View Full Version : A Chinese woman downed 700 ml cognac

Shkembe Chorba
08-26-2015, 09:40 PM
A Chinese plane passenger who was told she could not carry a $190 (£120) bottle of cognac on board downed it all rather than let it go to waste - and was then deemed unfit to fly.
The woman had bought the Remy Martin XO Excellence in the US and then tried to take it on board an internal flight from Beijing to Wenzhou.
But the 700ml bottle was far above the 100ml that security laws allow.
She became hugely drunk and was forced to sleep it off at Beijing airport.
The incident occurred at Beijing Capital International Airport last Friday.
The passenger, identified only by her surname Zhou, downed the bottle at about midday after being informed she could not take it on board.
She began to shout incoherently, then fell over and started rolling around the floor. Security intervened.
One airport officer told the South China Morning Post: "She was so drunk… she couldn't even stand up. We took her to a room in a wheelchair so she could rest."
She was denied entry on to the plane and was given medical care.
The woman then slept and reportedly did not sober up until about 19:00. She was released by police to family members who came to pick her up.
One report said she thanked police for helping her.


Drinking 700 ml bottoms up... Like we are in high school once again.