View Full Version : Are ethnic groups who live in colder climates smarter than ethnic groups living in hotter climates?

08-26-2015, 04:30 PM
For example, the highest IQs are East Asian Mongoloids (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Mongolians). Eastern and northern Mongoloids phenotypically developed as an adaptation to the cold environments by their ancestors who originated in Siberia.

Now go to Europe. People of Germanic ethnicity have higher IQs than other types of Europeans (except the Italians). Is it possible that cold adaptive features also raise intelligence?


08-26-2015, 04:37 PM

Cody Gearhart
08-26-2015, 04:42 PM
So Italians are smarter?

08-27-2015, 12:28 AM
Nope. There is not much proof that surviving in cold climate requires more intelligence.

IQ increases from selective social pressure in civilised societies. The best example are Jews.

European IQ has evolved to current level during the last several centuries, just like Jewish.

There are only very minor differences between IQs in Europe and studies can have different rankings.

For example one study (links below) shows Polish IQ as 106 and 3rd highest in Europe after German & Dutch (each 107):




Jews score on average the best in IQ tests of all groups, only then you have East Asians.

It is true that Italians also score high in IQ tests - which again suggests that it is not so much about climate.


Many scholars claim that PISA scores correlate well with IQ scores (in PISA 2012 Finland, Estonia, Poland were high):



08-27-2015, 12:37 AM
But IMO importance of IQ tests is overrated. We don't know what exactly do they measure, besides the ability of solving IQ tests. There might be tons of other genetic (or not) factors influencing various mental aspects, which aren't measured by IQ tests.

For instance, if you have high IQ but have also a gene (or a culture) which makes you very lazy, then you are still screwed.

Hunter-gatherers, for example, seem to lack traits responsible for patience. They are all like children with ADHD.*

And it seems that the switch from hunting to farming was at least as much a genetic change, as it was cultural.

*And it is actually a quite common belief, that genes responsible for ADHD evolved in times when we were all hunters. Because ADHD was good for hunters, but bad for farmers. So since the Neolithic revolution, ADHD is under negative selection, it's no longer favourable.

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 03:54 PM
You people are failing to understand that IQ scores are a composite of verbal and visual IQ. When you read about Ashkenazi Jews having a really high IQ, you should pay closer attention because they're only referring to the verbal IQ scores of those people. The visual IQ of Jews is below that of White non-Jews, and White non-Jews have a lower visual IQ than Asians. Another example is the Inuit - they have higher visual IQs than Whites even if the overall score is lower. There is indeed a connection between cold weather and visual IQ. Visual IQ is the real intelligence, the stuff that actually produces things. Verbal IQ is basically useless intelligence, only good for money-moving parasite occupations like accounting and law.

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 03:55 PM
Hunter-gatherers, for example, seem to lack traits responsible for patience.

This is the most profoundly ignorant statement I have ever read in my entire life.

08-31-2015, 04:07 PM
Early humans who expanded into harsher environments, eventually evolved to become smarter since the austere climate challenged them to survive more than docile and resource abundant environments.

So the short answer is, yes.

08-31-2015, 04:26 PM
Nope. Once again, people are forgetting that only in Europe is the cold weather-intelligence (arguably) linked. You all are just starting from the assumption that northerners are smarter than doing backflips to make it seem true. The Inuit in North America, indigenous groups in the far south of SA, Indigenous Groups of Siberia and Asia.. none showed advanced civilization. In fact the cradle of every advanced civilization on the planet is close to the equator. Inherent human intelligence is pretty similar across the board... it is just in the environment in which you are raised that will shape you; as well as access to the right kind of animals (horses, cows etc), crops (cereals etc.) and other civilizations which shape things.

Absolute nonsense.

08-31-2015, 04:29 PM
For example, the highest IQs are East Asian Mongoloids (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Mongolians). Eastern and northern Mongoloids phenotypically developed as an adaptation to the cold environments by their ancestors who originated in Siberia.

Now go to Europe. People of Germanic ethnicity have higher IQs than other types of Europeans (except the Italians). Is it possible that cold adaptive features also raise intelligence?


There are no hotter climates in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:37 PM
The Inuit in North America, indigenous groups in the far south of SA, Indigenous Groups of Siberia and Asia.. none showed advanced civilization.

Civilization has nothing to do with intelligence. If anything it has dysgenic effects by turning off the pressures for selection. Anyone can get by just pulling a plow all day; you have your life cut out for you.

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:37 PM
There are no hotter climates in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan

The Chinese are recent arrivals in these areas.

08-31-2015, 04:39 PM
Nope. Hong Kong or Singapore are not cold. And Spain has same IQ as Denmark, France or Latvia, and higher than Ireland or Lithuania.

08-31-2015, 04:40 PM
The Chinese are recent arrivals in these areas.

recent arrivals? Are you serious?

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:41 PM
recent arrivals? Are you serious?

Yes, you bumbling mother, they migrated to those areas recently and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.

08-31-2015, 04:43 PM
Yes, you bumbling mother, they migrated to those areas recently and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.


Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:44 PM
Nope. Hong Kong or Singapore are not cold. And Spain has same IQ as Denmark, France or Latvia, and higher than Ireland or Lithuania.

Denmark, France, Ireland, Lithuania, etc are temperate countries, not cold countries.

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:44 PM

You have certainly proven your own ignorance.

08-31-2015, 04:45 PM
You have certainly proven your own ignorance.

shut the fuck up you piece of animal shit

08-31-2015, 04:46 PM
Denmark, France, Ireland, Lithuania, etc are temperate countries, not cold countries.
They are certainly much colder than Spain, especially Lithuania.

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:48 PM
shut the fuck up you piece of animal shit

^^ This is why the Asians are destroying the Western world economically. They're a Darwinistic people who would never allow this sort of shitstain to proliferate.

Grab the Gauge
08-31-2015, 04:50 PM
They are certainly much colder than Spain, especially Lithuania.

From wikipedia:

Lithuania's climate, which ranges between maritime and continental, is relatively mild. Average temperatures on the coast are −2.5 °C (27.5 °F) in January and 16 °C (61 °F) in July. In Vilnius the average temperatures are −6 °C (21 °F) in January and 17 °C (63 °F) in July. During the summer, 20 °C (68 °F) is common during the day while 14 °C (57 °F) is common at night; in the past, temperatures have reached as high as 30 or 35 °C (86 or 95 °F). Some winters can be very cold. −20 °C (−4 °F) occurs almost every winter. Winter extremes are −34 °C (−29 °F) in coastal areas and −43 °C (−45 °F) in the east of Lithuania.

This is not significantly colder than Spain, taking the country as a whole, especially considering that Spain is far windier than Lithuania. The same extreme temperatures occur up in the Alps, with the exception of the eastern Lithuanian cold record.

And the point is that the overall temperature averages are far warmer than Siberia, northern China, Korea, Japan, etc.

King Niko
08-31-2015, 04:52 PM

08-31-2015, 04:53 PM
I don't know about being inherently smarter, but I feel that cultures in cold climates tend to be more reserved, diligent and unpretentious. People from hotter climates tend to have more drama, and tend to be more flashy.

08-31-2015, 04:54 PM
^^ This is why the Asians are destroying the Western world economically. They're a Darwinistic people who would never allow this sort of shitstain to proliferate.

Darwinist people lol and you believe in his retarded theory of evolution? You sound like you want to try to tell me about your ancestors were orangutans yeah? I don't think they were orangutans or other primates to be honest, obviously they were cows. You better shut up and stop misleading people from now on

08-31-2015, 04:56 PM
nah that's just nordic-weebo bro-science.

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 04:56 PM

Why do you have asian-eyes.

08-31-2015, 04:57 PM
I don't know about being inherently smarter, but I feel that cultures in cold climates tend to be more reserved, diligent and unpretentious. People from hotter climates tend to have more drama, and tend to be more flashy.

Couldn't have said it better.We here in The South(ironic haha,but we're still "northerners")are simple folks,we drive simple trucks,live in trailers or modest houses,don't dress fancy,don't use fancy technology.But this is true for the yankees too mostly.It's usually the latinos who have lots of tattoos,blink-blinks,pimped rides,fancy and ugly houses with fancy and ugly windows and all that.Also italian-americans are fancyer folks.

King Niko
08-31-2015, 04:57 PM
Why do you have asian-eyes.

Ask my DNA, I am sure it can answer for you.

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 04:58 PM
Ask my DNA, I am sure it can answer for you.

Send me your DNA result.

King Niko
08-31-2015, 05:00 PM
Send me your DNA result.


08-31-2015, 05:03 PM
Couldn't have said it better.We here in The South(ironic haha,but we're still "northerners")are simple folks,we drive simple trucks,live in trailers or modest houses,don't dress fancy,don't use fancy technology.But this is true for the yankees too mostly.It's usually the latinos who have lots of tattoos,blink-blinks,pimped rides,fancy and ugly houses with fancy and ugly windows and all that.Also italian-americans are fancyer folks.

Yeah, of course there are a lot of exceptions, but by and large, there are obvious trends in certain cultures. On the whole, I feel like Northern Europeans and East Asians tend to be similar in generally modest behavior, and not constantly displaying "in your face" behavior, also striving for high standards but keeping a low profile. But of course, these exist in every group, and the opposite also happens, but by and large, these are common trends I've seen.

08-31-2015, 05:03 PM

good decision that you don't trust him, otherwise he's able to hack database of DNA results and then most likely modify your genes to other genes

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 05:04 PM

Why do you offer me to it then?

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 05:05 PM
good decision that you don't trust him, otherwise he's able to hack database of DNA results and then most likely modify your genes to other genes


King Niko
08-31-2015, 05:05 PM
Why do you offer me to it then?

I said ASK my DNA, meaning ask it, grab my DNA and physically ask it.

08-31-2015, 05:06 PM

because ethnic groups who live in colder climates are smarter

08-31-2015, 05:08 PM
Yeah, of course there are a lot of exceptions, but by and large, there are obvious trends in certain cultures. On the whole, I feel like Northern Europeans and East Asians tend to be similar in generally modest behavior, and not constantly displaying "in your face" behavior, also striving for high standards but keeping a low profile. But of course, these exist in every group, and the opposite also happens, but by and large, these are common trends I've seen.

I am not familiar to East Asians,I never encountered them in their "natural habitat",in chinatowns,or neighborhoods where they were a majority.I've seen them as individuals living in white neighborhoods and they were just like any other yuppie(young urban professional),nothing special,nothing fancy.So I can't judge them properly,but I have the impression that they are more like us than the latinos or the darkies in some ways.From what I've seen in the media they are pretty reserved.

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 05:12 PM
I said ASK my DNA, meaning ask it, grab my DNA and physically ask it.

You must be articulate yourself better.

Cristiano viejo
08-31-2015, 05:12 PM
http://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0eb6dc9dd49ef712f00518a3f0b7dfc8?convert_to_webp=t rue

Cristiano viejo
08-31-2015, 05:14 PM
If PISA Test indicate the level of education/intelligence of the countries, Asian countries are in head of world

Spain in PISA Test 2012:
-above Sweden, Lithuania, USA, Russia, in Maths.
-above Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Russia, Luxembourg, in Science.
-above Sweden, Iceland, Lithuania, Russia, in Reading.

I wrote it in a thread time ago, the problem of Spain are Andalusia and Canary Islands.
My region, Castile and Leon in PISA Test 2012 (of course, above of the European average :coffee:):

-above Austria, Australia, Ireland, Denmark, France, UK, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, Russia, USA, Lithuania, in Maths. (514 points)
-above UK, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Latvia, France, Denmark, USA, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Luxembour, Russia, Iceland, in Science. (516 points)
-above UK, USA, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Russia, in Reading. (503 points)


08-31-2015, 05:15 PM
http://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0eb6dc9dd49ef712f00518a3f0b7dfc8?convert_to_webp=t rue




Cristiano viejo
08-31-2015, 05:17 PM



RussiaPrussia post?

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 05:22 PM
http://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0eb6dc9dd49ef712f00518a3f0b7dfc8?convert_to_webp=t rue

A Germanic child have a average IQ from 107 but lot of the paper Germanic people have immigrants backgrounds and this is the reason why Germany have a average IQ from 102.

Cristiano viejo
08-31-2015, 05:35 PM
A Germanic child have a average IQ from 107 but lot of the paper Germanic people have immigrants backgrounds and this is the reason why Germany have a average IQ from 102.

Any Western country have tons of immigrants, unfortunately. That is not an excuse.

Charles Bronson
08-31-2015, 05:40 PM
Any Western country have tons of immigrants, unfortunately. That is not an excuse.

It should not be an excuse, they must be the test with pure Germanic childs or in Spain with pure Iberians and then do you have the really IQ from your country.

08-31-2015, 05:42 PM

King Niko
08-31-2015, 05:55 PM
You must be articulate yourself better.

Nah. You just need to read better.

08-31-2015, 06:20 PM
No, this is retarded. Intelligence has very much to do with training and early education. The statement that the first 7 years matter the most is true... For example, it is impossible to teach an adult how to speak if they have never learnt when they were little. I think there was an experiment with a child found in the jungle proving this practically. Independently, a kid from Ethiopia and a kid from Hong Kong would probably perform in a similar way if they had been living in the same environment : same school, same teaching, same family, same friends. Now as for harsher climates, I suppose it plays a role when it comes to solidarity between individuals and spending resources. Nordic countries tend to promote a very strong social link between people too. For example, generally they never let children down when they perform really bad at school. I think the drop out of school rate in these countries is one of the lowest in Europe.