View Full Version : Phenotypes in Moroccan government

07-27-2015, 01:30 PM
What are the main phenotypes in the Moroccan government, compare differences between regions, northern/central/southern parts

Abdelilah Benkirane (Rabat/Northern-Central Morocco)


Mohammad Hassad (Agadir, chleuh, doors of the desert, southern Morocco )


Salaheddine Mezouar (Meknes, northern/central Morocco)


Mostafa Ramid (El Jadida, central Morocco)


Ahmed Toufiq (Marrakech, chleuh I think, doors of the desert, southern Morocco)


Driss Dahak (Tangiers, Riffian, Northern Morocco)


Mohammad Boussaid (Fes, Northern/central Morocco)


Idriss Merroun (don't know from where)


Nabil Benabdallah (Rabat, Northern/central Morocco)


Aziz Akhannouch (Agadir, chleuh, doors of the desert, southern Morocco)


Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdallah (Tangiers, riffian, northern Morocco)


Lahcen Daoudi (Beni Mellal, central Morocco)

http://businessinfo.ma/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/format_web_lahcen_daoudi_ministre_de_lenseignement _superieur-10.jpg

Aziz Rabbah (Rabat or Kenitra I'm not sure, northern/central morocco)


Moulay Hafid Elalamy (Marrakech, doors of the desert, southern morocco)


Mohand Laenser (Fes, Amazigh, northern/central Morocco)


Hossein el Ouardi (Riffian, northern Morocco)


Mustafa Khalfi (Kenitra, northern/central Morcco)


Abdelkader Aamara (Figuig, doors of the desert, southern Morocco)


Lahcen Haddad (Khouribga, central Morocco)


07-27-2015, 01:31 PM
Bassima Hakkaoui (Casablanca, central Morocco)


Mohamed Amine Sbihi (Rabat, northern/central morocco)


Anis Birou (Riffian, Berkane, Northern Morocco)


Fatema Marouane (don't know from where)


Abdeslam Seddiki (Taza, riffian, northern morocco)


Abdelattif Loudiqiyi (don't know from where)


Charki Draiss (Casablanca, central morocco)


Mbarka Bouaida (Guelmim, doors of the desert, chleuh or sahraoui, southern morocco)


Mohamed Louafa (Essaouira, southern morocco)


Mohammed Abbou (Al Hoceima, Riffian, northern morocco)


Khalid Barjaoui (don't know from where)


Jamila EL moussali (don't know)


Mohammed Najib Boulif (Tangiers, Riffian, northern morocco)


Driss el Idrissi (Fes, northern/central morocco)


Charafat Alfilal (don't know from where)


Mohamed Moubdii (dont know)


Mamoun Bouhadhoud (Agadir, chleuh, southern morocco)


spanish catalan
07-27-2015, 01:37 PM
saharid - berberid - alpine mix,i do not see ssa component them

07-27-2015, 01:42 PM
saharid - berberid - alpine mix,i do not see ssa component them

simply because moroccan people are not mulattos as people try to portray them. ssa admix is more frequent in southern parts through and not super rare there

except for these ones :

slight ssa but she's from southern morocco, its the doors of the desert and she is probably sahraoui or chleuh so ssa admix is not rare and more frequent than in northern/central parts

and this guy, the ssa is obvious :

he's from northern/central parts but rabat is the capital and it's not rare to find ssa people admix especially in rabat and casablanca because of immigration of people of the south + slave trade

spanish catalan
07-27-2015, 01:46 PM
simply because moroccan people are not mulattos as people try to portray them. ssa admix is more frequent in southern parts through and not super rare there

except for these ones :

slight ssa but she's from southern morocco, its the doors of the desert and she is probably sahraoui or chleuh so ssa admix is not rare and more frequent than in northern/central parts

and this guy, the ssa is obvious :

he's from northern/southern parts but rabat is the capital and it's not rare to find ssa people admix especially in rabat and casablanca because of immigration of people of the south + slave trade

i agree.
many people say that North Africans are mixed with africans,but i do not believe.
you think Egypt is the north african country with most ssa admixture?

07-27-2015, 01:57 PM
i agree.
many people say that North Africans are mixed with africans,but i do not believe.
you think Egypt is the north african country with most ssa admixture?

SSA admix exists, I can't deny it but its highly overestimated and its more frequent for people from southern parts + the doors of the desert + sahara. It can happen sometimes in big cities because of immigration + slave trade. but Maghrebis are certainly not mulattos, they are mostly of a dark mediterranean type
I don't know to be honest, SSA admix in Egypt is also highly overestimated too but I feel like they have a bit more SSA admix than Maghrebis because of landscapes reasons but I could be wrong. They don't look that similar to Maghrebis, Egyptians are a mixture of North African and Middle Eastern components (Levant + Arabia) + depending of the regions, SSA
Egypt is similar about one thing with Maghreb, the more you go to the south, the more people are darker and SSA admix in general

07-27-2015, 02:05 PM
Phenotypes in Moroccan government

most of them look Spanish and Italian, even Greek or Levantine. North Africa seems to be able to fit as a European region, as it was in Antiquity. strong ties on both shores of the Mediterranean

07-27-2015, 02:08 PM
Pred berberids, some has saharid, berid and atlanto med admixture.

07-27-2015, 02:10 PM
most of them look Spanish and Italian, even Greek or Levantine. North Africa seems to be able to fit as a European region, as it was in Antiquity. strong ties on both shores of the Mediterranean

Which ones ? I think most of them look too much Maghrebi to pass in Southern Europe to be honest except 2 or 3 can pass there. I'm not entirely convinced for Levant too, they don't look eastmed

Ivan Kramskoï
07-27-2015, 02:12 PM
Lighter than most morrocans I see in France for sure.
A few of them are borderline European looking.

07-27-2015, 02:14 PM
Lighter than most morrocans I see in France for sure.
A few of them are borderline European looking.

Most Moroccans in France are from central/southern parts like Agadir, Marrakech or Casablanca, I think it can explains it.

Ivan Kramskoï
07-27-2015, 02:17 PM
Most Moroccans in France are from central/southern parts like Agadir, Marrakech or Casablanca, I think it can explains it.
It's the first time I see borderline European looking morrocans (2 or 3 max), and honestly lots of them in France have visible SSA admixture.
I guess France received the lower classes mainly.

07-27-2015, 02:18 PM
They look like typical Moroccans I see in France. But anyway people may have different opinions based on different experiences OR some racialist agendas :rolleyes::p

07-27-2015, 02:20 PM
Well some nomadic people like Tuaregs and others are slightly SSA admixed..southern moroccans too...but not the majority like people thinks..

07-27-2015, 02:22 PM
It's the first time I see borderline European looking morrocans, and honestly lots of them in France have visible SSA admixture.
I guess France received the lower classes mainly.

From my side, I've seen many Moroccan who can pass in Southern Europe, especially Riffian because they are northern moroccans, sometimes people from Fes or Meknes Rabat. it can happens sometimes in the south, I know a chleuh guy who looks Portuguese but its less frequent.
No I don't think its because of social class, you have very poor people in Morocco "light" especially in countryside and mountainous places and it's even more frequent. You have rich Moroccan from big cities "SSA admix". I think its only about geographical issues. There is no kind of any "castes" in Morocco, looks don't change with social status.

07-27-2015, 02:23 PM
They look like typical Moroccans I see in France. But anyway people may have different opinions based on different experiences OR some racialist agendas :rolleyes::p

I also think the same, they look very Maghrebi and most of them can't pass outside Maghreb except 2 or 3.

07-27-2015, 02:34 PM
Lighter than most morrocans I see in France for sure.
A few of them are borderline European looking.

I agree with you, they are lighter than most Moroccan migrants in Europe for sure.

07-27-2015, 02:42 PM
That is certainly bullshit. Those people are average Moroccans , no lighter nor darker than average. Just standard Moroccan types.

07-27-2015, 02:44 PM
That is certainly bulshit. Those people are average Moroccans , no lighter nor darker than average. Just standard Moroccan types.

OWDer or better saying wannabe European.

Ivan Kramskoï
07-27-2015, 02:44 PM
That is certainly bulshit. Those people are average Moroccans , no lighter nor darker than average. Just standard Moroccan types.
Are you expert on Morrocan phenotype ??

07-27-2015, 02:51 PM
OWDer or better saying wannabe European.

I am bit agree with him to be honest. I couldn't chose them, this is really the Moroccan government and you can see the list here : http://www.maroc.ma/fr/content/la-liste-du-gouvernement. I posted all of them except one who had botox lol so it's not fair.
I've been to Morocco in Agadir, they are probably the darkest people in Morocco with Sahara imo although chleuh people in the list represent them also well. But most people from northern/central morocco are like this. I have many Moroccans friend and these people look average honestly.
The ginger guy is not typical for sure but it's not that rare among riffian and it can happen sometimes
There is no differences in looks with social status. I don't know for Swiss but in France most Moroccans are central/southern one

07-27-2015, 02:57 PM
They have significantly less Sub-Saharan component than the general pops where in my observation ranges anywhere from 20-40%. (I don;t mean that 20-40% are Sub-sharian types or that 20-40% of Moroccan genetics is Sub-Saharian , just that roughly that percent of the moroccans I have come across have a visible Sub-Saharian influence in their looks, while the other 60-80% have less so)

07-27-2015, 02:58 PM
I am bit agree with him to be honest. I couldn't chose them, this is really the Moroccan government and you can see the list here : http://www.maroc.ma/fr/content/la-liste-du-gouvernement. I posted all of them except one who had botox lol so it's not fair.
I've been to Morocco in Agadir, they are probably the darkest people in Morocco with Sahara imo although chleuh people in the list represent them also well. But most people from northern/central morocco are like this. I have many Moroccans friend and these people look average honestly.
The ginger guy is not typical for sure but it's not that rare among riffian and it can happen sometimes
There is no differences in looks with social status. I don't know for Swiss but in France most Moroccans are central/southern one

You're from there, as expected you agree with him. Moroccans from central/southern Morocco are still Moroccan.

07-27-2015, 03:03 PM
You're from there, as expected you agree with him. Moroccans from central/southern Morocco are still Moroccan.

I am not Moroccan, I am of Algerian background but I am well aware of Maghrebis looks and physicals and honestly I do not care to look European or not. They look extremely maghrebis, if this don't look maghrebi, I am swedish lol I also think most of them can't pass in southern europe and outside Maghreb, I don't even think they can pass easily in Middle East as a group because they look distinctly Maghrebi.
I was just pointed the fact that southern moroccans are darker than northern/central moroccans and central a bit darker than northern one which can explains the fact that some people think that all Moroccans look like southern ones.
When I was in Agadir, people guessed me riffian or algerian because I don't look chleuh/southern moroccan

Tooting Carmen
07-27-2015, 03:15 PM
saharid - berberid - alpine mix,i do not see ssa component them

Two or three do, but not most though. Otherwise, I agree.

07-27-2015, 03:51 PM
This disapproves the notion that some people see Moroccans and Pakistanis looking-alike. Here, the Moroccans look stereotypically North African and drastically different than do the people in the Pakistani federal parliament: http://www.na.gov.pk/en/all_members.php

07-27-2015, 04:06 PM
This disapproves the notion that some people see Moroccans and Pakistanis looking-alike. Here, the Moroccans look stereotypically North African and drastically different than do the people in the Pakistani federal parliament: http://www.na.gov.pk/en/mna_list.php?list=punjab&srch=all

Do you really know people thinking that ? ahahahaha omg people are insane :picard1: they indeed look completely different, thanks for sharing.
I know only one Moroccan girl who can pass pakistani/indian but she's atypical

07-27-2015, 04:08 PM
This disapproves the notion that some people see Moroccans and Pakistanis looking-alike. Here, the Moroccans look stereotypically North African and drastically different than do the people in the Pakistani federal parliament: http://www.na.gov.pk/en/mna_list.php?list=punjab&srch=all

Pakistanis overlap more so with people from Iraq and Arabia and less so with North Africa or the Levant.

07-27-2015, 04:08 PM
Do you really know people thinking that ? ahahahaha omg people are insane :picard1: they indeed look completely different, thanks for sharing.
I know only one Moroccan girl who can pass pakistani/indian but she's atypical

probably significant amount of Hilali ancestry

Visage pâle
07-27-2015, 04:27 PM
They look like typical Moroccans I see in France. But anyway people may have different opinions based on different experiences OR some racialist agendas :rolleyes::p

Upper classes in these countries are lighter than the whole people.

07-27-2015, 04:36 PM
Upper classes in these countries are lighter than the whole people.

There are no differences by looks with social statues in Maghreb. No "castes" exist in this place. Very poor people can be very light in countryside + mountains. Rich people from big cities can be very dark. Social status means nothing. Difference of "colors" are mainly due to geographical reasons.
I've seen more light people among poors than among rich.

Seth MacFarlane
07-27-2015, 04:43 PM
Do you really know people thinking that ? ahahahaha omg people are insane :picard1: they indeed look completely different, thanks for sharing.
I know only one Moroccan girl who can pass pakistani/indian but she's atypical

You didn't know ? Lol according to certain people North Africans , levantines , south Asians and Arabians all look the same

07-27-2015, 06:39 PM
Pakistanis overlap more so with people from Iraq and Arabia and less so with North Africa or the Levant.

Iraq has most paki looking people
Its because during British invasion they were mostly of indian descend and alot settled in iraq and alot have mixed
I have about 4 iraqi friends who have anglo-indian parents