View Full Version : Classify Arturo Valls, spanish presenter

08-10-2015, 05:53 PM
Born in Valencia

http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag391/emibuf/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/F413AEA9-B25C-44E9-9CF9-130F0A3AFD23_zpsbvgcndc5.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/emibuf/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/F413AEA9-B25C-44E9-9CF9-130F0A3AFD23_zpsbvgcndc5.jpg.html)http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag391/emibuf/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/8AA0FEB3-A990-46C6-AAF9-6B71C9F11A52_zpsxow4888v.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/emibuf/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/8AA0FEB3-A990-46C6-AAF9-6B71C9F11A52_zpsxow4888v.jpg.html)http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag391/emibuf/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/9AC983FD-2483-4D38-9257-D6FD1047E15F_zps3s4gyqcr.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/emibuf/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/9AC983FD-2483-4D38-9257-D6FD1047E15F_zps3s4gyqcr.jpg.html)

08-10-2015, 05:54 PM
He has a more Eastern vibe than the typical Spanish look (I think the East coast does in general though).

08-10-2015, 06:01 PM
what is your point? why so interested in the troll carnival?

08-10-2015, 06:10 PM
what is your point? why so interested in the troll carnival?

Do you know this is the section of taxonomy?
Take it easy.

08-10-2015, 06:15 PM
Trolls do really improve theirselves.

Now they publish the same troll-thread in pairs.


08-10-2015, 06:16 PM
The question below pertains the nature of the post and doesn't really respond the OP's question, therefore I will put it between spoiler tags.

Let me expand in my previous question;all you seem to be posting is threads of dark-complexed Spanish people and insinuate that Spaniards therefore are mixed. That is a very odd way of posting since you claim to be Spanish. It leads me to think that you are also one of those that think that being swarthy is somehow something to be ashamed off or a sign of being mixed (and therefore that being mixed is also something to be ashamed off).

In the Spanish case, most of the people that I have seen behavig this racist way are often liberals (in the anglo-saxon way, what we know in Spain as the "New Left") that suffers from some very strange form of post-colonial guilt which they try to compensate by at the same time being overly paternalistic to the races and nationalities they consider to be inferior, such as Muslim Moors and Latin-American Mestizos, while showing some even more strange admiration for the "Social Paradises" of Northen Europe (Such as Sweden or Norway) which they try to compensate with all this pseudo-transcultural rethoric as well as this fake camaraderie

("Don't Worry Mohamed, we are also half moors at heart").

But in my experience Mohamed is not worrying at all, he is just rolling his eyes, feeling insulted as they should, and doing the only thing it can be done when such opportunities are presented: Take them.

And yes; this may be the "taxonomy" section, but I can also make a personal osbervation here about your line of posting, which one doesn't have to be eagle-sighted to see it is clearly oriented to stir controversy between Northern-Europeans and Southern Europeans and among Southern Europeans themselves.

But what do you get out of it? you realy know there is no "taxonomy" here. There's no anthropologists in this board, not even what you could call "people with a healthy and scientific approach to amateur anthropology", the taxonomy section of this board could very well be a subsection of the "troll carnival". It has deteriorated to be one of the worst parts of this board and it probably only exists in its current form because all of the rage-clicks that sustains a certain ammount of traffic.

And I'm ok with that. I am ok with trolling here, it can be fun in moderation (and with active moderation) but I just haven't figured out your agenda yet. What is your point? What do you want to prove?

08-10-2015, 07:23 PM
The question below pertains the nature of the post and doesn't really respond the OP's question, therefore I will put it between spoiler tags.

Let me expand in my previous question;all you seem to be posting is threads of dark-complexed Spanish people and insinuate that Spaniards therefore are mixed. That is a very odd way of posting since you claim to be Spanish. It leads me to think that you are also one of those that think that being swarthy is somehow something to be ashamed off or a sign of being mixed (and therefore that being mixed is also something to be ashamed off).

In the Spanish case, most of the people that I have seen behavig this racist way are often liberals (in the anglo-saxon way, what we know in Spain as the "New Left") that suffers from some very strange form of post-colonial guilt which they try to compensate by at the same time being overly paternalistic to the races and nationalities they consider to be inferior, such as Muslim Moors and Latin-American Mestizos, while showing some even more strange admiration for the "Social Paradises" of Northen Europe (Such as Sweden or Norway) which they try to compensate with all this pseudo-transcultural rethoric as well as this fake camaraderie

("Don't Worry Mohamed, we are also half moors at heart").

But in my experience Mohamed is not worrying at all, he is just rolling his eyes, feeling insulted as they should, and doing the only thing it can be done when such opportunities are presented: Take them.

And yes; this may be the "taxonomy" section, but I can also make a personal osbervation here about your line of posting, which one doesn't have to be eagle-sighted to see it is clearly oriented to stir controversy between Northern-Europeans and Southern Europeans and among Southern Europeans themselves.

But what do you get out of it? you realy know there is no "taxonomy" here. There's no anthropologists in this board, not even what you could call "people with a healthy and scientific approach to amateur anthropology", the taxonomy section of this board could very well be a subsection of the "troll carnival". It has deteriorated to be one of the worst parts of this board and it probably only exists in its current form because all of the rage-clicks that sustains a certain ammount of traffic.

And I'm ok with that. I am ok with trolling here, it can be fun in moderation (and with active moderation) but I just haven't figured out your agenda yet. What is your point? What do you want to prove?

You won't be able to get an answer from the OP, save "we are in the taxonomy forum, or that is an anthroforum, etc...". Just such childish pretexts.

You know why? Because he is a simple troll, not even a good troll, but one of the simplest.

You are wondering why he is constantly trolling, and you suppose he has an agenda about.

I believe he has nothing at all, save serious mental disorders.

If you observe accurately, these kinds of internet places attract these kinds of mental handicapées. They can be easily distinguished among.

He knows very well that if he talked to you about, he would be quickly caught out.

That is the cause why you won't get a proper answer from him. Not even a simple answer.