View Full Version : Germany Weighs Return to Border Checks

08-21-2015, 01:38 AM
Germany Weighs Return to Border Checks Amid Migrant Surge

by Rainer Buergin

August 20, 2015 — 4:38 AM ART

A young Syrian asylum seeker carries an umbrella decorated with the words “a heart for refugees” at a centre for asylum seekers in Eisenhuettenstadt, Germany, , on Aug. 13, 2015

Germany might reintroduce border controls if European Union member states fail to better implement rules that govern the transfer of migrants from outside the area, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said.

“I’m in favor of free borders, I’m a committed European, but if other European states don’t adhere to the law and the Dublin system no longer works, then we need another system that works,” de Maiziere told ZDF German public television Thursday.

Germany may receive as many as 800,000 people fleeing war and poverty this year, about four times last year’s number. Almost 340,000 migrants tried to enter the EU in July alone compared with 123,500 a year earlier, the border-management agency Frontex said Tuesday.

Absorbing the surge of foreigners is moving toward the top of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s agenda after euro-area governments crafted a third bailout for Greece. Germany can’t take in 40 percent of asylum seekers arriving in the 28-nation EU indefinitely, de Maiziere said Wednesday as he announced the revised projections.

“Control-free borders won’t be permanent in the long run without a true European asylum policy,” de Maiziere said then.

The EU’s so-called Dublin regulation lays down the criteria and mechanisms for dealing with asylum applications and says that an EU member state that allows migrants to cross its border irregularly is responsible for examining their asylum applications. Passport checks have been abolished in Europe’s Schengen Area.


Ali Pasha
08-21-2015, 02:15 AM
Give me a moment to produce a tear for Germany lol.

08-21-2015, 01:28 PM
They might have to get the old west/east German border fence out of storage and put up again along their eastern border.