View Full Version : Iberians are not as dark as some people think they are

09-07-2015, 06:34 PM
Some people think of Iberians as being dark but that's not true at all. Of course many of them have sort of orangish light brown skin tone but it's because they take the sun too much, so they often receive UV rays on their skin, which makes them look a little bit brown. Also, they have been living under the hot sun of the Iberian Peninsula since the last ice age until today, then Nature gave them a sort of yellowish skin tone that tans easier than Northern Europeans, who didn't need the same natural skin adaptation as Iberians did. That's why Northern Europeans usually have a light pink skin which turns golden when tanned, and Iberians usually have a milky or yellowish skin which turns light brown when tanned. Most Iberians have milky skin and many have yellowish skin. The yellowish ones can get more tanned than the milky ones, so their skins look brown after taking the sunlight for too long, specially in the summer.

These are photos of the famous Spanish celebrities Antonio Banderas, Penélope Cruz and Rafael Nadal before and after they get tanned by the hot sun:




Now let's see some pictures of Portuguese and Spaniards:














09-07-2015, 06:38 PM
Not only iberians, but southern southern europeans in general over woggified

Middleasterners on the other hand are white washed on this forum

Middleasterners+Northafricans differ sharply from Southern europeans.

09-07-2015, 06:39 PM











09-07-2015, 06:48 PM
Okay iberians are germanics
Are you happy?

09-07-2015, 06:55 PM











It's OK, we know. Candille et al (2012,2013) and Jablonski et al (2006) have confirmed what you are attempting to communicate. Certainly, in skin tone, Iberians are well within the Western European average, they just show significantly fewer blonds, red heads and light eyes than N. Euros, of course.

09-07-2015, 06:56 PM
















09-07-2015, 06:58 PM
This was the original skin tone of the Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo before he got tanned:


These maps show the percentages of blonde hair and blue eyes in Europe. See the Iberian Peninsula:



09-07-2015, 07:01 PM
This was the original skin tone of the Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo before he got tanned:


Regardless, he's 1/16th Cape Verdean, so he's not genetically indigenous Portuguese

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-07-2015, 07:04 PM
Okay iberians are germanics
Are you happy?


09-07-2015, 07:09 PM

He said germanics in jest but ironically the true germanics are the basques which are the proto iberians/celts that colonized the world and founded the nations and no one can debunk this because its the truth.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-07-2015, 07:37 PM
Yeah, I think this claims made by some on purpose (not all as some are just ignorant) against Iberians of "dark" etc it's called envy against Iberians...?, lol.
Because their looks? their South Western Euro looks, milky skin and olive/yellowish skin and could tan also. While the trolls their peeps are "darker", when tanned, more darker.

09-07-2015, 07:46 PM
Yeah, I think this claims made by some on purpose (not all as some are just ignorant) against Iberians of "dark" etc it's called envy against Iberians, lol.
Because their looks? their South Western Euro looks, milky skin and olive/yellowish skin and could tan also. While their peeps are "darker", when tanned, more darker.

I just think some people on this forum are extremely childish, so they troll Mediterranean folks to have fun.

09-07-2015, 07:49 PM
Iberians can be dark but their features usually look Western European, though some can have a North African influence. Either way, being both part Portuguese and part Sicilian, my currently living Sicilian relatives are noticeably darker than my currently living Portuguese relatives, though I have some ancestors on my Portuguese side with partial Cape Verdean ancestry who appeared mixed race.

09-07-2015, 07:54 PM
Regardless, he's 1/16th Cape Verdean, so he's not genetically indigenous Portuguese

...right.. 1/16.. But he was born and bread Portuguese
And than Cape Verde was your colony..so..

09-07-2015, 07:55 PM
...right.. 1/16.. But he was born and bread Portuguese
And than Cape Verde was your colony..so..

The rest of his ancestry is Madeiran, so there is probably 2-5% African kicking around in there too plus 1/8 of whatever his great-grandmother from Cape Verde had. He is Portuguese in terms of identity but by blood he is not entirely so.

09-07-2015, 07:55 PM
He said germanics in jest but ironically the true germanics are the basques which are the proto iberians/celts that colonized the world and founded the nations and no one can debunk this because its the truth.

That's impressive bro

09-07-2015, 08:00 PM
no please, no mote of this condescending bullshit....we already have a sikeliot, a nortedelsur , an anthropologique, a spanish catalan...isn't tha enough?

YEs we are as dark as they say. And we eat every part of a pig you can think off. deal with it


09-07-2015, 08:01 PM
no please, no mote of this condescending bullshit....we already have a sikeliot, a nortedelsur , an anthropologique, a spanish catalan...isn't tha enough?

If you have so many issues with the people here then just leave already, it's not like you contribute anything of value or anything really except annoying whining and bitching.

09-07-2015, 08:22 PM
If you have so many issues with the people here then just leave already, it's not like you contribute anything of value or anything really except annoying whining and bitching.

Even if "whining" about this kind of posting was everything I 'd ever done here it'd still be a way better contribution to this board than 100k threads of stolen (ok "borrowed without permission under a very funny interpretation of the "fair use" copy-right rules) photos discussing whether Spaniards and Sicilians are white white and whether they can fit in Lebanon or in Ireland.

But it isn't the case, I post in most of the forum's sections and while I'm not going to claim that my contributions are the best (or anything special); anything, litteraly anything even posting photos of a rat's anus would be more useful and scientific than any of this BS

09-07-2015, 08:25 PM
Even if "whining" about this kind of posting was everything I 'd ever done here it'd still be a way better contribution to this board than 100k threads of stolen (ok "borrowed without permission under a very funny interpretation of the "fair use" copy-right rules) photos discussing whether Spaniards and Sicilians are white white and whether they can fit in Lebanon or in Ireland.

But it isn't the case, I post in most of the forum's sections and while I'm not going to claim that my contributions are the best (or anything special); anything, litteraly anything even posting photos of a rat's anus would be more useful and scientific than any of this BS

Also, I will defend you and the others from unfair trolling and abuse, and I will never call for your banning just because I don't like your posts. At the same time, I will complain as much as I want about your pointless threads that only contribute to attracting more trolling and shitstorms and have never convinced anyone of anything. All 80k of them: a futile exercise of banality and trollbaiting.

No one has change their mind

09-07-2015, 09:00 PM
He said germanics in jest but ironically the true germanics are the basques which are the proto iberians/celts that colonized the world and founded the nations and no one can debunk this because its the truth.

The Basques were / are not Celts.

09-07-2015, 09:01 PM
Yeah, I think this claims made by some on purpose (not all as some are just ignorant) against Iberians of "dark" etc it's called envy against Iberians...?, lol.
Because their looks? their South Western Euro looks, milky skin and olive/yellowish skin and could tan also. While the trolls their peeps are "darker", when tanned, more darker.

It's the third world mongrels that misrepresent Iberian phenotypes more than anybody. Hate for the ex-colonial power(s)?

09-07-2015, 09:02 PM
I just think some people on this forum are extremely childish, so they troll Mediterranean folks to have fun.

Strange way to have fun. Pathetic really.

09-07-2015, 09:04 PM
Okay iberians are germanics
Are you happy?


09-07-2015, 09:05 PM
...right.. 1/16.. But he was born and bread Portuguese
And than Cape Verde was your colony..so..

So he was brought up Portuguese. Still, au fond, a colonial product. How about Libyans.? Didn't Italy control Libya for a bit? Are Italians mixed with Libyan really genetically indigenous Italians? Ask your fellow Italians.

09-07-2015, 09:40 PM
Not only iberians, but southern southern europeans in general over woggified

Middleasterners on the other hand are white washed on this forum

Middleasterners+Northafricans differ sharply from Southern europeans.

+ 1

09-08-2015, 12:18 AM
It's the third world mongrels that misrepresent Iberian phenotypes more than anybody. Hate for the ex-colonial power(s)?

I'm a mixed race Brazilian guy and I have nothing against Portuguese people. I really appreciate their culture and phenotypes.

Cristiano viejo
09-08-2015, 12:22 AM
Okay iberians are germanics
Are you happy?

I am not happy.
Stop sucking Germanic dick.

09-08-2015, 12:47 AM
It's the third world mongrels that misrepresent Iberian phenotypes more than anybody. Hate for the ex-colonial power(s)?

1-Third World is an outdated term!
2-Claiming that ''mongrels'' misrepresent Iberian phenotypes doesn't make sense...most ''mongrels'' don't give a fuck about Iberian phenotypes!I've seen much more trolling on Iberians from americans and other europeans than from people from former iberian colonies!

09-08-2015, 01:16 AM
1-Third World is an outdated term!
2-Claiming that ''mongrels'' misrepresent Iberian phenotypes doesn't make sense...most ''mongrels'' don't give a fuck about Iberian phenotypes!I've seen much more trolling on Iberians from americans and other europeans than from people from former iberian colonies!

Of course, not all people from ex-colonial, developing countries misrepresent Iberian phenotypes. However, of those who do, the majority seem to be individuals from former Spanish and Portuguese colonies. No offense ...

09-08-2015, 01:24 AM
Of course, not all people from ex-colonial, developing countries misrepresent Iberian phenotypes. However, of those who do, the majority seem to be individuals from former Spanish and Portuguese colonies. No offense ...

I don't think that's true.What are your sources?

09-08-2015, 01:26 AM
I don't think that's true.What are your sources?

It's happened here on TA many times over the years. Ask any Iberian member.

09-08-2015, 01:28 AM
I'm a mixed race Brazilian guy and I have nothing against Portuguese people. I really appreciate their culture and phenotypes.

No offense. It's just that colonials sometimes invade TA just to troll Iberians.

09-08-2015, 01:37 AM
It's happened here on TA many times over the years. Ask any Iberian member.

I've read many old threads in this forum and I can only recall only one member from a former Iberian colony trolling Iberians(he was a brazilian that claimed to be of full german ancestry,I don't remember his nickname).I don't recall any other brazilian trolling Iberians here,neither do I recall argentines,uruguyans,mexicans,chileans...trolling iberians here.Can you list the members from former Iberian colonies that are\were known for trolling Iberians?Also,Mn1(Mexican) and alnortedelsur(Venezuelan) are among the members that defend Iberians the most when this kind of discussion comes up!

09-08-2015, 01:42 AM
No offense. It's just that colonials sometimes invade TA just to troll Iberians.

I'm Brazilian and I've seen some Brazilians claiming that Portuguese people aren't White. They are stupid Brazilians, however most of us are not envious of the Portuguese, it's just a small minority of us that say stupid things such as "the Portuguese aren't White" but most of us Brazilians have nothing against Portuguese people.

Cristiano viejo
09-08-2015, 01:42 AM
I've read many old threads in this forum and I can only recall only one member from a former Iberian colony trolling Iberians(he was a brazilian that claimed to be of full german ancestry,I don't remember his nickname).I don't recall any other brazilian trolling Iberians here,neither do I recall argentines,uruguyans,mexicans,chileans...trolling iberians here.Can you list the members from former Iberian colonies that are\were known for trolling Iberians?Also,Mn1(Mexican) and alnortedelsur(Venezuelan) are among the members that defend Iberians the most when this kind of discussion comes up!

Many Chileans hate us, Pinguino and many others.
The Chicano RMuller too.
And some time ago another Mexican, Carlos.
And usually in internet you find specimens so.

09-08-2015, 01:48 AM
No offense. It's that colonials sometimes invade TA just to troll Iberians.

09-08-2015, 01:48 AM
I've read many old threads in this forum and I can only recall only one member from a former Iberian colony trolling Iberians(he was a brazilian that claimed to be of full german ancestry,I don't remember his nickname).I don't recall any other brazilian trolling Iberians here,neither do I recall argentines,uruguyans,mexicans,chileans...trolling iberians here.Can you list the members from former Iberian colonies that are\were known for trolling Iberians?Also,Mn1(Mexican) and alnortedelsur(Venezuelan) are among the members that defend Iberians the most when this kind of discussion comes up!

Pode até ser que muitos latinos sejam contra trollar os ibérios mas eu já vi alguns brasileiros na internet dizendo que os portugueses não são brancos. Eu sou brasileiro e sinto vergonha desses brasileiros que tem inveja dos portugueses.

09-08-2015, 01:50 AM
Many Chileans hate us, Pinguino and many others.
The Chicano RMuller too.
And some time ago another Mexican, Carlos.
And usually in internet you find specimens so.

Yeah,I forgot to mention Pinguino.Trust me,RMuller doesn't hate spaniards,he just thinks that you are nordicist and ''whitewashes'' Spain.Carlos used to troll spaniards,he doesn't do anyomre though.

09-08-2015, 01:51 AM
Many Chileans hate us, Pinguino and many others.
The Chicano RMuller too.
And some time ago another Mexican, Carlos.
And usually in internet you find specimens so.

Another is Artarbo, the fake Galician; the terrible things he writes about Iberians on other forums and his posting of non-native Spaniards, gypsies, etc. on TA.

09-08-2015, 01:53 AM
Pode até ser que muitos latinos sejam contra trollar os ibérios mas eu já vi alguns brasileiros na internet dizendo que os portugueses não são brancos. Eu sou brasileiro e sinto vergonha desses brasileiros que tem inveja dos portugueses.

Certo ...

09-08-2015, 01:55 AM
Pode até ser que muitos latinos sejam contra trollar os ibérios mas eu já vi alguns brasileiros na internet dizendo que os portugueses não são brancos. Eu sou brasileiro e sinto vergonha desses brasileiros que tem inveja dos portugueses.

Isso é verdade,principalmente no YouTube!Também não gosto dessa gente,tentam apagar o passado colonial português do Brasil,exageram a contribuição de imigrantes não-portugueses,resumindo tudo o que sou contra...Geralmente se dizem descendentes de italianos e alemães.Mesmo assim,não acredito que esses formem a maioria dos trolls anti-Portugal e anti-Espanha internet à fora.De onde você é?Bem vindo ao fórum!

09-08-2015, 02:01 AM
Isso é verdade,principalmente no YouTube!Também não gosto dessa gente,tentam apagar o passado colonial português do Brasil,exageram a contribuição de imigrantes não-portugueses,resumindo tudo o que sou contra...Geralmente se dizem descendentes de italianos e alemães.Mesmo assim não acredito que esses formem a maioria dos trolls anti-Portugal e anti-Espanha internet à fora.De onde você é?Bem vindo ao fórum!

Sou do RJ. Obrigado pelas boas vindas. A minha conta é nova mas já faz um bom tempo que eu leio postagens nesse fórum. A intenção do fórum originalmente era compartilhar conhecimentos sobre a Europa e os fenótipos dos europeus, mas infelizmente há postagens feitas com a intenção de trollar, apesar de muitos usuários do fórum ainda terem boas intenções. Então eu decidi criar esse post para mostrar como os ibérios realmente são.

09-08-2015, 02:11 AM
Sou do RJ. Obrigado pelas boas vindas. A minha conta é nova mas já faz um bom tempo que eu leio postagens nesse fórum. A intenção do fórum originalmente era compartilhar conhecimentos sobre a Europa e os fenótipos dos europeus, mas infelizmente há postagens feitas com a intenção de trollar, apesar de muitos usuários do fórum ainda terem boas intenções. Então eu decidi criar esse post para mostrar como os ibérios realmente são.

Da capital?

09-08-2015, 02:14 AM
Da capital?

Não, desculpa mas eu prefiro não dizer de onde eu sou porque eu não gosto de falar isso na internet.

09-08-2015, 02:21 AM
Não, desculpa mas eu prefiro não dizer de onde eu sou porque eu não gosto de falar isso na internet.

Tudo bem.

09-08-2015, 02:30 AM
Have you ever been in Portugal or Spain?

Seth MacFarlane
09-08-2015, 02:47 AM
They are actually whitewashed to look like the british

Cristiano viejo
09-08-2015, 02:24 PM
They are actually whitewashed to look like the british

Only people like you is constantly relating us with British people.

09-08-2015, 02:27 PM
Y es fácil comprenderlo: hacen una proyección de si mismos hacia los demás.

Nimalito, déjalo que briegue.

Seth MacFarlane
09-08-2015, 03:03 PM
Only people like you is constantly relating us with British people.

Lol , its not my fault people like you post spaniards who look extremely british :)

Cristiano viejo
09-08-2015, 03:08 PM
Lol , its not my fault people like you post spaniards who look extremely british :)

It is not my fault that they look British according your opinion :)

09-08-2015, 03:14 PM
Lol , its not my fault people like you post spaniards who look extremely british :)

Once again the same topic of light Spaniards looking British :picard1:

09-08-2015, 03:16 PM
Well,many spaniards tend to look british.I'm sure it's not the norm,but still,the atlantic facade is undeniable.Iberians are lighter than how they are mostly portrayed here.

09-08-2015, 03:20 PM
Well,many spaniards tend to look british.I'm sure it's not the norm,but still,the atlantic facade is undeniable.Iberians are lighter than how they are mostly portrayed here.

Maybe is the Atlantid and west med elements in common that make Iberians, French and British Islanders to have some overlap, but is not like light Spaniards look "British"

09-08-2015, 03:23 PM
Maybe is the Atlantid element in common that make Iberians, French and British Islanders to have some overlap, but is not like light Spaniards look "British"

I meant it as a compliment,not an insult or trolling,since many here try to reach the Northern/Western/Northwestern European look,or get as close to it as possible.I've seen a few iberians who were somewhat similar to some brits.

09-08-2015, 03:26 PM
I meant it as a compliment,not an insult or trolling,since many here try to reach the Northern/Western/Northwestern European look,or get as close to it as possible.I've seen a few iberians who were somewhat similar to some brits.

Don't worry man, I know you are not trolling. I even thumbed you up, because at least you acknowledge that there are many light Spaniards, unlike some other people in this forum.

But believe me, Spaniards are very proud of themselves, and don't give a fuck about being like British. Nothing wrong with them. I have a good opinion about British people, and I am sure that most Spaniards do, but they are very proud of themselves, and are NOT British wannabes.

09-08-2015, 04:26 PM
Well,many spaniards tend to look british.I'm sure it's not the norm,but still,the atlantic facade is undeniable.Iberians are lighter than how they are mostly portrayed here.

Thanks, sir. And this comes from an unbiased participant.

Yes, Portugal and Spain have many Atlantic types that would blend easily in any number of Atlantic Facade countries further north. I'm not saying that this would amount to a majority, but it does reach a level of significance.

The Atlantic facade has been in existence since the early Bronze Age. There is an entire section on the "facade" on TA with tons of scholarly information. The maritime cultural and commercial exchanges between Western and N. Iberia (Portugal, Galicia, Asturias, Basque Country), Aquitaine, Brittany and the British Isles are exceedingly well researched and documented. More and more information is being accumulated regularly.

09-08-2015, 04:28 PM
Don't worry man, I know you are not trolling. I even thumbed you up, because at least you acknowledge that there are many light Spaniards, unlike some other people in this forum.

But believe me, Spaniards are very proud of themselves, and don't give a fuck about being like British. Nothing wrong with them. I have a good opinion about British people, and I am sure that most Spaniards do, but they are very proud of themselves, and are NOT British wannabes.

Exactly! Why are Spaniards and Portuguese being criticized for pointing out the obvious? No one in their right mind would say that Iberians look exactly like Brits ... people need to get a life and stop being defensive and petty.

09-08-2015, 04:29 PM
Maybe is the Atlantid and west med elements in common that make Iberians, French and British Islanders to have some overlap, but is not like light Spaniards look "British"

Precisely what I have been saying for years ...

09-08-2015, 05:19 PM
Exactly! Why are Spaniards and Portuguese being criticized for pointing out the obvious? No one in their right mind would say that Iberians look exactly like Brits ... people need to get a life and stop being defensive and petty.

Iberians don't look exactly like Brits but they look quite similar (at least the ones I have seen).

09-08-2015, 05:21 PM
Iberians don't look exactly like Brits but they look quite similar (at least the ones I have seen).

There is some overlap, but is not that they look, on average, very alike each other.

09-08-2015, 05:22 PM
Iberians are often being trolled here in this forum, but it's obviously that the Iberians are indeed light and they're not what some people here try to portray them as.

09-08-2015, 05:27 PM
Iberians don't look exactly like Brits but they look quite similar (at least the ones I have seen).

I do not share Spaniards look Brits, rather some Brits look like Iberians. IMO.

These kinds of statements make someones jump claiming Spaniards are wannabe Brits :stop:

09-08-2015, 05:29 PM
There is some overlap, but is not that they look, on average, very alike each other.

I've heard that Iberians look similar to Irish people. Is it true? Also, have you ever been to the Iberian Peninsula?

09-08-2015, 05:31 PM
I've heard that Iberians look similar to Irish people. Is it true? Also, have you ever been to the Iberian Peninsula?

I have not only been in there, I lived there and became Spanish citizen. And my mom is a fully ethnic Spaniard born in Spain.

Spaniards don't look overall particularly similar to Irish people. There is some overlap, but that's it.

Stop assuming that Iberians are British wannabes, because they are NOT.

09-08-2015, 06:25 PM
I have not only been in there, I lived there and became Spanish citizen. And my mom is a fully ethnic Spaniard born in Spain.

Spaniards don't look overall particularly similar to Irish people. There is some overlap, but that's it.

Stop assuming that Iberians are British wannabes, because they are NOT.

I'm not assuming that Iberians are British wannabes. I'm saying that I wouldn't be surprised if they looked similar because DNA has proven that both Iberians and Brits are genetically close. However, you said they don't really look British, then I'm going to say that you're right because you lived in Spain and became a citizen, therefore you know Iberians too much more than I do. Well, I'm glad to know that Iberians are proud of themselves instead of being British wannabes and also I have nothing against Iberians, Brits or any other European cultural identity.

09-08-2015, 06:28 PM
I'm not assuming that Iberians are British wannabes. I'm saying that I wouldn't be surprised if they looked similar because DNA has proven that both Iberians and Brits are genetically close. However, you said they don't really look British, then I'll assume that you're right because you lived in Spain and became a citizen, therefore you know Iberians too much more than I do. Well, I'm glad to know that Iberians are proud of themselves instead of being British wannabes and also I have nothing against Iberians, Brits or any other European cultural identity.

Please, do not feel bad, but there are here a huge amount of locos here who are constantly claiming Spaniards are wannabe brits or nordics.

They have their own ass as brain.

Just that, Jupiter.

09-08-2015, 06:31 PM
Please, do not feel bad, but there are here a huge amount of locos here who are constantly claiming Spaniards are wannabe brits or nordics.

They have their own ass as brain.

Just that, Jupiter.

Well, this forum was supposed to be serious, BUT...

09-08-2015, 07:15 PM
Iberians are often being trolled here in this forum, but it's obviously that the Iberians are indeed light and they're not what some people here try to portray them as.

Thank you for spreading the truth, friend.

09-08-2015, 07:18 PM
I do not share Spaniards look Brits, rather some Brits look like Iberians. IMO.

These kinds of statements make someones jump claiming Spaniards are wannabe Brits :stop:

That's because some ethnicities here have petty jealousies due to their not looking "Western."

How incredibly puerile to constantly lie about a population group's phenotype.

09-08-2015, 07:19 PM
Well,many spaniards tend to look british.I'm sure it's not the norm,but still,the atlantic facade is undeniable.Iberians are lighter than how they are mostly portrayed here.

Another UNBIASED opinion. Thank you!

08-21-2017, 11:02 PM
Some people think of Iberians as being dark but that's not true at all. Of course many of them have sort of orangish light brown skin tone but it's because they take the sun too much, so they often receive UV rays on their skin, which makes them look a little bit brown. Also, they have been living under the hot sun of the Iberian Peninsula since the last ice age until today, then Nature gave them a sort of yellowish skin tone that tans easier than Northern Europeans, who didn't need the same natural skin adaptation as Iberians did. That's why Northern Europeans usually have a light pink skin which turns golden when tanned, and Iberians usually have a milky or yellowish skin which turns light brown when tanned. Most Iberians have milky skin and many have yellowish skin. The yellowish ones can get more tanned than the milky ones, so their skins look brown after taking the sunlight for too long, specially in the summer.

These are photos of the famous Spanish celebrities Antonio Banderas, Penélope Cruz and Rafael Nadal before and after they get tanned by the hot sun:




Now let's see some pictures of Portuguese and Spaniards:














Iberians are of course Europeans!!! They might be usually of a slightly darker skin tone than Northern Europeans and darker in hair and eyes as well. They would tan better than say the English/Belgians but they still very Europeans! Iberians are Southern Europeans as a whole with small admixture from Northern Africa. They are White.

The Genographic Project shows them as:

Iberian (Spain and Portugal) genetics:
74% (Southern European)
9% (Northern Africa)
5% (Western & Central Europe)
5% (Jewish Diaspora)
4% (Asia Minor)
2% (Great Britain & Ireland)