View Full Version : God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

W. R.
08-15-2010, 08:56 PM
God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. (Genesis 9:27)

«God shall enlarge Japheth…» In the Hebrew text there is a certain play of words (japhet e'jephet), or a parallelism of notions, since the name “Japheth” means “enlargement” . In such a way it was predicted that Japheth’s breed would be enlarged on the face of the earth; and indeed as Caucasians Japheth’s breed populated the larger part of Asia, almost whole Europe and America, not to mention that they are a privileged part of the population in the other countries of the New and Old World.

The quantitative prevalence of Japhetites corresponds to their intellectual superiority: the metaphysics of India, the philosophy of Greece, the strategy of Rome and the whole global civilization owes its existence and floorish chiefly to the genius of the Japhetites.

«and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem…» It is not about God, as some erroneously thought (Philo, Theodoritus, Onkelos and others) but about Japheth, who is predicted to have the upper hand even over Shem’s breed. And indeed, that prophecy came true in two senses: in the political sense, when the Romans, descendants of Japheth, conquered Hebrews and destroyed Jerusalem itself, and in the religious sense, when together with Israel the Church of Christ was entered by Gentiles (Ephesians 2:11-15).

«Through these blessings for Shem and Japheth, he (Noah), it seems to me, announced the mission of the two peoples, namely: Hebrews (through Shem), because from him descended patriarch Abraham and the Hebrew people, and Gentiles (through Japheth) » (John Chrysostom, 30 t.).

«and Canaan shall be his servant…» The justification of this prophecy can be seen chiefly in the increasing enslavement of the black races by the white race and in the comprehensive predominance of the latter over the former.

Concluding the detailed comment of Noah’s prophecy we must say, that this is one of the most significant narratives, which embraces in the integrated schematic outline the main streams of the posterior history of mankind, embodied in the destiny of the three sons of Noah, as fathers of the mankind: here we have Noah’s beloved firstborn Shem, who is predicted to have a special divine grace, here is unthankful Ham, who is predicted to face excommunication and slavery, here is the youngest son – Japheth, the destiny of whom had to fulfill the evangelic prophecy that “the last shall become the first”, the first in cultural, historical and religious senses.

http://dailydeleon.com/assets/ku-klux-klan-salute-thumb-400x300-911.jpgSource: Explanatory Bible (http://www.lopbible.narod.ru/) (volume 1, 1904).

08-15-2010, 11:47 PM
Depending upon what Bible commentary you read, Japeth is either the eldest or the middle child.

01-18-2018, 02:28 PM
where are my slaves wtf?!

I do not know why Semites were engaging in the slave trade if it wasn't their guaranteed birth right written in a book some 2600 years ago.