View Full Version : UK net migration hits record high

Neon Knight
08-28-2015, 02:16 AM

Net migration to the UK is at an all-time high, reaching 330,000 in the year to March, the Office for National Statistics has said. The figure - the difference between the number entering the country and those leaving - is more than three times higher than the government's target. Immigration Minister James Brokenshire called the rise "deeply disappointing".

Figures also show 8.3m people were born abroad - 13% of the UK population - the first time the number has passed 8m.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said the "figures reflect 'Borderless Britain' and total impotence of the British government" and called on the prime minister to negotiate controls on migration from EU countries.


Other than EU countries, the nation with the highest number of citizens migrating to the UK in the 12 months to June was China, with 89,593 arrivals

India is the most common non-UK country of birth in the UK population - 793,000 UK residents were born in India.

Polish is the most common non-British nationality, with 853,000 residents (including those born in the UK) describing their nationality as Polish
8.4% of UK residents - 5.3 million people - have a non-British nationality.

53,000 Romanian and Bulgarian citizens moved to the UK in the last year - almost double the 28,000 in the previous 12 months.

There were 25,771 asylum applications in the year to June 2015, an increase of 10% compared with the previous 12 months.

A total of 11,600 people were granted asylum or an alternative form of protection. The peak was in 2002 when there were 84,000 applications, of which 28,400 people were allowed to stay in the UK.


The big picture:


European Knight
08-30-2015, 09:29 AM
Asylum in open door UK hits a 10 year high: We green-light one in three visa applications by 32,344 refugees in a year... and that's BEFORE EU border chaos

The new figures released by the Home Office are the highest since 2004

Refugees include Eritreans and Syrians who crossed the Mediterranean

Critics argue lack of European border controls makes it easy for migrants

The number of people claiming asylum in the UK reached its highest level for a decade – even before thousands more arrived in Calais hoping to cross the border.

New Home Office figures show more than 32,000 applications were made for refugee status last year, the highest since 2004.

Thousands were Eritreans and Syrians, many of whom risked death by crossing the Mediterranean in overloaded boats after fleeing their homelands.

Critics argue that the lack of European border controls has made it too easy for migrants hoping to come to Britain to make their way across the Continent.

Read more: Asylum in the UK hits a 10 year high as we green-light 1 in 3 visa applications | Daily Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3215610/Asylum-open-door-UK-hits-10-year-high-green-light-one-three-visa-applications-32-344-refugees-year-s-EU-border-chaos.html#ixzz3kHwIFXSz)



King Claus
08-30-2015, 09:52 AM

Neon Knight
09-01-2015, 03:52 PM

Tooting Carmen
09-01-2015, 03:54 PM
Yes, considering all the hysteria about non-European immigration, the amount of migration between EU countries themselves (principally from East to West) is ridiculously overlooked.

09-01-2015, 04:18 PM
Cristiano Viejo would love those figures for Spain: almost one million of light
Poles... It would be orgasmic for him. Sorry for the off topic. I couldn't help it.

09-01-2015, 04:24 PM
Yes, considering all the hysteria about non-European immigration, the amount of migration between EU countries themselves (principally from East to West) is ridiculously overlooked.

Over-looked? The British press go on about Poles, Romanians & Bulgarians all the time instead, when the Brit Government could shut the door to Commonwealth Asian countries, which they don't.

Tooting Carmen
09-01-2015, 04:27 PM
Over-looked? The British press go on about Poles, Romanians & Bulgarians all the time instead, when the Brit Government could shut the door to Commonwealth Asian countries, which they don't.

Yes and no. Nowadays, all the media coverage is about Calais, Lampedusa, Hungarian-Serb border etc, even though the rate of intra-EU migration is still very high.

09-01-2015, 04:38 PM
A lot of them will move back home eventually, but I'm more than happy to accept Poles, for example, and other hard-working migrants that assimilate well.

09-01-2015, 04:47 PM
Cristiano Viejo would love those figures for Spain: almost one million of light
Poles... It would be orgasmic for him. Sorry for the off topic. I couldn't help it.

I wonder why you don't tell that straight to his face when he will be here and not as you were an old woman gossiping behind your window.

Your coward provocative attitude is remarking your sui generis troll condition.