View Full Version : For Nabatea: Drop the bedouin talk, this is how Arabs see you (VIDEO)

09-20-2015, 03:22 AM
this is what they teach their kids...you are 'ajam to them


09-20-2015, 04:07 AM
this is what they teach their kids...you are 'ajam to them


Well that's because of some Iraqis who don't mind assimilating into Persian culture, which is generalized all over us sadly, when many of us reject this and are proud of our Bedouin roots, but they do know that many of us are their blood brothers and many of us regard them as such. Since we come from the same tribes Shammar, Anizah, The Zuyabid confederacy, Al-Naumi, Mutar, Utubah, ect.

09-20-2015, 04:12 AM
For Nabatea: Drop a few pounds for your health's sake.

09-20-2015, 04:18 AM
Well that's because of some Iraqis who don't mind assimilating into Persian culture, which is generalized all over us sadly, when many of us reject this and are proud of our Bedouin roots, but they do know that many of us are their blood brothers and many of us regard them as such. Since we come from the same tribes Shammar, Anizah, The Zuyabid confederacy, Al-Naumi, Mutar, Utubah, ect.

Arabs trace lineage paternally...

09-20-2015, 04:26 AM
Arabs trace lineage paternally...

That's true, but also maternal line is important as well. It depends on the heart and culture, if you have an Arabian spirit you are an Arabian. I love my people from Arabia as I am part of them. Also I look like them, practice their culture, know of their tribal history ect, they seem as one despite having non-Arab roots but so what. I have found Arabs to be accepting of others. Like them I reject cultural imperialism that others want to force unto them, or assimilate them. I also see the Bedouin lifestyle culture to be the epitome of Arabianess. Well the fact my mom is from well known Arabian tribe and well known clan the Jebali, but of course with a bit of some Howeitat blood. Sure I am half Circassian, I know very little about this culture and that they were expelled, about Arabian culture I know a lot, so I decided to embrace it and my maternal family still live the traditional Bedouin lifestyle living like their ancestors. I see myself as this nationally as Canadian, ethnically as mixed Circassian-Arabian, and culturally Arabian. The soul is Arabian, the heart is Circassian. Although yeah being mixed with two cultures at times is difficult and to balance them, so I embraced the easier one.

09-20-2015, 05:24 AM
Nabatea1, do you know how much are Circassians assimilated in Arab countries?

09-20-2015, 05:33 AM
Nabatea1, do you know how much are Circassians assimilated in Arab countries?

To be honest almost totally, especially those in Jordan and Iraq. Those in Syria are integrated well but have not assimilated, due to different set of politics and social structure at the time.

09-20-2015, 05:41 AM
To be honest almost totally, especially those in Jordan and Iraq. Those in Syria are integrated well but have not assimilated, due to different set of politics and social structure at the time.

You eat hot dogs in secret don't you. What about sour cream and bacon chips, Yummm....

09-20-2015, 06:49 AM
To be honest almost totally, especially those in Jordan and Iraq. Those in Syria are integrated well but have not assimilated, due to different set of politics and social structure at the time.

Looking at those Jordanian royal guards who look 100% Circassian in their traditional clothes it seems a bit strange that they should be assimilated totally. Not that I doubt your words.

09-20-2015, 03:35 PM
Looking at those Jordanian royal guards who look 100% Circassian in their traditional clothes it seems a bit strange that they should be assimilated totally. Not that I doubt your words.

They are very assimilated and integrated into these communities. The Circassians there kept some of their cultural elements like the clothing and the language, the latter has been totally replaced by Arabic. The clothes are used only for ceremonial image.

09-20-2015, 09:25 PM
Who cares? The Arabs have no natural allies anyway.

09-20-2015, 10:18 PM
Who cares? The Arabs have no natural allies anyway.

That is correct...Both Arabs and Jews impose 'allegiance' on non-semitic people. Arabs, outwardly and Jews via stealth.

09-20-2015, 10:26 PM
That is correct...Both Arabs and Jews impose 'allegiance' on non-semitic people. Arabs, outwardly and Jews via stealth.

Guess which method works better.

Srs, no. We came into an area where the Arabs had been persecuting everyone who wasn't an Arab and most people who were for 1,000 years. Of course the Druze and Circassians and even some Bedouin would jump at the chance to have the shoe on the other foot.

09-20-2015, 10:33 PM
Guess which method works better.

Srs, no. We came into an area where the Arabs had been persecuting everyone who wasn't an Arab and most people who were for 1,000 years. Of course the Druze and Circassians and even some Bedouin would jump at the chance to have the shoe on the other foot.

Ottoman Turkey is Arab now?

09-20-2015, 10:39 PM
Ottoman Turkey is Arab now?

Pre-Ottoman caliphs, bru. That's not forgotten.

09-25-2015, 11:23 AM
Hey Nabatea do you know this half kuwaiti half iraqi beauty blogger Dana Al-tuwairish her father is Iraqi and her mom is Kuwaiti https://instagram.com/daneeda_t/





09-25-2015, 11:25 AM
this is what they teach their kids...you are 'ajam to them


True we are the worst kind of people on planet Earth :)

09-25-2015, 11:51 AM
True we are the worst kind of people on planet Earth :)

I didnt make this thread to insult khaleejis but to wake up Nabatea from his bedouin fantasies. There is no 'bedouin solidarity' or even a bedouin ethnonym. It is a lifestyle. Some people were bedouin in the past and are settled now, and some settled people became bedouin. It just means 'roaming of the wilderness' (baadia). He tries to make it into a national identity which is bogus. Most importantly, his dad is not an Arab (while Arabs are a patriarchial society, lineage is passed down thru the dad). This little girl talking casually about Arabs and Ajams is a good reflection of how non-pure "Arabs" are seen over there.

09-25-2015, 12:20 PM
this is what they teach their kids...you are 'ajam to them


And people look at me weird, when I say that Gulf Arabs are facist & racist scum........ Truly Islam hasn't reached their hearts with it's message, they're still in the same Jahiliya way of thinking like their forefathers Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, and the various other munfaqieen at the time.

It's funny that a Kuwaiti looks down on Iraq, the birthplace of civilization, home to one of the greatest caliphates....... But I guess it's the bedouin jealousy of feeling inferior to other Arabs (Levants, Mesopotomians, Yemenites & Egyptians)

09-25-2015, 12:25 PM
And people look at me weird, when I say that Gulf Arabs are facist & racist scum........ Truly Islam hasn't reached their hearts with it's message, they're still in the same Jahiliya way of thinking like their forefathers Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, and the various other munfaqieen at the time.

It's funny that a Kuwaiti looks down on Iraq, the birthplace of civilization, home to one of the greatest caliphates....... But I guess it's the bedouin jealousy of feeling inferior to other Arabs (Levants, Mesopotomians, Yemenites & Egyptians)

I know you are atheist, but their persona and sentiments is mentioned in the quran:

الْأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا وَأَجْدَرُ أَلَّا يَعْلَمُوا حُدُودَ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَسُولِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

09-25-2015, 12:30 PM
And people look at me weird, when I say that Gulf Arabs are facist & racist scum........ Truly Islam hasn't reached their hearts with it's message, they're still in the same Jahiliya way of thinking like their forefathers Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, and the various other munfaqieen at the time.

It's funny that a Kuwaiti looks down on Iraq, the birthplace of civilization, home to one of the greatest caliphates....... But I guess it's the bedouin jealousy of feeling inferior to other Arabs (Levants, Mesopotomians, Yemenites & Egyptians)

What bunch of nonsense dude. Arabia had lots of civilization. We are not jealous from those groups if anything it's them that envy our success. Jordanians btw identify strong with Arabia especially if they are of the tribal Arabian origins aka Bedouins, same with many of us in Iraq especially those from the western region or the Syrian Desert areas.

09-25-2015, 12:32 PM
What bunch of nonsense dude. Arabia had lots of civilization. We are not jealous from those groups if anything it's them that envy our success

Arabia proper never had a civilization of note. It was always the peripheries (what the Romans called Arabia felix, aka Yemen, and Arabia Petraea, aka Palestine/Southern Syria). Everything else were offshoots of foreign civilizations (Dilmun for eg was a Sumerian offshoot and had nothing to do with Semites let alone Arabs)

09-25-2015, 12:40 PM
Arabia proper never had a civilization of note. It was always the peripheries (what the Romans called Arabia felix, aka Yemen, and Arabia Petraea, aka Palestine/Southern Syria). Everything else were offshoots of foreign civilizations (Dilmun for eg was a Sumerian offshoot and had nothing to do with Semites let alone Arabs)

That's due to harsh climate, but the Nabateans came from Nejd for example there was the Liyhanite, Dedanite, Thumidic ect. Anyways these people in video have every right to look down on Iraqis who reject their origin with stupid Iranian propaganda or colonial ones. There are many people trying to erase us culturally, if not physically. They want yes the Bedouin lifestyle/culture to end, and that we get assimilated with no tribes anymore. With no tribe we are nothing and there will be no protection for us.

09-25-2015, 12:43 PM
That's due to harsh climate, but the Nabateans came from Nejd for example there was the Liyhanite, Dedanite, Thumidic ect. Anyways these people in video have every right to look down on Iraqis who reject their origin with stupid Iranian propaganda or colonial ones.

khaleeji racism is a reaction to Iranian propaganda? :lol:

You are becoming a joke man, no offense...I've been to Saudi Arabia and witnessed their arrogance, it was natural...not a 'reaction' to anything in the manner of oppressed minorities like AfrAms.

09-25-2015, 12:53 PM
khaleeji racism is a reaction to Iranian propaganda? :lol:

You are becoming a joke man, no offense...I've been to Saudi Arabia and witnessed their arrogance, it was natural...not a 'reaction' to anything in the manner of oppressed minorities like AfrAms.

Well I don't care if they look down on Iraqis, to be honest, despite I am from there. I am telling as it is. Many Iraqis are brainwashed by Iranian propaganda, they think their not Arabs or other bullshit nonsense like identifying with old and extinct cultures. Some say the Akkadians were from Arabia anyways so Mesopotamians are just Arabs you know what I mean. Now if they were let's say racist to Jordanians, then I would take an issue with it. That said Jordanians are treated well in Gulf nations. Saudis are little different some are arrogant, others are xenophboic but many are nice people.My mom has friends from there GCC and she gets along better with them than most other Arabs, why because she shares the same genetics and blood as well tribal ties as those people.

09-25-2015, 01:05 PM
Well I don't care if they look down on Iraqis, to be honest, despite I am from there. I am telling as it is. Many Iraqis are brainwashed by Iranian propaganda, they think their not Arabs or other bullshit nonsense like identifying with old and extinct cultures. Some say the Akkadians were from Arabia anyways so Mesopotamians are just Arabs you know what I mean. Now if they were let's say racist to Jordanians, then I would take an issue with it. That said Jordanians are treated well in Gulf nations. Saudis are little different some are arrogant, others are xenophboic but many are nice people.My mom has friends from there GCC and she gets along better with them than most other Arabs, why because she shares the same genetics and blood as well tribal ties as those people.

What is known as "Arabic" was developed in Hira, which is in Iraq...And ofcourse the Arab caliphate moved away from Damascus to Baghdad to be closer to the 'center of gravity' and away from the Greco-Roman foreign lands. So Arabic and Arabness is embedded in iraq forever, moreso than anything Persianate.

Khaleeji racism is just tribalism on steroids and a 'warped' sense of superiority due to 20th century circumstances (White man discovering oil in their ground). The Hejaz historically was a melting pot and welcomed pilgrims and scholars from India to West Africa. Meanwhile the pre-oil khaleej was a wretched place with only pearl divers and wahabi pirates making some kind of a livelihood. But the British took care of the pirates by setting up the trucial states (UAE today) and the Japanese took care of the pearl divers by developing industrial pearl manufacturing.

This "Khaleej.Najd" center of gravity is a temporary state of affairs (20th century industrial need for fossil fuels and the White man installing his vassals in the region)...it will fix itself eventually and the normal historical state of affairs will return soon (Yemen, Hejaz, Mesopotamia, Levant being the true cultural and economic centers, while Riyadh, Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc will dissapear in the sands of history).

09-25-2015, 06:36 PM
Well I don't care if they look down on Iraqis, to be honest, despite I am from there. I am telling as it is. Many Iraqis are brainwashed by Iranian propaganda, they think their not Arabs or other bullshit nonsense like identifying with old and extinct cultures. Some say the Akkadians were from Arabia anyways so Mesopotamians are just Arabs you know what I mean. Now if they were let's say racist to Jordanians, then I would take an issue with it. That said Jordanians are treated well in Gulf nations. Saudis are little different some are arrogant, others are xenophboic but many are nice people.My mom has friends from there GCC and she gets along better with them than most other Arabs, why because she shares the same genetics and blood as well tribal ties as those people.

Iran the coat hanger of Bedouin failure.......

We had a similar dicussion before about Iran, and you didn't answer me..... did the GCC bedouins have same stance against Iran during the shah days, like the one the had after Khomeini ?

They obviously didn't, since they graduated with the same degree of a Phd. in zio-american puppet loyalism.

You have obviously not lived in Iraq, long enough to know that Iraqis hated khaleejis, way before that..... Saddam humiliated those ghutra wearing dogs, like no other, so his blood had to spilled, it's all bedouin "Revenge", and you know damn well when a bedouin holds a grudge against his adversary, it something he keeps till the grave.

Even if we agree that Iraqis (Mostly shiites) we're brainwashed by Iranians, why isn't Saudi Arabia or any GCC state open it's doors for Syrian refugee's, who are in desperate help of need, instead of letting an appostate like me, give them food, drive them to the train station and helping them on their way to Sweden ?

and last but not least

Why didn't they let your ass in Saudi Arabia, to dress as hideous as they did, and go out for a late night poetry recital in the desert, instead of those canadian kuffar, that took you in ?