View Full Version : The life in Spain of the Syrian refugee tripped in Hungary: free house, with a job, presents...

Cristiano viejo
09-17-2015, 04:57 PM
This Syrian family has won the lottery with that tripping.

Their new life in Madrid:

-They will live in a 114m2 house of four rooms.
-The rental of this house (600 euros/month) will be paid by the club that brought him to Spain.
-The landlord has lowered the rental from 690 euros to 600 only for being a refugee. If it had been a Spanish tenant she had not lowered a sad euro, I guess.
-This club has spent 3000 euros to bring them from Germany.
-The father will work as administrative for the moment but in the next weeks he will start to work as football trainer.
-The rest of his family will arrive to Spain in the next weeks. They are living now in Turkey.
-The president of Real Madrid has invited all this Syrian family to the Santiago Bernabeu VIP. The Real Madrid socios (members) in their fucking life will step this VIP.

His only merit to get all these privileges has been to be tripped :rolleyes:
What SHAME!!!!!

Links to check all this information

09-17-2015, 06:26 PM
pues me cago en su puta madre.

del que le ha acogido, no del refugiado (inmigrante mejor dicho), él hace bien en que le den de todo por haber nacido no español.

Cristiano viejo
09-17-2015, 10:23 PM
pues me cago en su puta madre.

del que le ha acogido, no del refugiado (inmigrante mejor dicho), él hace bien en que le den de todo por haber nacido no español.

And what about the dirty mass media? they are pro-immigration shamelessly.

Cristiano viejo
09-17-2015, 10:27 PM
The best thing to ever happen to this guy was to be tripped on camera.

It was his particular lottery.
What society :picard1:

09-17-2015, 10:30 PM
Good to know if I ever need a backup plan, I can always arrange for a racist to assault me on camera... and bleeding heart hermanos will bail me out

Damião de Góis
09-17-2015, 10:31 PM
I want a new house too. Costa del sol would be nice. How can i apply?

Cristiano viejo
09-17-2015, 10:32 PM
Here with Florentino Pérez visiting (free of course) the Santiago Bernabéu.


Such parasites...

Demon Revival
09-17-2015, 10:35 PM
Hehe, so much for the people here hailing that woman as a hero a week back. When you put it into retrospective, was it that good really?

09-17-2015, 10:36 PM
No quiero se mal pensado, pero me da que la zancadilla estaba todo planeado o la inducieron a hacerlo...No se explica como puede haber hasta 3 cámaras a la vez grabando a la reportera (en vez de grabar los refugiados) a lo largo de la filmación :


Demon Revival
09-17-2015, 10:51 PM
I don't recall anyone hailing her as a hero. She did a shitty thing because the guy was carrying a child. If he hadn't been carrying a kid it would have been somewhat funny. She feels terrible about it. If I can forgive the person who tripped me in 2nd grade, I think we all can forgive this woman for tripping this man.

Who here can say they never did anything shitty? There just wasn't a camera video taping us at that moment. Tripping someone is pretty low on the list of shitty things to do to someone. It would have been worse if she kicked him and the child while they were down or sodomized him with a strap on dildo. That would be unforgivable.

That was actually a jab to the thread opener. I agree with you that tripping someone is asshole behavior, but it's far from being a heinous crime.

09-17-2015, 10:58 PM
Life in Spain sounds fun for non Spaniards. I'll keep that in mind if/when the US collapses

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2015, 01:40 AM
In El partido de las 12, one of the most famous radio programs of the Spanish nights.
The journalists, how not, solidaridating with them :rolleyes:
Media is media, the promotion of the invasion is its leit motif
