View Full Version : What other group of people look the closest to Egyptians?

09-04-2015, 06:41 PM
What other ethnic group of people look the closest to Egyptians?>

09-04-2015, 06:58 PM
What kind of Egyptian?

Based on my limited experience, the closest to Copts would be Arabians/Bedouins (natives), then Berbers (and then Levantines).

09-04-2015, 07:05 PM
I would say Southern Levantines and Maghrebis.

09-04-2015, 07:06 PM
I would say Southern Levantines and Maghrebis.

Kinda since there are Palestinians and Jordanians can look very Egyptian or NA.

09-04-2015, 07:07 PM
Kinda since there are Palestinians and Jordanians can look very Egyptian or NA.

what about maghrebis like tunisians, libyans do you think they look pretty close to Egyptians?

09-04-2015, 07:09 PM
Kinda since there are Palestinians and Jordanians can look very Egyptian or NA.

also if you don't mind can you classify these Omanis? Can they pass as Saudis,Yemeni Jews or other Gulf Arabs?: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?182675-Classify-theses-Omanis

09-04-2015, 07:10 PM
what about maghrebis like tunisians, libyans do you think they look pretty close to Egyptians?

There are a lot of Tunisians can pass in the Levant without trouble, while Libyans tend to look either Berber or NA or Arabian. I myself do have genetic affiliation with the Maghareb(see my family tree DNA result), and the closest NA's to me genetically are the Egyptians and Libyans.

09-04-2015, 07:10 PM
difficult to say since they are a bridge between Maghreb, Levant and Arabian peninsula. They have very specific look.
Probably southern Levantines like Palestinians and Jordanians, Maghrebis and sometimes few Arabians who are not heavily Arabid.

09-04-2015, 07:11 PM
also if you don't mind can you classify these Omanis? Can they pass as Saudis,Yemeni Jews or other Gulf Arabs?: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?182675-Classify-theses-Omanis

I was born and raised in Oman for over ten years, and a lot of the Omani people can look either South Asian, Arabian(pure and admixed) and east African(Swahili).

09-04-2015, 07:15 PM
They look NOTHING like Levantines.

Libyans and Tunisians are closest, then Yemenis.

09-04-2015, 07:20 PM
Tunisians, Sudanese, Yemenis and Lebanese, Syrians in Alexandria.

09-04-2015, 07:22 PM
They look NOTHING like Levantines.

Libyans and Tunisians are closest, then Yemenis.
Sorry but ive seen LOTS of palestinians and jordanians who easily look egyptian and vice versa...

09-04-2015, 07:22 PM
I was born and raised in Oman for over ten years, and a lot of the Omani people can look either South Asian, Arabian(pure and admixed) and east African(Swahili).

Oh man, have you really lived in O-man ;)

09-04-2015, 07:23 PM
They look NOTHING like Levantines.

Libyans and Tunisians are closest, then Yemenis.

I think I can pass for Levantine easily...

09-04-2015, 07:24 PM
Oh man, have you really lived in O-man ;)

oman is actually nice.

09-04-2015, 07:24 PM
They look NOTHING like Levantines.

Libyans and Tunisians are closest, then Yemenis.

they do

09-04-2015, 07:24 PM
I think I can pass for Levantine easily...

do you think you can also pass as maghrebi?

09-04-2015, 07:26 PM
Oh man, have you really lived in O-man ;)

Yes, i have. I was born and raised in Muscat for over 10 years till me and my family moved to the UAE. I'm currently residing in the city of Sharjah.

09-04-2015, 07:26 PM
do you think you can also pass as maghrebi?

I think that I have the kind of middle eastern face that can pretty much pass anywhere in the Middle east except for turkey, northern iran or kurdish...im sure of it...

09-04-2015, 07:26 PM
oman is actually nice.

It is, and really, i do missed living a more simpler life.

09-04-2015, 07:27 PM
I think that I have the kind of middle eastern face that can pretty much pass anywhere in the Middle east except for turkey, northern iran or kurdish...im sure of it...

You can pass in Palestine without any trouble.

09-04-2015, 07:28 PM
Most Egyptians show SSA influence to me, like Moroccans do.

09-04-2015, 07:29 PM
You can pass in Palestine without any trouble.

When I lived in bahrain and saudi..locals there thought I was also a local, ive also been mistaken for palestinian, jordanian, lebanese, iraqi, assyrian, moroccan, tunisian, algerian, armenian and even syrian..even though im tanned... sometimes i get egyptian if the person is familiar enough with egyptian phenotypes...

09-04-2015, 07:29 PM
Most Egyptians show SSA influence to me, like Moroccans do.

I don't show any SSA influence...

09-04-2015, 07:29 PM
In this forum egyptians are niggers
but im a fan of egyptian cinema and most of actors look white but i dont know how to typical it is but it exists

09-04-2015, 07:30 PM
Sorry but ive seen LOTS of palestinians and jordanians who easily look egyptian and vice versa...

I agree with you, Egyptians overlap with Palestinians/Jordanians the best with Maghrebis. I find Egyptians however difficult to place as a group because it depends on the individual. Some looks close to Palis/Jordanians, some close to Maghrebis. To a lesser extent, Arabians too.
Egypt is a bridge for me between different parts of MENA.

09-04-2015, 07:31 PM
In this forum egyptians are niggers
but im a fan of egyptian cinema and most of actors look white but i dont know how to typical it is but it exists

I didn't realize luxor and aswan made up all of egypt then...it's silly..ppl on forums either represent egyptians as white or black... they still don't accurately understand egyptian genetic make up.

09-04-2015, 07:31 PM
I think that I have the kind of middle eastern face that can pretty much pass anywhere in the Middle east except for turkey, northern iran or kurdish...im sure of it...

cool so you think you can also pass maghrebi?

09-04-2015, 07:32 PM
cool so you think you can also pass maghrebi?

yes I can..i think so...

09-04-2015, 07:32 PM
They look NOTHING like Levantines.

Libyans and Tunisians are closest, then Yemenis.

Some do but they are a minority. I think they are also some kind of elite and they think they're better than darker skinned Egyptians. Egyptians do have a fetich towards lighter skinned Egyptians. There are also the Nubians, some very dark skinned Egyptians who are considered the lower caste.

The brown skinned Egyptians, that are the majority of the population are also more attractive people in Egypt and the troo Egyptians :D

09-04-2015, 07:32 PM
When I lived in bahrain and saudi..locals there thought I was also a local, ive also been mistaken for palestinian, jordanian, lebanese, iraqi, assyrian, moroccan, tunisian, algerian, armenian and even syrian..even though im tanned... sometimes i get egyptian if the person is familiar enough with egyptian phenotypes...

You certainly have a more pan-near eastern look, but you can't pass in places like Oman or Yemen. You can pass in northern Arabia more than in the south.

09-04-2015, 07:33 PM
I don't show any SSA influence...

You are the whitest looking Egyptian I've ever seen though.

09-04-2015, 07:33 PM
When I lived in bahrain and saudi..locals there thought I was also a local, ive also been mistaken for palestinian, jordanian, lebanese, iraqi, assyrian, moroccan, tunisian, algerian, armenian and even syrian..even though im tanned... sometimes i get egyptian if the person is familiar enough with egyptian phenotypes...

wow you even get assyrian?

09-04-2015, 07:33 PM
Some do but they are a minority. I think they are also some kind of elite and they think they're better than darker skinned Egyptians. Egyptians do have a fetich towards lighter skinned Egyptians. There are also the Nubians, some very dark skinned Egyptians who are considered the lower caste.

The brown skinned Egyptians, that are the majority of the population are also more attractive people in Egypt :D
It's true that the elite tends to be lighter skinned and look down on the darker skinned egyptians....

09-04-2015, 07:34 PM
Most Egyptians show SSA influence to me, like Moroccans do.

SSA influence on Moroccans/Egyptians and North Africans on the forum are highly overestimated when the lightness of Levantines is highly exegerated.

09-04-2015, 07:34 PM
wow you even get assyrian?

Zephyrousmandaru who is assyrian himself thinks I look assyrian...

09-04-2015, 07:35 PM
In this forum egyptians are niggers
but im a fan of egyptian cinema and most of actors look white but i dont know how to typical it is but it exists

Egyptian cinema and culture has a very deep influence in the Arab world, and thats no exaggeration. Most of the Arabic soap operas, movies and etc that me and my family watch are Egyptian while the rest is from the Levant. In fact, most of the Arab world watch Egyptian soap operas and etc than to their respective countries.

09-04-2015, 07:35 PM
SSA influence on Moroccans/Egyptians and North Africans on the forum are highly overestimated when the lightness of Levantines is highly exegerated.

Don't get me wrong..towards the south Egyptians are very much black... but those people to me are nubians..not ethnic egyptians..there is a difference...

09-04-2015, 07:36 PM
You certainly have a more pan-near eastern look, but you can't pass in places like Oman or Yemen. You can pass in northern Arabia more than in the south.

Is it because omanis and yemenis are darker>?

09-04-2015, 07:37 PM
Zephyrousmandaru who is assyrian himself thinks I look assyrian...

cool what about armenian? :)

09-04-2015, 07:38 PM
Don't get me wrong..towards the south Egyptians are very much black... but those people to me are nubians..not ethnic egyptians..there is a difference...

Even people from Cairo look mixed with black...

http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2015-01-25T204031Z_1998475673_GM1EB1Q00Y101_RTRMADP_3_EGYP T-PROTESTS.JPG

09-04-2015, 07:38 PM
cool what about armenian? :)

I dont get it as often but i have been asked if im armenian before...

09-04-2015, 07:39 PM
Is it because omanis and yemenis are darker>?

Its not because of that, but they have a different look in comparison to their northern Arabian cousins. I know a lot of Yemenis in my life, and they look more differently to the Negev or Acre Bedouins than to their neighbors in southern Arabia. Oman has high admixture of South Asian and east African influences.

09-04-2015, 07:40 PM
Even people from Cairo look mixed with black...

http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2015-01-25T204031Z_1998475673_GM1EB1Q00Y101_RTRMADP_3_EGYP T-PROTESTS.JPG

This particular crowd to me looks like they could be libyans or moroccans...

Seth MacFarlane
09-04-2015, 07:40 PM
It depends , on average they look distinct but ive met a group of egytians recently and most just looked stereotypical while one girl looked very lebanese.some could pass as levantine some could pass as berber but most to me look like a mix of maghrebis and arabians. Some are very arabid and could pass as yemeni and there are yemenis who could pass as egytian easily as well

09-04-2015, 07:40 PM
Its not because of that, but they have a different look in comparison to their northern Arabian cousins. I know a lot of Yemenis in my life, and they look more differently to the Negev or Acre Bedouins than to their neighbors in southern Arabia. Oman has high admixture of South Asian and east African influences.

Do you find I look negev bedouin...ive been mistaken for one by a bedouin himself...

09-04-2015, 07:44 PM
Yes, i have. I was born and raised in Muscat for over 10 years till me and my family moved to the UAE. I'm currently residing in the city of Sharjah.

I hope Sharia is not practised in your city ;)

09-04-2015, 07:54 PM
I hope Sharia is not practised in your city ;)

Well, its not Saudi Arabia, so rest assured, lol.

09-04-2015, 07:55 PM
Do you find I look negev bedouin...ive been mistaken for one by a bedouin himself...

You can, but for me personally, you look more Levantine.

09-04-2015, 07:57 PM



Peobably the E1b in Greece originated from Egypt (18,000 years ago) :cool:

09-04-2015, 08:10 PM
I hope Sharia is not practised in your city ;)

oman is probably most peaceful country in middle east

09-04-2015, 09:05 PM
oman is probably most peaceful country in middle east

Oman is the most peaceful and stable country in the Middle East,why because their Sultan has brain. Anyways they also have once of the best cultures and are quite tolerant. Their hard workers and are trying to develop their nation, but not many people know about this nation, it's like forgotten on purpose.

spanish catalan
09-04-2015, 09:43 PM
south levantines and lybians

09-04-2015, 09:49 PM
They look NOTHING like Levantines.

Libyans and Tunisians are closest, then Yemenis.

Many Egyptians can pass well as Levantine IMO...Alexandrian/Cairene folks can have a fairer skinned but curly haired phenotype that is still found on the Levantine coast (maybe not so much in Syria and Iraq).

09-05-2015, 12:33 AM
Many Egyptians can pass well as Levantine IMO...Alexandrian/Cairene folks can have a fairer skinned but curly haired phenotype that is still found on the Levantine coast (maybe not so much in Syria and Iraq).

They really look mixed race to me..


spanish catalan
09-05-2015, 12:34 AM
I don't think egyptians look mixed, they have the own look

09-05-2015, 11:29 AM
oman is probably most peaceful country in middle east

Its what most people call the country, the sleeping pearl of the middle east, lol. The streets are tidy and clean, simple buildings, beautiful scenery. I missed the country :C

