View Full Version : Classify couple of spanish hosts

08-19-2015, 04:39 PM
They are not really a couple, he's gay. Both are Catalans.

http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag391/emibuf/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/2C225DD7-1572-4151-8996-4B345B5FBE92_zpsuzxtrwoc.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/emibuf/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/2C225DD7-1572-4151-8996-4B345B5FBE92_zpsuzxtrwoc.jpg.html)http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag391/emibuf/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/FADAEAA2-B675-48A1-8F15-FC22EB437C5E_zps0hz2qht1.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/emibuf/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/FADAEAA2-B675-48A1-8F15-FC22EB437C5E_zps0hz2qht1.jpg.html)http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag391/emibuf/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/CD54C845-53A4-42C1-8F6C-367DA3797842_zpsh6t60elt.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/emibuf/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/CD54C845-53A4-42C1-8F6C-367DA3797842_zpsh6t60elt.jpg.html)

08-19-2015, 04:46 PM
Todavia nos tienes que explicar que pretendes conseguir. What is your point?

They look medirerranean. Thw girl in paeticular distinctly Spanish , the guy also but with a funny twist.

08-19-2015, 04:48 PM
Todavia nos tienes que explicar que pretendes conseguir. What is your point?

They look medirerranean. Thw girl in paeticular distinctly Spanish , the guy also but with a funny twist.

My point is show beauty of spanish people. Is it enough for you? Seriously, take it easy.

08-19-2015, 04:49 PM
The guy could pass further east like Greece. The girl is uniquely Spanish.

08-19-2015, 04:51 PM
The guy could pass further east like Greece. The girl is uniquely Spanish.

I agree. Pontid, gracile or east med?

08-19-2015, 04:58 PM
My point is show beauty of spanish people. Is it enough for you? Seriously, take it easy.

show to whom? sikeliot and cristiano viejo? lol hinestly, what is your point?

08-19-2015, 05:02 PM
show to whom? sikeliot and cristiano viejo? lol hinestly, what is your point?

Do you really think I have a secret agenda? Don't be childish. I like this kind of taxonomy.

08-19-2015, 05:02 PM
The girl is Atlanto-Med... maybe with a little CM in her features.

The guy looks South-Eastern to me.

08-19-2015, 05:03 PM
I agree. Pontid, gracile or east med?

Atlanto-Med but is not far from Pontid. What is his name?

08-19-2015, 05:04 PM
Atlanto-Med but is not far from Pontid. What is his name?

Nando Escribano.

08-19-2015, 05:09 PM
Do you really think I have a secret agenda? Don't be childish. I like this kind of taxonomy.

I don't think. I know and everyone else knows too. Just not sure what kind of troll you are.

This isn't taxonomy. Not even amateur. Don't pretend you don't know. What is your point?

08-19-2015, 05:14 PM
I don't think. I know and everyone else knows too. Just not sure what kind of troll you are.

This isn't taxonomy. Not even amateur. Don't pretend you don't know. What is your point?

The only one who is trying to troll all threads about spanish people are you. Why? Both know it: self-hatred.

08-19-2015, 05:24 PM
The only one who is trying to troll all threads about spanish people are you. Why? Both know it: self-hatred.

I will entertain your idea. Please quote me saying something self-hating.

08-19-2015, 05:26 PM
I will entertain your idea. Please quote me saying something self-hating.

All your interventions in this thread.

08-19-2015, 05:30 PM
All your interventions in this thread.

anything in concrete?

08-19-2015, 05:32 PM
The only one who is trying to troll all threads about spanish people are you. Why? Both know it: self-hatred.

Did you already forget me? So soon?

I used to be your favourite "troll who trolls all my threads", according to you.

No. Caxtil is not the only one who wonders what kind of troll you are. Me neither.

Every Spaniard here in this forum -even most of Portuguese and Latinoamerican ones- are wondering what kind of dammed troll you are.

Do you know why?

Because all of us have no doubt at all that you are a fucking troll.

The quid would be simply the main motive of it. Your leitmotiv for it.

Hence the question of Caxtil.

Got it?

08-19-2015, 05:38 PM
Indon't think he is one of the bad trolls. just wondering if his "reasons" are more similar to sikeliots or he is just part of the racist team. Anyway if he doesn't want to say I guess it's fine. He is in his right to keep his agenda to himself. No point in asking again.

08-19-2015, 05:44 PM
Supongo que si siempre publicara fotos de españoles con aspecto menos "racial" o más "norte europeo" no habría ningún problema, ¿me equivoco?

08-19-2015, 05:54 PM
I don't know really Sikeliot's reasons.

About that guy I have no special interest in knowing his "reasons".

I think he's spinning around the orbit of the mental handicapées, by having him as one of the typical borderliner on the personality disfunctions spectrum.

It depends on his age.

Someones tend to get it over over the years. However, others -once those years have already passed- remain unfortunately in this state forever and ever. It is what the people from Rio de la Plata tend to define as unos reverendos tarados. This subject here can be one of them, as a tool to get the attention of the others, and always in order to get some satisfaction in his sad existence.

08-19-2015, 06:17 PM
Supongo que si siempre publicara fotos de españoles con aspecto menos "racial" o más "norte europeo" no habría ningún problema, ¿me equivoco?

Supones mal.

Te consideraría lo mismo de tarado que algún que otro desnortado australoide que se pendonea igual que tú por aquí.

El caso es que realmente ya se sabe lo que eres. El quid de la cuestión estaría en saber -no es mi caso*- en conocer el porqué.

*Creo que ya te he dicho en multitud de ocasiones lo que creo que eres, que ya de por sí sería la respuesta al porqué de tu actitud.

08-19-2015, 06:18 PM
I don't know really Sikeliot's reasons.

About that guy I have no special interest in knowing his "reasons".

I think he's spinning around the orbit of the mental handicapées, by having him as one of the typical borderliner on the personality disfunctions spectrum.

It depends on his age.

Someones tend to get it over over the years. However, others -once those years have already passed- remain unfortunately in this state forever and ever. It is what the people from Rio de la Plata tend to define as unos reverendos tarados. This subject here can be one of them, as a tool to get the attention of the others, and always in order to get some satisfaction in his sad existence.

If my subject here were to get attention of the others, then i can say I've got it from you.

08-19-2015, 06:20 PM
The first guy looks Pontid because of the eyes. With many Spaniards all you need to do is change the eyes a little and they look Greek .

Cristiano viejo
08-19-2015, 06:22 PM
show to whom? sikeliot and cristiano viejo? lol hinestly, what is your point?
Stop talking about me in every troll thread you post.

Artabro is not even Spanish, ofc he is a troll, what do you expect?

08-19-2015, 06:24 PM
If my subject here were to get attention of others, then i can say I've got it from you.

Thanks to your hard efforts.

You have really the obsessive and persistent attitude of an exhibitionist, understood as a fucking sicko.

08-19-2015, 06:26 PM
Llegó el que faltaba 👏

08-19-2015, 06:27 PM
Llegó el que faltaba ��

¿Te pone, eh?

Dime, ¿te haces todo agua cuando lo ves aparecer?

¿A que sí?

08-19-2015, 06:28 PM
Can we stay on topic please? Thanks!

08-19-2015, 06:29 PM
¿Te pone, eh?

Dime, ¿te haces todo agua cuando lo ves aparecer?

¿A que sí?

Yo no participo en vuestros foros... Lo hice alguna vez al principio. Ahora ni los leo. Deberías hacer lo mismo.

08-19-2015, 06:34 PM
Can we stay on topic please? Thanks!

After all, pontid and atlanto med are equivalents, aren't they?

08-19-2015, 06:38 PM
After all, pontid and atlanto med are equivalents, aren't they?


08-19-2015, 07:16 PM
Stop talking about me in every troll thread you post.

Artabro is not even Spanish, ofc he is a troll, what do you expect?

ahahah oh snap!

primero en Espanol:

Te menciono porque eres el unico espanol que queda en el foro que le presta atencion a estos temas y sube hilos de clasificacion. Antes estaba Gold Fenix tambien pero el ya pasa del tema porque es todo puro troleo y tu has admitido varias veces que a ti no te importa trolear a los troles y plantar cara a quien haga falta. Aunque no estemos de acuerdo en muchos temas, te guardo respeto por ello, vas de cara sin ocultar lo que eres. Cuando un post mio te gusta le das pulgar arriba, cunado no pulgar abajo. Es asi que el 90% d emis pulgares abajo son tuyos :P y oye sin acritud eh, por mi no hay problema.

Este nuevo usuario sin embargo, no se por donde cogerle. Tu sabes perfectamente que todo esto es cachondeo y troleo puro y sigues el juego. El evade todas las preguntas, hace como que se cree que estas clasificaciones son "taxonomia" y "antropologia" , y da capotazos, responde cuestiones con cuestiones , a menudo pasivo agresivas. Como no le he visto abusar de nadie ni comportarse mal, no tengo nada que objetar a su posteo, pero como me intrigaba su estilo, pues queria preguntar. Pero mi curiosidad ya se va desvaneciendo, tampoco parece que hay mucho donde rascar...7

Supongo que si siempre publicara fotos de españoles con aspecto menos "racial" o más "norte europeo" no habría ningún problema, ¿me equivoco?

Bastante, entre los Hispanos del foro no hay ningun nordicista que yo sepa. Por mi puedes postear todos los morenos que quieras, ni si quiera me vas a escuchar sospechar si tal o cual es gitano o amerindio etc. Para mi esas cosas no son detrimento de Espanolidad. En toda pandilla habia uno que era el chino, el negro, el cabeza, el orejas etc... Sin embargo epse a nuestra variacion en complexion, tamanos y formas, sin duda creo que hay una gran cohesion feotipica en la peninsula. Pero de ahi a todas esas chorradas de atlantid, berid, gracile med...por favor,me cuesta creer que te tomes esos terminos en serio.

Juzga a un hombre por el contenido de su caracter , no por su fenotipo :P

Dicho esto, a mi la verdad si me interesa la antropologia y la historia por eso me dan tanta pena todos estos hilos. Son todos penosos empezando por este. Esto ni es ciencia ni es nada.

Cristiano viejo
08-19-2015, 08:54 PM
¿Te pone, eh?

Dime, ¿te haces todo agua cuando lo ves aparecer?

¿A que sí?
Lo llevo a escuadra, al inmigrante este :p

Yo no participo en vuestros foros... Lo hice alguna vez al principio. Ahora ni los leo. Deberías hacer lo mismo.

Se dice threads, no foros.
En los míos sí participas, no mientas.