View Full Version : I will take in migrants, says Pope: Vatican to house two families as Francis calls on Europe's churc

09-06-2015, 10:01 PM
Pope calls on Europe's churches to shelter migrants who are 'fleeing death from war or hunger' as he reveals the Vatican will house two refugee families
Vatican will offer shelter to two refugee families, Pope Francis promises
He called on Catholic parishes, convents and monasteries to do the same
The Pontiff urged each parish in Europe to take in at least one family each
PUBLISHED: 06:36 EST, 6 September 2015 | UPDATED: 14:57 EST, 6 September 2015

Pope Francis has called on Catholic parishes, convents and monasteries across Europe to shelter refugee families fleeing for their lives.
The crowd in St. Peter's Square applauded as Pope Francis, himself the grandson of Italian emigrants to Argentina, urged each parish to take in at least one family each.
He announced that the Vatican will also offer shelter to two families of refugees who are 'fleeing death' from war or hunger.
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'Faced with the tragedy of tens of thousands of refugees who are fleeting death by war and by hunger, and who are on a path toward a hope for life, the Gospel calls us to be neighbors to the smallest and most abandoned, to give them concrete hope,' Pope Francis said.
It's not enough to say 'Have courage, hang in there,' he added.

'May every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe, take in one family, starting with my diocese of Rome.'
He also asked bishops throughout Europe to have their dioceses take up his call to 'express the Gospel in concrete terms and take in a family of refugees.'
The Vatican is a tiny city-state and some of its citizens, including families with children, live in apartments inside its ancient walls. It has two parish churches, including St. Peter's Basilica.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3224128/Pope-Vatican-shelter-2-families-fleeing-war-hunger.html#ixzz3kzxlDq00