View Full Version : The Perception of Colour

08-28-2015, 12:41 PM
The Perception of Colour

Just how much consideration do you give to the colour of your clothes? Flitting through the clothes store rails, you're probably processing two or three garments a second, until one inexplicably stands out and makes it to the changing room. Colour will probably play an important but not decisive role. But is there a subconscious process going into your decision?

We've surveyed a thousand people on how they perceive other people based on the colour of the clothes they choose. It's thrown up some fascinating conclusions. It might be time to promote colour to the top consideration - if you care about how you're perceived by others, that is.

Black, for example, might have connotations of death, gloom, and forest gateaux, but it's a powerful performer in the eyes of the public, who see it as a serious, reliable and solid player, ideal for interviews and first dates.


08-28-2015, 12:55 PM
How many colors do you see? Only 25 percent of the population can see all 39 colors in this chart.


The number of hues a person can differentiate on the chart points to the amount of color receptors, or cones, that person has.

If you see fewer than 20 colors, you, like a quarter of the population, are a dichromat, meaning you have two types of color receptors.

Those who see between 20 and 32 colors, the majority of the population, are trichromats, with three different color receptors.

And those who see 32 to 39 colors have four types of cones in their eyes. They’re the tetrachromats, a group that makes up about a quarter of the population.