View Full Version : UK Foreign secretary talking sense about migration

Vladimir Putin
08-09-2015, 07:58 PM
It comes from a mainstream politician:

Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, says ‘maurauding’ migrants around Calais pose risk to security of Channel Tunnel and that sending them to their home countries must be ‘number one’ priority.

Millions of African migrants pose a threat to the standard of living and social structure of the UK and the rest of Europe, the Foreign Secretary has warned.

Philip Hammond said under EU laws migrants can be “pretty confident” that they will never be returned to their home countries, adding that it will not be “sustainable” if Europe has to “absorb” millions of African migrants.

[telegraph.co.uk] (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/11792798/Millions-of-African-migrants-threaten-standard-of-living-Philip-Hammond-says.html)– Millions of African migrants threaten standard of living, Philip Hammond says


08-09-2015, 11:38 PM
He told BBC News that in many cases migrants knew they only needed to set foot in the EU to be confident they would never be forced to leave.

Mr Hammond said: "We have got to be able to resolve this problem ultimately by being able to return those who are not entitled to claim asylum back to their countries of origin. That's our number one priority.

"As long as the Europe Union's laws are the way they are, many of them will only have to set foot in Europe to be pretty confident that they will never be returned to their country of origin.

"Now, that is not a sustainable situation because Europe can't protect itself and preserve its standard of living and social structure, if it has to absorb millions of migrants from Africa."

Mr Hammond also said more should be done to "enhance the physical security of the tunnel" at Calais, warning that "there are large numbers of pretty desperate migrants marauding around the area".

His comments follow criticism of the UK by a UN's special rapporteur on the human rights, who said that Britain's approach to the "courageous" migrants at Calais is tantamount to "racism".

Speaking to The Sunday Times, envoy Francois Crepeau said there was little difference between the migrants and UK travellers taking a "vacation in Thailand".

"It is remarkable that in most of our countries we have nothing against numerous Germans and French coming in and we dislike profoundly that people with darker skin colours are coming in."