View Full Version : To what extent (if any) is a person's health or illness REALLY determined by his/her mental state?

08-22-2010, 02:25 PM
We see a lot of claims and (pseudo-?)scientific research claiming that a certain type of thinking, or a positive attitude in general can help people overcome illness.

I've heard of quacks claiming that they can even provide a cure for such diseases as cancer by teaching the patient to "think right". Typically there is some kind of financial transaction involved.

I'd like to problematise this kind of thinking. The placebo effect is real, that's been shown beyond any doubt. But is it really beneficial, in any real sense, to tell a severely ill person to "keep his/her spirits up" and hope for a turnaround?

What do you all think?

[and in case anyone is wondering, I don't have any personal reasons for asking this question, I'm merely curious]

08-22-2010, 02:37 PM
It's possible, however not all minds can control their bodies to such extent.
In these cases, mental state helps, imo:

1) You must have really strong and concentrated mental energy;
2) You must be easily influenced;
3) You must be stupid enough to truly believe in miracles, so that to help your sub consciousness to program your body for healing process;

08-22-2010, 09:50 PM
It's possible, however not all minds can control their bodies to such extent.
In these cases, mental state helps, imo:

1) You must have really strong and concentrated mental energy;
2) You must be easily influenced;
3) You must be stupid enough to truly believe in miracles, so that to help your sub consciousness to program your body for healing process;

Well, I'm a little sceptical about #1. What is mental energy, exactly? How does it manifest itself? Can it be measured?

08-22-2010, 09:55 PM
There've been studies (http://psyphz.psych.wisc.edu/web/News/Positive_thinking_NYT_9-03.html) that demonstrate a correlation between positive thinking and prayer to health improvements, but none of them showed causation. :shrug:

08-23-2010, 04:09 PM
I have a number of physical ailments that my doctors think are underlying psychological causes, OCD/anxiety. I’ve had tests which seem to show no apparent physical cause and I know from experience I have “off days” and “good days”. I can make myself sick by reading an idea in a book that affects me deeply.

When you consider that the human mind works on stories and believes what it wants to believe you can convince yourself of anything, tell me a story…..

I find the Mind fascinating and have no doubt what so ever it can kill.