View Full Version : Imam tells Muslim migrants to 'breed children' with Europeans to 'conquer their countries'

09-19-2015, 01:50 AM
Imam tells Muslim migrants to 'breed' and 'conquer their countries'

A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and 'conquer their countries'.

Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour.

He said Europe was facing a demographic disaster and urged Muslims to have children with westerners so they could 'trample them underfoot, Allah willing.'

Top Iman: 'Conquer Europe by breeding with Europeans'


'Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst,' Infowars reports.

'We will give them fertility. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries.'

In the full video, he said Americans, Italians, Germans and the French will be forced to take refugees.

Italy has the lowest birth rate since 1861 with 8.4 per 1,000 people and much or Europe is following the same trend.

Claims: Sheikh Muhammad Ayed said Europe was only taking refugees as a new source of labour

Birth rates are far higher in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, which is where most migrants are coming from.

The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran, which states, 'And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.'

To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.


09-19-2015, 01:55 AM
did he say anything untrue?

-Europeans hate Islam and Muslims
-Europe has infertility issues
-Labour cannot be replenished
-They see the migrants are a source of cheap labour
-An Islamic caliphate will be reinstated

09-19-2015, 02:38 AM
did he say anything untrue?

-Europeans hate Islam and Muslims
-Europe has infertility issues
-Labour cannot be replenished
-They see the migrants are a source of cheap labour
-An Islamic caliphate will be reinstated

Europeans clearly don't wish Muslims were dead or they wouldn't aid nor import Muslims. Ridiculous premise to begin with.

He's openly claiming he wants to conquer Europe. Typical Muslim aggression.

The Caliphate is here. Look how it's turning out. Yet another despotic violent Muslim shit-hole at war with infidels, other Muslims and everyone else.

Visage pâle
09-19-2015, 09:55 AM
did he say anything untrue?

-Europeans hate Islam and Muslims
-Europe has infertility issues
-Labour cannot be replenished
-They see the migrants are a source of cheap labour
-An Islamic caliphate will be reinstated

-Japan has very low birth rate, japanese don't call migrants.
-High birth rate is a sign of undevelopment, successful nations have low birth rates.
-European have unemployment problems, they don't need immigration.
-I don't care about Islamic caliphate, it's not our problem.

Neon Knight
09-19-2015, 10:06 AM
People are always saying that non-European immigrants should integrate. No, it is far better that they stay in separate groups.

09-19-2015, 03:31 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



09-19-2015, 03:34 PM
These figures need to be silenced for humanity sake.

09-19-2015, 03:37 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



She forgets that Middle Eastern men are dominant and will carry on their cultural and religious traditions most of the times; they're not so easy to form and aren't as liberal as modern day Swedes or northern & western Europeans in general.

Neon Knight
09-19-2015, 03:38 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



Social justice warriors are always the first to start swearing in these debates.

09-19-2015, 03:39 PM
Meanwhile, Sweden has already slided below the OECD average in terms of PISA scores of 15-year-olds:

1) Swedish scores in PISA 2000:

a) Maths - 510
b) Science - 512
c) Reading - 516

2) Swedish scores in PISA 2012:

a) Maths - 478
b) Science - 485
c) Reading - 483


PISA 2000 - http://www.oecd.org/edu/school/programmeforinternationalstudentassessmentpisa/33690591.pdf
PISA 2012 - http://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results-volume-I.pdf
Article - http://www.thelocal.se/20131203/sweden-slides-in-global-education-rank-pisa-students-schools

Needless to say, there is a highly statistically significant correlation between PISA scores, IQ points, and 14 alleles in DNA. Read D. Piffer 2013 & 2014; D. Piffer & E. Kirkegaard 2014; C. A. Rietveld 2013; etc. (links):

Piffer 2013 - http://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/wp-content/upl...ment-and-IQ.pdf (http://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/wp-content/uploads/Factor-Analysis-of-Population-Allele-Frequencies-as-a-Simple-Novel-Method-of-Detecting-Signals-of-Recent-Polygenic-Selection-The-Example-of-Educational-Attainment-and-IQ.pdf)
Piffer 2014 - http://www.ibc7.org/article/journal_v.php?sid=317
Piffer & Kirkegaard - http://openpsych.net/OBG/2014/04/the-genet...nitive-ability/ (http://openpsych.net/OBG/2014/04/the-genetic-correlation-between-educational-attainment-intracranial-volume-and-iq-is-due-to-recent-polygenic-selection-on-general-cognitive-ability/)
Rietveld 2013 (https://www.sciencemag.org/content/340/6139/1467.abstract) - http://scholar.harvard.edu/files/laibson/f...ence_053013.pdf (http://scholar.harvard.edu/files/laibson/files/gwas_science_053013.pdf)
Benyamin 2013 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3935975/
Gosso 2007 - http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2350/8/66

Cristiano viejo
09-19-2015, 03:42 PM
Jewish strategy.

09-19-2015, 03:42 PM
In most countries located on the east of Germany, such imam would be found dead next day.

09-19-2015, 03:43 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



I don't see how it's such a great thing or bad thing to mix. What is important is to find someone you love, not think "oh, they're not my race.... so it's [good/not good] to mix with them". I don't even care, but that's just me, I guess.

09-19-2015, 03:47 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



Both are right.

Siberian Cold Breeze
09-19-2015, 03:54 PM
Seems like your Prince supports him..Why don't you write a letter with attached links of your threads .May be he is following a wrong path and needs your advices .


09-19-2015, 03:57 PM
Both are right.


You know, our patience has its limits, check - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-30gF6WB-GY#t=3784

09-19-2015, 04:01 PM
Seems like your Prince supports him..Why don't you write a letter with attached links of your threads .May be he is following a wrong path and needs your advices .


dont tell the shia, but he is a syed (British royal family have the blood of ahlul bayt)...if they find out they might make him an Ayatollah in Iran as he is eligible

09-19-2015, 04:02 PM
Prince Charles' decent from Hussain Ibn Ali
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh)
Fatima, the wife of Ali Ibn Abu Talib
Hussain Ibn Ali
Ali Zain al Abidin, Imam in Iraq
Muhammad al Bakhir, Imam in Iraq
Djafar al Sadakh, Imam in Iraq
Ismail Ibn Gafar
Muhammad Ibn Ismail
Ismail Ibn Muhammad
Ahmed Ibn Ismail
Obeid'Allah al Mahdi
Muhammad al Khaim, Caliph
Ismail al Mansur, Caliph of Egypt
bint (daughter) of al Mansur
Ismail Ibn Qarais, Imam of Seville
Muhammad ibn Ismail, Emir of Seville
Muhammad "al Mutadid", Emir of Seville
Abul-Kasim Muhammad "al Mutamid", Emir of Seville
Zaida of Denia
Sancha de Castile
Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara
Sancha Rodriguez de Lara
Aldonza Giron
Aldonza Ramirez
Maria de Henestona
Maria de Padilla, wife of King Pedro the Cruel of Castile
Constance of Castile, wife of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster
Joan Beaufort
Edward Nevill, 1st Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 4th Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 5th Lord of Abergavenny
Ursula Nevill
Dorothy St. Leger
Mary Kings Mill
Dorothea Burgh
Dorothy Smyth
Martin Tucker
Mary Tucker
Henrietta Mildred Hodgson
Frances Dora Smith
Claude George Bowes-Lyon
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prince Charles of Wales

Prince Charles' descent from Hasan ibn Ali
the Prophet Muhammed
Fatimah married Ali Ben Abu Talib, Caliph
Al Hasan
Husain ibn Hasan
Zohra married Abu Farisi
Naim al Lakhmi
Naim al Lakhmi
Ismail Ibn Qarais, Imam of Seville
Muhammad ibn Ismail, Emir of Seville
Muhammad "al Mutadid", Emir of Seville
Abul-Kasim Muhammad "al Mutamid", Emir of Seville
Zaida of Denia
Sancha de Castile
Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara
Sancha Rodriguez de Lara
Aldonza Giron
Aldonza Ramirez
Maria de Henestona
Maria de Padilla, wife of King Pedro the Cruel of Castile
Constance of Castile, wife of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster
Joan Beaufort
Edward Nevill, 1st Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 4th Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 5th Lord of Abergavenny
Ursula Nevill
Dorothy St. Leger
Mary Kings Mill
Dorothea Burgh
Dorothy Smyth
Martin Tucker
Mary Tucker
Henrietta Mildred Hodgson
Frances Dora Smith
Claude George Bowes-Lyon
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prince Charles of Wales

09-19-2015, 04:03 PM
I don't see how it's such a great thing or bad thing to mix. What is important is to find someone you love, not think "oh, they're not my race.... so it's [good/not good] to mix with them". I don't even care, but that's just me, I guess.

On an individual basis it's not bad, you can't prevent people from falling in love with people of other races.

It is bad when you import whole Alien populations within a country knowing it will inevitably result in mass scale mixing. To allow this to happen is nothing less than criminal.

Immigrants should be strictly kept to no more than 10% of the native population or else a country is doomed to lose its national character and racial cohesion.

09-19-2015, 04:11 PM
did he say anything untrue?

-Europeans hate Islam and Muslims
-Europe has infertility issues
-Labour cannot be replenished
-They see the migrants are a source of cheap labour
-An Islamic caliphate will be reinstated

Europe still can survive without immigrants. A population decline isn't as bad as people make it out to be. The only painful phase is the phase when the older population are the majority but after they die off (gracefully), there's just more room for everyone.

Japan has common sense, so do Eastern European countries (suffering from post-communism losing population due to low birthrate and emigration).

09-19-2015, 04:15 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



Always funny coming from feminists living in the culture that grants them the most freedom. Of course, Swedish also explains a lot. Swedes and Brits have the most PC governments of Europe with plenty of brainwashed people.

They'd be shut down in any African of Middle Eastern country, violently even.

Here are other kind of feminists. They are obnoxious, true. I neither understand FEMEN's strategy that well and see them as attention whores. However, look at how those men are kicking them even though they are very easy to subdue peacefully. Unreported in the media and those muslim men have sued FEMEN for it to boot. These are the times we're living in.


09-19-2015, 04:25 PM
Always funny coming from feminists living in the culture that grants them the most freedom. Of course, Swedish also explains a lot. Swedes and Brits have the most PC governments of Europe with plenty of brainwashed people.

They'd be shut down in any African of Middle Eastern country, violently even.

Here are other kind of feminists. They are obnoxious, true. But see how those men are kicking them. Unreported in the media and those muslim men have sued FEMEN for it as well lol. These are the times we're living in.


50 shades of black and blue, lol...

09-19-2015, 04:30 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



Very nice. In England it was at least till I was there vey common for english girls to bang muslims.

She won't regret that.

09-19-2015, 04:32 PM
Nothing new, I'm well aware they always wanted to conquer our land, I wonder if they are aware too that it will awake the iron against them.

Siberian Cold Breeze
09-19-2015, 04:38 PM
dont tell the shia, but he is a syed (British royal family have the blood of ahlul bayt)...if they find out they might make him an Ayatollah in Iran as he is eligible

lol..ofcourse he is :rolleyes:
why don't you make him a khalifa ?

09-19-2015, 04:40 PM
Top Imam? I enter his name in Google and it only bring to this video, he talks to nobody, I can also enter in a Church and call to a Crusade. All Imams would tell you to marry a Muslim woman, none would advocate to mix. Think whatever you want, this guy is either a Jew or a Talmudo-Takfiri.

09-19-2015, 04:42 PM
lol..ofcourse he is :rolleyes:
why don't you make him a khalifa ?

if it will bring the Turks back to their religion, I am for it...afterall, if British Royals became muslim, many turks will start wearing the fez again (refer my sig)

09-19-2015, 04:59 PM

You know, our patience has its limits, check - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-30gF6WB-GY#t=3784

Aren't you Lithuanian? Why do you care about Germany?

09-19-2015, 05:01 PM
As has already been said by me to you but you have a memory of a fish or you simply don't care about what is accurate if it goes against a notion of yours is that Western Europe has strict labor laws that doesn't allow for cheap labor. Migrants are also far more likely to be on welfare partially because of these strict labor laws (unattended consequences) and partially because many of them lack any real skills for a modern society or can speak the languages.

It's very unlikely an "Islamic caliphate" will be forced on Europe for the simple fact that they don't have the education or skills to create an infrastructure. Just as ISIS can only survive by making millions off of oil, kidnapping and then ransoming Westerners, and selling sex slaves to Gulf Arabs an 'Islamic Caliphate' in Europe would have to use alternative methods to make money. Also, Muslim children across Western Europe do very poorly in school and so most of them can't be relied on to help build an infrastructure and those who are highly educated are probably more likely to reject the religious nonsense considering education in the hard sciences and absurd religious beliefs don't go hand in hand.

I was referring to an Islamic caliphate within predominately Muslim lands. That is an inevitability the way things are playing out. Iran is a theocratic country and they have no problems consolidating science/technology with their religious beliefs.

09-19-2015, 05:10 PM
That's like asking why should you care if your neighbor has an infectious disease. It could potentially be spread to your own family.

He is mentioning Germans as "us". And obviously, not everybody in Europe see this as an "infection". Muricans shouldn't be pro-European. That's really funny.

09-19-2015, 05:13 PM
kill with fire

King Claus
09-19-2015, 05:21 PM
Durka terror

09-19-2015, 05:25 PM
"Us" as in he lives in the same neighborhood.

Obviously I was speaking of people who are concerned and not those who only see a problem with having termites when the foundation of the house is ruined and not when they are only a minor nuisance.

You're not knowledgeable enough to know what Americans should or should not think. Many European nations are big traders with the US. If there was economic instability in Europe because of inner turmoil it would harm the US economy indirectly. That's not funny. I know it's difficult to see beyond the hand in front of you but you do yourself a disservice by keeping your hand in your ass.

That's really touchy Mr. Murican, really. You are so sensitive about European economy and its possible effects on US. :cry2 So what? You've decided to become an Euro Fighter in forums? lol.

Siberian Cold Breeze
09-19-2015, 05:55 PM
if it will bring the Turks back to their religion, I am for it...afterall, if British Royals became muslim, many turks will start wearing the fez again (refer my sig)

Ofcourse , we were waiting for Royal British family to wear it because we love them so much
..Pls tell mr Charles to wear his fez next time ..:thumb001:

anyway ..my point was , before blaming poor immigrants , Europeans must stop supporting politicians (also aristocrats )who sell their territory/culture for some oil..But ofcourse it may be costly ..He may sue you ..

09-19-2015, 06:14 PM
People are always saying that non-European immigrants should integrate. No, it is far better that they stay in separate groups.

Is it okay for you when you happen to be around North London and see small immigrant communities in which you would feel like you're almost not in your home country?

09-19-2015, 06:28 PM
I've decided to use my brain to come to a rational conclusion based on the facts. There is no actual fight taking place except the fight of ideas. When open violent conflict does erupt I'll most likely be too old to partake if I choose.

Maybe I should just not be a 'keyboard warrior' and allow fools to speak their minds but you can only fight stupidity with reason and so here I am.

Excellent point, but we do need to clean house here at home before we can start being any good whatsoever to our relatives across the sea. We've already discussed the Canadian pipeline that could help us here and decrease our dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Maybe we should take further steps to distance ourselves from those who aren't interested in our input? It's not like the benefits of being associated with the U.S. are nonexistent, but it seems like nobody is interested in what we have to offer.

09-19-2015, 06:30 PM
Excellent point, but we do need to clean house here at home before we can start being any good whatsoever to our relatives across the sea. We've already discussed the Canadian pipeline that could help us here and decrease our dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Maybe we should take further steps to distance ourselves from those who aren't interested in our input? It's not like the benefits of being associated with the U.S. are nonexistent, but it seems like nobody is interested in what we have to offer.

First we need a white protestant U.S.I reckon that a fully white and christian Europe is just as important,but for me,as an american my own country is my priority.

09-19-2015, 06:44 PM
First we need a white protestant U.S.I reckon that a fully white and christian Europe is just as important,but for me,as an american my own country is my priority.

I'm not at all confident that we can return to what we used to be. A white, Protestant United States firmly under the hand of the older Anglo Families might be exactly what this country needs, but such a caste would not last too long with the rules and regs in place in our society today. There are those out there, even in our own borders, who want to marginalize us, perhaps as some historical " payback" for something that might have happened two hundred years ago, but they are determined to hold us responsible for the sins of our fathers. I would reckon on a long, bloody race war if we were to rise up and demand to be placed back on top of the social hierarchy.

09-19-2015, 06:51 PM
New York Muslim: “I’m ready to die for the Caliphate, prison is nothing”


09-19-2015, 06:56 PM
New York Muslim: “I’m ready to die for the Caliphate, prison is nothing”


To be fair, anyone stupid enough to wish to die for ISIS deserves whatever horrible fate is awaiting them in Syria and Iraq.

09-19-2015, 06:56 PM
I'm not at all confident that we can return to what we used to be. A white, Protestant United States firmly under the hand of the older Anglo Families might be exactly what this country needs, but such a caste would not last too long with the rules and regs in place in our society today. There are those out there, even in our own borders, who want to marginalize us, perhaps as some historical " payback" for something that might have happened two hundred years ago, but they are determined to hold us responsible for the sins of our fathers. I would reckon on a long, bloody race war if we were to rise up and demand to be placed back on top of the social hierarchy.

And I will be the first in the trenches in such a war.Me,and thousands of white knights,truckers,bikers,hunters,veterans,farmers and rednecks.For us,Gods and guns are sacred,we are the last knights.

09-19-2015, 06:57 PM

09-19-2015, 07:00 PM

09-19-2015, 09:13 PM
To be fair, anyone stupid enough to wish to die for ISIS deserves whatever horrible fate is awaiting them in Syria and Iraq.

I don't get your profile... you are a mix of different ethnicities/nations, you live in Latin America and you are also muslim?

09-19-2015, 10:16 PM
I don't get your profile... you are a mix of different ethnicities/nations, you live in Latin America and you are also muslim?

I'm not that mixed, I'm mostly Spanish, I just divide it into Asturian, Galician, Castilian, and Visigothic to show specific regional identities that show where my ancestors came from, I have very vestigial ancestors from Germany and natives. My family moved to Guatemala in the 1920s, and I live in the United States now. 75% comes from Spain, and the rest comes from Germany and the Netherlands (6.25% Bavarian, 6.25% Dutch) and natives (12.5%).

09-19-2015, 10:18 PM
I'm not that mixed, I'm mostly Spanish, I just divide it into Asturian, Galician, Castilian, and Visigothic to show specific regional identities that show where my ancestors came from, I have very vestigial ancestors from Germany and natives. My family moved to Guatemala in the 1920s, and I live in the United States now. 75% comes from Spain, and the rest comes from Germany and the Netherlands (6.25% Bavarian, 6.25% Dutch) and natives (12.5%).

How did Islam reach you?

Neon Knight
09-19-2015, 10:19 PM
Is it okay for you when you happen to be around North London and see small immigrant communities in which you would feel like you're almost not in your home country?

I rarely go to cities with ethnic enclaves but I know the feeling of being a stranger in my own country (briefly). But if immigrants integrate then they are more likely to mix and erode the national identity.

Neon Knight
09-19-2015, 10:23 PM
kill with fire


09-19-2015, 10:26 PM
So when is it starting......?

The war between muslims & Europeans.

09-19-2015, 10:26 PM
How did Islam reach you?

Years of self study, looking into my ancestry and talking to people of other religions. I was raised as an atheist, but saw it as unfulfilling and without any substance, and saw no reason to definitively say that there is or is not a god. I couldn't accept Catholicism despite the cultural connection to it, seeing it as being too similar to the paganism that I had failed to accept despite trying, and found Christianity in general as unpleasant and not for me. Tried east Asian religions too, but couldn't feel much from them. Islam was a good fit for me, and I'm very happy and satisfied with it.

09-19-2015, 10:27 PM
I rarely go to cities with ethnic enclaves but I know the feeling of being a stranger in my own country (briefly). But if immigrants integrate then they are more likely to mix and erode the national identity.

It's sad when you hesitate to go to somewhere in your home country just because there are ethnic enclaves. Actually, you should be feeling pretty comfortable going anywhere in ethnic terms. It's unacceptable if you are not comfortable to be a British in a British land.

Integration is all about immigrants living according to the national identity in question. If they erode it, then it means they haven't integrated.

Do as the Romans do in Rome.

09-19-2015, 10:30 PM
So when is it starting......?

The war between muslims & Europeans.

I wonder how Iranians would react if their country wss invaded by Somalis, Pakistanis and Nigerians, probably we would have seen Iranian versions of Golden dawn ;)

09-19-2015, 10:31 PM
Years of self study, looking into my ancestry and talking to people of other religions. I was raised as an atheist, but saw it as unfulfilling and without any substance, and saw no reason to definitively say that there is or is not a god. I couldn't accept Catholicism despite the cultural connection to it, seeing it as being too similar to the paganism that I had failed to accept despite trying, and found Christianity in general as unpleasant and not for me. Tried east Asian religions too, but couldn't feel much from them. Islam was a good fit for me, and I'm very happy and satisfied with it.

That's ofcourse until you dig deep into it......... your "Satisfiction" will feel like Buyer's remorse.

Neon Knight
09-19-2015, 10:34 PM
It's sad when you hesitate to go to somewhere in your home country just because there are ethnic enclaves. Actually, you should be feeling pretty comfortable going anywhere in ethnic terms. It's unacceptable if you are not comfortable to be a British in a British land.

Integration is all about immigrants living according to the national identity in question. If they erode it, then it means they haven't integrated.

Do as the Romans do in Rome.

I agree, but I'll put it more bluntly: the more they integrate, the more likely they are to inter-marry with the natives.

09-19-2015, 10:37 PM
Integration is all about immigrants living according to the national identity in question. If they erode it, then it means they haven't integrated.

Do as the Romans do in Rome.

That's precisely what they do :noidea:


09-19-2015, 10:39 PM
I wonder how Iranians would react if their country wss invaded by Somalis, Pakistanis and Nigerians, probably we would have seen Iranian versions of Golden dawn ;)

I'm not an Iranian.... I'm Iraqi, although our country isn't invaded by "Somalis, Pakistanis and Nigerians", it is invaded by trash from central asian republics, who've joined ISIS and migrated to the so called "Caliphate", lol.... And the one who sent them/allowed them to get into Iraq, knows damn well they're not coming back.

We are going to butcher them, one by one.......

Coming from an Arab country, arab culture isn't hostile towards refugees/immigrants, matter of fact a sizeable minorty of Persians, Circassians, Armenians have lived in Iraq for 70+ years now, they've been welcomed with open arms, but the thing Arab cultures don't like (Like all cultures) is an Invanding force, and I'm not talking about your typical european "White Genocide" fairytales, no we're talking about military, armies, tanks, airplanes.....

Cody Gearhart
09-19-2015, 10:39 PM
For me i'm not having children. So not sure how all those immigrants are going to really effect me in that way.

09-19-2015, 10:39 PM
Years of self study, looking into my ancestry and talking to people of other religions. I was raised as an atheist, but saw it as unfulfilling and without any substance, and saw no reason to definitively say that there is or is not a god. I couldn't accept Catholicism despite the cultural connection to it, seeing it as being too similar to the paganism that I had failed to accept despite trying, and found Christianity in general as unpleasant and not for me. Tried east Asian religions too, but couldn't feel much from them. Islam was a good fit for me, and I'm very happy and satisfied with it.


09-19-2015, 10:40 PM
For me i'm not having children. So not sure how all those immigrants are going to really effect me in that way.

Why not?

09-19-2015, 10:41 PM
I agree, but I'll put it more bluntly: the more they integrate, the more likely they are to inter-marry with the natives.

Ah, I see your point. I don't share the same views as you on race-mixing, by your leave.

09-19-2015, 10:47 PM
For me i'm not having children. So not sure how all those immigrants are going to really effect me in that way.

That's where you are wrong bud....

I'm personally planing (If everything goes to plan), on having 4-5 children...... Easily.

What's the average european birthrate per women, 1.60.... yeah, imagine how that looks in 40-50 years.

Thus meaning that your "Offspring" will die with you, my blood will live through my children....

Cody Gearhart
09-19-2015, 10:51 PM
Why not?
Relationships don't last long for one. Not wanting to be tied down with a child or children for 18 years or more. I also need my sleep a full nights rest not be woke up in 2 in the morning to a child that screams. Don't really have a lot of patience some days. Why should i have a child even though i'm not interested in having one? I'd rather explore the world for what it is and not have my life cut short because of a baby? Don't get me wrong if you have a child or children good for you congratulations. Also theres what 8 billion or something amount of people in the world? I'd rather not add to it. So again not sure all these immigrants are really going to have any effect on me with breeding (I'm talking about the guy in the video who think breeding with American people is going to solve anything for one.) If that makes sense to you.

Cody Gearhart
09-19-2015, 10:51 PM
That's where you are wrong bud....

I'm personally planing (If everything goes to plan), on having 4-5 children...... Easily.

What's the average european birthrate per women, 1.60.... yeah, imagine how that looks in 40-50 years.

Thus meaning that your "Offspring" will die with you, my blood will live through my children....

Good for you.

09-19-2015, 10:53 PM
That's where you are wrong bud....

I'm personally planing (If everything goes to plan), on having 4-5 children...... Easily.

What's the average european birthrate per women, 1.60.... yeah, imagine how that looks in 40-50 years.

Thus meaning that your "Offspring" will die with you, my blood will live through my children....

And this is why overpopulation is a problem in underdeveloped countries like Egypt and Yemen...

09-19-2015, 10:54 PM
When It comes to children I'd rather adopt a child anyways. I don't care for race or physical ancestry, only culture. If I can keep my culture alive and help improve the live of a child who is without parents of their own, help them find their own ideas and values, I'd be happy, irregardless of if they are of my race.

09-19-2015, 10:55 PM
And this is why overpopulation is a problem in underdeveloped countries like Egypt and Yemen...

I'm only going to have so many children, if I can afford it dude....

I'm not going to bring any children to this world, to live a miserable life.....

Besides why should I care about Egypt or Yemen, I don't live there....

And I do understand, why Europeans (especially northern europeans) have such an atitude towards children... They just don't have strong family bonds & Values, they leave their home at age of 18...... and they're parents turn 70 something, they're shipped to some goverment sector institution for the elderly, where they're treated like animals.

09-19-2015, 10:57 PM
I'm only going to have so many children, if I can afford it dude....

I'm not going to bring any children to this world, to live a miserable life.....

Besides why should I care about Egypt or Yemen, I don't live there....

I'm saying that this mentality is why overpopulation is a problem, as evinced by countries like Egypt and Yemen in the MENA

09-19-2015, 11:02 PM
I'm saying that this mentality is why overpopulation is a problem, as evinced by countries like Egypt and Yemen in the MENA

Overpopulation is a problem in Egypt... a big one, because of the scarce ressources and limited fresh-water supply. in the case of Yemen.... the country being poor, with no infastracture and wars are the two main culprits.

09-19-2015, 11:03 PM
-High birth rate is a sign of undevelopment, successful nations have low birth rates.

see this mentality of thinking having children as a sign of underdevelopment and backwardness.

You euros doom yourself to extinction by having not enough kids to maintain your population. enjoy your own self destruction.

Neon Knight
09-20-2015, 12:22 AM
Ah, I see your point. I don't share the same views as you on race-mixing, by your leave.

Fair enough. I'm not against 'race mixing' in itself - only when it is a major factor in the decline of a native population. In small proportion it does no harm.

09-20-2015, 12:32 AM
Fair enough. I'm not against 'race mixing' in itself - only when it is a major factor in the decline of a native population. In small proportion it does no harm.

Yes, I can agree upon that as well. But I guess mass intermixing is how different phenotypes have occured throughout the history. A small proportion of individual hybrids couldn't cause, for example, Norid to appear between Dinarid and Nordid. Don't you think so?

09-20-2015, 12:35 AM
That's where you are wrong bud....

I'm personally planing (If everything goes to plan), on having 4-5 children...... Easily.

Uhm, and where? In Denmark? You ridiculous hypocrite! :picard2: :mad:

You are one of the people I 'like' the most:

Big talk about oh so great Arab/Muslim culture and traditions, endless sermon about how Arab/Islamic ethics are so superior and better compared to Western/European culture...

...while all those great patriotic Arabs and Muslims reside in Western/European 'infidel' countries, living at our(!) expense, leeching on our money, technology, achievements & infrastructure and talk their arses off! :stop Why you don't go home? True patriots can never live abroad! A patriot who isn't living in the country he loves when he could is void.

Cars, electricity, computers, Internet, English language, trains, machines, etc.: Everything you use on a daily basis has been created and invented by European people. This forum weren't here if there had never been any Europeans!

So come on Nebuchadnezzar, spare us the big talk, just pack your packs, go back home to Iraq and fight for your country, defeat ISIS with your compatriots. And then, ONLY THEN, you can start boasting about having 5 children and how Arab culture is so great.

09-20-2015, 12:42 AM
Cars, electricity, computers, Internet, English language, trains, machines, etc.: Everything you use on a daily basis has been created and invented by European people. This forum weren't here if there had never been any Europeans!

And toilet paper, the muslim custom is to wipe their arses with their fingers.

09-20-2015, 12:48 AM
Fair enough. I'm not against 'race mixing' in itself - only when it is a major factor in the decline of a native population. In small proportion it does no harm.

I agree. Personally, my experience has been limited to women with fair hair, pale skin and blue eyes, but people are drawn to each other for a variety of reasons. To blatantly dump a huge population on another group with the explicit intention of out breeding that group is tantamount to cultural genocide. I think it's also spiteful and really, rather rude.

Neon Knight
09-20-2015, 12:50 AM
Yes, I can agree upon that as well. But I guess mass intermixing is how different phenotypes have occured throughout the history. A small proportion of individual hybrids couldn't cause, for example, Norid to appear between Dinarid and Nordid. Don't you think so?

The different phenotypes would have arisen partly from intermixing, as you say, but also from genetic drift/isolation and the influence of the environment. I see your point - that it seems hypocritical for modern humans who are the result of ancient mixing to be against mixing. Did the ancient peoples have a problem with it? We don't know, but it seems safe to assume there was resistance against newcomers (even the Anglo-Saxons hated the Vikings) and maybe it happened so slowly as to cause no major upset. But that was all so long ago, and we have to ask ourselves how much we value our current cultural and racial identities and if we want to preserve them. Some people care a lot, others not at all, so a new political probelm is arising.

09-20-2015, 12:55 AM

Worked out well for you guys didn't it?

09-20-2015, 01:00 AM
The different phenotypes would have arisen partly from intermixing, as you say, but also from genetic drift/isolation and the influence of the environment. I see your point - that it seems hypocritical for modern humans who are the result of ancient mixing to be against mixing. Did the ancient peoples have a problem with it? We don't know, but it seems safe to assume there was resistance against newcomers (even the Anglo-Saxons hated the Vikings) and maybe it happened so slowly as to cause no major upset. But that was all so long ago, and we have to ask ourselves how much we value our current cultural and racial identities and if we want to preserve them. Some people care a lot, others not at all, so a new political probelm is arising.

The resistance towards the newcomers must be due to the fear of the unknown. After a certain level of knowledge and acquaintanceship are established between each other, I think it's up to only personal preferences and taste to fuck with someone.

Neon Knight
09-20-2015, 01:13 AM
The resistance towards the newcomers must be due to the fear of the unknown. After a certain level of knowledge and acquaintanceship are established between each other, I think it's up to only personal preferences and taste to fuck with someone.

Or the fear of getting an axe in the head :D But yes, different personalities will cause different reactions in people. I imagine there were conservatives and liberals in the past just as there are now. Hopefully we can work out a solution to satisfy all groups.

09-20-2015, 01:57 AM
Always funny coming from feminists living in the culture that grants them the most freedom. Of course, Swedish also explains a lot. Swedes and Brits have the most PC governments of Europe with plenty of brainwashed people.

They'd be shut down in any African of Middle Eastern country, violently even.

Here are other kind of feminists. They are obnoxious, true. I neither understand FEMEN's strategy that well and see them as attention whores. However, look at how those men are kicking them even though they are very easy to subdue peacefully. Unreported in the media and those muslim men have sued FEMEN for it to boot. These are the times we're living in.


These cunts genuinely deserve decapitation, though.

09-20-2015, 02:05 AM
Or the fear of getting an axe in the head :D But yes, different personalities will cause different reactions in people. I imagine there were conservatives and liberals in the past just as there are now. Hopefully we can work out a solution to satisfy all groups.

Bah, I know you dont really fear them mate...saw you intimidate one on the bus the other day:


09-20-2015, 02:07 AM
Cars, electricity, computers, Internet, English language, trains, machines, etc.: Everything you use on a daily basis has been created and invented by European people. This forum weren't here if there had never been any Europeans!
And all those technologies would not have been invented if it wasn't for the mathematics created by Mesopotamian, Arabs and Indians.

Except the English language, but that seems less significant, if not for the British and Americans literally any language could have taken its place as the international lingua franca, as will another when it goes through its inevitable decline.

09-20-2015, 02:19 AM
These cunts genuinely deserve decapitation, though.
Or maybe you do? We should let a vote/democracy decide. I'm sure people would pick you.

09-20-2015, 02:19 AM
It's far fetched to believe that if those civilizations hadn't existed no one would have come up with the basic principals of arithmetic anywhere else. East Asians did just fine and their method makes more sense than our own and so it's easier for their children to learn it quickly.

Nikola Tesla dropped out of Graz University and failed math class.

09-20-2015, 02:20 AM
It's far fetched to believe that if those civilizations hadn't existed no one would have come up with the basic principals of arithmetic anywhere else. East Asians did just fine and their method makes more sense than our own and so it's easier for their children to learn it quickly.

I was referring specifically to European civilizations now days in this timeline, but that is true. But if we're going for an "alternative possibilities" for these inventions, than its ridiculous to claim that things like advanced machinery and electricity would depend on Europeans for their discovery and creation.

09-20-2015, 02:21 AM
Fair enough. I'm not against 'race mixing' in itself - only when it is a major factor in the decline of a native population. In small proportion it does no harm.
Race mixing is fine. Race mixers should have to migrate to the US, Canada, or Australia to do so though.

Race mixing isn't a problem at all. Immigration is.

09-20-2015, 02:39 AM
And toilet paper, the muslim custom is to wipe their arses with their fingers.
Um, brown hook-nosed Egyptians invented paper. Don't get me wrong, they're uncivilized, violent people who only started civilization because of environmental pressure of desertification. They needed to be urbanized after overpopulation around the small river area of Iraq after surrounding areas were uninhabitable then their civilization absolutely peaked/stalled because of their IQ and northerners surpassed them after they spread it to them, but don't lie, they invented paper.

09-20-2015, 02:43 AM
Um, brown hook-nosed Egyptians invented paper. Don't get me wrong, they're uncivilized, violent people who only started civilization because of environmental pressure of desertification. They needed to be urbanized after overpopulation around the small river area of Iraq after surrounding areas were uninhabitable then their civilization absolutely peaked/stalled because of their IQ and northerners surpassed them after they spread it to them, but don't lie, they invented paper.

Did they wipe their arses with it too? Joseph Gayetty, an American inventor, is credited with being the inventor of modern toilet paper. By the way, ancient Egyptians weren't Arabs.

Argagax Liqaanyo
09-20-2015, 02:48 AM
Islam is the enlightenment of the life..thus Allah leads astray WHOM HE WILLS and guides whom He wills. And none can know the hosts of your Lord but He. And this (Hell) is nothing else than a (warning) reminder to mankind.” S. 74:31 Hilali-Khan

09-20-2015, 02:56 AM
It's unfortunate no one video taped your verbal and then physical confrontation with an East Asian fellow on the subway after you needlessly insulted him. The black eye is a sign from Allah telling you not to provoke people into fights.

It was a sign that I am ready to pay the price for truth, free speech and expression. He didnt do much damage anyway, if it got serious Im sure the more than one Somali bystanders would have jumped in

Argagax Liqaanyo
09-20-2015, 02:59 AM
Arabs are white kalb shove that dirty western shit and ideologies up your ass

Argagax Liqaanyo
09-20-2015, 03:03 AM
Arabs are caucasoids and you fucking kalbs go and fuck your sisters del haz bediate miboon omak zanya fee erd

Argagax Liqaanyo
09-20-2015, 03:05 AM
Um, brown hook-nosed Egyptians invented paper. Don't get me wrong, they're uncivilized, violent people who only started civilization because of environmental pressure of desertification. They needed to be urbanized after overpopulation around the small river area of Iraq after surrounding areas were uninhabitable then their civilization absolutely peaked/stalled because of their IQ and northerners surpassed them after they spread it to them, but don't lie, they invented paper.

Fuck your mother excrement you and your dad play with your dicks every day wash your dirty khashmik before you write something stupid about the greatest humans alive.

Argagax Liqaanyo
09-20-2015, 03:06 AM
Islam will remain forever,hey jewish dogs why you don't stop licking your toddlers dicks and fuck off?..

09-20-2015, 03:12 AM
Fuck your mother excrement you and your dad play with your dicks every day wash your dirty khashmik before you write something stupid about the greatest humans alive.
You're smart. It's baffling to me why we're still considered the same species.

Argagax Liqaanyo
09-20-2015, 03:17 AM
Woah you are smart too..insecurity and ignorance leads you to do what are you doing with yourself everyday,you are a poor creature..

09-20-2015, 03:24 AM
Um, brown hook-nosed Egyptians invented paper. Don't get me wrong, they're uncivilized, violent people who only started civilization because of environmental pressure of desertification. They needed to be urbanized after overpopulation around the small river area of Iraq after surrounding areas were uninhabitable then their civilization absolutely peaked/stalled because of their IQ and northerners surpassed them after they spread it to them, but don't lie, they invented paper.

They still didn't come with the idea of using it or any other medium as a means of wiping their behind, unless you count (preferably running) water as one. However, this wasn't always available in the dry desert.

"Toilet paper is disgusting!" as you'd often hear them say.

Well, to be frank. It is not really efficient to just use dry paper.

09-20-2015, 03:30 AM
They still didn't come with the idea of using it or any other medium as a means of wiping their behind, unless you count water as one. However, this wasn't always available in the dry desert.

"Toilet paper is disgusting!" as you'd often hear them say.

Well, to be frank. It is not really efficient to just use dry paper.

There's a reason you never see a left-handed arab.


09-20-2015, 03:36 AM
You're smart. It's baffling to me why we're still considered the same species.

Yeah. You'd expect that offspring between both of your kin would be sterile like you see with the mule. Hence horses and donkeys are considered different though highly similar species.

09-20-2015, 03:37 AM
There's a reason you never see a left-handed arab.


Haha. However, I know an Iraqi who told me that his sister is also left-handed and actually still writes left-handed, but that in his culture out of custom they eat right-handed. And he's a conservative muslim. I know that left-handed Arabs actually do exist.

09-20-2015, 03:40 AM
Haha. However, I know an Iraqi who told me that his sister is also left-handed, but that in his culture out of custom they eat right-handed. And he's a conservative muslim.

Is she still alive or was she stoned to death

Marmie Dearest
09-20-2015, 04:05 AM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



These women make me angry with their stupidity. How can you call yourself a feminist but say you will breed with a Muslim refugee. They'll be beaten and who knows what else's, because their feminism will anger Muslim men.

Marmie Dearest
09-20-2015, 04:08 AM
did he say anything untrue?

-Europeans hate Islam and Muslims
-Europe has infertility issues
-Labour cannot be replenished
-They see the migrants are a source of cheap labour
-An Islamic caliphate will be reinstated

Yes. There's nothing wrong with our fertility. People intentionally refrain from reproduction for civilized reasons, not because they're infertile. We don't need your help. Arabic Muslim men disgust me, they're horrible.

09-20-2015, 04:11 AM
These women make me angry with their stupidity. How can you call yourself a feminist but say you will breed with a Muslim refugee. They'll be beaten and who knows what else's, because their feminism will anger Muslim men.

those are fake twitter trollin' + hatin' accounts brah.

09-20-2015, 04:57 AM
those are fake twitter trollin' + hatin' accounts brah.
I don't know man. I really hope so.

If they aren't some male trolls or Jewish/Muslim/Chilean(lots of Chileans in Sweden) women, there's no way these women can come up with these opinions on their own. Someone has to be indoctrinating them in post-secondary education.

09-20-2015, 05:00 AM
I don't know man. I really hope so.

If they aren't some male trolls or Jewish/Muslim/Chilean(lots of Chileans in Sweden) women, there's no way these women can come up with these opinions on their own. Someone has to be indoctrinating them in post-secondary education.
It's common sense, only fat desperate uneducated white women(fat women in general) would spread their legs for anything and everything.

Marmie Dearest
09-20-2015, 05:10 AM
those are fake twitter trollin' + hatin' accounts brah.

There are naive or foolish white women, more common in younger rebellious ones, who have done very stupid things only to cry to their parents and want to come home, or divorce their Arab husband in less than a year. ..I have encountered women who have a fetish for them and will give them sex. It's some sort of delusion, many of them have never read the Koran. I know one who became more and more frightened of her bf after finding out that Islam wasn't this interesting religion similar to Christianity, but in truth something much more vile.

Marmie Dearest
09-20-2015, 05:14 AM
I don't know man. I really hope so.

If they aren't some male trolls or Jewish/Muslim/Chilean(lots of Chileans in Sweden) women, there's no way these women can come up with these opinions on their own. Someone has to be indoctrinating them in post-secondary education.

They are indoctrinated, with bullying of "racism" and "Islamophobia"...when the truth is quite apparent to anyone who can actually read...Muhammad was a war lord, whore monger, wife hoarder, child rapist...their "prophet" was evil. ..I believe that socialists have a goal to break down all culture to make implementation of their political goals easier.

09-20-2015, 05:15 AM
There are naive or foolish white women, more common in younger rebellious ones, who have done very stupid things only to cry to their parents and want to come home, or divorce their Arab husband in less than a year. ..I have encountered women who have a fetish for them and will give them sex. It's some sort of delusion, many of them have never read the Koran. I know one who became more and more frightened of her bf after finding out that Islam wasn't this interesting religion similar to Christianity, but in truth something much more vile.

religion is for fools(or sheep) and unfortunately most women are easy fools for exoticism from any ethnicity or religion.

Most people nowadays that will follow a religion are anti-social outcasts and introverted losers, especially muslims. They need to belong to something, to a "community" because, boo hoo, western society hates them lol Take some E pills ya goat fucking mama boys and party hard, enjoy life. Fuck your Allahhh

Marmie Dearest
09-20-2015, 05:22 AM
It's common sense, only fat desperate uneducated white women(fat women in general) would spread their legs for anything and everything.

To the contrary, many are college educated liberals. The cries of indoctrination are true

Marmie Dearest
09-20-2015, 05:23 AM
religion is for fools(or sheep) and most women are easy fools from any ethnicity or religion.

Most people nowadays that will follow a religion are anti-social outcasts and introverted losers, especially muslims. They need to belong to something, to a "community" because, boo hoo, western society hates them lol Take some E pills ya goat fucking mama boys and party hard.

I think you have some strangely ignorant opinions.

09-20-2015, 05:27 AM
To the contrary, many are college educated liberals. The cries of indoctrination are true

Anyone can "finish" college in the States if you pay for it lol. I see you're American so you're female friends are probably born semi-retarded in the first place and easily man-ipulated.

09-20-2015, 05:47 AM
The bad thing for you is they can actually do it and are already doing it.

Some of your own women are welcoming them.Its rarely men who take Muslim wives,but mostly women that get Muslim husbands

09-20-2015, 06:05 AM
The bad thing for you is they can actually do it and are already doing it.

Some of your own women are welcoming them.Its rarely men who take Muslim wives,but mostly women that get Muslim husbands

Of course, forums like this and internet fairy tales are things that happen "IRL". Go lift a cow grazing in the middle of Sofia or something.

09-20-2015, 06:21 AM
Go lift a cow grazing in the middle of Sofia or something.

I have already done this,not in the middle of Sofia however,there are no cows there.I cannot bring one also because livestock in the middle of a busy city is illegal.

Anyhow,it is certainly no fairytale that Muslim immigrants are taking a lot of your women for wives,and not against their will either.

09-20-2015, 06:39 AM
Uhm, and where? In Denmark? You ridiculous hypocrite! :picard2: :mad:

You are one of the people I 'like' the most:

Big talk about oh so great Arab/Muslim culture and traditions, endless sermon about how Arab/Islamic ethics are so superior and better compared to Western/European culture...

...while all those great patriotic Arabs and Muslims reside in Western/European 'infidel' countries, living at our(!) expense, leeching on our money, technology, achievements & infrastructure and talk their arses off! :stop Why you don't go home? True patriots can never live abroad! A patriot who isn't living in the country he loves when he could is void.

Cars, electricity, computers, Internet, English language, trains, machines, etc.: Everything you use on a daily basis has been created and invented by European people. This forum weren't here if there had never been any Europeans!

So come on Nebuchadnezzar, spare us the big talk, just pack your packs, go back home to Iraq and fight for your country, defeat ISIS with your compatriots. And then, ONLY THEN, you can start boasting about having 5 children and how Arab culture is so great.

In all honesty. Western Culture has to give a lot of credit to the Arab Culture. The Arab Culture's scientific advances helped the Europeans greatly. Without the Arabs, the ancient texts of the Greeks would have been lost. Without them, the basis for the Renaissance would have faded away. They also created the Astrolabe, which helped the Europeans significantly. At one point, Cordoba, a important city in Muslim Spain, was considered one of the greatest cities in all of Europe. It was a place of religious tolerance, and a place of learning. Even people in Germany, which is where you come from, acknowledged the greatness of Cordoba.

According to  Reinhardt Dozy, "The fame of Córdoba penetrated even distant Germany: the Saxon nun Hroswitha, famous in the last half of the 10th century for her Latin poems and dramas, called it the Ornament of the World."

And No. I do not support the breeding out of the European People. In any way, shape, or form. I'm just acknowledging what the Arabs have done for Europe.

09-20-2015, 07:56 AM
Uhm, and where? In Denmark? You ridiculous hypocrite! :picard2: :mad:

You are one of the people I 'like' the most:

Big talk about oh so great Arab/Muslim culture and traditions, endless sermon about how Arab/Islamic ethics are so superior and better compared to Western/European culture...

...while all those great patriotic Arabs and Muslims reside in Western/European 'infidel' countries, living at our(!) expense, leeching on our money, technology, achievements & infrastructure and talk their arses off! :stop Why you don't go home? True patriots can never live abroad! A patriot who isn't living in the country he loves when he could is void.

Cars, electricity, computers, Internet, English language, trains, machines, etc.: Everything you use on a daily basis has been created and invented by European people. This forum weren't here if there had never been any Europeans!

So come on Nebuchadnezzar, spare us the big talk, just pack your packs, go back home to Iraq and fight for your country, defeat ISIS with your compatriots. And then, ONLY THEN, you can start boasting about having 5 children and how Arab culture is so great.

All right let's get one thing straigh here Eva Braun....

First of all, I've never mentioned that our "Culture/Heritage" is superior, I just mentioned a phenomenon that I've witnessed here.

"Living at your expense"

Lol you had me at this one, Lady my family pays "Top Tax", only a small top precentage of the people living here pay that kind of tax.... My father who happends to be a surgeon pays more tax than the average dane, so don't give me this bullshit about "living" at your expense, everything thing we own/have is of our own blood, sweat and tears.

And one last thing I'm not even a Muslim, nor do I advertise for Islam.

Besides if my country was safe (Thank You America) and fit for living, you can bet your ass I'd move there.

Maybe you should invest some time, doing research instead of talking out of your ass.

And this is something I learned from the Europeans, if you contribute to society... you'll be rewarded, so I'll reward society with 4-5 kids, and the only thing you can do about it is bang your head against the wall. :coffee:

09-20-2015, 01:09 PM
In all honesty. Western Culture has to give a lot of credit to the Arab Culture. The Arab Culture's scientific advances helped the Europeans greatly. Without the Arabs, the ancient texts of the Greeks would have been lost. Without them, the basis for the Renaissance would have faded away. They also created the Astrolabe, which helped the Europeans significantly. At one point, Cordoba, a important city in Muslim Spain, was considered one of the greatest cities in all of Europe. It was a place of religious tolerance, and a place of learning. Even people in Germany, which is where you come from, acknowledged the greatness of Cordoba.

According to  Reinhardt Dozy, "The fame of Córdoba penetrated even distant Germany: the Saxon nun Hroswitha, famous in the last half of the 10th century for her Latin poems and dramas, called it the Ornament of the World."

And No. I do not support the breeding out of the European People. In any way, shape, or form. I'm just acknowledging what the Arabs have done for Europe.
Irrelevant. They stagnated and stopped contributing because of their average IQ. We have a lot of people to thank. I'd rather thank the apes who migrated to the Savannahs and first had to learn how to walk in the tall grass looking out for lions, or the first homo sapiens in the Rift Valley. We have too many people to thank for it to matter, what matters is the present. They have more to thank white people for than we have to thank them for, Egypt's population wouldn't be anywhere near 80 million without Western medicine. 60% of the people in the world, especially outside India/China, exist because of white people.

I'm willing to bet the majority of innovation that came out of Muslim Spain was done by racial Spaniards.

09-20-2015, 01:12 PM
They are indoctrinated, with bullying of "racism" and "Islamophobia"...when the truth is quite apparent to anyone who can actually read...Muhammad was a war lord, whore monger, wife hoarder, child rapist...their "prophet" was evil. ..I believe that socialists have a goal to break down all culture to make implementation of their political goals easier.
Don't make this about Islam. This is about civilized people vs the third world. This is about both cultural genocide not just from Muslims but from people like Sub-Saharan African Christians as well as genetic genocide of Europeans.

The Dane is also correct. Anyone who's willing to believe a magical being in the sky can also be probably easily tricked into believing racial equality, that includes Christians.

09-20-2015, 01:22 PM
Irrelevant. They stagnated and stopped contributing because of their average IQ. We have a lot of people to thank. They have more to thank white people for than we have to thank them for, Egypt's population wouldn't be anywhere near 80 million without Western medicine. 60% of the people in the world, especially outside India/China, exist because of white people.

I'm willing to bet the majority of innovation that came out of Muslim Spain was done by racial Spaniards.

White People rulez yo.....

Speaking of "White People" and the above mentioned achievments, has only been made some 200 years ago, mostly during the Industrial revolution in Europe.... So, Whitey must've been sleeping the years prior to that, or Whitey made a deal with the devil to give him an edge over the poo-coloured people lulz....

Having said that, and again I can't emphasize on how stupid the term "White People" is.
What is "white", and what is classified under this category.

By the way whitey, just got off the phone with the Asians.... they're telling me, that they're coming for you. Seems like the contract with devil has come to an end, and whitey will be punished with hordes of MENA people to make whitey obselete in a 150 years period.

Enjoy it while you can white boy.


09-20-2015, 01:44 PM
You think this is a competition or a dick waving contest? This is about self defense. Am I supposed to be offended by North-East Asians being smarter than white people?

Also, you have no idea what you're talking about if you think whites were at the top only 200 years ago. Europe was officially more civilized than the Middle-East by the 1200s, and that's from mainstream historians who give your people too much credit for simply reviving Greek ideas. Rome/Greece of course surpassed the Middle-Easterners very quickly as well when they were around, if you consider them white(regardless, Italians/Greeks don't consider themselves MENA).

09-20-2015, 01:54 PM
You think this is a competition or a dick waving contest? This is about self defense. Am I supposed to be offended by North-East Asians being smarter than white people?

Also, you have no idea what you're talking about if you think whites were at the top only 200 years ago. Europe was officially more civilized than the Middle-East by the 1200s, and that's from mainstream historians who give your people too much credit for simply reviving Greek ideas. Rome/Greece of course surpassed the Middle-Easterners very quickly as well when they were around, if you consider them white(regardless, Italians/Greeks don't consider themselves MENA).

Greece's top periods of mathematical and scientific achievement were during the Hellenistic period, where they were heavily influenced and inspired by the studies that had already be developing in the Middle-East, mostly by the Babylonians, Persians and Indians at the fringe of the Hellenistic world. The Romans were heavily influenced by this Greco-Near Eastern mix of cultures. That's not to diminish their importance, but to point out that these two civilizations owe much of their existence and the basis of their innovations to the Near East.

Europeans are nothing special, they will decline and resurge just like any other group of people. Civilization doesn't follow fairy tales like race, it follows wealth. The more wealthy and prosperous a nation, the more time they can invest in things like science and technology. When the Middle-East was the civilized world, it was because they were prosperous, while Europe was not. The same as now. The same as East Asia during the times when they were isolated.

09-20-2015, 01:59 PM
You think this is a competition or a dick waving contest? This is about self defense. Am I supposed to be offended by North-East Asians being smarter than white people?

Also, you have no idea what you're talking about if you think whites were at the top only 200 years ago. Europe was officially more civilized than the Middle-East by the 1200s, and that's from mainstream historians who give your people too much credit for simply reviving Greek ideas. Rome/Greece of course surpassed the Middle-Easterners very quickly as well when they were around, if you consider them white(regardless, Italians/Greeks don't consider themselves MENA).

Humanities first civilizations found in Middle East. Especially in Mesapotamia, Egypt and Anatolia. Greeks barrowed it from there and Romans barrowed it from Greeks. And the all barbaric people of Europe barrowed it from Romans after their fall.

09-20-2015, 04:29 PM
Humanities first civilizations found in Middle East. Especially in Mesapotamia, Egypt and Anatolia. Greeks barrowed it from there and Romans barrowed it from Greeks. And the all barbaric people of Europe barrowed it from Romans after their fall.

Borrowed what? The wheel? Only real great invention, supposedly, from that area.

09-20-2015, 05:10 PM
White People rulez yo.....

Speaking of "White People" and the above mentioned achievments, has only been made some 200 years ago, mostly during the Industrial revolution in Europe.... So, Whitey must've been sleeping the years prior to that, or Whitey made a deal with the devil to give him an edge over the poo-coloured people lulz....

Having said that, and again I can't emphasize on how stupid the term "White People" is.
What is "white", and what is classified under this category.

By the way whitey, just got off the phone with the Asians.... they're telling me, that they're coming for you. Seems like the contract with devil has come to an end, and whitey will be punished with hordes of MENA people to make whitey obselete in a 150 years period.

Enjoy it while you can white boy.


That China iq average with that population is pretty impressive.

09-20-2015, 05:20 PM
Yes. There's nothing wrong with our fertility. People intentionally refrain from reproduction for civilized reasons, not because they're infertile. We don't need your help. Arabic Muslim men disgust me, they're horrible.

So you're fine with non-Arab Muslims?

09-20-2015, 05:26 PM
Irrelevant. They stagnated and stopped contributing because of their average IQ. We have a lot of people to thank. I'd rather thank the apes who migrated to the Savannahs and first had to learn how to walk in the tall grass looking out for lions, or the first homo sapiens in the Rift Valley. We have too many people to thank for it to matter, what matters is the present. They have more to thank white people for than we have to thank them for, Egypt's population wouldn't be anywhere near 80 million without Western medicine. 60% of the people in the world, especially outside India/China, exist because of white people.

I'm willing to bet the majority of innovation that came out of Muslim Spain was done by racial Spaniards.

So, we're just going to ignore the geo-political and historical circumstances for why civilizations decline and just cite some baseless IQ assertion? Remember that Northern European societies were extremely uncivilized and underdeveloped until the past 500 years, more or less. You're right that the vast majority of technological and scientific advancements made in Muslim Spain was from Spaniards, because they constituted nearly all of the population.

de Burgh II
09-20-2015, 05:30 PM
The novelty behind the logic nowadays upheld by the elitists is the problem. Not the country itself. If everyone ships people from all over in one confined area; obviously it creates more problems than it solves in terms of viability, resources, compatibility, that will fall under its own weight from the few selfish interests of others. Consequentially, it will repeat itself since everything is globalized; thus, when one country collapses and self destructs; another country will be the "new host" to repeat the destructive process until the damage has already being done. Simply dumbing down the populace to being manipulated commodity for their own cause rather than your own free will. It will keep on going; it doesn't stop anywhere.

So its only logical to have lower birth rates so its enough to sustain itself solely for the native population; not the other way around for mass immigration that can't be sustained. Simply the ideologies we purport nowadays is the antithesis of continual progression, so it only results in eventual stagnation as a result.

09-20-2015, 05:44 PM
You think this is a competition or a dick waving contest? This is about self defense. Am I supposed to be offended by North-East Asians being smarter than white people?

Also, you have no idea what you're talking about if you think whites were at the top only 200 years ago. Europe was officially more civilized than the Middle-East by the 1200s, and that's from mainstream historians who give your people too much credit for simply reviving Greek ideas. Rome/Greece of course surpassed the Middle-Easterners very quickly as well when they were around, if you consider them white(regardless, Italians/Greeks don't consider themselves MENA).

1. This is a lie. Iraq, Egypt, Persia, and the Levant were far, far more advanced than any comparable European civilizations during the early medieval era

2. They did not just borrow ancient Greek/Roman ideas, as it would be far too limited to be of use. They greatly expanded and even developed new scientific fields through innovation and new technologies.


Although it's a misnomer to call it "Arab/Islamic" science, it can be attributed to the sophistication of Near Eastern and Andalucian (muzzie Spain) civilization

09-20-2015, 06:58 PM
That China iq average with that population is pretty impressive.

There is an issue with Chinese IQ, though - yes, their average IQ is very high, but their Bell Curve is different than European.

Chinese IQ is more evenly distributed. Whites have more dumbs, but also more geniuses, while East Asians are more average.

This means that East Asians can produce well-functioning and modern societies, but Whites are still "the engine of progress".

Check this graph - Asian average IQ is higher than White, but % of Asians with IQ >120 is lower than in case of Whites:


09-20-2015, 08:43 PM
I have already done this,not in the middle of Sofia however,there are no cows there.I cannot bring one also because livestock in the middle of a busy city is illegal.

Anyhow,it is certainly no fairytale that Muslim immigrants are taking a lot of your women for wives,and not against their will either.

A lot is quite relative if you ask me, as it's a tiny minority of women who are like that. Most women still think Islam is a sexist religion. Of course you always going to have women who go for muslim men and are willing to submit to his religion. Not rarely, by the way, they divorce or breakup very soon.

09-20-2015, 08:51 PM
Greece's top periods of mathematical and scientific achievement were during the Hellenistic period, where they were heavily influenced and inspired by the studies that had already be developing in the Middle-East, mostly by the Babylonians, Persians and Indians at the fringe of the Hellenistic world. The Romans were heavily influenced by this Greco-Near Eastern mix of cultures. That's not to diminish their importance, but to point out that these two civilizations owe much of their existence and the basis of their innovations to the Near East.

Europeans are nothing special, they will decline and resurge just like any other group of people. Civilization doesn't follow fairy tales like race, it follows wealth. The more wealthy and prosperous a nation, the more time they can invest in things like science and technology. When the Middle-East was the civilized world, it was because they were prosperous, while Europe was not. The same as now. The same as East Asia during the times when they were isolated.

Personally I don't care about Europe's supposed inherent superiority. I am generally more humanistically inclined. However, I still don't believe in the fairy tale that people are the same everywhere regardness of cultural development in this current age. Also, I think it's quite retarded to credit Islam for a period in history where Arabs leeched off accomplishments of peoples they had conquered. This is why the learning centres of the highly romanticised and overrated Golden Age were at the fringe of the Caliphate and not in the Arabian heartland.

I don't care that in the future people of another ethnicity would be more advanced scientifically. I am willing to embrace such cultures even unless they clash too much with what I believe in of course. Knowledge and technology is not about ego-boosting. I do deem it likely that Islam won't be the driving force behind such a shift. Islam, whose followers today mostly stubbornly ignore any observation in science because it conflicts with their holy book. Nope.

09-20-2015, 09:08 PM
Borrowed what? The wheel? Only real great invention, supposedly, from that area.

It's not my problem if you are an ignorant European peasant.

09-20-2015, 09:13 PM
if you people care so much about Europe being not white, go out and have kids instead of whining about it on the internet

09-20-2015, 09:27 PM
if you people care so much about Europe being not white, go out and have kids instead of whining about it on the internet

Or support stricter migration policies. What you say is really been repeated ad nauseam and is a bullshit claim. As if populations are supposed to grow exponentially all the time.

Marmie Dearest
09-21-2015, 08:02 AM
So you're fine with non-Arab Muslims?


Marmie Dearest
09-21-2015, 08:04 AM
Anyone can "finish" college in the States if you pay for it lol. I see you're American so you're female friends are probably born semi-retarded in the first place and easily man-ipulated.

I suppose it's necessary for you to believe this since your own IQ appears to be low-average...men of aptitude aren't threatened by intelligent females.

Marmie Dearest
09-21-2015, 08:08 AM
Don't make this about Islam. This is about civilized people vs the third world. This is about both cultural genocide not just from Muslims but from people like Sub-Saharan African Christians as well as genetic genocide of Europeans.

The Dane is also correct. Anyone who's willing to believe a magical being in the sky can also be probably easily tricked into believing racial equality, that includes Christians.

No, actually many intelligent and successful people have been religious, and there are dull, uneducated atheists. Whatever you've mistakenly correlated is not causation, and yes it is Islam. All you have to do is compare Muhammad to Jesus to see the shocking difference in world view...Jesus view is more similar to Western Enlightenment and Muhammad more to tribal, violent, sexist third world, but don't take my word for it, or any arrogant liberal professors, go read for yourself. They aren't the same.

09-21-2015, 08:16 AM
No, actually many intelligent and successful people have been religious, and there are dull, uneducated atheists. Whatever you've mistakenly correlated is not causation, and yes it is Islam. All you have to do is compare Muhammad to Jesus to see the shocking difference in world view...Jesus view is more similar to Western Enlightenment and Muhammad more to tribal, violent, sexist third world, but don't take my word for it, or any arrogant liberal professors, go read for yourself. They aren't the same.

OK, christian arabs and honor killing?...marmie dearest just stfu please.

09-21-2015, 03:53 PM
Or support stricter migration policies. What you say is really been repeated ad nauseam and is a bullshit claim. As if populations are supposed to grow exponentially all the time.

A lot of countries in Europe have a negative growth rate.

09-21-2015, 04:16 PM
did he say anything untrue?

-Europeans hate Islam and Muslims
-Europe has infertility issues
-Labour cannot be replenished
-They see the migrants are a source of cheap labour
-An Islamic caliphate will be reinstated

You left out the fact europeans are unreligious, they dont want to reproduce, they are pro immigration and democratic. They are really just americans. I see europeans as nothing more than americans as in the end europe died after the second world war and was replaced with america.

On top of that jewish leadership. There are several videos of rabbis saying that the sign of europes invasion is good for them because a world without christians is less threatening to Israel. They have said similar things here, the death of the west is good for jews. In the end the world will be jewish or muslim and at which point I could care less who wins.

Democracy wont last and is already showing signs in america that it will fall apart. The west degenerated from strong culture to jewish artificial culture [what we have now]. There is really no way of turning things around unless we dump democracy [which wont happen]. The west is finished.

09-21-2015, 04:20 PM
Swedish feminists are all for it !!!:



The same people hate traditional western values. Which political institution allowed this to happen in the first place? American Democracy. Our chance at reversal was with Hitler. This is our demise. Oswald Spengler predicted it, Stoddard predicted it. I mean several people predicted it and atill are.

The good news is civilization will survive in the Oriental world and they are Humanities hope. Europe is finished as it accepted the cuckold Liberal industrial ideology of America.

09-21-2015, 04:22 PM
She forgets that Middle Eastern men are dominant and will carry on their cultural and religious traditions most of the times; they're not so easy to form and aren't as liberal as modern day Swedes or northern & western Europeans in general.

Democracy created all of this. No other western traditional government created it. Russia will be the only western country left in the end. My loyalty is to the third rome not america, democracy or the west. :cool:

09-21-2015, 04:26 PM
In most countries located on the east of Germany, such imam would be found dead next day.

I take back my earlier opinions of Slavs. Im just upset that eastern europe isnt siding with third rome. America, NATO, the EU and Americanism are the enemy and the only way to prevent more muslims from taking over europe is to side with russia at this point.

09-21-2015, 04:27 PM
To the contrary, many are college educated liberals. The cries of indoctrination are true

who created the liberal? Americanism is Liberalism. Democracy is liberalism. I thank God I woke up out of the Liberal-tarian zombie state I use to be in.

09-21-2015, 04:31 PM
The bad thing for you is they can actually do it and are already doing it.

Some of your own women are welcoming them.Its rarely men who take Muslim wives,but mostly women that get Muslim husbands

Thats democracy.

09-21-2015, 04:32 PM
I take back my earlier opinions of Slavs. Im just upset that eastern europe isnt siding with third rome. America, NATO, the EU and Americanism are the enemy and the only way to prevent more muslims from taking over europe is to side with russia at this point.

With Russia? What? :D

I don't like American politics, and by this I mean "I really dislike it" - same goes with the European Union, but Russia is much worse in this case. To understand the case you will have to understand, what "independence" means for Slavic nations, think about our experiences with Russia, etc.

09-21-2015, 04:35 PM
With Russia? What? :D

I don't like American politics, and by this I mean "I really dislike it" - same goes with the European Union, but Russia is much worse in this case. To understand the case you will have to understand, what "independence" means for Slavic nations, think about our experiences with Russia, etc.

Think about geo politics. Who is better? America and its abomination of a culture [its hegemony in the world] and its influence over western europe. I mean the west is bad news and worse than the soviets in todays age. Its ruled by jews to boot.

09-21-2015, 04:44 PM
Think about geo politics. Who is better? America and its abomination of a culture [its hegemony in the world] and its influence over western europe. I mean the west is bad news and worse than the soviets in todays age. Its ruled by jews to boot.

Can you please tell me, what do you know about the Soviets?

I know you live in a country that was built by other nations. In plural. So you may not know what "nation" means to us, Europeans. But please, don't spread such things about people you know nothing about. ;)

09-21-2015, 04:51 PM
Can you please tell me, what do you know about the Soviets?

I know you live in a country that was built by other nations. In plural. So you may not know what "nation" means to us, Europeans. But please, don't spread such things about people you know nothing about. ;)

Well the Soviets were bad news especially for Poland. Poland was screwed over twice in the second world war. I know that.

As for america being 'plural', America was considered in its beginning an 'experiment' which goes to show you it was never intended to be a nation. Its just an experiment created by a group of 18th century liberals. Democracy is Liberalism dont let people tell you other wise. Everything thats happening now was intended.

09-21-2015, 05:22 PM
Well the Soviets were bad news especially for Poland. Poland was screwed over twice in the second world war. I know that.

As for america being 'plural', America was considered in its beginning an 'experiment' which goes to show you it was never intended to be a nation. Its just an experiment created by a group of 18th century liberals. Democracy is Liberalism dont let people tell you other wise. Everything thats happening now was intended.

Not only for Poland. But if somehow you want me to explain you, why Slavic nations (and Baltic countries) do not want to deal with Russia, I can explain you via PM. This thread is about some delusional imam.

09-21-2015, 05:28 PM
if it will bring the Turks back to their religion, I am for it...afterall, if British Royals became muslim, many turks will start wearing the fez again (refer my sig)

++1 so true. This had me LOLing out loud

09-22-2015, 12:36 AM
Worked out well for you guys didn't it?

Because I control European immigration policy.

09-22-2015, 12:40 AM
So, we're just going to ignore the geo-political and historical circumstances for why civilizations decline and just cite some baseless IQ assertion? Remember that Northern European societies were extremely uncivilized and underdeveloped until the past 500 years, more or less. You're right that the vast majority of technological and scientific advancements made in Muslim Spain was from Spaniards, because they constituted nearly all of the population.

1. This is a lie. Iraq, Egypt, Persia, and the Levant were far, far more advanced than any comparable European civilizations during the early medieval era

2. They did not just borrow ancient Greek/Roman ideas, as it would be far too limited to be of use. They greatly expanded and even developed new scientific fields through innovation and new technologies.


Although it's a misnomer to call it "Arab/Islamic" science, it can be attributed to the sophistication of Near Eastern and Andalucian (muzzie Spain) civilization
You really need to research the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the Holy Roman Empire states more if you think we only surpassed you 500 years ago. The date most historians agree on is after the Mongols sacked Baghdad is when Europe took over. Historians now admit the Medieval ages being the "dark ages" were bullshit, the dark ages were from the 400s to the 900s, not the entire middle-ages. I'll remind you that England already had the tallest building in the world by the 1200s and the only thing that came close outside Europe was the Egyptian Pyramids.

Construction on this in Pisa(not the tower, tower is from the 1600s) started in 1063. This was more impressive than anything built before it thus far(yes, even the Hagia Sophia, which wasn't built by brown people anyway as you can see by the Mosiacs, and the Hagia Sophia didn't get it's full size until the 1200s).

Built in the 1200s in France, pretty much the same exact thing as it was in the 1200s with some restoration.

1230, England

Completed by the end of the 1200s, only the West Wing was added after that.

Oh, who invented castles? Castles are a known central European invention, the first one was built in former Carolingian Empire after it fell in Northern Italy, France and Germany. The first one was suspected to be built in France. Like Cathedrals(not even Gothic Cathedrals), Castles were more impressive than anything built before them.

Windsor Castle, that isn't even the whole thing, just the part first built around 1066, first in wood, then converted to stone in the 1100s.

Corfe Castle, built in that form in the 1100s, construction started before then.

Finished in complete form by the 1100s, Rochester Castle. Persia, the Levant, Iraq, Egypt couldn't even dream of building that high in the 1100s.

This shit in Ghent, Belgium was finished by 1180, previous versions on the same spot dating back to the fucking 800s weren't too smaller, just made out of wood.

Hohenwerfen Castle in Austria. I can't think of anything more impressive than this built before this time. Was built in 1070 and the final product was done in the 1100s, minor extensions in the 1600s and restoration work.

Compare these to the best thing you guys have.. the Taj Mahal, built in the 1600s(or Turkish Mosques built in the 1600s). I didn't even pick out the most amazing castles/Cathedrals, just the earliest.

(this is now more of a response to randomguy claiming specifically Northern Europeans were uncivilized before 500 years ago, first part of my post was responding to claims that the Middle-East was better than Europe in the Medieval Period)
Let's take a look at a Church from 1100s "blonde nigger" Sweden(top of the towers were added later).

Or wooden Stave Churches from 1100s Norway. Large and great structures, just made out of wood probably because they didn't want to waste effort/resources building with stone(which is also an indicator that they were pretty peaceful with eachother and didn't need everything built out of stone, being able to raid so much outside of your home areas in the 800s-900s is more evidence of less infighting between Scandinavians than other groups between themselves). No ancient wooden ruins remain, that's why you don't see any infrastructure in ancient Northern Europe. These reconstructions and restorations are considered to be 100% accurate, btw.


They built with wood, building with stone or clay doesn't make you more creative. I'd say wood is even better than clay, and it's not like they were making buildings out dung, mud and sticks like tribal tropical people did up to the early 1900s(and even today in some cases). Wooden/log long houses have been in Scandinavia from 3000 BC.

Compare the stone Swedish church to a typical Medieval Mosque(and it's really hard to find any, most if not all of them are not reconstructions and were heavily expanded on past the 1500s, do the research yourself if you don't believe me), is the Medieval Mosque really more impressive?

Here's an average Viking era Scandinavian Family Longhouse

Here's an average Medieval City House(can't even find any average Medieval Middle-East dwellings, you guys can't even keep track of your history, probably because the average Medieval Middle-East dwelling was some clay slum with tons of people packed in there)


Some inventions created by "dark ages" Europeans:

Eye glasses - Alessandro di Spina, northern Italian, 1200s
Heavy plow - Unknown, Northern Europe, 600s
Hourglass - Unknown, Northern Italy, 900s
Blast furnace - Unknown, Noraskog Sweden, 1100s
Tidal Mill - Unknown, Northern Ireland, 600s
The Mechanical Clock - Unknown, England, 1300s
Printing Press - Johannes Gutenburg, Strausbourg, early 1400s
Oil painting - Unknown, Europe, 1200s
University - Unknown, Europe, 1000
Functional button - Unknown, Germany, 1200s
Plate armour, chainmail, viable fire-arms/cannons, etc

Muslims invented coffee, waterpipes, algebra, and the guitar(we all know who actually made good music with it), lol. I didn't find much else significant other than those, look up Muslim Medieval Inventions if you want more. A significant amount of inventors were Spanish Muslims, most likely not brown.

More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_technology

Even most of the oldest structures in the world are European. Again, I don't consider this to be some huge accomplishment, you're the one who thinks the past matters as much as the present.

09-22-2015, 12:46 AM
This Is why i have pre-judices against muslims

I have them.. I am ashamed but i fear you

I had bed experiences with many muslims people i talked to
One that called me bitch-crusader and liked charlie hebdo murdering
A Girl whom i liked first Because she seemed like e without veil but than she had extreme cultural flash es with my thought her justifing talibans and that women should t wear miniskirt but still sheat Overall positive and open so she still my friend

I had positive chatting and vibes instead with all the iranians i charter to ( definitely of a different culture and mentality than the other islamic nations as Iran was culturally like us before the Revolution) also by palestianians Girl and men i suppose as they don't wear veil and dress like us

Also i have to add that i have good impression in most muslims forum ed here like all the turkish and the french - algerian giro Who are like us.. And i perceive they love our culture

This: if you imigrate to europe it means that you have to love our culture

09-22-2015, 12:59 AM

You must be really ignorant to think building castles and churches is a sign of enlightenment. :picard2: Galileo was sentenced to death in 17th century!

09-22-2015, 01:12 AM
Jewish strategy.

When a Muslim, abiding by Islamic laws, traditions and culture, says this on video it's the fault of Jews. Spanish logic.

09-22-2015, 01:13 AM
Seems like your Prince supports him..Why don't you write a letter with attached links of your threads .May be he is following a wrong path and needs your advices .


Prince Charles;


09-22-2015, 01:15 AM
Prince Charles' decent from Hussain Ibn Ali
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh)
Fatima, the wife of Ali Ibn Abu Talib
Hussain Ibn Ali
Ali Zain al Abidin, Imam in Iraq
Muhammad al Bakhir, Imam in Iraq
Djafar al Sadakh, Imam in Iraq
Ismail Ibn Gafar
Muhammad Ibn Ismail
Ismail Ibn Muhammad
Ahmed Ibn Ismail
Obeid'Allah al Mahdi
Muhammad al Khaim, Caliph
Ismail al Mansur, Caliph of Egypt
bint (daughter) of al Mansur
Ismail Ibn Qarais, Imam of Seville
Muhammad ibn Ismail, Emir of Seville
Muhammad "al Mutadid", Emir of Seville
Abul-Kasim Muhammad "al Mutamid", Emir of Seville
Zaida of Denia
Sancha de Castile
Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara
Sancha Rodriguez de Lara
Aldonza Giron
Aldonza Ramirez
Maria de Henestona
Maria de Padilla, wife of King Pedro the Cruel of Castile
Constance of Castile, wife of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster
Joan Beaufort
Edward Nevill, 1st Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 4th Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 5th Lord of Abergavenny
Ursula Nevill
Dorothy St. Leger
Mary Kings Mill
Dorothea Burgh
Dorothy Smyth
Martin Tucker
Mary Tucker
Henrietta Mildred Hodgson
Frances Dora Smith
Claude George Bowes-Lyon
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prince Charles of Wales

Prince Charles' descent from Hasan ibn Ali
the Prophet Muhammed
Fatimah married Ali Ben Abu Talib, Caliph
Al Hasan
Husain ibn Hasan
Zohra married Abu Farisi
Naim al Lakhmi
Naim al Lakhmi
Ismail Ibn Qarais, Imam of Seville
Muhammad ibn Ismail, Emir of Seville
Muhammad "al Mutadid", Emir of Seville
Abul-Kasim Muhammad "al Mutamid", Emir of Seville
Zaida of Denia
Sancha de Castile
Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara
Sancha Rodriguez de Lara
Aldonza Giron
Aldonza Ramirez
Maria de Henestona
Maria de Padilla, wife of King Pedro the Cruel of Castile
Constance of Castile, wife of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster
Joan Beaufort
Edward Nevill, 1st Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 4th Lord of Abergavenny
George Nevill, 5th Lord of Abergavenny
Ursula Nevill
Dorothy St. Leger
Mary Kings Mill
Dorothea Burgh
Dorothy Smyth
Martin Tucker
Mary Tucker
Henrietta Mildred Hodgson
Frances Dora Smith
Claude George Bowes-Lyon
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prince Charles of Wales


09-22-2015, 01:19 AM
Always funny coming from feminists living in the culture that grants them the most freedom. Of course, Swedish also explains a lot. Swedes and Brits have the most PC governments of Europe with plenty of brainwashed people.

They'd be shut down in any African of Middle Eastern country, violently even.

Here are other kind of feminists. They are obnoxious, true. I neither understand FEMEN's strategy that well and see them as attention whores. However, look at how those men are kicking them even though they are very easy to subdue peacefully. Unreported in the media and those muslim men have sued FEMEN for it to boot. These are the times we're living in.


It's no coincidence that FEMEN began in Eastern Europe not in self-hating Western Europe

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 01:19 AM
When a Muslim, abiding by Islamic laws, traditions and culture, says this on video it's the fault of Jews. Spanish logic.

You are not able to check that Muslims are following the Jewish moves.
Jewish intelligence.

09-22-2015, 01:31 AM
You are not able to check that Muslims are following the Jewish moves.
Jewish intelligence.

This guy's a Palestinian. Jews don't control him.

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 01:40 AM
This guy's a Palestinian. Jews don't control him.

Damn, Dustin :picard1:
I am telling that Muslims do this shit of racial mix with whites same than Jews do.
Is really this fucking assertion so difficult to understand for you?

09-22-2015, 01:56 AM
Damn, Dustin :picard1:
I am telling that Muslims do this shit of racial mix with whites same than Jews do.
Is really this fucking assertion so difficult to understand for you?

Most Jews and Palestinians are white.

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 02:22 AM
Most Jews and Palestinians are white.
