View Full Version : melanin found to be superior for health

08-08-2015, 05:26 AM
this scientific fact puts an end to the false doctrine of white superiority
scientist found melanin to be a superconductor absorbing and transforming energy and protecting the body and enhancing the immune system, they found even dark melanin rich mushrooms which can use radioactive energy for growth, people with melanin rich substantia nigra are also protected against alzheimers and parkinsons and other diseases

Genetics or the amount of noise exposure may explain the difference in hearing ability between women and men, while the racial difference may be related to the skin pigment melanin. Some scientists believe having a larger amount of melanin protects black people from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) as the years go by, said NIOSH researcher William Murphy, PhD. Melanin may play a role in how the body removes harmful chemical compounds caused by damage to the sensitive hair cells in the inner ear.1

The NIOSH study looked at more than 5,000 people who had hearing tests from 1999 through 2004 as part of an annual federal health survey. The tests revealed that, on average, non-Hispanic blacks could hear higher tones at 15 to 22 dB, compared to 16 to 25 dB for Mexican Americans and 21 to 32 dB for non-Hispanic whites.

Previously, research on workers exposed to occupational noise showed that those with darker skin and/or eyes tend to have greater resistance to NIHL. The inner ear is lined with well-circulated tissues of multiple layers of cells, explained Ulrich Schraermeyer, a cell biologist at the Centre for Eye Medicine at the University of Cologne. He contends that inner-ear melanin protects the cochlea from loud noise by counteracting the formation of free radicals, the dangerous molecules released during cellular damage.2

Melanin is a dark pigment that occurs naturally in human skin, hair, the iris and retina of the eye, as well as the adrenal gland, inner ear, and parts of the brain. It is manufactured in the basal layer of the epidermis and produced by cells called melanocytes. All people have roughly the same number of melanocytes, but there is a greater expression of melanin in some racial groups. One of the basic functions of melanin is to protect the body from the harmful effects of the sun.

The effect of melanin on the inner ear remains conjectural.3 However, there is parallel research on the eye.

Researchers at the University of Chicago have shown that melanin acts like a "neutralizing sponge" inside cells in the retina to soak up and destroy reactive oxygen species. These free radicals are energized by light and thought to play a major role in macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people over age 60. The disorder is far more prevalent among whites than blacks.


08-08-2015, 05:27 AM

08-08-2015, 05:30 AM

We have been skillfully mislead to believe that white skin is mankind’s anthropological model and should be coveted. However, recent research paints a picture of white skin that is just the antithesis of what we have been brainwashed to believe. The polar bear analysis that was done by the Discovery Channel helps prove my point. If you shave the hair off a polar bear, the skin beneath is black. In nature the skin of the polar bear is black to absorb as much heat and light as possible to keep the arctic animal warm in its environment. It is also true for the Eskimo (Inuit). Human adaptation remains an insufficiently studied part of climate and climate change. Scientists have tried for years to prove that the environment was responsible for altering heredity.

Eskimos have brown skin. Eskimos have broad, flat noses. Africans have brown skin. Africans have broad, flat noses. Scientific studies have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator—not because they are Negroid or have a Negroid admixture. There are repeated arguments made by anthropologists when referring to Arabs being brown in color because of the equalitarian closeness. So what about the brownness of skin that occurs in mankind who live the furthest from the equator—the Arctic? Also, the Eskimos’ nose shape does not work to explain temperature-dependencies. Broad, flat noses are more beneficial in hot environments—Oh really!

Scientifically speaking, Black objects absorb heat very well and also emit heat very well. If heat wasn’t emitted at the same rate as was is absorbed, the black object would just get hotter and hotter until it melted. A black beaker cools down much faster than a shiny beaker that does not absorb or emit heat well at all. That is why snow does not melt in cold weather even when the sun is falling directly on it. All of the incident light energy is reflected away and none (or very little) is absorbed.

If black absorbs heat and light and white reflects it, how can we say that white people are adapted more to cold environments than warm? That insinuation that white skin is a result of environmental adaptation is the same orthodox dogma that we have been spoon fed for generations, however when subjected to scientific scrutiny it doesn’t hold water. Reports FALSELY SUGGESTED that Senegalese troops during World War I and Ethiopian troops during the Korean War showed higher rates of frostbite and frozen feet in the African soldiers than their European counterparts. The laboratory work of the researchers also suggested that black skin tissue was more prone to cold injury; however white skin also exhibited some damage. After further research the following was indicated: It was SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that samples of black skin tissue were less vulnerable to cold damage than the lighter European tissue. This does not sound indicative of white skin being more suitable to cold climates.

Caucasians have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production, according to Halprin & Ohkawara, 1966. White people also have calcified pineal glands. You may ask how does this imply that white skin is a genetic defect.....The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary to release M.S.H. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin (Greek “melas”=black) is produced. Melanin is somewhat analogous to chlorophyll in plants. What a lot of people don’t realize is that melatonin is also related to fertility. Those with pigmented skin have the highest counts of melanocytes in the genitalia and nipples. The pigmentation in these areas can be influenced by sex hormones like estrogens and androgens. During pregnancy, the nipples, face, and abdominal wall become darkened. These areas of increased pigmentation during pregnancy are due to the increase in the production of estrogens.

Anthropologists try to account for the fact that the genitalia are darker by suggesting that protection is needed against ultraviolet radiation damage, and has been thus evolved through natural selection. This means that protection of the genitalia against forces that may prevent reproduction was needed. Similarly, in this view, the pigmentation of the nipples during pregnancy would be a defense against ultraviolet radiation damage to the nipples. Supposedly, this type of protection would be needed while breast-feeding during the early evolution of humans in Africa. According to Robins, 1991, darker pigmentation found in the genitals, may have evolved for the “protection of reproductive capacity”, in that the pigmentation protects gametes within the genitalia from ultraviolet radiation damage. This is a direct result of why white people have the lowest birthrates of all people on the planet and are going extinct. Their melanin deficiency is why their reproduction system does not work as efficiently as it should.

Whites attribute their failure of reproduction to behavioral or societal reasons. However, the reason is more a biological one. Melanin is present at the inception of life: A Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of whites, a defective baby is produced, and over time, through inbreeding, wears down the already pathetically low levels of melanin. Reproduction stops altogether and virtual infertility is the end result.

08-08-2015, 05:32 AM
Melanin is a blessing.

08-08-2015, 05:38 AM

08-08-2015, 05:41 AM
I never understood some peoples' fetish for being pale and getting sunburned after 5 mins sun exposure. Pale skin is curse rather than a blessing

08-08-2015, 05:42 AM
I never knew that people, with dark eyes, had better vision than people with light eyes. I always heard that the best shots had light eyes. I should have paid more attention to the color of Annie Oakley's eyes. She had dark hair. I assumed, for some reason, that she had gray eyes. Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok had light eyes. Of course, the great Mongolian and Native American archers had dark eyes.

08-08-2015, 05:45 AM
I never knew that people, with dark eyes, had better vision than people with light eyes. I always heard that the best shots had light eyes. I should have paid more attention to the color of Annie Oakley's eyes. She had dark hair. I assumed, for some reason, that she had gray eyes. Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok had light eyes. Of course, the great Mongolian and Native American archers had dark eyes.
why do you think white people invented sunglasses and why 80% need optical glasses?! surely not for fun..

the lighter the eyes the weaker the vision

08-08-2015, 05:54 AM
why do you think white people invented sunglasses and why 80% need optical glasses?! surely not for fun..

the lighter the eyes the weaker the vision

They invented glasses because they foresaw the hipster fad.

I don't know about the alleged connection. I think that it's more of an individual thing than a "color" thing. You'll find people with great vision, normal vision, or terrible vision in all ethnic groups. It's purely anecdotal, but the best snipers seem to have light eyes. One of our American snipers, who is black or biracial, has light eyes. Of course, snipers don't represent all people.

08-08-2015, 06:05 AM
scientists know the superior health qualities of melanin for long, they even symbolically embedded it into the spiderman movie, where the black substance which made spiderman stronger was symbolism for melanin carbon 12 and spiderman became much stronger


08-08-2015, 06:10 AM
scientists know the superior health qualities of melanin for long, they even symbolically embedded it into the spiderman movie, where the black substance which made spiderman stronger was symbolism for melanin carbon 12 and spiderman became much stronger


Ah, it all makes sense now. Thank you. No wonder Hulk has green skin.

08-08-2015, 06:14 AM
Ah, it all makes sense now. Thank you. No wonder Hulk has green skin.
you seem to making fun of the whole argument because you want to veil the fact melanin is superior by making it laughable, not a good tactic, the scientific facts presented speak for themselves..

and yes hulk has also melanin connection

chlorophyll = green
melanin = black

green chlorophyll and melanin are almost identical

the element that plants use to convert Sunlight into food and energy is Chlorophyll. The only difference between chlorophyll and Melanin is one having magnesium (the chlorophyll) while the other has iron (the Melanin) as its centralized atom, which of course doesn’t affect their primary functions.

the same themes are in prometheus the black substance, batman dark knight, darth vader, dexter as dark passenger, black madonna in christian churches etc

here we have alos connection to ancient christianity which is from egypt and based on sun worship of god AMEN_RA this is why christians are in church on SUNday and pray AMEN to AMEN.RA the sun god who brings the life giving rays of light and redeems the world from evil winter SETH SATAN.. thus the infinite battle of light and darkness, summer and winter, horus/RA and SETH/SATAN


science confirms black people can absorb heat of sun and transform it to energy fuel for the body cells, which makes melanin a perfect conductor! it resembles chlorophyll so this explains while sungazing and yoga at the beach are central to indian culture, because indians are melanin rich, melanin converts sunrays to vitamin d and testosterone which is the reason why blacks have stronger bones and muscle mass

08-08-2015, 06:43 AM
you seem to making fun of the whole argument because you want to veil the fact melanin is superior by making it laughable, not a good tactic, the scientific facts presented speak for themselves..

and yes hulk has also melanin connection

chlorophyll = green
melanin = black

green chlorophyll and melanin are almost identical

the same themes are in prometheus the black substance, batman dark knight, darth vader, dexter as dark passenger, black madonna in christian churches etc

I meant no offense. It's an interesting theory. I'm not in a serious mood tonight. I also have side effects from allergy pills. I almost feel buzzed. That aside, your examples really are fascinating. They're a creative departure from the boring and mundane. I enjoy heterodox theories.

08-08-2015, 06:48 AM
I meant no offense. It's an interesting theory. I'm not in a serious mood tonight. I also have side effects from allergy pills. I almost feel buzzed. That aside, your examples really are fascinating. They're a creative departure from the boring and mundane. I enjoy heterodox theories.
so i wish you a speedy recovery ;)

glad you like it :thumb001:

08-08-2015, 07:25 AM
This just in, higher melanin correlates with a higher inferiority complex.:p

Neon Knight
08-08-2015, 07:58 AM
The notion of white superiority is based on complexity of civilisation and IQ data. Only the extreme fruitcakes/idiots reduce it to a matter of colouring.

♥ Lily ♥
08-08-2015, 10:06 AM
From the OP's irrational and hysterical posts on threads it's pretty obvious he hates white people and does anything he can to belittle or attack white people.

Anyway, the Japanese have the longest life spans... and their nation is known for their skin paleness by skin lightening, and they can live to 120 and work past 100 years. Will Barack Obama live and work as long as that?

The Japanese lighten their skin as the liver functioning causes the skin to darken and go dull with age... so soft, bright and fair skin is associated with youth.

People with dark skin have a lot more problems absorbing vitamin D in areas of lower sunlight whereas pale people can absorb vitamin D quite easily in low sunlight and so dark people are more likely to develop rickets in places with lower sunlight levels. Fact. Although pale people are more likely to develop skin cancer without sun protection if they move to hot environments.

The evolution process in nature is what makes skin and eyes and hair different to survive in different types of climates and environments. That's why arctic wolves and siberian huskies also have beautiful white coats and pretty blue eyes too and why certain creatures have camouflage in their coats to blend with their environment making it easier for them to hunt.

I've absolutely nothing against dark people and I think there's beautiful people in all races, but I hate it when people mock, attack and say rude things about white peoples features and skin, eyes and hair, or vice versa.

08-08-2015, 10:20 AM
Who gives a fuck about melanin, race isn't skin deep anyway.

08-08-2015, 10:25 AM
From the OP's irrational and hysterical posts on threads it's pretty obvious he hates white people and does anything he can to belittle or attack white people.

Anyway, the Japanese have the longest life spans... and their nation is known for their skin paleness by skin lightening, and they can live to 120 and work past 100 years. Will Barack Obama live and work as long as that?

The Japanese lighten their skin as the liver functioning causes the skin to darken and go dull with age... so soft, bright and fair skin is associated with youth.

People with dark skin have a lot more problems absorbing vitamin D in areas of lower sunlight whereas pale people can absorb vitamin D quite easily in low sunlight and so dark people are more likely to develop rickets. Fact.

The evolution process in nature is what makes skin and eyes and hair different to survive in different types of climates and environments. That's why arctic wolves and siberian huskies also have beautiful white coats and pretty blue eyes too.

Envy is a bitch.

but why are inuits swarthy? They live in much colder climate than europeans.


♥ Lily ♥
08-08-2015, 10:29 AM
but why are inuits swarthy? They live in much colder climate than europeans.


Because they haven't lived there long enough yet for the skin adapt to their environment. I don't know how cloudy it is there. Why have some fish and squirrels now developed 'wings' to fly and glide whilst others haven't?

Actually the worst sun burn happens in the Antarctica region.

08-08-2015, 10:35 AM
I still prefer light skinned and light eyed women !

08-08-2015, 02:37 PM
Thats no discovery.This has been known for a long time,since sunscreen had to be invented for people with inferior skin which can't adapt to the sun and tan.

08-08-2015, 02:41 PM
revealmean, your anti-White propaganda is ridiculous. :picard2: Without us, you hadn't cars, computers, machines, electricity, Internet, planes and othern modern technology, industry and architecture.

Here are your 'superior' Melanin people:


And plus, White skin is aesthetically more beautiful. :) Melanin people should live at the equator, and we in the North. So leave Europe and Northern America and gtfo!

08-08-2015, 02:49 PM
Shut up revealman, you're a cracker too

08-08-2015, 03:05 PM
Because they haven't lived there long enough yet for the skin adapt to their environment. I don't know how cloudy it is there. Why have some fish and squirrels now developed 'wings' to fly and glide whilst others haven't?

Actually the worst sun burn happens in the Antarctica region.

It's due to their diet. There isn't enough pressure for them to develop a lighter skin tone when they get all of their nutrients from the food they eat.

08-08-2015, 03:05 PM
I never knew that people, with dark eyes, had better vision than people with light eyes. I always heard that the best shots had light eyes. I should have paid more attention to the color of Annie Oakley's eyes. She had dark hair. I assumed, for some reason, that she had gray eyes. Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok had light eyes. Of course, the great Mongolian and Native American archers had dark eyes.

It depends on the context. Low luminosity, light eyes win. High luminosity that's dark eyes.

Anyway all this has little to do in the genetic sections i think. cARBON 666 DARK MATERR ON SATURNLOL, yea nothing to do around here..

08-08-2015, 03:12 PM
Human skin color is defined by climate that you live in.Niggers are black because they live in hot climate, white people are light skinned because they live in cold areas.Black skin is more superior for sun protection, but white skin for protection from cold temperatures.At the end of the day, in my eyes superior skin color is what is attractive in my eyes, and black women would never be more attractive than white one.Even white women with black hair and brown eyes are not that attractive compared to females with blonde hair and blue eyes.In my eyes, light skin is the superior one !

08-08-2015, 05:10 PM
revealmean, your anti-White propaganda is ridiculous. :picard2: Without us, you hadn't cars, computers, machines, electricity, Internet, planes and othern modern technology, industry and architecture.

Here are your 'superior' Melanin people:


And plus, White skin is aesthetically more beautiful. :) Melanin people should live at the equator, and we in the North. So leave Europe and Northern America and gtfo!
you and sweet lullaby shoudl first check the facts, how can i be antiwhite when i am white myself! your logic is ridiculous..

i am not antiwhite, i am pro science..

and no whites had no higher culture before industrialisation, the romans were swarthy, the greeks too, and nonwhites auch as egyptians, incas, aztecs, mayans, indians, chinese etc etera were light years ahead o us! so dont spread BD

08-08-2015, 05:12 PM
Human skin color is defined by climate that you live in.Niggers are black because they live in hot climate, white people are light skinned because they live in cold areas.Black skin is more superior for sun protection, but white skin for protection from cold temperatures.At the end of the day, in my eyes superior skin color is what is attractive in my eyes, and black women would never be more attractive than white one.Even white women with black hair and brown eyes are not that attractive compared to females with blonde hair and blue eyes.In my eyes, light skin is the superior one !
thats and old myth debunked already by various scientists

white skin and blue eyes are OCA2 tyorisanase malfubction

arctic animals such as polar bear and polar fox have brown eyes and dark skin underneath the white fur...

08-08-2015, 05:16 PM
revealmean, your anti-White propaganda is ridiculous. :picard2: Without us, you hadn't cars, computers, machines, electricity, Internet, planes and othern modern technology, industry and architecture.

Here are your 'superior' Melanin people:


And plus, White skin is aesthetically more beautiful. :) Melanin people should live at the equator, and we in the North. So leave Europe and Northern America and gtfo!
you lie as hell. the technology europeans got by raiding egypt, before that there was not even a sewage system in most of europe..

and dont tell me about romans and greeks which were heavily influenced by egypt and were not white but swarthy/mediterranean!

as egyptians, mayans, aztecs, olmecs and other dark skinned people built pyramids europe was living as barbarians with no technology dressing in leather and hunting with bows, until romans civilised the rest of europe, there was not even sewage, the eueopeans threw shit on the street, read som genuine history and dont spread supremacist fantsy..


08-08-2015, 05:20 PM
Human skin color is defined by climate that you live in.Niggers are black because they live in hot climate, white people are light skinned because they live in cold areas.Black skin is more superior for sun protection, but white skin for protection from cold temperatures.At the end of the day, in my eyes superior skin color is what is attractive in my eyes, and black women would never be more attractive than white one.Even white women with black hair and brown eyes are not that attractive compared to females with blonde hair and blue eyes.In my eyes, light skin is the superior one !

How so?

08-08-2015, 05:28 PM
How so?

Because the reason why white skin even exist is because of the mutation that was caused by colder climate

08-08-2015, 05:31 PM
proof all ancient cultures were dark skinned people

egyptans and olmecs

ancient chinese and mongolians were black they descended from the san people of africa

ancient europeans romans and greeks were swarthy not white



turks ottomans





08-08-2015, 05:33 PM
melanin found to be superior for health

glad to hear that, because I tanned this summer and now I look like a Gypsy, good to know it's so healthy

08-08-2015, 05:39 PM
proof all ancient cultures were dark skinned people

egyptans and olmecs

ancient chinese and mongolians were black they descended from the san people of africa

ancient europeans romans and greeks were swarthy not white




Well, term "ancient" tell us everething.They are history.White race is the product of higher evolution !

Ivan Kramskoï
08-08-2015, 05:45 PM
Go live in the Andamans island or in another melanin power shithole.
You can marry a melanin god woman, Europeans will be better without you.

08-08-2015, 05:46 PM
For being invisible in the dark as crime camouflage too; not to forget absolving you of any responsibility of your actions.

08-08-2015, 05:58 PM
Thats no discovery.This has been known for a long time,since sunscreen had to be invented for people with inferior skin which can't adapt to the sun and tan.

Tans look better on us. We tan gold, you tan brown. :cool:

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
08-08-2015, 05:59 PM
revealman is an edomite

08-08-2015, 06:01 PM
Tans look better on us. We tan gold, you tan brown. :cool:

That gold you speak of comes from a fake spray tan bottle.The only way people with pale skins tan is pork red,and then peel like snakes for a week.Only people with superior melanin rich skins can tan good,natural,and with no peeling or burns.

08-08-2015, 06:12 PM
I have the feeling that this kind of stuff is just to divide caucasians and even europeans among each other . as if only because in certain parts people are paler and others are darker it will make such an impact on the attributes . a pale Icelander and a dark Egyptian (non ssa mixed) dark med person are a lot closer to each other than each to ssa , australoids or whatever other "dark" people . if you want to show the ancient egyptian inventions and civilization as the "dark peoples" accomplishments then you have an agenda and make no sense

it is as if an ugandan claims ancient persians becasue they are swarthy :D

08-08-2015, 06:18 PM
That gold you speak of comes from a fake spray tan bottle.The only way people with pale skins tan is pork red,and then peel like snakes for a week.Only people with superior melanin rich skins can tan good,natural,and with no peeling or burns.

There's a difference between a spray tan and a natural one. For a natural tan just have a look at football players from fairer countries that are outside daily.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
08-08-2015, 06:28 PM
revealman, pandering to black people will not save you from their wrath that they will unleash on all whites once they get the chance, for revenge for all the horrid shit whites did to them.

revealman is a filthy edomite trying to suck up to the superior Hebrews, but no edomites shall be spared.

08-08-2015, 06:28 PM
Well, term "ancient" tell us everething.They are history.White race is the product of higher evolution !
no, the white culture is a copy of egyptian culture, stolen knowledge from alexandria..

till the renaissance europe was primitive as hell, this is no ideological conclusion, its proven by history..

08-08-2015, 06:32 PM
Because they haven't lived there long enough yet for the skin adapt to their environment. I don't know how cloudy it is there. Why have some fish and squirrels now developed 'wings' to fly and glide whilst others haven't?

Actually the worst sun burn happens in the Antarctica region.
thats BS

every arctic animal has black skin underneath the fur and all have dark eyes

snowburn is proof white skin is not an adaptation but a tyrosinase defect called OCA2

08-08-2015, 06:33 PM
Shut up revealman, you're a cracker too

yes, but i prefer science to white supremacist fables, especially when science proves melanin is superior in all aspects

look at hawkins for example, his disease is caused by lack of neuromelanin so called substantia negra, thats why white people are prone to parkinsons and alzheimers

08-08-2015, 06:37 PM
It's due to their diet. There isn't enough pressure for them to develop a lighter skin tone when they get all of their nutrients from the food they eat.
so much BS

the swedes and finns eeat as much fish and meat as eskimos and still are white, its not an adaptation is OCA2 tyrosinase defect


Charles Bronson
08-08-2015, 06:39 PM
What do you think about Vitamin D and Melatonin.

08-08-2015, 06:40 PM
From the OP's irrational and hysterical posts on threads it's pretty obvious he hates white people and does anything he can to belittle or attack white people.

Anyway, the Japanese have the longest life spans... and their nation is known for their skin paleness by skin lightening, and they can live to 120 and work past 100 years. Will Barack Obama live and work as long as that?

The Japanese lighten their skin as the liver functioning causes the skin to darken and go dull with age... so soft, bright and fair skin is associated with youth.

People with dark skin have a lot more problems absorbing vitamin D in areas of lower sunlight whereas pale people can absorb vitamin D quite easily in low sunlight and so dark people are more likely to develop rickets in places with lower sunlight levels. Fact. Although pale people are more likely to develop skin cancer without sun protection if they move to hot environments.

The evolution process in nature is what makes skin and eyes and hair different to survive in different types of climates and environments. That's why arctic wolves and siberian huskies also have beautiful white coats and pretty blue eyes too and why certain creatures have camouflage in their coats to blend with their environment making it easier for them to hunt.

I've absolutely nothing against dark people and I think there's beautiful people in all races, but I hate it when people mock, attack and say rude things about white peoples features and skin, eyes and hair, or vice versa.
yes you are right, the japanese are not white but they lighten skin because they watch american movies where whiteness is propagated as something superior

japanese have dark hair and dark eyes they are far from white!

here is your superior white youth skin BS

and no light skin is not sign of youth look here

all asians come from san people who migrated into asia from africa
https://www.google.at/search?q=san+people&client=opera&channel=suggest&tbm=isch&oq=san+people&gs_l=img.3..0j0i30l9.3673.5059.0.5203. .177.529.6j1.7.0....0...1ac.1.34.img..0.10.537.IFB wM1d3JS8

08-08-2015, 06:52 PM
watch the movie robin hood with costner showing you how far behind europe was when the moors who cultivated spain had rich culture and inventions, they had spyglasses, maths, arts, guitars and street lamps long before us europeans


08-08-2015, 06:57 PM
What do you think about Vitamin D and Melatonin.
melanin is crucial to vitamin d production this is the reason why black have superior bone mass and muscle mass

when you look at white rugby players they are jacked with steroids

melanin is a superconductor, it transforms energy of sunlight into bioelectricity for the body

melanin and melatonin are crucial for pineal gland healzh and healthy sleep, many whites have problems sleeping without pills, cause they have lack of melatonin in the pineal gland, thus thew pineal gland is not able to produce enough hormones for growth and helathy sleep and immune system


ancient europeans also practiced eating of black mummies pineal glands its proven by history

This old article from 1920 talks about blonde and brunette women being scientifically shown to act different because blonde people have pineal glands that are smaller and produce less pineal gland juice! Amazing evidence that they have been studying some sort of connection to melanin and the pineal gland for quite some time!


I am only reporting what I find. This article from 1915 goes into how they have tried feeding "Backward Children" pineal glands to make them smart and how the pineal glands eaten must be from the young in order to work properly....very creepy and very telling as to why the elite may be so into abortion, stem cells because the blood and pineal glands of babies have specific chemical properties they think will make they wise and live longer. http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1915-09-22/ed-1/seq-8/

europeans buy melanin and melanotan to improve their weak immune system
one gramm of melanin is more expensive than gold

the reason for racism is the inferiority complex of whites

now we know rh negative blood and blondism/ginger hair is not from aliens or superior but recessive traits of OCA2, this is the reason white rh negative women are not able to bear a positive child

08-08-2015, 06:58 PM

08-08-2015, 07:03 PM
all asians come from san people who migrated into asia from africa
https://www.google.at/search?q=san+people&client=opera&channel=suggest&tbm=isch&oq=san+people&gs_l=img.3..0j0i30l9.3673.5059.0.5203. .177.529.6j1.7.0....0...1ac.1.34.img..0.10.537.IFB wM1d3JS8

I always thought these people looked dark skinned asians.

08-08-2015, 07:09 PM
Pale skin = Cancer

08-08-2015, 07:11 PM
light eyes see better at night.

08-08-2015, 07:19 PM

rh negative blood and white skin link to albinism

neanderthals lived in area of germany modern france and spain this is why most of the white people have rh negative blood in this regions which is recessive OCA2



this explains whhy celts and germans were discribed as pale and red/blonde by roman historians

Queen B
08-08-2015, 07:19 PM
Melanin is superior for health, but still whites have longer life expectancy.
That only means how much more superior than blacks they are

08-08-2015, 07:20 PM
light eyes see better at night.

I think you are a nordicist

08-08-2015, 07:22 PM
I always thought these people looked dark skinned asians.
the chinese and thais are the proof they descended fromthe san people


unbleached japanese
http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Kazuya+Yamamura+Japan+Men+Official+Olympic+dgWL6hD Ergrl.jpg

Charles Bronson
08-08-2015, 07:25 PM
now we know rh negative blood and blondism/ginger hair is not from aliens or superior but recessive traits of OCA2, this is the reason white rh negative women are not able to bear a positive child

My blood type is AB- but I am not blonde or blue eyed and my mother have the same features and I am healthy this is a moron theorie.

08-08-2015, 07:30 PM
light eyes see better at night.
haha yes for sure..

thats BS

bats are nocturnal and have guess?! dark eyes full of melanin!


another nocturnal animal

as for the BS theory white skin is adapted to cold weather and low sunlight ;)

white racism is inferiority complex, look at england how is it called? albion = anagram for albino, albania too

and another thing, why do white soldiers need nocturnal vision when light eyes are for darkness.. so much BS


08-08-2015, 07:34 PM
My blood type is AB- but I am not blonde or blue eyed and my mother have the same features and I am healthy this is a moron theorie.
because you are not pure white, you are mix of brunette and white

you have melanin in hair and eyes

08-08-2015, 07:36 PM
Melanin is superior for health, but still whites have longer life expectancy.
That only means how much more superior than blacks they are
of course we have, because we steal all resources from nonwhites and feed their crops to our pigs and cows..

of course we can live longer when we let them hungry:picard1:

08-08-2015, 07:37 PM
In my country, people with darker skin & more melanin are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Queen B
08-08-2015, 07:39 PM
of course we have, because we steal all resources from nonwhites and feed their crops to our pigs and cows..
of course we can live longer when we let them hungry:picard1:
Poor blacks :picard1::picard1::picard1:
Its not whites' fault that they can't advance themselves and stay poor.

♥ Lily ♥
08-08-2015, 07:39 PM
haha yes for sure..

thats BS

bats are nocturnal and have guess?! dark eyes full of melanin!

Everyone knows that bats have very poor vision, hence the term 'blind as a bat'. They navigate and 'see' by using echolocation!! Bats emit lots of high pitched sounds that are above the hearing range of humans. The noises they make bounce off shapes and are sent back to the bats huge ears and that's how a bats brain recognises distance, shapes and objects, and how they were able to fly through narrow wires in the dark without touching them in a science experiment. Echolocation!



Owls are nocturnal, but they also have a sophisticated level of sonar abilities and their heads are like satellite dishes, as this short BBC wildlife clip shows;


You know little about science and evolution, despite evolution being everywhere one observes in nature, plants, insects, mammals, marine life, etc. Pale skin helps people to absorb vitamin D in areas where there's lower levels of sunlight. Dark skin prevents skin cancer for humans who live in hotter environments. Darker skinned people in Africa tend to have thicker lips, eyelashes and coarser hair to protect their scalp.

It's natural adaption to environments and it's no coincidence that the hotter the area, the darker the people who've lived there for many generations are in their skin, eyes and hair. It's just nature. Extra pigmentation isn't needed in areas with low sunlight levels.

Ivan Kramskoï
08-08-2015, 07:42 PM
of course we have, because we steal all resources from nonwhites and feed their crops to our pigs and cows..

of course we can live longer when we let them hungry:picard1:
Impossible to say something more stupid.

08-08-2015, 07:49 PM
In my country, people with darker skin & more melanin are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency.
the theory of black having lower vitamin d in northern europe and america is bogus


all propaganda

08-08-2015, 07:49 PM
From the words of our official Government site.



08-08-2015, 07:50 PM
From the words of our official Government site.



white propaganda and debunked easily

why children in england and scotland had rickets epidemy if they are supposedly adapted to low uv? they live on sea coast with plenty fish

your theory is BS supreme

i debunk all those propaganda and white wash easily! this is not scientific but fantasy theory based on the fact whites want accept the OCA2 albinism is the cause of whiteness

science debunks your white skin adapted to low uv BS bogus

08-08-2015, 07:55 PM

cause of blondism/gingerism and white skin

i am expert in melanin cause i started to research on this topic after members of my family in slovakia who have light skin and blue eyes had eye surgeries and skin melanoma

then i realised the fact whites are not cold adapted at all. why doe i get sunburn while skiing? how can my ancestors living in mountain regions have melanoma and eye problems, eskimos are cold adapted, because dark skin attracts and absorbs sunlight like a black cooking pan, while light skin reflects it like snow! thus white skin adaptation is BS

ALBION is anagram for ALBINO now you know why anglosaxons and celts are so pale

♥ Lily ♥
08-08-2015, 07:58 PM
white racism is inferiority complex, look at england how is it called? albion = anagram for albino, albania too


You don't know much about history either. Albion was the ancient Greek name given to Great Britain due to the White Cliffs of Dover!! :picard1: Sailors saw the white cliffs and knew they were close to reaching the island.


White people aren't albinos. You don't know what an albino is.

08-08-2015, 07:59 PM

08-08-2015, 08:07 PM
You don't know much about history either. Albion was the ancient Greek name given to Great Britain due to the White Cliffs of Dover!! :picard1: Sailors saw the white cliffs and knew they were close to reaching the island.


White people aren't albinos. You don't know what an albino is.

nice fairytale indeed

the truth is, asian albinos fled to noth european low uv cold climate to survive.. just like the pale skinned hunza tribe

humans are tropical apes, we are not made for cold climate, this is why we need heaters, fire,stoves and animal fur clothes..

08-08-2015, 08:15 PM
science is clear on this, all else is wishful thinking and propaganda





08-08-2015, 08:25 PM

lowest uv ever, no white skin and light eyes


melanin rich eyes and skin of polar bear



♥ Lily ♥
08-08-2015, 08:26 PM
nice fairytale indeed

the truth is, asian albinos fled to noth european low uv cold climate to survive.. just like the pale skinned hunza tribe

humans are tropical apes, we are not made for cold climate, this is why we need heaters, fire,stoves and animal fur clothes..

No fairytale.

Why do humans need expensive air-conditioning and cooling fans in the summer and shoes on our feet when we walk around? Next you'll say that umbrellas aren't natural to use when it rains and that we should shelter under a big tree in a forest instead. :D

Anyway, it's pointless debating with you.

08-08-2015, 08:32 PM
No fairytale.

And why do humans need expensive air-conditioning and cooling fans in the summer?

Anyway, it's pointless debating with you.
because they eat too much animal fat and cholesterol which overheats the body and produces too much adenosine triphosphate

one should eat watery foods in summer such as fruits and melons

08-08-2015, 09:00 PM
The Eskimo diet is about as vitamin d enriched as it gets. You know fish oil.

You may have noticed that white people do go brown in the sun & then light in winter, thus can adapt to both conditions. The white people who struggle with the sun are those with higher Pheomelanin, like myself.

08-08-2015, 09:19 PM

This changes everything !

08-08-2015, 09:23 PM
The Eskimo diet is about as vitamin d enriched as it gets. You know fish oil.

You may have noticed that white people do go brown in the sun & then light in winter, thus can adapt to both conditions. The white people who struggle with the sun are those with higher Pheomelanin, like myself.
white poeple are generally at risk of many diseases because their melanin levesl are very low, every living being needs crabon 12 to be helathy and strong

white tigers have often blondish fur and lot of helath problms the same as white or cream colour dobermans

this explains also why white folks have weak immune system and eyesight and are prone to parkinsons and alzheimers including aspergers and autism cause of low neuromelanin(substantia nigra)

this is not funny! this is scienctific facts

my grandma and grandpa had several eyes surgeries because blue eyes and my aunt had melanoma and sadly is not with us..

only fools and supremacist think it is healthy to produce blonde children with blue eyes, a sane person mixes with those who have dark eyes and hair to boost immune system and melanin

those who can tan are mostly quadroons and octaroon such as https://www.google.at/search?q=quadroon&client=opera&hs=UIY&channel=suggest&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAUQ_AVqFQoTCNbWnMO1mscCFUO6FAodb-gE-w

blondes do not tan its only upper layer of skin which burns and peels off!!!


08-08-2015, 09:26 PM

This changes everything !
perfect find! this is the ultimative proof that the theory of white skin cold adaptation is BS

exactly is posted this several pages ago :)



08-08-2015, 09:31 PM
Perhaps that is why Europeans have been the driving force behind social and technological innovation in the modern era, to combat their supposed "weakness". Also, I would warn against drawing the conclusion that low melanin causes nearsightedness... it is more often related to environmental effects; for example a recent study showed that 90% of Chinese school children are near sighted (http://healthland.time.com/2012/05/07/why-up-to-90-of-asian-schoolchildren-are-nearsighted)... and they all have brown eyes.

08-08-2015, 09:37 PM
Melanin does have its benefits, such as ability to absorb more sunlight which supplements vitamin D bodily needs. Vitamin D is also very important.

Neon Knight
08-08-2015, 09:37 PM

This changes everything !

Was she trying to break the world record for the fastest spoken video broadcast?

08-08-2015, 10:02 PM
I never knew that people, with dark eyes, had better vision than people with light eyes. I always heard that the best shots had light eyes. I should have paid more attention to the color of Annie Oakley's eyes. She had dark hair. I assumed, for some reason, that she had gray eyes. Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok had light eyes. Of course, the great Mongolian and Native American archers had dark eyes.

They don't. The people with the statistically worst eyesight in the entire world are East-Asians whom have extremely dark eyes.

I have completely blue eyes and I scored pretty much as good color perception as you possibly can get from taking a test (99th percentile), and I've got 20/20 vision. It's true, however, that light eyes are more sensitive to strong sunlight and therefore can get damaged more easily, if they're exposed to that often.

Something that ACTUALLY is associated with not as good eyesight, at least color perception most likely, is having a flat/small occiput as that's where the visual cortex is located. However there are MUCH more factors.

♥ Lily ♥
08-08-2015, 10:09 PM
Medical tests on this Chinese boy with blue eyes shows he can read books in total darkness
and they claim he has night vision and reflective eyes that glow in the dark like a cat.




Arctic creatures have white coats which helps them to camouflage in the snow,
just like an alligator can camouflage in marshy waters,
and a lion with a beige coat can camouflage itself in a desert.


Snow leopards have coats that match their natural habitat of snow and grey rocks.



Swans are white with orange or yellow beaks in England, but swans are ebony with pink beaks in Australia.


08-08-2015, 10:39 PM
My ancestors didn't really think it through when they decided to come here :p. My skin is very sensitive to the sun, and in some ways it is a 'curse' for me, as I always have to be very careful, even in winter.

Neon Knight
08-08-2015, 10:53 PM
Ah, it all makes sense now. Thank you. No wonder Hulk has green skin.

His purple trousers are, presumably, a lifestyle choice.

08-08-2015, 11:42 PM
It depends on the context. Low luminosity, light eyes win. High luminosity that's dark eyes.

That's a good point. Of course, modern technology equals the playing field.

08-08-2015, 11:50 PM
That's a good point. Of course, modern technology equals the playing field.

It doesn't matter anymore because polar bears are black now.

08-08-2015, 11:55 PM
They don't. The people with the statistically worst eyesight in the entire world are East-Asians whom have extremely dark eyes.

I have completely blue eyes and I scored pretty much as good color perception as you possibly can get from taking a test (99th percentile), and I've got 20/20 vision. It's true, however, that light eyes are more sensitive to strong sunlight and therefore can get damaged more easily, if they're exposed to that often.

Something that ACTUALLY is associated with not as good eyesight, at least color perception most likely, is having a flat/small occiput as that's where the visual cortex is located. However there are MUCH more factors.

Hence the driving jokes.

You confirm my belief that vision has more to do with various factors than with one factor (melanin). I agree with you that light eyes are more sensitive in certain situations, but they are not inferior to dark eyes.

A fun fact, that you probably know, is that males are much more susceptible to color blindness.

08-08-2015, 11:59 PM
It doesn't matter anymore because polar bears are black now.

That'll ruin the urban hunting game.

08-09-2015, 12:01 AM
His purple trousers are, presumably, a lifestyle choice.

It takes a confident man to wear purple trousers!

08-10-2015, 01:31 AM
Medical tests on this Chinese boy with blue eyes shows he can read books in total darkness
and they claim he has night vision and reflective eyes that glow in the dark like a cat.




Arctic creatures have white coats which helps them to camouflage in the snow,
just like an alligator can camouflage in marshy waters,
and a lion with a beige coat can camouflage itself in a desert.


Snow leopards have coats that match their natural habitat of snow and grey rocks.



Swans are white with orange or yellow beaks in England, but swans are ebony with pink beaks in Australia.

BS again
humans cannot see in the dark we are not nocturnal animals, nor are we cold adapted, we are tropical aquatic apes!
we dont have tapetum lucidum like cats !

the story of the boy is made up fiction

white swans have dark eyes as have polar bears and arctic foxes, only their fur/feathers change color in winter for camouflage but their eyes and skin are pigmented! there is no arctic animal with blue eyes this further debunks the blue eyes cold adaptation BS

house cats and dogs with light eyes are man made hybrids who never lived in the wild, same goes for the white depigmented lab rats

08-10-2015, 01:34 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_color (under Medical Implications)

"Those with lighter iris color have been found to have a higher prevalence of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) than those with darker iris color;[51] lighter eye color is also associated with an increased risk of ARMD progression.[58] An increased risk of uveal melanoma has been found in those with blue, green or gray iris color.
.[42][45] However, a study in 2000 suggests that people with dark brown eyes are at increased risk of developing cataracts and therefore should protect their eyes from direct exposure to sunlight.[59]

Some study stated also stated "The lighter the eyes, the weaker the immune system."

Apparently, the light eyes have much more medical complications than the dark eyes. So in medical sense, the dark eyes is healthier and stronger gene, therefore, it's the superior gene. It's the normal gene.

How can light eyes be an adaptation for cold environment when they are photosensitive and there is strong sunlight reflection in the north from snow!! makes scientifically no sense, the theory is BS

08-10-2015, 01:37 AM
Perhaps that is why Europeans have been the driving force behind social and technological innovation in the modern era, to combat their supposed "weakness". Also, I would warn against drawing the conclusion that low melanin causes nearsightedness... it is more often related to environmental effects; for example a recent study showed that 90% of Chinese school children are near sighted (http://healthland.time.com/2012/05/07/why-up-to-90-of-asian-schoolchildren-are-nearsighted)... and they all have brown eyes.
Quite a lot of East Asians wear glasses not that the East Asian eyes geneticaly have eye problems, it's a result of too much studying as well as the Japanese have history of staring at the sun.

08-10-2015, 01:54 AM
Some Whites have sought to explain their White skin by declaring that they became "Cold Adapted" Humans, owing to their adaptation to the Northern Climate, and that they have narrow noses to moisten and warm air as it enters the lung. Of course that is all patently false. ALL modern Humans are "Tropically Adapted" regardless of skin color, because we all evolved in the savannahs of Africa. Furthermore; The White mans true homeland (Central Asia) is not an extreme environment, it has a moderate UV index (5) and moderate Winters with Hot Summers. Also, Central Asia was UNAFFECTED by the last "Ice age". Therefore there was NO ENVIORMENTAL NEED for the White man to become "Cold Adapted" or White. For those unfamiliar with the term "Cold Adapted": It derives from the analysis of Neanderthal skeletons: Quote - "they exhibit anatomic adaptations to cold, especially in Europe, such as large body cores and relatively short limbs, which maximize heat production and minimize heat loss". Of course, there are no Humans who look like that - of ANY color! See Homo-2 section for more on Neanderthal. Humans do NOT adapt to extreme temperature environments by changing color, or growing narrow noses, here is how we do it. As mammals, humans can generally be classified as physiological regulators: our physiology works to maintain a stable internal physiological environment in spite of changes in the external environment. Temperature is a crucial environmental variable, as it affects the occurrence and rate of physiological processes (e.g. enzyme digestion of food). Mammals are temperature regulators that generate heat and control their internal temperature to maintain a consistent internal body temperature so that the internal physiological processes continue as usual, in spite of external environmental temperature. Mammals are endothermic: they generate their own internal heat. This enables them to survive in cold environments that are closed to ectotherms (animals that cannot generate their own internal heat and are dependent upon the environment) e.g. reptiles, insects. Humans therefore have a relatively wide temperature tolerance: they can survive in environments of varying temperature. Endothermy does have a cost: it requires a higher food intake to fuel the internal heat generators. Endothermy is a more energy costly physiological strategy than ectothermy. Humans therefore require a higher food intake per gram of body weight than a similarly sized ectotherm would. Interestingly, the TRUTH is just the opposite of what Whites claim. The original inhabitants of the Arctic regions: people who have actually mastered living in Cold, low sunlight environments, are ALL Brown skinned, flat-nosed Mongol people, such as Eskimos and Nenets, (they have lived in these areas since about 15,000 B.C.).

08-10-2015, 02:15 AM
the supposedly "cold adapted" white europeans colonised south africa, america, australia and other hot climate environments because no human is cold adapted, we are tropical apes and love warm sunny environment, but whites lack the melanin so australia and israel have highest cancer rates.. whites settled in cold north to survive their OCA2 condition, not because they are adapted,
polar bears and eskimos both generate heat from the arctic sun through melanin in eyes and skin! like a black cooking pan which attracts light/heat


something on OCA2 gene responsible for blonde/red hair and blue eyes

08-10-2015, 02:30 AM
brown eyes actually attract more light than light eyes because light eyes reflect it, melanated brown eyes attract light so you can see even better in the dark! darker object attract light lighter repel/reflect it, try wearing black in summer..

Melanin is capable of transforming ultraviolet light energy into heat in a process known as "ultrafast internal conversion"; more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation is transformed from potentially genotoxic (DNA-damaging) ultraviolet light into harmless heat.

nocturnal animals(lowest uv)

08-10-2015, 02:35 AM
So here is my hypothesis. It includes both anecdotal evidence and published studies. If it is possible that redheads are more vulnerable to an autism diagnosis and therefore more prevalent on the autism spectrum, I believe that looking for the reasons for that could open doors on causation and possible treatments, not only for that population but for many others.

My first thoughts about the possible mechanism that makes redheads unique had to do with obviously hair color but also skin. Redheads are usually very fair-skinned, blue-eyed and tend to burn in the sun. There are, though, a "spectrum" of redheads who have some of these factors, but differ IN OTHER WAYS. Some can have brown eyes OR green eyes and some can tan, but the majority share the common thread of LOW MELANIN. That then became my research road - melanin - and my hypothesis IS that those with insufficient or dysfunctional melanin were more at risk of succumbing to the medical and behavioral symptoms that currently are called "autism". My initial look into this brought me to many studies which sure looked to strengthen my hypothesis. Note that these studies tend to deal with other, yet SIMILAR, neuro-degenerative diagnoses. Here are Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease:

"Neuronal pigments of melanic type were identified in the putamen, cortex, cerebellum, and other major regions of human brain. These neuronal pigments have some structural similarities to the melanin found in skin. Furthermore, the resulting melanic component serves an additional protective role through its ability to chelate and accumulate metals, including environmentally toxic metals such as mercury and lead...... the neuromelanin concentration normally increases linearly with age. In Parkinson's disease, the tissue concentration of neuromelanin decreases dramatically because DA pigmented neurons are preferentially lost compared with nonpigmented ones. Reduced neuronal content of neuromelanin in substantia nigra has been reported in patients with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and Rett syndrome."http://www.ageofautism.com/2010/06/autism-and-redheads-the-canaries-in-the-epidemic-part-1.html

08-10-2015, 05:07 AM
depigmented albino animals have same health problems cause they< lack melanin naturally found in every animal

scientist found albinism is caused by inbreeding
the only known albino gorilla had blue eyes and got skin cancer and his albinism was caused by inbreeding


gypsy couple gets albino child from inbreeding between cousins

and here an explanation white skin and blue eyes are not an adaptation but caused by OCA2

as for whites producing more vitamin d hoax here it is debunked:

Sally the first
08-10-2015, 08:14 AM
haha do you have something against us white people, buddy?

08-10-2015, 09:31 AM
haha do you have something against us white people, buddy?

Minority complex, I assume. :)

08-10-2015, 09:46 AM
haha do you have something against us white people, buddy?
aha, "us white people"?

are we slovaks not white only the irish? :D

its not about "for or against", its about the function of melanin and disadvantage of having a lack of it

08-13-2015, 03:29 AM


08-13-2015, 03:41 AM
why do you think white people invented sunglasses and why 80% need optical glasses?! surely not for fun..

the lighter the eyes the weaker the vision

Sure, tell that to those dark eyed Asians with glasses ....

08-13-2015, 03:49 AM
Sure, tell that to those dark eyed Asians with glasses ....

They need glasses because they squint.

08-13-2015, 03:52 AM
They need glasses because they squint.

They squint because they cant see. For every light eyed with glasses there's a hundred Asians and the occasional blacks

08-13-2015, 03:53 AM
They squint because they cant see. For every light eyed with glasses there's a hundred Asians and the occasional blacks

you're badass, turns me on

08-13-2015, 03:55 AM
you're badass

and with no glasses :D

08-13-2015, 03:56 AM
and with no glasses :D

glasses are sexy, can you wear them for me

08-13-2015, 03:58 AM
glasses are sexy, can you wear them for me

sorry no

08-13-2015, 04:00 AM
sorry no

no means yes in greek

08-13-2015, 04:02 AM
no means yes in greek

means no in albanian

Carlito's Way
08-15-2015, 04:31 AM
I am part of the superior melanin rich gang

we dont crack, although they shouldve used other ethnicities like Indians, Native Americans, Turkish, Southeast Asians, Hispanics of mixed race ect. and not just blacks but this tells you a lot


08-18-2015, 09:43 AM

08-18-2015, 10:03 AM
white skin and light eyes = carbon deficiency! weak organism

Carbon – All Life on Earth is built upon carbon and carbon-based compounds, DNA, RNA, and protein all use carbon in their “backbones” to link all the functional groups together, and there are only 3 non-mineral nutrients that plants use: hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon (water included as H2O).

Melanin and Life “Melanin is the chemical key to life itself” (Suzar). It is found abundantly at conception and during embryonic development. It covers and protects both the sperm and egg. Within the embryo, brain cells, nerve cells and melanocytes all originate from the same source – the neural crest. The absence of melanin in embryonic development can cause birth defects and miscarriage. Most of the brain is heavily melaninated; melanin is concentrated in the area of the brain responsible for sensory, motor, emotional, and motivational activities. All individuals, regardless of race, have this black brain-melanin in different amounts.

08-26-2015, 05:11 PM

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
08-26-2015, 05:17 PM
but i think white people are better off in the icy cold, whereas people with melanin are better in hot areas.

09-03-2015, 04:35 PM
I'm just leaving this here:


•Blacks appear to be biologically older than whites of the same chronological ages.
•Biological age differences by race increase up until ages 60–69, and then decline.
•Race differences in biological age show evidence for mortality selection.
•Higher biological ages among blacks fully account for their higher mortality risk.

04-06-2017, 12:01 AM
seems like white skin is the most inferior


04-06-2017, 12:03 AM
Sure, tell that to those dark eyed Asians with glasses ....
they get myopia cause they spend too much time indoors! it is unhealthy and unnatural to spend most time indoors.. only vampires and albinos must spend most of their time indoors

asian children who spend time outdoors never need glasses..


04-06-2017, 12:23 AM
white people are in fear of global warming bbecause lack of melanin! they tll you the truth in movies like "i am legend"


04-06-2017, 12:29 AM
Light skin people can stay more indoors due to absorbing D-vitamin better.

04-06-2017, 12:30 AM
Light skin people can stay more indoors due to absorbing D-vitamin better.

White people are far more prone to various genetic defects, malfunctions and disorders. Ever notice why white people have far more tolerance for milk the most lactose tolerant? Since white people reflect sunlight with white skin, they do not synthesize vitamin D like normal people, and this automatically decreases calcium levels in the blood. To compensate, they have to have calcium depleted from their bones, leaving their bones porous and weak and leaving whites susceptible to osteoporosis. Their bodies always need calcium because it is always robbed from their bodies. Normal people, after reaching a certain age, no longer need milk and should be waned off of it. In the wild, when was the last time you saw a full grown animal still suckling its mother? Actually, black people should not drink milk. They can get all of the Vitamin D they need from sunshine. Caucasians need supplements to help them make up for the Vitamin D deficiency. This is why most people who are lactose intolerant are black people and why white people are not only the most lactose tolerant, but needy. In the supermarket, notice how many products have calcium added in them from orange juice and other fruit juices to breakfast cereal? All that extra calcium fortification is to aid whites in their inability to maintain healthy vitamin D levels in their bodies because of the genetic defect. This is the governments way of “leveling the playing field” if you will.

so those assumingly "better absorbing" whites need to fortify everything right.. :picard1:

04-06-2017, 12:31 AM
White people are far more prone to various genetic defects, malfunctions and disorders. Ever notice why white people have far more tolerance for milk the most lactose tolerant? Since white people reflect sunlight with white skin, they do not synthesize vitamin D like normal people, and this automatically decreases calcium levels in the blood. To compensate, they have to have calcium depleted from their bones, leaving their bones porous and weak and leaving whites susceptible to osteoporosis. Their bodies always need calcium because it is always robbed from their bodies. Normal people, after reaching a certain age, no longer need milk and should be waned off of it. In the wild, when was the last time you saw a full grown animal still suckling its mother? Actually, black people should not drink milk. They can get all of the Vitamin D they need from sunshine. Caucasians need supplements to help them make up for the Vitamin D deficiency. This is why most people who are lactose intolerant are black people and why white people are not only the most lactose tolerant, but needy. In the supermarket, notice how many products have calcium added in them from orange juice and other fruit juices to breakfast cereal? All that extra calcium fortification is to aid whites in their inability to maintain healthy vitamin D levels in their bodies because of the genetic defect. This is the governments way of “leveling the playing field” if you will.
Are you melaninman?

Just go for Mediterranean diet. People around the Med rarely have problems with osteoporosis at elder age, unlike Northern Europeans.

04-06-2017, 12:37 AM
Are you melaninman?

Just go for Mediterranean diet. People around the Med rarely have problems with osteoporosis at elder age, unlike Northern Europeans.


so whites are at risk of vitamin d deficiency in northern hemisphere and when moving to sunny places they are at heavy risk of skin cancer! what a superior race indeed :coffee:

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-06-2017, 12:39 AM
melanin is definitely superior

blacks have bigger dicks :)

04-06-2017, 12:57 AM
swarth masterrace

04-06-2017, 12:59 AM

so whites are at risk of vitamin d deficiency in northern hemisphere and when moving to sunny places they are at heavy risk of skin cancer! what a superior race indeed :coffee:
Nothing happened to me in these 2 places and I am pale as snow.

04-06-2017, 01:21 AM
but why are inuits swarthy? They live in much colder climate than europeans.


Think Scandinavia, North France British Isles, and where my ancestors hail from the Baltic and White sea region all have higher humidity colder environments and because of this little sunlight through out the year, perfect place to adapt pale skin that does not tan. Innuits hail from more continental and drier cold environments with little cloud cover therefor more sunlight. I don't know if you know this but if its snowy and sunny it can be very bright and the innuits have adapted to that. Nose wise again adapted to drier cold environs while Euros for humidity. All there is to it. I'm proud to carry white skin as my ancestors adapted to the harsh dark cold environment of North East Europe I don't see it as a curse.

Dark skinned people living in that region of the world get vitamin D deficiency and are not adapted for such cold,dark and damp environment.

08-20-2017, 07:53 AM
As a ginger with blue eyes and shitty vision, I can confirm. XD

03-09-2018, 11:12 PM
Disadvantages of light pigmentation in high sunlight environments[edit]

Fatal neural tube defect
Light-skinned people living in high sunlight environments are more susceptible to the harmful UV rays of sunlight because of the lack of melanin produced in the skin. The most common risk that comes with high exposure to sunlight is the increased risk of sunburns. This increased risk has come along with the cultural practice of sunbathing, which is popular among some human populations. This cultural practice to gain tanned skin if not regulated properly can lead to sunburn, especially among very lightly-skinned humans. The overexposure to sunlight also can lead to basal cell carcinoma, which is a common form of skin cancer.

Another health implication is the depletion of folate within the body, where the overexposure to UV light can lead to megaloblastic anemia. Folate deficiency in pregnant women can be detrimental to the health of their newborn babies in the form of neural tube defects, miscarriages, and spina bifida, a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth.[60] The peak of neural tube defect occurrences is the highest in the May–June period in the Northern Hemisphere.[3] Folate is needed for DNA replication in dividing cells and deficiency can lead to failures of normal embryogenesis and spermatogenesis.[3][13][61]

Individuals with lightly pigmented skin who are repeatedly exposed to strong UV radiation, experience faster aging of the skin, which shows in increased wrinkling and anomalies of pigmentation. Oxidative damage causes the degradation of protective tissue in the dermis, which confers the strength of the skin.[15] It has been postulated that white women may develop wrinkles faster after menopause than black women because they are more susceptible to the lifetime damage of the sun through life. Dr. Taylor, of Yale University School of Medicine, concluded that the study could not prove the findings but they suspect the underlying cause. Light-coloured skin has been suspected to be one of the contributing factors that promote wrinkling.[62][63]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_skin#Disadvantages_of_light_pigmentation_in_ high_sunlight_environments

03-09-2018, 11:20 PM

07-05-2018, 08:34 AM