View Full Version : Classify Spanish football player Sergio Sanchez

08-16-2015, 06:00 AM

08-16-2015, 06:25 AM
Looks Italian.

08-16-2015, 06:37 AM
Atlanto-Med. both Atlanto CM and West Med are obvious in him. nice proportions, harmonious and symmetrical face. I was even about to say Palaeoatlantid

08-16-2015, 06:42 AM
Looks Italian.

Looks more Punjabi.

08-16-2015, 06:52 AM
You trying to use this guy to put spaniards down but he's very good looking.(nohomo)

08-16-2015, 03:59 PM
Atlanto Med + CM


08-16-2015, 04:06 PM
Atlanto Med + CM


Why CM?

08-16-2015, 04:14 PM
To me he looks like a mexican or argentinian mixed with an indian.I have a hard time believing that this is common in Spain.

08-16-2015, 04:15 PM
Atlanto Med.

08-16-2015, 04:15 PM
Uh, he's got a dark complexion therefore #spaniardsaremoors...:rolleyes:

He reminds me of a taller/more robust and less amerind-influenced Falcao. Both are handsome players tbh He has a very classically Spanish phenotype.

No he doesn't look particularly Italian although he wouldn't be the rarest italian either...and yes, some South Asians and Arabids with a very marked mediterranean look can have a sort of faux-euro mediterranean look.

Just look at the picture of Llamazares the CIA used to recreated a beardless Bin Laden. So yeah, they have some shared characteristics but at the same time they are also very distinct...

08-16-2015, 04:16 PM
Why CM?

I thought so because he is robust and has solid jaw . but could be only AtlantoMed

08-16-2015, 04:22 PM
I thought so because he is robust and has solid jaw . but could be only AtlantoMed

I imagine some of the most ancient south european groups looking a lot like him. He even looks somehow like that reconstruction of an early hunter gatherer that circulates around , minus the blue eyes...

08-16-2015, 04:24 PM
I imagine some of the most ancient south european groups looking a lot like him. He even looks somehow like that reconstruction of an early hunter gatherer that circulates around , minus the blue eyes...

yeah you are probably right

btw. he is not even that dark either and obviously tanned

lol at C27j

08-16-2015, 04:28 PM
To me he looks like a mexican or argentinian mixed with an indian.I have a hard time believing that this is common in Spain.

He has a fairly common look. Bear in mind that for most people in Spain, a tanned look is something considering more aesthetically pleasing than a pale look and for those lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean shores, there's abundance of sunlight to achieve very marked tans very gradually and jst as easy to mantain the tan througout the year.




He is good looking man and there's nothing particularly exotic about him. He reminds me of a more robust version of Banderas in some shots.

08-16-2015, 04:35 PM
He has a fairly common look. Bear in mind that for most people in Spain, a tanned look is something considering more aesthetically pleasing than a pale look and for those lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean shores, there's abundance of sunlight to achieve very marked tans very gradually and jst as easy to mantain the tan througout the year.




He is good looking man and there's nothing particularly exotic about him. He reminds me of a more robust version of Banderas in some shots.

most white people around the world think like that, it's not a spanish thing, but I agree with you

08-16-2015, 04:42 PM
most white people around the world think like that, it's not a spanish thing

Not most people, it varies from country to country and even within countries, it varies from one socio-economic class to the other.

08-16-2015, 04:43 PM
He has a fairly common look. Bear in mind that for most people in Spain, a tanned look is something considering more aesthetically pleasing than a pale look and for those lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean shores, there's abundance of sunlight to achieve very marked tans very gradually and jst as easy to mantain the tan througout the year.




He is good looking man and there's nothing particularly exotic about him. He reminds me of a more robust version of Banderas in some shots.

You live in Spain,you shall know better.But I can be fooled everyday allday that he is mexican.
And I agree about the tan look,that it is more appreciated than the pale one.For me,it's the other way around though.

08-16-2015, 04:53 PM
You live in Spain,you shall know better.But I can be fooled everyday allday that he is mexican.
And I agree about the tan look,that it is more appreciated than the pale one.For me,it's the other way around though.

That's because for the average north European, to achieve a mediterranean-like tan is very difficult and no without risks. Their healthy skin tone is one or two steps lighter than the average South European and their "carcinogenic" threshold to withstand sunlight exposure it is also one or two steps below what an average South European can withstand.

South Europeans can depigment very well during the wintertime to adapt to the lower levels of sunlight and they can tan darker than the north Europeans to make the best of outdoorsy mediterranean summers. So in most practical senses a "superior" complexion.

However South Europeans , even the ones that live in Malaga and work outdoors ad keep year-round tas like Sergio sanchez can (and will) burn if you release them in the tropics. For such climates, the amount of melanine needed is the equivalent of what a propperly brown to black skinned person has.

Still, Mediterranean complexion will offer you a slight advantage even in that weather over that of a North-Sea complexion while not offering any particular disadvantage in the North-Sea aea due to the above mentioned ability to depigment pretty well...

This said, I have seen some South Europeans here complaining more often of the lack of sunshine than of the lack of hot-weather. And some south Europeans with a generally very dark complexion who don't depigment enough, do suffer more problems due to lack of vitamin D than locals or the average SE.

08-16-2015, 05:30 PM
That's because for the average north European, to achieve a mediterranean-like tan is very difficult and no without risks. Their healthy skin tone is one or two steps lighter than the average South European and their "carcinogenic" threshold to withstand sunlight exposure it is also one or two steps below what an average South European can withstand.

South Europeans can depigment very well during the wintertime to adapt to the lower levels of sunlight and they can tan darker than the north Europeans to make the best of outdoorsy mediterranean summers. So in most practical senses a "superior" complexion.

However South Europeans , even the ones that live in Malaga and work outdoors ad keep year-round tas like Sergio sanchez can (and will) burn if you release them in the tropics. For such climates, the amount of melanine needed is the equivalent of what a propperly brown to black skinned person has.

Still, Mediterranean complexion will offer you a slight advantage even in that weather over that of a North-Sea complexion while not offering any particular disadvantage in the North-Sea aea due to the above mentioned ability to depigment pretty well...

This said, I have seen some South Europeans here complaining more often of the lack of sunshine than of the lack of hot-weather. And some south Europeans with a generally very dark complexion who don't depigment enough, do suffer more problems due to lack of vitamin D than locals or the average SE.
I agree that tanning for us is dangerous.But I prefer pale skin not because it would be dangerous/nigh-impossible for me to achieve a tanned skin,but simply because I like it more.It's not "I'm trying to be happy with what I got",really.Many tanned/dark individuals prefer white skin,hence the huge market for skin whitening stuff.And the same is true for many pale individuals,they love to spend time on the sun just to get dat dere tan,or if that's not an option then they result to tanning beds or whatever are those.

Peter Nirsch
08-16-2015, 05:35 PM

Mn The Loki TA Son
08-16-2015, 05:50 PM

This. Paleo-Atlantid.

08-16-2015, 05:58 PM
I agree that tanning for us is dangerous.But I prefer pale skin not because it would be dangerous/nigh-impossible for me to achieve a tanned skin,but simply because I like it more.It's not "I'm trying to be happy with what I got",really.Many tanned/dark individuals prefer white skin,hence the huge market for skin whitening stuff.And the same is true for many pale individuals,they love to spend time on the sun just to get dat dere tan,or if that's not an option then they result to tanning beds or whatever are those.

Yeah that's true, a lot of people in a lot of places just aren't happy with what they have and want the opposite. Bottle blondes and bottle brunnettes,=.

In Asia, particularly East Asia but also in some South Asian and South-East Asian countries whiteness is seeing as ideal and they soend a lot of money and time "whitenning" while in the UK pretty much every street has a "sun-bed saloon".

Meds have the advantage to be able to whiten and tan without the help of products, yet you also see the sunbeds in most cities where people work too much and spend little time outdoors...

In general though, Euromeds can't become as white as the whitest North Euros nor as Dark as the dessert dwellers, let alone Black Africans , South Indians or Austronesians. So while we cover a wider range of complexions than any other group on earth, very few of us can pull off the extremes.

In general I would have to say thoughm that regardless of social standing, in the Spanish case, being tanned is preferred,. But this is a relatively modern thing. Traditionally being tanned was a sign of working the fields and therefore being poor. Noble people and the burgeois where white skinned and those who couldn't whiten to a porcelain white used whitening products just like now they are used in China.

Here an example of tan-obsession gone horribly wrong to a South European




deracialization at its finest :P

08-16-2015, 06:09 PM
Yeah that's true, a lot of people in a lot of places just aren't happy with what they have and want the opposite. Bottle blondes and bottle brunnettes,=.

In Asia, particularly East Asia but also in some South Asian and South-East Asian countries whiteness is seeing as ideal and they soend a lot of money and time "whitenning" while in the UK pretty much every street has a "sun-bed saloon".

Meds have the advantage to be able to whiten and tan without the help of products, yet you also see the sunbeds in most cities where people work too much and spend little time outdoors...

In general though, Euromeds can't become as white as the whitest North Euros nor as Dark as the dessert dwellers, let alone Black Africans , South Indians or Austronesians. So while we cover a wider range of complexions than any other group on earth, very few of us can pull off the extremes.

In general I would have to say thoughm that regardless of social standing, in the Spanish case, being tanned is preferred,. But this is a relatively modern thing. Traditionally being tanned was a sign of working the fields and therefore being poor. Noble people and the burgeois where white skinned and those who couldn't whiten to a porcelain white used whitening products just like now they are used in China.

Here an example of tan-obsession gone horribly wrong to a South European




deracialization at its finest :P

Not just in East Asia,but in Africa too,especially Nigeria.It's really crazy.And that guy,well,I think he succeeded pulling off the extreme of the extreme.I think I've never seen a darker euro.Darn.