View Full Version : Hell on earth: temperature hits 68 C in Iran, almost breaks world record

07-31-2015, 01:34 PM
Capital Weather Gang
Iran city hits suffocating heat index of 154 degrees, near world record :evil
By Jason Samenow July 30 at 4:59 PM

Wherever you live or happen to travel to, never complain about the heat and humidity again.

In the city of Bandar Mahshahr (population of about 110,000 as of 2010), the air felt like a searing 154 degrees (67.8 Celsius today, factoring in the humidity.

Its actual air temperature was 109 degrees (42.8 Celsius) with an astonishing dew point temperature of 90 (32.2 Celsius). (If you use NOAA’s calculator, that actually computes to a heat index of 159 degrees).

Bandar Mahshahr sits adjacent to the Persian Gulf in southwest Iran where water temperatures are in the 90s. Such high temperatures lead to some of the most oppressive humidity levels in the world when winds blow off the water.

The highest known heat index ever to be recorded, according to weather historian Christopher Burt, is in the 155-160 degree range. In his book Extreme Weather, Burt says Dharhan, Saudi Arabia, also on the Persian Gulf, logged a heat index of around 155-160 degrees on July 8, 2003. Its air temperature was 108 degrees, with a dew point of 95.

This week, on top of the humidity, a punishing heat wave has engulfed the Middle East.

Today, Baghdad soared to 122 degrees (50C) – though the dew point was a lowly 44 given its desert environs. That combination produced a heat index of 115 – the dry air taking a slight edge off the blistering temperatures.


08-01-2015, 08:52 AM
If it did reach 68 C, you would die.

08-01-2015, 08:57 AM
How is that even possible?! Death Valley is known as the hottest place on earth and never goes over 130 degree?! How did these people lived with no A/C in te old days btw?! Wow.

08-01-2015, 10:32 AM

The highest known heat index ever attained was 178F (81C) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on July 8, 2003.

And neighbouring countries are feeling the strain as well.

In Iraq yesterday, authorities declared a mandatory four-day holiday, to begin with immediate effect.

The government has urged residents to stay out of the sun and drink plenty of water.

But chronic electricity and water cuts in Iraq and other conflict-ridden countries make heatwaves like the present one even more unbearable - particularly for the more than 14 million people displaced by violence across the region.

In the southern Iraqi city of Basra earlier this month, protesters clashed with police as they demonstrated for better power services, leaving one person dead.

Unlike other countries in the region, Iraq lacks beaches, and travel restrictions make it difficult for people to escape the sweltering heat, leaving many - even those fortunate enough to live in their homes - with limited options for cooling off.

Some swim in rivers and irrigation canals, while others spend these days in air-conditioned shopping malls.
To the south, in the similarly sweltering Gulf, residents cranked up their air conditioners, and elsewhere in the Middle East, those who could headed to the beach to escape Thursday's soaring temperatures, high even by the standards of the region.

It is not uncommon for well-off Gulf citizens to decamp with their luxury cars and servants to cooler spots such as Britain or Switzerland as temperatures rise.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman, joined by a delegation numbering in the hundreds, is currently cooling off in the south of France.

Several Gulf states, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, mandate midday breaks when temperatures are at their highest for low-paid migrant labourers during the summer months.

But that only provides some relief as many still spend long hours working in the heat and travel to job sites on buses without air conditioning.
A Filipino migrant rights activist collapsed and later died of apparent heat stroke during a visit to his country's consulate in Dubai this week.

One of the hottest spots in the Gulf was Kuwait City, where Thursday temperatures were expected to reach 118F (48C).

The civil aviation authority's meteorological department forecast daytime conditions as 'very hot' and overnight temperatures as 'relatively hot,' with moderate winds providing little relief.

08-01-2015, 10:37 AM
The article is misleading, a scam and a lie, saying it's "heat index".

It was actually 109 degrees fahrenheit, not 154. Notice how she wrote "felt like 154". That is just retarded and devious wording.

Stupid thread and article. :thumb down

It felt like 299 degreeeeees!!!

08-01-2015, 10:48 AM
The article is misleading, a scam and a lie, saying it's "heat index".

It was actually 109 degrees fahrenheit, not 154. Notice how she wrote "felt like 154". That is just retarded and devious wording.

Stupid thread and article. :thumb down

It felt like 299 degreeeeees!!!

The temperature is always estimated in relation to humidity.

"Humidity is a key player in the weather.

When heat and humidity combine to slow evaporation of sweat from the body, outdoor exercise becomes dangerous even for those in good shape.

Water vapor in the air, the humidity, plays an important part in global climate. Like carbon dioxide, water vapor is a greenhouse gas. Climate scientists have found that carbon dioxide human activities is adding to the air is causing the Earth's average climate to warm.

Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, it increase warming as it increases."

Temperature-moisture relationship:

08-01-2015, 10:50 AM

are you sure though ? 68 C ?

08-01-2015, 10:52 AM

are you sure though ? 68 C ?

08-01-2015, 10:53 AM
Quit deceiving people, this thread is retarded.

109 is quite common during summer.

08-01-2015, 10:54 AM
highest recorded temperature is 56.7you losers dont make stupid affirmations

08-01-2015, 11:01 AM
Quit deceiving people, this thread is retarded.

109 is quite common during summer.

An Iranian city has reached a heat index of 68C, as a heat wave continues to engulf the Middle East.

A temperature of 43C (109 F) AND a dew point of 32C (90 F) have been observed in Bandar Mahshahr.

When humidity is factored in, this means that residents are experiencing an environment of 68C (154 F).

The staggering readings were spotted by meteorologist Anthony Sagliani, who called them: “probably the most incredible [observations] I’ve ever seen.”

08-01-2015, 11:05 AM
It feels like 888888888888888 degrees let's make a news article about it claiming it's 888888888888888 degrees!!!!!!

World record shattered, it feels like 888888888888888 degrees (even though it's not)!!!

08-01-2015, 11:33 AM
Check this out. EDC is the biggest party in Vegas and in the entire world I think. 350 thousand people go out at the speedway nascar racetrack every night for three nights in the row. Party starts at 7:30pm and stops at 5:30 in the morning.
The problem is that this year was well over 110 degrees every day which is about average for the time of year, the racetrack is 25-30 minute drive from all the hotels in Vegas with zero traffic so when 350k people get out at same time it takes an average 4-5 hours to get to their hotels, the lines for buses and taxis are infinitely long, the traffic is literally a parking lot. Nothing moves. It's fucking dangerous and these kids will stop at nothing but keep parting the next night and the next night:laugh: this year no one died but the year before I think one or two people did die.


♥ Lily ♥
08-01-2015, 11:37 AM
I wish it gets even more scorching hotter for them and for all the sick muslim nations; it's what they deserve.
All they need now is some massive bush fires and some fire tornadoes and a huge earthquake. :evil

08-01-2015, 11:38 AM
Iran city hits suffocating heat index of 154 degrees, near world record :evil

Wherever you live or happen to travel to, never complain about the heat and humidity again.

In the city of Bandar Mahshahr (population of about 110,000 as of 2010), the air felt like a searing 154 degrees (67.8 Celsius today, factoring in the humidity.

Its actual air temperature was 109 degrees (42.8 Celsius)

Oh Allah is so merciful on his followers. :speechless-smiley-0 He gifts his true beliefers with all joys! :heh:

That's why places like Mecca or Medina are located in areas full of rivers of honey and forests of food...


....uhm...:icon_ask: xD

08-01-2015, 11:40 AM
I wish it gets even more scorching hotter for them and all the muslim nations; it's what they deserve. :eviltake it easy with the hate. Perhaps is this record heat what makes them go crazy suicidal.

08-01-2015, 11:43 AM
Meanwhile in the barbarious lands of the INFIDELS:


Yes, 'Allah best god' evaaaaa.....;) Bwahaha!

08-01-2015, 11:45 AM
lol, somehow I knew this was coming.

08-01-2015, 11:45 AM

fake or misleading or not, the only thing that went through my head was "lets boil some dune coons".........and then I remembered you can't even boil the stench off those things, grab the ol industrial solvent.

08-01-2015, 11:49 AM
Has anyone watched the video and noticed that not one Iraqi wears the traditional Arab dress?

If you see videos of Iraqis from 2003 nearly every Iraqi was dressed like this: ;)
In the video I couldn't spot a single Iraqi wear it.


08-01-2015, 11:56 AM
lol, somehow I knew this was coming.

And no Muslim can argue against it. They have no argument. That's just one of the thousand facts that ensure that Allah is the malevolent invention of a insane man called Mohammed.

Because if Allah existed, he a) wouldn't let his best followers (Arabs, etc.) live in such inhumane, savage and difficult environments or b) he had created mankind much better adapted to hote, dry desert climate. He did neither, so the greatest dimwits and idiots (Arab Islamists and -conservative Muslims) live in the most inhumane environment of the planet. :D

08-01-2015, 11:58 AM
Capital Weather Gang
Iran city hits suffocating heat index of 154 degrees, near world record :evil
By Jason Samenow July 30 at 4:59 PM

Wherever you live or happen to travel to, never complain about the heat and humidity again.

In the city of Bandar Mahshahr (population of about 110,000 as of 2010), the air felt like a searing 154 degrees (67.8 Celsius today, factoring in the humidity.

Its actual air temperature was 109 degrees (42.8 Celsius) with an astonishing dew point temperature of 90 (32.2 Celsius). (If you use NOAA’s calculator, that actually computes to a heat index of 159 degrees).

Bandar Mahshahr sits adjacent to the Persian Gulf in southwest Iran where water temperatures are in the 90s. Such high temperatures lead to some of the most oppressive humidity levels in the world when winds blow off the water.

The highest known heat index ever to be recorded, according to weather historian Christopher Burt, is in the 155-160 degree range. In his book Extreme Weather, Burt says Dharhan, Saudi Arabia, also on the Persian Gulf, logged a heat index of around 155-160 degrees on July 8, 2003. Its air temperature was 108 degrees, with a dew point of 95.

This week, on top of the humidity, a punishing heat wave has engulfed the Middle East.

Today, Baghdad soared to 122 degrees (50C) – though the dew point was a lowly 44 given its desert environs. That combination produced a heat index of 115 – the dry air taking a slight edge off the blistering temperatures.


Wow, that's hot, isn't 70°C around the pain tolerance level?

08-01-2015, 12:07 PM
Wow, that's hot, isn't 70°C around the pain tolerance level?

In India thousands died this summer bcs of the heat.

It seems the heat in Iran exceeded the 70C:

"Bandar Mahshahr sits adjacent to the Persian Gulf in southwest Iran where water temperatures are in the 90s. Such high temperatures lead to some of the most oppressive humidity levels in the world when winds blow off the water.The ocean temperatures in the Persian Gulf are currently in the low-to-mid 90s Fahrenheit, bringing startlingly high levels of humidity to coastal areas in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and other countries.

This city got no relief on Friday, either. According to temperature data on Weather Underground, Bandar Mahshahr saw a high temperature on Friday of 113.8 degrees Fahrenheit, or 46 degrees Celsius.

At that time, the dew point was, once again, 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which yielded a heat index of 163 degrees Fahrenheit, or 72.7 degrees Celsius! Such high heat indices can be deadly if one is exposed to the heat for an extended period of time.

Based on the NOAA calculator, this temperature and dew point combo would actually yield a heat index of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

This would be high enough to rival the all-time global record, according to the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang blog, citing records maintained by weather historian Christopher Burt."

08-01-2015, 12:21 PM
I wish it gets even more scorching hotter for them and for all the sick muslim nations; it's what they deserve.
All they need now is some massive bush fires and some fire tornadoes and a huge earthquake. :evil

That's what Isis deserve ;) but look at the video, the people shown are not Muslim fanatics just people like you who just want to live their lives in peace. Unfortunately most Isis scum have air condition and live well from the loots.

08-01-2015, 12:43 PM
Check this out. EDC is the biggest party in Vegas and in the entire world I think. 350 thousand people go out at the speedway nascar racetrack every night for three nights in the row. Party starts at 7:30pm and stops at 5:30 in the morning.
The problem is that this year was well over 110 degrees every day which is about average for the time of year, the racetrack is 25-30 minute drive from all the hotels in Vegas with zero traffic so when 350k people get out at same time it takes an average 4-5 hours to get to their hotels, the lines for buses and taxis are infinitely long, the traffic is literally a parking lot. Nothing moves. It's fucking dangerous and these kids will stop at nothing but keep parting the next night and the next night:laugh: this year no one died but the year before I think one or two people did die.


Funny you mention EDC, I want to go to one of those eventually, looks fun as hell.

08-01-2015, 12:43 PM
Meanwhile in the barbarious lands of the INFIDELS:


Yes, 'Allah best god' evaaaaa.....;) Bwahaha!

He treats y'all damn well for a "bunch of barbarian pagans" :laugh:

08-01-2015, 06:27 PM
And no Muslim can argue against it. They have no argument. That's just one of the thousand facts that ensure that Allah is the malevolent invention of a insane man called Mohammed.

Because if Allah existed, he a) wouldn't let his best followers (Arabs, etc.) live in such inhumane, savage and difficult environments or b) he had created mankind much better adapted to hote, dry desert climate. He did neither, so the greatest dimwits and idiots (Arab Islamists and -conservative Muslims) live in the most inhumane environment of the planet. :D
Sure they can argue against it. In many ways actually..where to start?! If Muslims believe in life after death just like Christians do and every religious person, then perhaps this life is just a brief second of suffering in comparison to a infinite blessing in paradise with 72 virgins in some land with grass and rivers of honey. Another good argument can be made that Muslim populations are not dumb. One can wonder they must be very dumb to endure one month of Ramadan fasting in the most extreme heat conditions on earth every day for a month long, yet they find the strength and endure what seems impossible to me. Have you or anyone come across a Arab or a Persian individual that you or anyone took advantage of their slow naive brains and hustled them out of money or a price of car cigarettes and whatnot? Never. The opposite is the truth actually. They're known to hustle or con all other people. So how can Mohamed have conned the biggest hustlers of all?!
So they're intelligent as whole, they come to the west and all succeed, they all seem to own a business but you never see a Arab or a Iranian on welfare.
Another indication they must believe in a true God perhaps is that God send them "or cursed them" to live in a land that grass doesn't grow but living in a infinite rivers of flowing gold beneath their feet. Oil.
If suppose a God exist between Christian God and that of Islam version of God, than Muslims win this contest. They make the case of believing in a truer God.

Now considering that Christiany and Islam both came from the deserts of Middle East in a time wher air conditioning didn't exist one wonders if both Jesus and Mohamed were simply hallucinating due to some heat stroke that was frying their skulls "when God spoke to them"?!

08-01-2015, 06:36 PM
Meanwhile in the barbarious lands of the INFIDELS:


Yes, 'Allah best god' evaaaaa.....;) Bwahaha!

Bruh, since Arabs aren't a monolithic ethnic group, it leaves us Bengalis as the largest Muslim ethnic group on the planet.
This is how it is in Bangladesh.

08-01-2015, 06:39 PM
Funny you mention EDC, I want to go to one of those eventually, looks fun as hell.

You should do it whenever you have a chance. And is getting bigger every year. The whole city turns into a very good vibe I like during EDC. No incidents, everyone gets along. Just imagine 350k people mostly high on drugs and not even a single fight takes place. That's amazing to me.

08-01-2015, 06:40 PM
And no Muslim can argue against it. They have no argument. That's just one of the thousand facts that ensure that Allah is the malevolent invention of a insane man called Mohammed.

Because if Allah existed, he a) wouldn't let his best followers (Arabs, etc.) live in such inhumane, savage and difficult environments or b) he had created mankind much better adapted to hote, dry desert climate. He did neither, so the greatest dimwits and idiots (Arab Islamists and -conservative Muslims) live in the most inhumane environment of the planet. :D

Hahhaha:lol: I just did LOL

And besides, Muslims are supposed to be rewarded in heaven, Allah promises you nothing in this world.

08-01-2015, 06:42 PM
I used to live in Iraq and the temperature used to be 51-52c
and in France it once reached 38c
and it felt way hotter than in Iraq
the sun burns in europe unlike in middle east

08-01-2015, 06:46 PM
I used to live in Iraq and the temperature used to be 51-52c
and in France it once reached 38c
and it felt way hotter than in Iraq
the sun burns in europe unlike in middle east
Craine is right. Is the humidity. In a desert 110 degrees dry heat feels better than 90 degrees with high humidity in some beach town.

08-01-2015, 06:57 PM
And no Muslim can argue against it. They have no argument. That's just one of the thousand facts that ensure that Allah is the malevolent invention of a insane man called Mohammed.

Because if Allah existed, he a) wouldn't let his best followers (Arabs, etc.) live in such inhumane, savage and difficult environments or b) he had created mankind much better adapted to hote, dry desert climate. He did neither, so the greatest dimwits and idiots (Arab Islamists and -conservative Muslims) live in the most inhumane environment of the planet. :D


08-01-2015, 07:14 PM
If the heat doesn't kill them, they will die for sure when they see their A/C bill.

de Burgh II
08-01-2015, 07:24 PM
Bring back the ice age; that should solve everyone's problem.

08-01-2015, 07:37 PM
If the heat doesn't kill them, they will die for sure when they see their A/C bill.

If they're lucky to have any that is:

"The government has urged residents to stay out of the sun and drink plenty of water.

But chronic electricity and water cuts in Iraq and other conflict-ridden countries make heatwaves like the present one even more unbearable - particularly for the more than 14 million people displaced by violence across the region.

In the southern Iraqi city of Basra earlier this month,protesters clashed with police as they demonstrated for better power services, leaving one person dead."

08-01-2015, 07:39 PM
If they're lucky to have any that is:

"The government has urged residents to stay out of the sun and drink plenty of water.

But chronic electricity and water cuts in Iraq and other conflict-ridden countries make heatwaves like the present one even more unbearable - particularly for the more than 14 million people displaced by violence across the region.

In the southern Iraqi city of Basra earlier this month,protesters clashed with police as they demonstrated for better power services, leaving one person dead."

That is just unfathomable from a First World perspective... I hope the Christians stay safe from those evil Muzzies and the heat.

08-01-2015, 07:54 PM
28°C is my limit, above this temperature I get headaches on a daily basis.
But anyway, 42°C isn't so impressive : it's colder than the average sauna! xDxD

08-01-2015, 08:16 PM
Bruh, since Arabs aren't a monolithic ethnic group, it leaves us Bengalis as the largest Muslim ethnic group on the planet.
This is how it is in Bangladesh.

So Bangladesh has some fertile spots, okay. And why are Bengals still the most impoverished people on the world and why is Bangladesh one of the poorest states of the world then? :rolleyes:

Maybe....just maybe....because the people can't make use of the land!? And the people are.....oh surprise......full of islamic thoughts and ideologies! .... :D

--> Muslims are unable to create anything worthwhile on their own.


PS: Saudi Arabian wealth e.g. is based on Western (INFIDEL) technologies. Without the West, the Arabians had never found any usage for the oil below their sand. And they hadn't found the oil by themselves, either.

08-01-2015, 08:42 PM
So Bangladesh has some fertile spots, okay. And why are Bengals still the most impoverished people on the world and why is Bangladesh one of the poorest states of the world then? :rolleyes:
Some fertile spots? 98% of Bengal is arable fertile land.
Also can you even read nigga?

And besides, Muslims are supposed to be rewarded in heaven, Allah promises you nothing in this world.

Maybe....just maybe....because the people can't make use of the land!? And the people are.....oh surprise......full of islamic thoughts and ideologies! .... :D
Nope, one of the most efficient crop-producers in the world. Just look at what the British said about Bengal when they ruled it. Cities like Calcutta were very big industrial centers during its age as well. Well, look at Germany, what your 'prosperity' has done to you, soon your staple diet will become Kebabs LOL, your economy is barely improving while nations like Bangladesh have growth rates of 6%+

--> Muslims are unable to create anything worthwhile on their own.

hahaha, Bengal was the richest land in the Mughal empire which was itself the second biggest economy in the world and the richest country during its time. Bengal became poorer and poorer during British rule and after the partition. Soon though, that level of prosperity can be reached with such high growth levels.

Anyways blondie, you talked about Muslims having deserts and shit, now you're talking about economy LOL. (what a way to jump ships and avoid losing the argument)

08-01-2015, 08:51 PM
I wish it gets even more scorching hotter for them and for all the sick muslim nations; it's what they deserve.
All they need now is some massive bush fires and some fire tornadoes and a huge earthquake. :evil

Oh Allah is so merciful on his followers. :speechless-smiley-0 He gifts his true beliefers with all joys! :heh:

That's why places like Mecca or Medina are located in areas full of rivers of honey and forests of food...


....uhm...:icon_ask: xD

Shouldn't you western Euros be worried about your 35-40C which have hitted you this year? And almost every year in the last 2 decades? Muslims are used to high temperatures, unlike you. In west Tadzhikistan (Dushanbe) it hits 40C every summer, sometimes for a whole week in a row. But nobody complains :rolleyes:

08-02-2015, 12:23 AM
So Bangladesh has some fertile spots, okay. And why are Bengals still the most impoverished people on the world and why is Bangladesh one of the poorest states of the world then? :rolleyes:

Maybe....just maybe....because the people can't make use of the land!? And the people are.....oh surprise......full of islamic thoughts and ideologies! .... :D

--> Muslims are unable to create anything worthwhile on their own.


PS: Saudi Arabian wealth e.g. is based on Western (INFIDEL) technologies. Without the West, the Arabians had never found any usage for the oil below their sand. And they hadn't found the oil by themselves, either.
So what do you think leliana? if we take all Germans and move them to Saudi Arabia grass will start growing at once, and if we move all Arabs to Germany grass will no longer grow. Could this be true?!lol and if this was the case, how can we blame nor take pride in the other group?!:D

08-02-2015, 12:31 AM
So what do you think leliana? if we take all Germans and move them to Saudi Arabia grass will start growing at once, and if we move all Arabs to Germany grass will no longer grow. Could this be true?!lol and if this was the case, how can we blame nor take pride in the other group?!:D

If you move Germans to Saudi Arabia they'll just dig up the whole dessert.