View Full Version : nature is amoral

08-14-2015, 10:18 PM
The idea that you have a set of Natural Rights (to Life, Liberty, Property etc) is an immensely destructive belief that is naive and wrong. In case you do not know what this refers to, our entire culture, and especially Libertarianism has seized upon this idea that humans are somehow endowed with these ‘rights’ of which it is wrong to deny/take etc.

Nature – aka reality – owes you NOTHING. This is a key point to understand as we progress. Is there a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when one animal kills or steals from another? It is wrong when an animal takes what was someone elses? Does it care if the animal lived or died because of starvation, murder etc? No.

Likewise we are not separate from nature. Nature does not care if you live or die. It does not care you got smashed by a rock, or died from starvation. Nature is AMORAL. Once we get past out human bias this become clear, just like there is no inherrent wrong in one animal taking another, there is nothing moral about someone taking from someone else in the wild if it means survival. Now…I am not saying I support this, and this is a very key thing to understand, morality ONLY comes from what we collectively agree upon to bind ourselves to.

Nature is not moral in the sense declared by religions. Nature created lions to eat lambs, wolves to eat deer, hawks to eat sparrows, and the races of men to battle for women, territory, power and life. The battles are neither good or evil. They are just the facts of natures plan. A people who deny the plan will perish. In the cycles of soul-patterns, warriors win and cowards perish, either in this cycle or another.

beliefs vs. reason:

alpha vs. beta males:

misplaced compassion: