View Full Version : Niccolo Donato's "Broderskab"; gay neo-Nazi love story

08-09-2010, 08:35 PM
Lars leaves the army and joins a group of neo-Nazis, which organises ruthless raids against Arabs and homosexuals. Apprenticeship to the 'brotherhood' is tough and Lars is supported by Jimmy, who acts as his mentor, charged with testing his trustworthiness and the preparation of fundamentalist far right texts in the style of 'Mein Kampf'. Unforeseeably, a passionate affair ensues between the two men. A love lived in secret, until the group's racist and violent rules end up forcing the pair to face the inevitable quandary: to betray their ideological 'brothers' or betray their lover other and their own feelings. Whatever the choice, it will lead to violence one way or another, whether physical or mental.¨
