View Full Version : 51% of Britons would vote to leave the EU & want no more than 3000 refugees

Neon Knight
09-11-2015, 02:36 AM

Britain wants to quit Europe: Shock new poll shows EU 'no' camp ahead for the first time as Cameron prepares to face down Tory rebels

In contrast to today’s 51-49 majority for quitting the EU, a Survation poll in July showed a 54-46 margin in favour of staying in. The ‘in’ camp has been consistently ahead in ten polls since May. In 2000, at the height of pro-European Tony Blair’s premiership, one survey showed support for staying in the EU at 62 per cent, with only 38 in favour of pulling out. Furthermore, of those who told today’s poll they would currently vote to stay in, 22 per cent say they could change their mind if the migrant problem gets worse. That would give the ‘out’ camp a substantial majority.


King Niko
09-11-2015, 02:53 AM
Let them quit, out of any country in Europe I give UK a break,

they have a shit ton of immigrants already from their imperialistic past,

so they should and just block borders and try and stop the mass flow of immigrants.

09-11-2015, 04:54 PM
The problem is the British government should take the responsibility for what it has done in Iraq, which in effect had destabilizing effect on Syria. In other words the refugee problem should be dealt with the governments who are responsible for their plight the U.S and Britain. Blair should enjoy the refugees

09-11-2015, 04:55 PM
The problem is the British government should take the responsibility for what it has done in Iraq, which in effect had destabilizing effect on Syria. In other words the refugee problem should be dealt with the governments who are responsible for their plight the U.S and Britain. Blair should enjoy the refugees

No we have zero responsibility for the world's problems. Nice try.

The refugees should be euthanized en mass!

09-11-2015, 04:56 PM
Get away from Democracy its a retarded system that has ruined America and will ruin what little left of the Anglosphere that exists. Democracy sucks! The UN sucks! the EU sucks! Fuck NATO! Get out of all of it!

09-11-2015, 04:58 PM
No we have zero responsibility for the world's problems. Nice try.

The refugees should be euthanized en mass!

Yes you do, the world will hold you responsible for it. You attacked Iraq for no reason which in effect had destabilized the Middle East. The more you go there the more the refugees will flood into the West, not that I care to be honest. If you decide to go to Iran, which has one of the largest population in the Mideast, you would see a refugee problem that will pale in comparison to what is now. Stop playing with the Mideast like it's your chessboard.

09-11-2015, 04:59 PM
Just send the refugees to the US. Don't send them to Europe where the entire character of the continent will be changed. the US is a melting pot anyway, send them here.

My fear is ISIS terrorists disguising themselves as refugees to gain access to the rest of the world.

09-11-2015, 05:04 PM
Yes you do, the world will hold you responsible for it. You attacked Iraq for no reason which in effect had destabilized the Middle East. The more you go there the more the refugees will flood into the West, not that I care to be honest. If you decide to go to Iran, which has one of the largest population in the Mideast, you would see a refugee problem that will pale in comparison to what is now. Stop playing with the Mideast like it's your chessboard.

No we dont and no one would hold anyone responsible for anything. I dont care about raghead land.

09-11-2015, 05:05 PM
Just send the refugees to the US. Don't send them to Europe where the entire character of the continent will be changed. the US is a melting pot anyway, send them here.

My fear is ISIS terrorists disguising themselves as refugees to gain access to the rest of the world.

An example of a cucked westerner.