View Full Version : Poland forced to accept African immigrants -- Polish People stabbed in the back by the EU

07-22-2015, 09:52 PM

Roughly 2 out of 3 Poles do not want immigrants in Poland, and about 69% say they do not want non-White people in their country at all, according to studies.

Despite this, the EU has been putting pressure on Poland, as well as other Eastern European countries to take in illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

The public have made their views very clear, but Poland’s government has caved in to anti-White demands from the EU, and now Africans and Arabs are on their way.

“The deputy minister declared today during an informal meeting with his counterparts in Luxembourg that Poland would be ready to host 2.000 people by 2017,” said Malgorzata Wozniak, spokeswoman for the ministry of internal affairs.

“Our goal is to show solidarity with other EU countries, solidarity which Poland has experienced before.“

2,000 may not sound like a lot, but this is how it started in Western Europe (and America, Canada, and Australia).

Once anti-Whites got their foot in the door, they carried out a campaign of White Genocide in the name of “diversity”, which is still ongoing today.

Let’s face it – the only reason why Poland is having these immigrants thrust upon it is because it’s about 97% White.

We are living in an age where to be “too White” is a crime, and “diversity” and “multiculturalism” (for White areas only) is the solution.

I think their is a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Poland has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And i think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Poland is not going to be the monolithic society it once was in the last century. The EU is going to be at the center of that transformation. They are now going into a multicultural mode and the EU will be resented for our leading role, but without that role, and without that transformation, Poland will not survive. ~ EU

07-22-2015, 10:23 PM

07-22-2015, 10:25 PM
We are living in an age where to be “too White” is a crime, and “diversity” and “multiculturalism” (for White areas only) is the solution.

Ok, I'm open to any viewpoints, however, this is stupid.

That is a straw man fallacy which makes the assumption that ranting on non-whites is bad.

Uh, what are you talking about?

Every White country is being forced to take in non-White immigrants only because they are White.

What if I said that every African country, or every Asian country must be forced to accept millions of immigrants only because they are Africans and Asians?

07-22-2015, 10:27 PM
Some Poles are seduced by the materialist wealth that the West has given them so a majority support the EU.
The Polish economy has its problems, but is doing better than some other EU countries. This is because of its own private banking policies and also some EU aid helped.
Being part of the EU (and American ally) will come with its costs. Homogenous countries will be swiftly punished and they will become "enriched" with immigrants.
In the near future, Catholic Poland will be forced to accept many foreign concepts because of its membership in the EU. The change will come slowly but surely unless Poles take action. Hopefully Poland and Europe can prevent these changes (some of these changes are witnessed in countries like France and UK).

07-22-2015, 10:30 PM
In the near future, Catholic Poland will be forced to accept many foreign concepts because of its membership in the EU. The change will come slowly but surely unless Poles take action. Hopefully Poland and Europe can prevent these changes (some of these changes are witnessed in countries like France and UK).

Very true.

I have much more faith in the Polish and Baltic people than other Europeans. 69% of Poles do not want non-White immigrants.

If 69% of Americans, or 69% of Brits were opposed to non-White immigrants we would be doing alright.

Ivan Kramskoď
07-22-2015, 10:38 PM
The exemple of several western countries collapsing or entering civil war in near future will the warning to save the other European countries.
I am betting on Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands and France.

07-22-2015, 10:42 PM
Mediterranean bordered countries such as Italy, Greece, France and Spain have to shoulder inordinate amounts of African refugees and immigrants. Greece for example, does not have the infrastructure to support them. Either other member states of the EU take their share, or pay money to countries that have to take them. They are coming whether you want them or not, and most people dont like people starving the death in the streets.

07-22-2015, 11:02 PM
Mediterranean bordered countries such as Italy, Greece, France and Spain have to shoulder inordinate amounts of African refugees and immigrants. Greece for example, does not have the infrastructure to support them. Either other member states of the EU take their share, or pay money to countries that have to take them. They are coming whether you want them or not, and most people dont like people starving the death in the streets.
Maybe they don't. In the United States, you see that happening on a daily basis, but maybe Europe will be able to prevent that for their refugees and citizens.

07-22-2015, 11:03 PM
Say fucking no. Get out on the streets.
Slav must not allow to become westerners.

07-22-2015, 11:11 PM
Mediterranean bordered countries such as Italy, Greece, France and Spain have to shoulder inordinate amounts of African refugees and immigrants. Greece for example, does not have the infrastructure to support them. Either other member states of the EU take their share, or pay money to countries that have to take them. They are coming whether you want them or not, and most people dont like people starving the death in the streets.

How about sending them back from whence they came? They can't come until we let them...

Polish people don't want them, they said so in the polls, if Italians and Frenchman won't tell them to go back then they should take the whole burden.

07-22-2015, 11:12 PM
No wellfare checks to leech off in Poland.

07-22-2015, 11:16 PM
Thanks to UE and American policy Poland will accept 2,000 refugees from Syria. Each family will receive allowance in the amount of 3,000 euros per month indefinitely. For comparison, unemployment benefit for a Pole in Poland is 165 euros per month for a maximum of 6 months. I have no words for it :/

07-22-2015, 11:18 PM
Thanks to UE and American policy Poland will accept 2,000 refugees from Syria. Each family will receive allowance in the amount of 3,000 euros per month indefinitely. For comparison, unemployment benefit for a Pole in Poland is 165 euros per month for a maximum of 6 months. I have no words for it :/

I hate to be proven wrong. :( What an insult to Polish people.

Ivan Kramskoď
07-22-2015, 11:20 PM
Each family will receive allowance in the amount of 3,000 euros per month indefinitely.
Wtf ...
I thought there was no welfare east to Germany ?

07-22-2015, 11:21 PM
Wtf ...
I thought there was no welfare east to Germany ?

New policy...

07-22-2015, 11:23 PM
Thanks to UE and American policy Poland will accept 2,000 refugees from Syria. Each family will receive allowance in the amount of 3,000 euros per month indefinitely. For comparison, unemployment benefit for a Pole in Poland is 165 euros per month for a maximum of 6 months. I have no words for it :/

If I were you, I'd start voting for a Nationalist Party ASAP.

It only gets worse from this point on.

If left unchecked, Poland will start looking like France and Britain going into the next few decades.

It was bad enough when the United States, Britain, France, etc. started this nonsense. It is genocidal and idiotic. But it is even worse for Poland, because the Poles put up a resistance to it, and still were forced to take in these immigrants.

Ivan Kramskoď
07-22-2015, 11:25 PM
New policy...
I am not Polish but honestly my blood is boiling when I hear things like this.
Those politicians are trying to test our limits with those things.
Honestly what do they win in doing so ?? Do they receive free vacations to accept such order ?? They have no love for their homeland at all ?
Some European country like Hungary or Austria refused to take refugees, why Poland which already has massive problem of emigration accept such burden ?

07-22-2015, 11:32 PM
If I were you, I'd start voting for a Nationalist Party ASAP.

It only gets worse from this point on.

If left unchecked, Poland will start looking like France and Britain going into the next few decades.

It was bad enough when the United States, Britain, France, etc. started this nonsense. It is genocidal and idiotic. But it is even worse for Poland, because the Poles put up a resistance to it, and still were forced to take in these immigrants.
Yes. Forced is a key word here.

07-22-2015, 11:37 PM
Yes. Forced is a key word here.

Yep, the EU is waging a genocide against all European peoples, and they will try to reach that goal with or without consent.

07-22-2015, 11:38 PM
The definition of force means

obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power:

There's no physical power

07-22-2015, 11:38 PM
Thanks to UE and American policy Poland will accept 2,000 refugees from Syria. Each family will receive allowance in the amount of 3,000 euros per month indefinitely. For comparison, unemployment benefit for a Pole in Poland is 165 euros per month for a maximum of 6 months. I have no words for it :/

It seems a bit far fetched. Any source?

07-22-2015, 11:40 PM
Yep, the EU is waging a genocide against all European peoples, and they will try to reach that goal with or without consent.

Serious...What is the interest they have behind it?

07-22-2015, 11:43 PM
I am not Polish but honestly my blood is boiling when I hear things like this.
Those politicians are trying to test our limits with those things.
Honestly what do they win in doing so ?? Do they receive free vacations to accept such order ?? They have no love for their homeland at all ?
Some European country like Hungary or Austria refused to take refugees, why Poland which already has massive problem of emigration accept such burden ?
I understand, but the decisons cannot be taken without the knowlede of The President of the European Councilis, who is our former Prime Minister.

Ivan Kramskoď
07-22-2015, 11:44 PM
Serious...What is the interest they have behind it?
It's something I haven't figured out.
If Europe becomes a shithole, who will support our " most precious allies US and Israel " against their foes ??
If white people lose too much infuence it will be open gate to hegemony for Eastern Asians nations, while the rest of the old world will be stuck in the middle age ...

07-22-2015, 11:45 PM
Yep, the EU is waging a genocide against all European peoples, and they will try to reach that goal with or without consent.
We are the target.

07-22-2015, 11:46 PM
The definition of force means

obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power:

There's no physical power

Polish people told that they didn't want non-Whites immigrating to their country, (69%) and the EU said "Too bad, you'll take the Africans anyways. You'll also pay them 3000 Euros per month."

Twisting definitions does not change reality.

Serious...What is the interest they have behind it?

It doesn't matter what the motive is.

Mass immigration and forced assimilation that reduces a people to a minority in their own country is defined as genocide under international law.

07-22-2015, 11:53 PM
This is why it's so important to keep Ukraine and Belarus out of the European Union.

07-22-2015, 11:57 PM
Polish people told that they didn't want non-Whites immigrating to their country, (69%) and the EU said "Too bad, you'll take the Africans anyways. You'll also pay them 3000 Euros per month."

Twisting definitions does not change reality.

It doesn't matter what the motive is.

Mass immigration and forced assimilation that reduces a people to a minority in their own country is defined as genocide under international law.

I am not twisting definition. I merely copy and pasted the meaning of the words. Can you please elaborate on the two words whether if there's coercion or physical influence?

07-23-2015, 12:00 AM
I am not twisting definition. I merely copy and pasted the meaning of the words. Can you please elaborate if the two words whether if its coercion or physical power.

When I say Poland was forced to take African immigrants, I mean that EU made Poland do something that they did not want to do, that the Polish people did not want to do, and Poland got no say in the matter.

The nuances of the word don't matter, what matters is this.

07-23-2015, 12:04 AM
Polish people told that they didn't want non-Whites immigrating to their country, (69%) and the EU said "Too bad, you'll take the Africans anyways. You'll also pay them 3000 Euros per month."


I googled and there was nothing about this 3000 euro a month thing. It's probably just street gossip to stir up resentment

07-23-2015, 12:04 AM
When I say Poland was forced to take African immigrants, I mean that EU made Poland do something that they did not want to do, that the Polish people did not want to do, and Poland got no say in the matter.

The nuances of the word don't matter, what matters is this.

How exactly do the EU influence Poland to take the immigrants?

07-23-2015, 12:05 AM
How exactly do the EU influence Poland to take the immigrants?

The EU takes away the sovereignty of the countries that make it up. Poland has no say.

I googled and there was nothing about this 3000 euro a month thing. It's probably just street gossip to stir up resentment

No offense, but I'm pretty sure a lady living in Poland knows more about Poland than either of us.

07-23-2015, 12:08 AM
The EU takes away the sovereignty of the countries that make it up. Poland has no say.

No offense, but I'm pretty sure a lady living in Poland knows more about Poland than either of us.

The lady didn't offer any source even though I asked...

07-23-2015, 12:11 AM
Slavs are basically last stand.
If EU manages to break, already shaken, but still very nationalistic oriented Slavic spirit, only hope we had is gone.
Slavic lands must remain populated by a monolithic, conservative (Probably lost cause, considering aggressive Americanization pushed on our youth, trough culture, clothing, music, and general lifestyle) societies, ready to repel, or to distant themselves from newcomers.

However, i can bet my life on one statement. If they start to cause troubles, they will be out in a same way they came. No Slavs will look these savages if they act like they do in Sweden or Germany.

Slavs died during the war, so they could conquer us in peace.

07-23-2015, 12:12 AM
The lady didn't offer any source even though I asked...

She could even give us a Polish source if needed. True. It would be scandalous if it were true of course.

07-23-2015, 12:45 AM
Poland has not yet learned how to be multicultural.

Poland was multicultural in Middle Ages already. Poles, Lithuanians, Ruthenians, Jews, Tatars...

I am not against these immigrants. Also, I have next arguement in debates with Catholics, who apparently forgot that their Bible mentions greeting foreigners and treating them well. It is a next case, where Polish Catholics tend to behave against teachings of their holy book. But I am not in favour with these 2000 people because of the Bible. These 2000 will come not from one country - people will come from Eritrea and Syria. If there is a war, or actually some freaking barbaric bloodshed in a country, other country should help. While other countries such as Germany can obviously refuse, because of problems with immigrants, other EU countries should at least in that matter help Germans and those people, who don't want to be blown up in their homeland. We have already gave an opportunity to live here for Chechens and they live normally - they do not kill Poles, they do not make any problems.

I googled information about 3000 euro (because I have not heard about it before), and they write about it on some mysterious sites. I did not heard about it in the radio, more respectful sites say nothing about it either.

07-23-2015, 12:52 AM
Poland was multicultural in Middle Ages already. Poles, Lithuanians, Ruthenians, Jews, Tatars...

And Germans! And they still exist in Poland too. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_minority_in_Poland)

07-23-2015, 12:54 AM
And Germans! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Minority_Electoral_Committee)

Well, yes. However, quite often as an army not civilians :p

07-23-2015, 01:04 AM
It seems a bit far fetched. Any source?

EU declares even 6,000 euro for one refugee.

From main Polish information portal http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/swiat/pols...hodzcow/6g6mj0, 9th July 2015

Translation of the last sentences at the end of the article:

"Aby ułatwić te działania KE zamierza przeznaczyć na nie dodatkowo 240 mln euro, czyli 6 tys. euro na jednego uchodźcę. Na przesiedlenia z obozów uchodźców poza Unią Komisja przeznaczy 53 mln euro".

"To facilitate these activities (ie. financial help for refugees from Africa) the European Commission intends to allocate additional 240 million euros, or 6 thousand euro per one refugee. On the resettlement of refugee camps outside the Union, the Commission will allocate 53 million euros".

These are only plans for them. I will provide you with a source when they arrive to Poland and settle here.

07-23-2015, 01:07 AM
I wonder whether it'll be like in Uruguay with those former Guantanamo Bay prisoners, where their men would marry local women who of course convert to Islam. And all of this likely because of the attention and money.

And why do they make them so rich? Setting them up with a job at a Polish wage would even be a slap in the face to Poles struggling to get employed. But at least not so outrageous as letting them live like kings funded by Polish tax money.

Still doubt the legitimacy of the source though, but keep us updated nonetheless. It's so outrageous I'm skeptical, is all.

07-23-2015, 01:23 AM
EU declares even 6,000 euro for one refugee.

From main Polish information portal http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/swiat/pols...hodzcow/6g6mj0, 9th July 2015

Translation of the last sentences at the end of the article:

"Aby ułatwić te działania KE zamierza przeznaczyć na nie dodatkowo 240 mln euro, czyli 6 tys. euro na jednego uchodźcę. Na przesiedlenia z obozów uchodźców poza Unią Komisja przeznaczy 53 mln euro".

"To facilitate these activities (ie. financial help for refugees from Africa) the European Commission intends to allocate additional 240 million euros, or 6 thousand euro per one refugee. On the resettlement of refugee camps outside the Union, the Commission will allocate 53 million euros".

These are only plans for them. I will provide you with a source when they arrive to Poland and settle here.

It's possible it's a one time grant to settle them up with housing etc. It's impossible they would get that as a monthly allowance. I would bet anything on it! :)

07-23-2015, 05:31 AM
Slavs are basically last stand.
If EU manages to break, already shaken, but still very nationalistic oriented Slavic spirit, only hope we had is gone.
Slavic lands must remain populated by a monolithic, conservative (Probably lost cause, considering aggressive Americanization pushed on our youth, trough culture, clothing, music, and general lifestyle) societies, ready to repel, or to distant themselves from newcomers.

However, i can bet my life on one statement. If they start to cause troubles, they will be out in a same way they came. No Slavs will look these savages if they act like they do in Sweden or Germany.

Slavs died during the war, so they could conquer us in peace.

Croatia will receive 550 immigrants.:eek:

07-23-2015, 06:24 AM
Poland should've used the EU as a milking cow then leave as soon as the boat starts sinking (like every other EU member).

Still not too late now...

07-23-2015, 07:06 AM
I don't believe any nation should forced to accept anything, if they obey international law, protect and promote human rights and live peaceably. It's abhorrent that Europe forced Poland to grant asylum to unwanted immigrants, and I'm staunchly against it.

You know why you have this dilemma? You never replenished your working age population following World War II, so you had to import people to maintain your living standard. You would rather enjoy your materialistic lifestyle — it will cost you. The day will come when you walk in the street and not recognize anyone from your ethnic group, or when you're the only person who actually speaks your language in your own district.

Fuck the European Union.

07-23-2015, 07:33 AM
What a disgrace. Tusk is a traitor if he let this happen. :tsk:

07-23-2015, 07:39 AM
Their politicians and brainwashed people support west..but not everyone in that country is stupid...poles don't like immigrants...

07-23-2015, 07:42 AM
I don't believe any nation should forced to accept anything, if they obey international law, protect and promote human rights and live peaceably. It's abhorrent that Europe forced Poland to grant asylum to unwanted immigrants, and I'm staunchly against it.

You know why you have this dilemma? You never replenished your working age population following World War II, so you had to import people to maintain your living standard. You would rather enjoy your materialistic lifestyle — it will cost you. The day will come when you walk in the street and not recognize anyone from your ethnic group, or when you're the only person who actually speaks your language in your own district.

Fuck the European Union.

What? Blame Hitler for killing 9 million Poles during WW2. The Germans are responsible for a lot of problems in Europe. The French have never really recovered from their losses in WW1 and WW2 as well.

07-23-2015, 08:09 AM
Ironically, the period of Soviet occupation which Poles hate so madly was the only period in the Polish history of the last 1,000 years when Poland was an almost 100% Polish state.

07-23-2015, 12:34 PM
Ironically, the period of Soviet occupation which Poles hate so madly was the only period in the Polish history of the last 1,000 years when Poland was an almost 100% Polish state.

And in what that fact helped us?

Even though this "almost 100%" is a total bs.

07-23-2015, 12:52 PM
Congratulations. Janusz Godsonowski and Donald Duck approve this.



07-26-2015, 03:05 AM
Poland has never colonized Africa. Africans have NOTHING to do with Poland. What a disgrace.:picard1:

07-27-2015, 01:00 AM
Politicians don't care about what we think. They just do whatever they want, knowing that even if they get voted out of office, they'll still be able to make loads of money as lobbyists or something else. It's disgusting. The current ruling cabal has turned voting into a farce.

07-27-2015, 01:07 AM
I wonder whether it'll be like in Uruguay with those former Guantanamo Bay prisoners, where their men would marry local women who of course convert to Islam. And all of this likely because of the attention and money.

And why do they make them so rich? Setting them up with a job at a Polish wage would even be a slap in the face to Poles struggling to get employed. But at least not so outrageous as letting them live like kings funded by Polish tax money.

Still doubt the legitimacy of the source though, but keep us updated nonetheless. It's so outrageous I'm skeptical, is all.

Use common sense...do you think there is any place that will give asylum seekers 6,000 euros/month allowance? That's probably 10x the average Polish salary :lol:

07-28-2015, 08:28 AM
Send them to Russia. Russia is so big, plus it has many big islands in the Arctic sea too. Lots of space for Africans.