are descended from people originally from Northwest India, do you think India and Pakistan could collaborate on giving their lost kinfolk some of their land?

07-21-2015, 06:45 PM
Do you suppose they'd be okay with some land in the Himalayas?
Best land for a Gypsy state would probably be a part of the Romanian-West Ukrainian coast.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 06:47 PM
Exactly but I don't say that you don't exist, I just believe that you are south syrians.


Here is an interesting read for you. Jewish Socialists of old were usually pro-LGBT in fact Jews in Germany made the first film about gay people during the Weimar years. It's part of the reason Germans were so mad at the Jews, they thought they were promoting degeneracy. So the Jews and Queers found some common ground in the Weimar years and co-operated on many projects.

All I am saying is many of the early Zionists were gay-friendly. It is a little weird how it would appear you are anti-gay but at the same time pro-zionist.

07-21-2015, 06:47 PM
If you read israel news, you'll know that they do a lot to improve the life and the situation of the palestinians in west bank and gaza , who feed them ? Israel. Who pay for their schools ? Israel. Who give them job and create entreprise that could let them enjoy a normal life ? Israel. Who give them help when they are sick, handicaped or if they need glasses ? Israel. That's a few example, of course there's not only Israel who help them, there is also the EU, Jordan and maybe the US and some other countries but you know what I mean.

Israel is not control by orthodox jews, the orthodox jews hate the israeli governement because they consider it as anti-jewish anti-colonialist, there are two sides who divide Israel : the pacifist liberals and the conservative colonialists, their governement is a little bit between those.

About the jews who push our countries and our governement to embrace multiculturalism are not the israeli jews but diaspora jews and I would prefer that they all go to Israel.

Who's responsible for the deplorable standards of living in Palestine? Israel. Who restricts international trade and commerce? Israel. Who regularly shells the territories that they're responsible for? Israel.

07-21-2015, 06:50 PM

I am against but in fact, it would maybe be better if gay-people could live among them in a non-sovereign state (let's take Ibiza and Mallorca, it's already Gayland), like this we shall reduce the anger of God against us, to live among the sinners is not good for honnest christians.

07-21-2015, 06:51 PM
The existance of Israel is crucial for Europe's survival. If Israel ceases to exist as a Jewish state, those Jews are going to want to leave Israel, and European altruism will let them in.

The last thing we need is 7 million more people who'll say "oooh, this place needs more diversity!"(right after leaving a place because there were too many Arabs -_-).

I have sympathy for the Palestinians but all you lost is a small country, not your continent. Europeans are losing our place on this planet as a distinct people, let alone a country.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 06:52 PM
I am against but in fact, it would maybe be better if gay-people could live among them in a non-sovereign state (let's take Ibiza and Mallorca, it's already Gayland), like this we shall reduce the anger of God against us, to live among the sinners is not good for honnest christians.

Just like anti-semites support Israel because they would rather Jews be there rather than around them :thumb001:

See it's much better for everyone if Queers just had their own little country. But it would have to be livable conditions otherwise it wouldn't work. Svalbard is way too cold no one would go there. You'd still be stuck with all the Queers.

07-21-2015, 06:53 PM

Here is an interesting read for you. Jewish Socialists of old were usually pro-LGBT in fact Jews in Germany made the first film about gay people during the Weimar years. It's part of the reason Germans were so mad at the Jews, they thought they were promoting degeneracy. So the Jews and Queers found some common ground in the Weimar years and co-operated on many projects.

All I am saying is many of the early Zionists were gay-friendly. It is a little weird how it would appear you are anti-gay but at the same time pro-zionist.

Jews are liberals when they live among the goys, it would be better for them to live in their own community in their own state.

07-21-2015, 06:55 PM
Just like anti-semites support Israel because they would rather Jews be there rather than around them :thumb001:

See it's much better for everyone if Queers just had their own little country. But it would have to be livable conditions otherwise it wouldn't work. Svalbard is way too cold no one would go there. You'd still be stuck with all the Queers.

It is my typical humor, how to distinguish the truth of the false.

07-21-2015, 06:56 PM
Just like anti-semites support Israel because they would rather Jews be there rather than around them :thumb001:

See it's much better for everyone if Queers just had their own little country. But it would have to be livable conditions otherwise it wouldn't work. Svalbard is way too cold no one would go there. You'd still be stuck with all the Queers.

There is no such thing as " way too cold." It when shit gets way too hot that problems start. I wouldn't mind some land in Baffin Island, myself. I'll start a nice little Celto- Germanic colony of guys and girls so we can spread throughout Canada and the United States and then sail on over to Europe to add our genes there, as well. Baffin Island will be a start off point for a New British Empire!

07-21-2015, 06:57 PM
OWD? I couldn't care less about some New World term like white, nor have I ever associated myself with any European populations. Aramean is far from an Israeli construct, it's an ethnicity that has been native to the Levant for millennia and is what I'm descended from. Ethnic Palestinians aren't descended from Arabs and that's simply the truth. I don't delude myself into believing otherwise, and hopefully other MENA groups recognize their ancestral legacies and throw off this pan-Arabist farce that has poisoned the region.

The way I understand Levantines are pseudo-Arabs, with a slight diluted Arabic heritage. But you you speak Arabic and belong to the 'Arabosphere'.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 06:58 PM
It is my typical humor, how to distinguish the truth of the false.

Huh? I don't get this response.

07-21-2015, 06:59 PM
There is no such thing as " way too cold." It when shit gets way too hot that problems start. I wouldn't mind some land in Baffin Island, myself. I'll start a nice little Celto- Germanic colony of guys and girls so we can spread throughout Canada and the United States and then sail on over to Europe to add our genes there, as well. Baffin Island will be a start off point for a New British Empire!

You are dependent of importation of food to survive, this is not a great base for a state to survive.

07-21-2015, 06:59 PM
I bet after his 18 she'll certainly join ISIS terrorist group and she'll become another murderer in the name of devil or she'll become another victim in the sheikh's harem

Indeed. Just looking at the word for God in Arabic script.


It's a snake! It's the devil!

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 07:00 PM
There is no such thing as " way too cold." It when shit gets way too hot that problems start. I wouldn't mind some land in Baffin Island, myself. I'll start a nice little Celto- Germanic colony of guys and girls so we can spread throughout Canada and the United States and then sail on over to Europe to add our genes there, as well. Baffin Island will be a start off point for a New British Empire!


But seriously, no ones gonna go to Svalbard. If you want to get rid of the Queers, you have to give them some good land that they will actually want to go to. Otherwise they'll stay.

07-21-2015, 07:00 PM
Huh? I don't get this response.

About the gay-state.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 07:00 PM
About the gay-state.

What about it?

07-21-2015, 07:01 PM
There is no such thing as " way too cold." It when shit gets way too hot that problems start. I wouldn't mind some land in Baffin Island, myself. I'll start a nice little Celto- Germanic colony of guys and girls so we can spread throughout Canada and the United States and then sail on over to Europe to add our genes there, as well. Baffin Island will be a start off point for a New British Empire!
I hope Europeans don't get pushed all the way back to Svalbard/Baffin Island, so we can atleast farm, lol. I guess we can fish for our food.

07-21-2015, 07:03 PM
You are dependent of importation of food to survive, this is not a great base for a state to survive.

True. With technology as it is, though, we could establish our colonies on more temperate, arable land and take our food from those other places, which themselves would become centers of Baffinian culture, government and commerce.

07-21-2015, 07:03 PM
I hope Europeans don't get pushed all the way back to Svalbard/Baffin Island, so we can atleast farm, lol. I guess we can fish for our food.

Fishing has been the ancient trade of our people since they originally came out of the North. We would simply be returning to our ancestral ways.

07-21-2015, 07:04 PM

But seriously, no ones gonna go to Svalbard. If you want to get rid of the Queers, you have to give them some good land that they will actually want to go to. Otherwise they'll stay.

Nobody want to give their lands for this, it's not serious.

The gay-people could create association for colonisation of an area in the US for example and buy lands plots per plots, like the jews with Israel.

07-21-2015, 07:05 PM
The way I understand Levantines are pseudo-Arabs, with a slight diluted Arabic heritage.

It depends on the region. The Badia aka Syrian Desert is full of Bedouin tribes who don't adhere to the Arabized BS and would be highly offended if you suggest this and we identify with our tribes, as each tribe is also nation with specific culture and dialec but despite different tribes we call see ourselves as the same ethnicity and call ourselves Bedo or Bedouin. The same is true of Jordan where the remaining 40% or so Bedouin tribes both Muslim and Christian assert their Arabian roots, and consider themselves to be the indigenous population. We are 15% to 20% of Syria's population, but the most marginalized, oppressed and discriminated group. Hence why when we migrate to the West, we often use our full potential, and often freely express and take pride in our culture, and often become very loyal to the host nation and form strong patriotic elements.

07-21-2015, 07:06 PM
I hope Europeans don't get pushed all the way back to Svalbard/Baffin Island, so we can atleast farm, lol. I guess we can fish for our food.

If there's oil, diamonds and gold, it could be nice, if there's no ressources that will be a snowy cemetery for the last europeans.

07-21-2015, 07:07 PM
It depends on the region. The Badia aka Syrian Desert is full of Bedouin tribes who don't adhere to the Arabized BS and would be highly offended if you suggest this and we identify with our tribes, as each tribe is also nation with specific culture and dialec but despite different tribes we call see ourselves as the same ethnicity and call ourselves Bedo or Bedouin. The same is true of Jordan where the remaining 40% or so Bedouin tribes both Muslim and Christian assert their Arabian roots, and consider themselves to be the indigenous population. We are 15% to 20% of Syria's population, but the most marginalized, oppressed and discriminated group. Hence why when we migrate to the West, we often use our full potential, and often freely express and take pride in our culture, and often become very loyal to the host nation and form strong patriotic elements.

Of course, the Levant is anything but homogeneous of course. If a wrote 'most Levantines', I'd be more correct.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 07:07 PM
The existance of Israel is crucial for Europe's survival. If Israel ceases to exist as a Jewish state, those Jews are going to want to leave Israel, and European altruism will let them in.

The last thing we need is 7 million more people who'll say "oooh, this place needs more diversity!"(right after leaving a place because there were too many Arabs -_-).

I have sympathy for the Palestinians but all you lost is a small country, not your continent. Europeans are losing our place on this planet as a distinct people, let alone a country.

I disagree. Diaspora Jews will continue to munch away at a stable Europe, all the while the Israeli Jews will be reproducing like wild. By the time the diaspora Jews have completely destroyed Europe, the Israeli Jews will still be around, thanks to Zionism. You'd be much better off killing the state of Israel, even if it means more Jews now, it would mean less Jews later.

07-21-2015, 07:10 PM
Of course, the Levant is anything but homogeneous of course. If a wrote 'most Levantines', I'd be more correct.

The Levant should only refer to some southern parts of Turkey, Northern parts of Syria, Lebanon, and North Palestine, however the rest of it is really nothing more than extension of Arabia by culture, blood, tradition, and genetics. Even our dental pattern are different from those called Levantine btw, and connects us to the people of Arabia.

07-21-2015, 07:21 PM
The Levant should only refer to some southern parts of Turkey, Northern parts of Syria, Lebanon, and North Palestine, however the rest of it is really nothing more than extension of Arabia by culture, blood, tradition, and genetics. Even our dental pattern are different from those called Levantine btw, and connects us to the people of Arabia.

It should refer to Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine.

07-21-2015, 07:25 PM
Who's responsible for the deplorable standards of living in Palestine? Israel. Who restricts international trade and commerce? Israel. Who regularly shells the territories that they're responsible for? Israel.

Yeah, sure Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Libya are so much better, do you realy think that an arab country can be prosperous without oil or gas ?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 07:39 PM
Yeah, sure Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Libya are so much better, do you realy think that an arab country can be prosperous without oil or gas ?

Read what I said about Israel. It would be better for white nationalists in the end if there was no israel.

07-21-2015, 07:41 PM
Read what I said about Israel. It would be better for white nationalists in the end if there was no israel.

I'm more of the opinion of XenophobicPrussian, except if the jews agreed to settle in Madagascar.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-21-2015, 07:42 PM
I'm more of the opinion of XenophobicPrussian, except if the jews agreed to settle in Madagascar.

I disagree. Diaspora Jews will continue to munch away at a stable Europe, all the while the Israeli Jews will be reproducing like wild. By the time the diaspora Jews have completely destroyed Europe, the Israeli Jews will still be around, thanks to Zionism. You'd be much better off killing the state of Israel, even if it means more Jews now, it would mean less Jews later.

07-22-2015, 01:20 AM
Anyone who supports Israel is an enemy to me.
I'm not very fond of Israel's politics but I assume that such rigorous means bordering semi-facism are necessary if you live in an area where you are surrounded by uncivilized enemies who want to see you die. :rolleyes: It are the Arabs and Muslims who pose a constant threat to anyone who doesn't live and think like them, to those who don't bow down to their backward wordview. Islam knows only subjugation and oppression, they want the entire world to become 'Dar-Al-Islam', a house of Islam and nothing else. Jewish religion on the other hand is not messianic, they don't want to spread and force others to become one of them.

Islam is the problem of the Middle-East. And everywhere else. If Arabs are dumb enough to stick to this vile, inhumane and hostile religion which is an ideology for all aspects of life, they deserve all corresponding treatment, fullstop.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-22-2015, 01:22 AM
I'm not very fond of Israel's politics but I assume that such rigorous means bordering semi-facism are necessary if you live in an area where you are surrounded by uncivilized enemies who want to see you die. :rolleyes: It are the Arabs and Muslims who pose a constant threat to anyone who doesn't live and think like them, tp those who don't bow down to their backward wordview. Islam knows only subjugation and oppression, they want the entire world to become 'Dar-Al-Islam', a house of Islam and nothing else. Jewish religion on the other hand is not messianic, they don't want to spread and force others to become one of them.

Islam is the problem of the Middle-East. And everywhere else.

The only thing that angers me about Israel is the fact that the people who support Israel (diaspora Jews) also support multiculturalism in Europe. They do not want it in Israel but they want it in Europe. That is fucked up double standards.

07-22-2015, 01:22 AM
I'm not very fond of Israel's politics but I assume that such rigorous means bordering semi-facism are necessary if you live in an area where you are surrounded by uncivilized enemies who want to see you die. :rolleyes: It are the Arabs and Muslims who pose a constant threat to anyone who doesn't live and think like them, tp those who don't bow down to their backward wordview. Islam knows only subjugation and oppression, they want the entire world to become 'Dar-Al-Islam', a house of Islam and nothing else. Jewish religion on the other hand is not messianic, they don't want to spread and force others to become one of them.
Islam is the problem of the Middle-East. And everywhere else.

Only islamists...islam is peaceful

07-22-2015, 01:42 AM
Only islamists...islam is peaceful

I was wondering if they were still people who believe this myth, unfortunately yes.

Do the media tell you also that islam is the religion of peace, tolerance and love ?

Here is a list of verse of the quran about violence, enjoy it ! :thumb001:


07-22-2015, 01:45 AM
I love Merkel. The best leader in the world IMO. I absolutely love her.

07-22-2015, 02:25 AM
I know but only extremists...normal muslims are peaceful people...

07-22-2015, 02:26 AM
I love Merkel. The best leader in the world IMO. I absolutely love her.


07-22-2015, 02:26 AM
I know but only extremists...normal muslims are peaceful people...

extremists = real muslims

07-22-2015, 02:29 AM
I think you are wrong...that's not true at all...muslims are faithful and well respectful people, if you do the same...Islam is a religion of peace and Mohammed was the 10 prophet who was sent by god to this earth to spread the message of the divine and stop the mental corruption.

07-22-2015, 02:31 AM
I think you are wrong...that's not true at all...muslims are faithful and well respectful people, if you do the same...Islam is a religion of peace and Mohammed was the 10 prophet who was sent by god to this earth to spread the message of the divine and stop the mental corruption.


You've made my day.

07-22-2015, 02:36 AM
Quran is against the spread of corruption...it's a very reliable holy book and very true...what the west is =corruption ,mental corruption,perversion and people like you are poor sheeps who believe the evil...Devil tempts and you fall....you are just weak minded person...you need help...you need faith...you need religion...you need God...or Allah...you need the divine force to help you and show you the right way....God bless you all.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-22-2015, 02:38 AM
Muslims just get out of Europe, practice your religion in your own lands. Take the Jews, Gypsies, and everyone else we do not want with you...Europe for Europeans only!

07-22-2015, 02:40 AM
Muslims just get out of Europe, practice your religion in your own lands. Take the Jews, Gypsies, and everyone else we do not want with you...Europe for Europeans only!

We could do a swap.. we Americans of Euro descent could go to Europe while the groups you named come over here. :laugh:

07-22-2015, 02:43 AM
Because she is the best. She is supremely intelligent and tough, yet very feminine and cute, something about her that I love. Everything about that I love actually. I wouldn't give a finger for my modern day Albanian leaders but I would give my life for Merkel. Just because I like. Shit, I might even be in love with her!?:D

07-22-2015, 02:44 AM
You can't speak for everyone...Islam is the truth...it was sent by GOD because Christianity were corrupted by papal states...vaticans ... Islam is the truth...and you all fall into devil net...Jews well they killed Jesus...maybe because they were naive...weak minded people...GOD already has forgiven them.

07-22-2015, 02:44 AM
Because she is the best. She is supremely intelligent and tough, yet very feminine and cute, something about her that I love. Everything about that I love actually. I wouldn't give a finger for my modern day Albanian leaders but I would give my life for Merkel. Just because I like. Shit, I might even be in love with her!?:D

She is corrupted..nothing good about her...she is a western muppet...

07-22-2015, 02:48 AM
Quran is against the spread of corruption...it's a very reliable holy book and very true...what the west is =corruption ,mental corruption,perversion and people like you are poor sheeps who believe the evil...Devil tempts and you fall....you are just weak minded person...you need help...you need faith...you need religion...you need God...or Allah...you need the divine force to help you and show you the right way....God bless you all.

I light my barbecue with quran's pages and then I cook pork chops on it.

07-22-2015, 02:50 AM
When you will die...that day you will remember everything...you will see everything you did like a film...you will regret what you said and try to recompensate but it will be too late...maybe you will be forgiven but your words sounds like someone weak minded...you need help more than everything else you are lost...God bless you.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-22-2015, 02:55 AM
I light my barbecue with quran's pages and then I cook pork chops on it.

The person is trolling btw :]

07-22-2015, 02:59 AM
The person is trolling btw :]

I'm serious...

07-22-2015, 03:00 AM
When you will die...that day you will remember everything...you will see everything you did like a film...you will regret what you said and try to recompensate but it will be too late...maybe you will be forgiven but your words sounds like someone weak minded...you need help more than everything else you are lost...God bless you.

I can't even remember last night so I doubt that I would be able to remember this conversation in one year.

07-22-2015, 03:02 AM
The person is trolling btw :]

I don't even read what he writes.

07-22-2015, 03:32 AM
She is corrupted..nothing good about her...she is a western muppet...

No man, not everything and everyone is working on this western conspiracy against Islam. I do agree with you btw that good Muslims are some of the most polite respectful hard working people I know, but that's a whole different subject that I have talked enough about it.
Point is Merkel is my favorite person.

07-22-2015, 03:36 AM
Because she is the best. She is supremely intelligent and tough, yet very feminine and cute, something about her that I love. Everything about that I love actually. I wouldn't give a finger for my modern day Albanian leaders but I would give my life for Merkel. Just because I like. Shit, I might even be in love with her!?:D

I've got a gift for you,
take a paper towel and enjoy !

http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/595606merke.jpg (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=595606merke.jpg)

07-22-2015, 03:38 AM
I've got a gift for you,
take a paper towel and enjoy !

http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/595606merke.jpg (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=595606merke.jpg)she is a beautiful person, then and now. I'm not a pervert, I like her soul and personality and the great individual that she is.
This is what is very dark and primitive regarding Islam, because of that naked photo of her she would be "worthless" or a "whore"
In Pakistan she would have been stoned to death, depriving us from the greatest individual the world has ever produced.

07-22-2015, 05:36 AM
The person is trolling btw :]

Me ? Am I trolling ?

That really happened.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-22-2015, 12:16 PM
Me ? Am I trolling ?

That really happened.

No I meant dweller

07-22-2015, 12:39 PM
No I meant dweller
I don't think he's trolling, he's some Arabic colonist in Wales.

07-22-2015, 12:45 PM
Muslims just get out of Europe, practice your religion in your own lands. Take the Jews, Gypsies, and everyone else we do not want with you...Europe for Europeans only!

Europe is paying for American sins. The EU is as guilty for the collapse of Lybia.

You really think we'd get all those immigrant waves of Aghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, Somalis etc if America had stayed away and did not intervene in Afganistan, Iraq and elsewhere?

I think the US should take all those immigrants to USA as they are they are their responsibility. The U.S and Britain had no bussiness invading Iraq on false grounds or Afghanistan or Libya.

Iraq used to be one of the most secular Arab states in the Middle East, Libya functioned as a buffer zone against all those African immigrants. Now that all those countries have collapsed Europe is overflood with immigrants from *all over* Africa and Asia, with Greece and Italy paying the heaviest price for the mistakes and shortcomings of U.S/EU policies.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
07-22-2015, 12:48 PM
Europe is paying for American sins. The EU is as guilty for the collapse of Lybia.

You really think we'd get all those immigrant waves of Aghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, Somalis etc if America had stayed away and did not intervene in Afganistan, Iraq and elsewhere?

I think the US should take all those immigrants to USA as they are they are their responsibility. The U.S and Britain had no bussiness invading Iraq on false grounds or Afghanistan or Libya.

Iraq used to be one of the most secular Arab states in the Middle East, Libya functioned as a buffer zone against all those African immigrants. Now that all those countries have collapsed Europe is overflood with immigrants from *all over* Africa and Asia, with Greece and Italy paying the heaviest price for the mistakes and shortcomings of U.S/EU policies.

They should be moved to Israel because Jewish-American politicians were responsible for that war.

08-20-2015, 07:09 PM
This is simply the unfortunate reality of any society where a minority's rights are severely restricted. This isn't just related to religious structure. For example, in Jordan (a country where 55% of the pop. are of Pali descent) many Palestinians refuse to identify with their ancestry and just consider themselves to be Jordanian. Why? Because of the strained and volatile relations with ethnic Jordanians throughout the decades and the fact that Palestinians are mostly excluded from politics and governmental affairs. You see the same in Israel, where these Palestinians forsake their heritage to lead a more comfortable life under these unfair conditions. I still don't find it excusable in the least (nearly traitorous in fact), but I at least understand the mentality of these "house Palis." I just hope ethnic Palestinians don't lose sight of their heritage from various ideologies (Zionism, pan Arabism, Islamism, etc) and become just another remnant of the hellhole that is the contemporary Middle East.
How the hell can Palestinians be a "minority" in Jordania when they are 55% of the population? You certainly have a flawed sense of logic. :picard2: