View Full Version : Classify Spanish singer Diego El Cigala

09-15-2015, 09:00 AM



09-15-2015, 09:03 AM
The most perfect image of any italo australian from Melbourne, Australia who works usually in a kitchen making pizza. His gypsies features match plainly with the traditional italo australian from Melbourne.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-15-2015, 09:06 AM
The most perfect image of any italo australian from Melbourne, Australia who works usually in a kitchen making pizza. His gypsies features match plainly with the traditional italo australian from Melbourne.

Yes. Classic dark Gyptalian look.

09-15-2015, 09:07 AM
Now for some classifications please.

09-15-2015, 09:08 AM
Handsome man, i dont get why such phenotypes are seen as bad

09-15-2015, 09:12 AM
Handsome man, i dont get why such phenotypes are seen as bad

I am sure he is a very good musician too.

09-15-2015, 09:14 AM
I am sure he is a very good musician too.

he looks handsome he is just dark

09-15-2015, 09:16 AM
Now for some classifications please.

Sure. No poblem. And without "please" as well.

Typical italo australian from Melbourne, Australia, because of his marked gypsy features and skin colour ton.


By the way, stop hidding your mug behind those two artificious plastic horrendous blondines. Everybody here knows you are as black and misshappen as fuck. Cigala would be your handsome cousin.

09-15-2015, 09:17 AM
Gitano Power. A striking "pura raza". Not only a great musician but also a great human being.


There are Gypsies in Italy, to be sure, but none as talented

09-15-2015, 11:59 AM
¿habéis visto la parodia de J. Mota?, es buenísima


Cristiano viejo
09-15-2015, 12:18 PM
Second time this wog from Australia makes a thread about this Gypsy.
No ideas hehe

09-15-2015, 12:39 PM
he looks handsome he is just dark

Not even so dark for Southern Europe
There are "no gitanos" spanish or other south European who look like him without having gitano blood

09-15-2015, 12:43 PM
Frankly all this discriminations and divisions.. I don t understand.. That man is spanish.. His ancestors have been in Spain for more than 500 years

09-15-2015, 12:43 PM
Lui é un Gitano, un Gitano vero

09-15-2015, 12:46 PM
Lui é un Gitano, un Gitano vero

Ok .. But that doesn't stop him being spanish.. Or do gitanos separete themselves from the other spanish ?

09-15-2015, 12:46 PM

09-15-2015, 12:48 PM
Gitano Power. A striking "pura raza". Not only a great musician but also a great human being.


There are Gypsies in Italy, to be sure, but none as talented

I think he's one of the worst Gitano cantantes of all of Spain; his voice makes even a deaf person cry in agony.

Only Cameron de la Isla earns such titles.

09-15-2015, 12:48 PM
Ok .. But that doesn't stop him being spanish.. Or do gitanos separete themselves from the other spanish ?

Definitely, they're Spanish Gitanos and identify as such

09-15-2015, 12:50 PM
Definitely, they're Spanish Gitanos and identify as such

So in Spain the make a separate parallel society?
I didn't know this

09-15-2015, 12:51 PM
Ok .. But that doesn't stop him being spanish.. Or do gitanos separete themselves from the other spanish ?
Yes, they separate. Gitanos are considered (also themselves) a different ethnicity. That's why we talk of "etnia gitana". And they call us (non-gypsies) as "Payos".

09-15-2015, 12:52 PM
Yes, they separate. Gitanos are considered (also themselves) a different ethnicity. That's why we talk of "etnia gitana". And they call us (non-gypsies) as "Payos".

Payo o Busne

09-15-2015, 12:54 PM
Yes, they separate. Gitanos are considered (also themselves) a different ethnicity. That's why we talk of "etnia gitana". And they call us (non-gypsies) as "Payos".

Well in this case they are at right a separate ethnicity

09-15-2015, 12:56 PM
Well in this case they are at right a separate ethnicity

Similar to Jews who call non-Jews ''Goyim'' Gypsies in the Balkans call non Gypsies ''Gadje'' and in Spain usually ''Payos'' or ''Busne''

09-15-2015, 01:04 PM
I understand..they voluntary separate themselves

In Italy too.. They separate. But I tought in Spain was different as they contributed to spanish music culture I tought they were amalgamated with local people

09-15-2015, 01:04 PM
He recently lost his wife. RIP

09-15-2015, 01:52 PM
I understand..they voluntary separate themselves

In Italy too.. They separate. But I tought in Spain was different as they contributed to spanish music culture I tought they were amalgamated with local people

Flamenco is like jazz and blues in America, a variation of existing traditional music that has evolved from the ghettos of other ethnicity to the stage. And just like a minority.

The origins of Flamenco are 18-19 century and has evolved in the 20th century. Spanish Traditional music is older.

09-15-2015, 02:00 PM

09-15-2015, 02:14 PM
Lui é un Gitano, un Gitano vero

Como tú, pero cruzado tambien con moro del norte de África.

Te mintieron.

09-15-2015, 03:25 PM
Flamenco is like jazz and blues in America, a variation of existing traditional music that has evolved from the ghettos of other ethnicity to the stage. And just like a minority.

The origins of Flamenco are 18-19 century and has evolved in the 20th century. Spanish Traditional music is older.

Also Moorish influences are clearly visible.

09-15-2015, 03:26 PM
Como tú, pero cruzado tambien con moro del norte de África.

Te mintieron.

,,like me'' ,,I lied''..? Explain yourself

09-15-2015, 03:37 PM
I understand..they voluntary separate themselves

In Italy too.. They separate. But I tought in Spain was different as they contributed to spanish music culture I tought they were amalgamated with local people
No..flamenco has always been gypsy culture, but re-converted as "spanish culture" in the 20th century.

09-15-2015, 04:06 PM
Ok .. But that doesn't stop him being spanish.. Or do gitanos separete themselves from the other spanish ?

in general terms, yes, they separate themselves from the payos. Those who have integrated into the mainstream no longer think of themselves as mere gitanos. They are Spanish citizens to be sure, and compatriots , malquelepese a algunos, but those who regard themselves as belonging to Gitano ethnicity are a separate ethnicity to the rest.

Spanish but not Spaniards.

Españoles, pero no extrictamente Hispanos.

Cristiano viejo
09-15-2015, 04:06 PM
No..flamenco has always been gypsy culture, but re-converted as "spanish culture" in the 20th century.

No, flamenco was Spanish in origin but re-converted in Gypsy music. Low class Andalusians invented it in the century XVIII but it was appropiated by Gypsies.

09-15-2015, 04:12 PM
No..flamenco has always been gypsy culture, but re-converted as "spanish culture" in the 20th century.

This is a common misconception. Flamenco is part of the core folk culture of Andalusia. It contains a strong Gypsy influence (gypsies in Andalusia were better integrated than in the rest of Europe, including the rest of Spain) but the core of it is purely Andalusian evolved from the contact of Cristian and Moorish influences, and ultimately heir to the ancient Puellae Gaditanae or Ibero-phoenitian dancers from Gader. The gypsies of Andalusia largely abandoned their own folklore and joined the Andalusian culture, leaving their own imprint .

The Portuguese and Castilian calé and the Erromintxela of thr basque country dont have Flamenco as their primary music.

09-15-2015, 04:14 PM
In any case, they also appear in Italian art :


09-15-2015, 04:18 PM
No, flamenco was Spanish in origin but re-converted in Gypsy music. Low class Andalusians invented it in the century XVIII but it was appropiated by Gypsies.

it was not appropriated by Gypsies. Gitanos are just contributors. But the majority of the gitarists , dancers, cantaores, coplistas and musicians that can be englobed in andalusian and flamenco folklorr both present and past are payos.

09-15-2015, 04:29 PM
This is a common misconception. Flamenco is part of the core folk culture of Andalusia. It contains a strong Gypsy influence (gypsies in Andalusia were better integrated than in the rest of Europe, including the rest of Spain) but the core of it is purely Andalusian evolved from the contact of Cristian and Moorish influences, and ultimately heir to the ancient Puellae Gaditanae or Ibero-phoenitian dancers from Gader. The gypsies of Andalusia largely abandoned their own folklore and joined the Andalusian culture, leaving their own imprint .

The Portuguese and Castilian calé and the Erromintxela of thr basque country dont have Flamenco as their primary music.
Por cierto que el flamenco no está considerado como folclore andaluz, como puede ser seguidillas, sevillanas, fandangos, verdiales, trovos, el chacarrá etc.

Cristiano viejo
09-15-2015, 04:31 PM
So in Spain the make a separate parallel society?
I didn't know this

Gypsies have their own neighborhoods in every fuckin Spanish city where they live. What kind of ignorant you are to not know such basic thing, Cicciolina?

Cristiano viejo
09-15-2015, 04:36 PM
This is a common misconception. Flamenco is part of the core folk culture of Andalusia. It contains a strong Gypsy influence (gypsies in Andalusia were better integrated than in the rest of Europe, including the rest of Spain) but the core of it is purely Andalusian evolved from the contact of Cristian and Moorish influences, and ultimately heir to the ancient Puellae Gaditanae or Ibero-phoenitian dancers from Gader. The gypsies of Andalusia largely abandoned their own folklore and joined the Andalusian culture, leaving their own imprint .

Stop saying bullshits about the Gypsy integration in Spain as the epytome of the integration. Go to Romania, and I guess the rest of Balkan countries, and you wil know what integration means.

And again, flamenco was invented by low class Andalusians, who were in contact with another low class, the Gypsies. Gypsies appropiated such style and added their own label, and that is what now everybody knows.

I go to see the basket, adiós expatriado.

09-15-2015, 04:37 PM
Por cierto que el flamenco no está considerado como folclore andaluz, como puede ser seguidillas, sevillanas, fandangos, verdiales, trovos, el chacarrá etc.

Si que lo esta. Bulerias, fandangos, saetas, all of it is part of flamenco and part of andalusian folklore

si esto nones foklore andaluz, que baje dios yblo vea.aunque bueno, aqui barbaro deberia dar su opinion interna

09-15-2015, 04:45 PM
Stop saying bullshits about the Gypsy integration in Spain as the epytome of the integration. Go to Romania, and I guess the rest of Balkan countries, and you wil know what integration means.

And again, flamenco was invented by low class Andalusians, who were in contact with another low class, the Gypsies. Gypsies appropiated such style and added their own label, and that is what now everybody knows.

I go to see the basket, adiós expatriado.

Tranquilo mijo, a ver si aprendemos a leer. donde he dicho que españa sea el epitome de integracion de los gitanos?

Gitanos are an outcast ethnicity everywhere in Europe , including Andalucía. But in andalucía their situation and integration was somehow better. Also Flamenco is nitva XIX invention but a XIX evolution of the hustorical folk music and dances of south-west andalusia. Its roots are as old as the oldest memories of the Puella Gaditanae of roman times.

09-15-2015, 05:19 PM
Si que lo esta. Bulerias, fandangos, saetas, all of it is part of flamenco and part of andalusian folklore

si esto nones foklore andaluz, que baje dios yblo vea.aunque bueno, aqui barbaro deberia dar su opinion interna

Palos del flamenco que se llaman.


Cristiano viejo
09-15-2015, 06:26 PM
Tranquilo mijo, a ver si aprendemos a leer. donde he dicho que españa sea el epitome de integracion de los gitanos?

(gypsies in Andalusia were better integrated than in the rest of Europe, including the rest of Spain).

Gitanos are an outcast ethnicity everywhere in Europe , including Andalucía. But in andalucía their situation and integration was somehow better.
Que no, chato, que no. Que viajes a Europa del Este y verás como no. Que allí hay gitanos camareros, taxistas, dependientes de comercio etc Que eso no lo ves en España ni jarto a vino, hombre.

09-15-2015, 11:32 PM
Not even so dark for Southern Europe
There are "no gitanos" spanish or other south European who look like him without having gitano blood

he is dark even for southern europe. he is gypsy brown, southerneuropeans cant be naturally brown they have white skin. and i didnt said he passes as southerneuro just that he is handsome and nothing is wrong with his phenotype


09-16-2015, 06:58 PM
En el área de Andalucía que yo conozco -Málaga, Granada- no veo que haya una excesiva integración de los gitanos en la sociedad "castellana" (lo siento, amigos, pero yo no uso la palabra "payo", uso la palabra que se ha usado siempre aquí para diferenciar gitanos de no-gitanos españoles a los que se les designaba con la palabra "castellano"), y no por esfuerzo de las autoridades que seriamente los han querido integrar (escuelas, viviendas gratis, suministros de agua y electricidad gratis), sino por rechazo de los mismos gitanos que se automarginan. No quieren saber nada con los castellanos, incluso existe cierto racismo desde los gitanos a los castellanos.

Esto en general por supuesto.

Bueno, podría escribir cientos de hojas y hojas sobre esto, pero tampoco es necesario.

¿Que existen ciertos gitanos que son más "tratables" que otros? Por supuesto. Pero eso no quiere decir que estén "integrados". Tienen sus buenas casas, sus buenos "negocios", sus buenos automóviles y muchos de ellos sus buenos "trapicheos".

¿Que todos no se dedican al trapicheo? Por supuesto, unos más que otros, y unos con más exito que otros.

¿Que algunos desearían integrarse y no pueden? También. Pero encontrarán obstáculos dentro de su misma gente.

El matrimonio o relación mixta gitano-castellano es muy raro, un casi imposible, algo considerado y sentido como "aberración" por los mismos gitanos.

Muchos gitanos han tenido que salir por patas en algunos pueblos de Andalucía, por el pueblo entero se ha levantado contra ellos por haber cometido ya no robos o hurtos sino incluso asesinatos. Granada provincia es la que mayor número de refugiados ha acogido de esta gente, generalmente expulsados de pueblos de Jaen (Martos, Mancha Real, etc.).

El gitano, en sí, no se quiere integrar con los castellanos, quiere conservar sus costumbres, sus usos y no quiere adoptar los de los castellanos.

¿Por qué? No sé. Quizá por soberbia, quizá por amor propio. Ni idea.

Generalmente viven en sus barrios aparte en los pueblos, las casillas de los gitanos que te puedes encontrar en cualquier pueblo, apartados de los demás.

Algunos de ellos, artistas en su mayoría, buenos cantaores o guitarristas, sí parece que se han relacionado más con los castellanos, pero hasta cierto punto, eso no quiere decir que se hayan integrado ni mucho menos. Más que nada, porque a ellos no les da la gana.

A proposito, todos los cantaores flamencos ni todos los guitarristas son gitanos, eh? La mayoría son castellanos.

No sé qué más puedo deciros.

Supongo que sobre este tema habrá tantas realidades como lugares y gente que las experimenta.


09-16-2015, 07:08 PM
Gipsies are a distinct ethnicity even here in Brazil. We even had a president with Czech gipsy ancestry, Juscelino Kubitschek


Here, they sell all sorts of wooden jewerly and dreamcatchers, in mats at the ground. I remember playing with a gypsy child once when I was a child. Some of them have some amerindian ancestry as well, in here. They're generally not very open with non gypsies, though.

09-16-2015, 07:10 PM
En el área de Andalucía que yo conozco -Málaga, Granada- no veo que haya una excesiva integración de los gitanos en la sociedad "castellana" (lo siento, amigos, pero yo no uso la palabra "payo", uso la palabra que se ha usado siempre aquí para diferenciar gitanos de no-gitanos españoles a los que se les designaba con la palabra "castellano"), y no por esfuerzo de las autoridades que seriamente los han querido integrar (escuelas, viviendas gratis, suministros de agua y electricidad gratis), sino por rechazo de los mismos gitanos que se automarginan. No quieren saber nada con los castellanos, incluso existe cierto racismo desde los gitanos a los castellanos.

Esto en general por supuesto.

Bueno, podría escribir cientos de hojas y hojas sobre esto, pero tampoco es necesario.

¿Que existen ciertos gitanos que son más "tratables" que otros? Por supuesto. Pero eso no quiere decir que estén "integrados". Tienen sus buenas casas, sus buenos "negocios", sus buenos automóviles y muchos de ellos sus buenos "trapicheos".

¿Que todos no se dedican al trapicheo? Por supuesto, unos más que otros, y unos con más exito que otros.

¿Que algunos desearían integrarse y no pueden? También. Pero encontrarán obstáculos dentro de su misma gente.

El matrimonio o relación mixta gitano-castellano es muy raro, un casi imposible, algo considerado y sentido como "aberración" por los mismos gitanos.

Muchos gitanos han tenido que salir por patas en algunos pueblos de Andalucía, por el pueblo entero se ha levantado contra ellos por haber cometido ya no robos o hurtos sino incluso asesinatos. Granada provincia es la que mayor número de refugiados ha acogido de esta gente, generalmente expulsados de pueblos de Jaen (Martos, Mancha Real, etc.).

El gitano, en sí, no se quiere integrar con los castellanos, quiere conservar sus costumbres, sus usos y no quiere adoptar los de los castellanos.

¿Por qué? No sé. Quizá por soberbia, quizá por amor propio. Ni idea.

Generalmente viven en sus barrios aparte en los pueblos, las casillas de los gitanos que te puedes encontrar en cualquier pueblo, apartados de los demás.

Algunos de ellos, artistas en su mayoría, buenos cantaores o guitarristas, sí parece que se han relacionado más con los castellanos, pero hasta cierto punto, eso no quiere decir que se hayan integrado ni mucho menos. Más que nada, porque a ellos no les da la gana.

A proposito, todos los cantaores flamencos ni todos los guitarristas son gitanos, eh? La mayoría son castellanos.

No sé qué más puedo deciros.

Supongo que sobre este tema habrá tantas realidades como lugares y gente que las experimenta.


Lo más acertado que he leído sobre los gitanos en mucho tiempo.

09-16-2015, 07:11 PM
There's nothing wrong with how he looks, nor his skin tone. I doubt he truly cares about the opinions of any of us and is also likely richer than most of us on this forum. He is richer than the person who is sadly using his photos to present a specific look of Spanish people. There is nothing wrong with showing a range of phenotypes, looks, and a variety of people from different countries but in the context of looking at OP's recent threads, it is intellectually dishonest to make more than 4-5 threads with Spaniards looking one way and Italians looking another way. You can't just cherrypick like that, you're not fooling anybody when you do, and you don't contribute to anything but making anthropology forums look even more delusional. Nobody is saying blue eyed blonde people can't be ethnically Italian or there can't be darker types in Spain, but they are not representative overall.

09-16-2015, 07:26 PM
Lo más acertado que he leído sobre los gitanos en mucho tiempo.

Y bueno, Empecinado, es que te podría escribir cientos de páginas sobre esto, pero para qué, sería hastiante.

Hay muchas realidades, he visto también racismo sobre los gitanos por parte de los castellanos, un racismo ciego y una animadversión que tampoco es de recibo (ejemplo: sobre una pregunta inocente hecha por una niña gitana de 5 años sobre un tema delicado de una niña castellana, pero que crea un sentimiento antigitano increíble en una madre castellana; escena real, visto por mí, y que me sorpendió, la verdad).

Ningún castellano en ninguna reunión hablará abiertamente en contra de los gitanos y menos en un sentido racista, más que nada porque sería políticamente incorrecto, dado el tableteo constante conque las autoridades (en realidad partidos políticos progres acá en esta zona de España) se ha hecho contra la intolerancia; pero eso a los gitanos, les da exactamente igual, ellos van a su rollo y no se cortan en acusar de "racismo" cualquier norma -para todos- puesta por administración o incluso persona en aquel momento que a ellos nos les convenga, como puede ser perfectamente esperar el turno en una cola o en un servicio publico cualquiera. Y ya lían el taco.

Es su forma de ser, su vida, sus rituales existenciales.

Es necesario muchas veces tener mucha mano izquierda cuando te has tenido que enfrentar a un grupo grande con esa actitud... como yo me he tenido que ver a veces.

Pero por lo general pasan semanas y semanas sin que te topes con ninguno. Te tropiezas más con alguno rumano que con alguno de aquí. Al menos en la zona por donde me muevo yo.

No sé, es que se podría hablar tanto y tanto sobre el tema...

10-17-2021, 02:08 PM
Gypsy or not, it seems he is more recognizable than our members, he won life

10-17-2021, 02:15 PM
You have been here since 2015? :)

Gypsy to the core.

I love this version of yours


Cristiano viejo
10-17-2021, 02:20 PM
Gypsy or not, it seems he is more recognizable than our members, he won life

In Dominican Republic, where he exiled, maybe.

Here in Spain he was arrested recently when he arrived from the Caribe due agressions to his wife.
He also was denounced some time ago for harassing an stewardess.

A true jewel...

10-17-2021, 08:19 PM
Luuuuna de plaaaata
Looks very indian

Enviado desde mi SM-G920I mediante Tapatalk

10-17-2021, 08:36 PM
I dont know how to classify him, but if I didnt know who he was, I would have guessed he was from Afghanistan. Wonderful musician btw.