View Full Version : FTDNA results for my grandfather, cousin, and sister: are they serious?!

08-12-2015, 02:22 PM
I got my FTDNA results for my grandfather, cousin, and sister. I sent in their AncestryDNA raw data files for the transfer. All I can say is the results are absolute SHIT! :mad: I have the FTDNA results posted here along with their AncestryDNA for comparison. Should I ask them to retest?

Sister's FTDNA:


Sister's AncestryDNA:


Cousin's FTDNA:


Cousin's AncestryDNA:


Grandfather's FTDNA:


Grandfather's AncestryDNA:


08-12-2015, 03:06 PM
Your sister's Jewish amount is very low! You're 25% Ashkenazi, right?

08-12-2015, 03:11 PM
Your sister's Jewish amount is very low! You're 25% Ashkenazi, right?

Yeah. We're also near 1/4 Swedish and she showed up with none.

08-12-2015, 03:58 PM
Yeah. We're also near 1/4 Swedish and she showed up with none.

Yeah, that's odd. Except for that small amount of 'Finnish', she shows up as mostly British Isles. Unless her Swedish ancestry was clustered under 'Western Europe'.

08-12-2015, 04:37 PM
I requested them to re-test my grandfather's data

08-12-2015, 10:50 PM
So, I requested that they re-test my grandfather's DNA because it wasn't accurate in the slightest bit.

Here's what I wrote:


My myOrigins interpretation seems incomplete. I show up as 98% British Isles/Western & Central Europe, and 2% Central Asian. This does not match up at all with what other tests have shown me. I am also concerned, because many family members of mine have taken the test (including my wife, and my grandsons), and for them British Isles and Western & Central Europe show up as two distinctly different regions. My granddaughter has it as one region as well.

I would like for you to re-run my data, and update my myOrigins results.


Here was their reply:

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your email. I hope you are doing well.

In some myOrigins results, British Isles and Western & Central Europe are grouped as a part of the same group if the participants' genetic markers tested fall generally more in line with this larger geographic region. If, however, an individual's markers are less homogeneous and we are able to distinguish better between these regions, genetically, they are split. A grandfather and grandson only share, for example, roughly about 25% of the same types of these markers. Therefore, the results between the two will likely differ significantly. Once the testing has passed our strict quality control standards, as yours have, we report it. After reported, we are unable to rerun the testing. Autosomal DNA test results across different companies may differ, as different companies use different reference population and methodologies.

For more information on how ours works, please visit https://www.familytreedna.com/learn/ftdna/myorigins-population-clusters/ and https://www.familytreedna.com/learn/user-guide/family-finder-myftdna/myorigins-methodology/

Have a wonderful day!

Look, I get it that each company believes that theirs is the best product, I really do. However, I do think FTDNA should acknowledge that the results make absolutely no sense. Is there anything that I should be asking further, or should I just accept that myOrigins just doesn't like my grandfather?

08-12-2015, 11:17 PM
Yeah, I thought my 23andme results were pretty shit, but this was even worse.

Cody Gearhart
08-12-2015, 11:20 PM
Do 23andme. i hear they're very good.

08-13-2015, 09:53 AM
Apples and Oranges, all over again.