View Full Version : Classify Spanish bullfighter Ivan Fandino

09-22-2015, 01:00 AM

09-22-2015, 01:01 AM
Saharid-Berid. Could easily pass as a Moroccan native.

spanish catalan
09-22-2015, 01:01 AM
mediterranean hair

Tooting Carmen
09-22-2015, 01:06 AM

09-22-2015, 01:09 AM
mediterranean hair

yes and he is White too

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:19 AM
yes and he is White too
The OP just got the pic from his Italic rat peeps, lol as they just posted it with this comment;
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t35.0-12/12037722_1056011134439879_1779932716_o.jpg?oh=977d 6d6bc173a10e33db2ca92a8a4f37&oe=5602E48D

09-22-2015, 01:20 AM
lol you should have chose a photo directly with the lights off





Spanish Mediterranean. Very classic. Very Handsome. Nothing Non-Spanish about him. And not he doesn't look particularly Moroccan. But I have notice you are just trolling. You don't care what Moroccans look like; you just assume that there is something shameful in looking "moroccan" and therefore you persistently try to associate the Spanish look with it in order to "shame" the Spaniards.

hahahhaa it is really very sad and racist of you. Moroccans are a mediterranean people of course and we share many characteristics but at the same time they have their own very distinct looks and they don't have the same lineages nor cluster in the same genetic posts as groups.

But tell me , what is it about morocans that you dislike so much? and about spaniards? did a Spaniard stole your iphone?

09-22-2015, 01:25 AM
Fandino is not a spanish surname.

09-22-2015, 01:25 AM
You guys should organize a no rules fist fight between both parties instead of this non-sensical trash talk.

What is your goal with this ?

Seth MacFarlane
09-22-2015, 01:26 AM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t35.0-12/12037722_1056011134439879_1779932716_o.jpg?oh=977d 6d6bc173a10e33db2ca92a8a4f37&oe=5602E48D
:rotfl::rotfl2:1127: doesent look like alessio at all , what forum is this ?

09-22-2015, 01:28 AM

His eyebrows nose and eyes from this perspective looks like mine, but only from this perspective.

09-22-2015, 01:29 AM
Fandino is not a spanish surname.

Fandiño, esque estos patanes no tienen el teclado completo. Yo estudie con un Fandiño de profesor en Pucela.

09-22-2015, 01:29 AM
You guys should organize a no rules fist fight between both parties instead of this non-sensical trash talk.

What is your goal with this ?

I would stop with these photos, but some members are always comparing Italians as some sort of non-European creatures that don't belong in Europe. Gets a bit annoying.

09-22-2015, 01:31 AM
:rotfl::rotfl2:1127: doesent look like alessio at all , what forum is this ?

Why am I a ''hot-topic'' there ? Am I famous for how I look.. How pathetic...

09-22-2015, 01:31 AM
:rotfl::rotfl2:1127: doesent look like alessio at all , what forum is this ?

someone linked me to it. its a forum for banned trolls where all they do is speak about sikeliot and cristiano viejo and plan trolling startegies and sockpupets to come here. It's all sorts of (ironic) fun.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:31 AM

https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/t34.0-12/12041778_1056019857772340_423385958_n.jpg?oh=66ff8 58caacf9aebae7704ea0f725674&oe=5602B3FE

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:32 AM
:rotfl::rotfl2:1127: doesent look like alessio at all , what forum is this ?

The Italic rats sewer forum, lol.

09-22-2015, 01:33 AM
I would stop with these photos, but some members are always comparing Italians as some sort of non-European creatures that don't belong in Europe. Gets a bit annoying.

You have an hateful undertone when you say ''creatures'' and this says a lot about you as a person.

I think you guys shouldn't represent Italy or the 'Italic roots' if you have pure racist intentions. Name it ''Italic Stormfront'' so that people see the nature of the beast behind it.

09-22-2015, 01:33 AM
:rotfl::rotfl2:1127: doesent look like alessio at all , what forum is this ?
A forum supposedly dedicated to Italy, but all they do is talk about iberians.

09-22-2015, 01:36 AM
I would stop with these photos, but some members are always comparing Italians as some sort of non-European creatures that don't belong in Europe. Gets a bit annoying.

at least you could try and choose actual moroccan-looking spaniards hahahaa , not Ivan Fandiño and Sergio Asenjo ahahahaha 6foot 4 robust Spaniards are all of a sudden the new "Moroccan" look?

Moroccans look good bro, even if Fandiño looked like them there wouldn't be any shame on that. Keep scratching.

BTW you are pulling that out of your ass. It doesn't matter how many trolling strategies you plan at the other forum, and how many creative insults you come up with for Cristiano Viejo and Sikelito.The only truth is that you have a board with 532 pages speaking almost exclusively about those two users. Thi says alot about you lot, and not so much about CV or Sikeliot.

Also no one here ever has said Italians look non-european hahahaha. Not even CV thinks that, he just gets a kick of trolling the lot of you.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:37 AM
A forum supposedly dedicated to Italy, but all they do is talk about iberians.

Yes, very dedicated to Italy. Sardinians are secondary now


Seth MacFarlane
09-22-2015, 01:38 AM
The Italic rats sewer forum, lol.

Lmaoooooo of course it was them ..... "They're all rats " ( joe pesci voice ). Those mentallyy ill rodents are so predictable

09-22-2015, 01:39 AM
A forum supposedly dedicated to Italy, but all they do is talk about iberians.

And us.. I feel sorry for them not having anything important to discuss..Frivolous minds produce futile subjects of discussion.

09-22-2015, 01:40 AM
I must say that TA has similar types like those found there, so don't idolize yourselves.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:41 AM
And us.. I feel sorry for them not having anything important to discuss..Frivolous minds produce futile subjects of discussion.

They talk about Sardinians look also there, they call them the berber brothers of Iberians.

09-22-2015, 01:43 AM
They talk about Sardinians look also there, they call them the berber brothers of Iberians.

The Berbers were badass warriors and conquerors and they had a pretty awesome civilization. There's no insult in being called "berber". They are historical enemies, but a man must be able to appreciate and respect even their enemies.There's just lack of neurons and projection of insecurity.

no insulta quien quiere, sino quien puede (y estos pobres diablos no pueden)

Seth MacFarlane
09-22-2015, 01:45 AM
Yes, very dedicated to Italy. Sardinians are secondary now


Lmaooooooo i laughed alot seeing this page , hilarious

09-22-2015, 01:45 AM
ctwentysevenj will you ever post a pic of yourself ? just curious

you are one of the members I am really curious how you look like

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:46 AM
The Berbers were badass warriors and conquerors and they had a pretty awesome civilization. There's no insult in being called "berber". They are historical enemies, but a man must be able to appreciate and respect even their enemies.There's just lack of neurons and projection of insecurity.

no insulta quien quiere, sino quien puede (y estos pobres diablos no pueden)
Yeah, Agreed.

09-22-2015, 01:49 AM
They talk about Sardinians look also there, they call them the berber brothers of Iberians.

I'm sorry if I may disappoint you in saying this, but I'm not at all interested in what they have to say about either of us; they're not intellectually challenging, and utterly excessive.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:50 AM
ctwentysevenj will you ever post a pic of yourself ? just curious

you are one of the members I am really curious how you look like

Yeah. And now that you said it, I'm curious too.

I would like to meet his Nordic mudshot, lol.

09-22-2015, 01:52 AM
i know that i had a guest role in italic roots a friend linked me to it, they called me the usualy "gypsy stuff"

09-22-2015, 01:54 AM
Lol, Yeah.

Now that you said it, I'm curious too.

I would like to meet his Nordic mudshot, hehehe.

why would you like to meet him ? there is no reason to hurt him or anything . he is harmless and actually a polite member most of the time even though his posts are weird sometimes

I am curious because of his way of writing and because he is so obsessed with blondism :D

09-22-2015, 01:55 AM
i know that i had a guest role in italic roots a friend linked me to it, they called me the usualy "gypsy stuff"

Maybe they should've allowed Romani people all over the world to build a ''Romanistan'' in Africa or south America.

Peter Nirsch
09-22-2015, 01:55 AM

his mother isn't spanish.

09-22-2015, 01:57 AM
why would you like to meet him ? there is no reason to hurt him or anything . he is harmless and actually a polite member most of the time even though his posts are weird sometimes

I am curious because of his way of writing and because he is so obsessed with blondism :D

These are signs of severe mental health problems i.e. an obsessive compulsive disorder or something related to that.

09-22-2015, 01:58 AM
Ivan doesnt strike me as a spanish name its weird but he also doesnt look eastern european

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-22-2015, 01:58 AM
why would you like to meet him ? there is no reason to hurt him or anything . he is harmless and actually a polite member most of the time even though his posts are weird sometimes

I am curious because of his way of writing and because he is so obsessed with blondism :D

I mean to say meet his face, meaning to see his face for first time, Lol.

And the same reason I am curious. :D

09-22-2015, 02:57 AM
LOL, non of your "typical Spaniards" are average at all, for Spain. They're so dark and exotic for Spanish standards, that they don't even look Spanish.

What is next?? Opening a thread from a Spanish gypsy living in a chabola (common word for the poor dwellings where Spanish gypsies live) and presenting him as a "typical Spaniard"??

Say that to your friends from Italic RETARDS :wave:

09-22-2015, 09:36 AM
Iván Fandiño Barros born in the Basque country, It looks just like the Moroccans and should return to his country.

09-22-2015, 09:42 AM
Fandino is not a spanish surname.

Es un apellido gallego paleto inculto.

09-22-2015, 10:01 AM
Ivan doesnt strike me as a spanish name its weird but he also doesnt look eastern european

Well, "Ivan" is used also as name here in Spain and more and more often, in spite of its eastern european origin.

09-22-2015, 10:29 AM
why people keep reposting the same photo without light inside the cuartos but ignore all the other photos with natural lighting?nthere's nothing exotic in Fandiño for a Spaniard. Green is definitely a lot more exotic/unusual

09-22-2015, 10:31 AM




Stature: 188 lol guys you are so sad

09-22-2015, 10:38 AM
why people keep reposting the same photo without light inside the cuartos but ignore all the other photos with natural lighting?nthere's nothing exotic in Fandiño for a Spaniard. Green is definitely a lot more exotic/unusual

Easy. Because they're just crapping.

09-22-2015, 11:43 AM
typical cherry pick


these trolls just post swarthy associated with the entertainment and repeat the same again and again

09-22-2015, 11:55 AM
typical cherry pick


these trolls just post swarthy associated with the entertainment and repeat the same again and again

And they get a sort of pseudo-satisfaction portraying dark people, being themselves as dark or even darker than the portrayed.

It turns out very usual in this forum.

09-22-2015, 01:25 PM
why people keep reposting the same photo without light inside the cuartos but ignore all the other photos with natural lighting?nthere's nothing exotic in Fandiño for a Spaniard. Green is definitely a lot more exotic/unusual

y yo que tengo de exótico?, puto marrano castellano.

09-22-2015, 02:05 PM
Gracile Med/Saharid+some CM (possible Berid) influence.

09-22-2015, 02:10 PM
Tanned atlantomed border dinaromed.

09-22-2015, 02:12 PM
y yo que tengo de exótico?, puto marrano castellano.

Tu ni a tus coterraneos respetas.

09-22-2015, 03:10 PM
what's exotic about me

your behaviour. And the arrangement of your (facial) features and bone structure.

Fucking Castillian [ Jewish ]Pig

wow, classy. so you are also an anticastilian, antisemite and a specist.

I like pigs, they are good animals. Better than some people. Insults say more of the person that proffers them than of the person they are directed to.

We now have found out just how many people you hate and how quickly you run out of arguments and need to resort to personal insults and call for genocide. You must be desperate for getting banned again....

09-22-2015, 03:22 PM
He does have a North African vibe actually.

09-22-2015, 03:39 PM
Stature: 188 lol guys you are so sad

Wow 188 cm he must be a nordic than :p There are also tall North Africans!

I can definitely see his Iberian features but, imo this guy wouldn't be so out of place also in North Africa to tell you the truth, it's only my opinion i'm not an expert. The reality is if he was to be compared, for example with the french, no one would care...

09-22-2015, 04:16 PM
your behaviour. And the arrangement of your (facial) features and bone structure.

wow, classy. so you are also an anticastilian, antisemite and a specist.

I like pigs, they are good animals. Better than some people. Insults say more of the person that proffers them than of the person they are directed to.

We now have found out just how many people you hate and how quickly you run out of arguments and need to resort to personal insults and call for genocide. You must be desperate for getting banned again....

imbécil soy más caucásico de lo que tu nunca seras jamás, apestoso marrano converso. ¿Quieres te vuelva a enseñar mis resultados de 23andMe?.

09-22-2015, 04:20 PM
Tu ni a tus coterraneos respetas.

yo voy por libre, realmente a un mestizo como tu que le importa las discusiones entre españoles. Anda y ve a comerte un plato de frijoles mientras ves tu telenovela favorita.

09-22-2015, 04:31 PM
Imbecile, I am more caucasian that youbwill ever be.

That's easy. I am 0% caucasic. 100% Iberian. Nothing Chechen , Georgian or Karakakpak in my family afaik. But that explains why you look unusual for a Spaniard if you have so much caucasian. You look more Adhygee than you look Andalusian that's for sure.

you stinky jewish pig

wow... stinky...you learned a new word. Getting creative, aren't we?

do you want me to show you again my genetic test?

the only thing your dna test proves is that you have £125 to spare. it doesn't make your arguments any stronger nor your insults any smarter. and your genocide claims? well...a substantial amount of inbreeding may explain such agression...

09-22-2015, 04:36 PM
Wow 188 cm he must be a nordic than :p There are also tall North Africans!

I can definitely see his Iberian features but, imo this guy wouldn't be so out of place also in North Africa to tell you the truth, it's only my opinion i'm not an expert. The reality is if he was to be compared, for example with the french, no one would care...

no he wouldn't be as rare as a chinese or finlandic-looking north african, but he would still be unusual, relatively speaking.

and of course there are tall NA S there are tall Chinese. Hosever the median stature for NA is still avfew inches shorter than north mediterraneans. and their framing is different. There aren't many Asenjos or Fandiños in morocco, but they have amazing marathon runners.

09-22-2015, 04:47 PM
imbécil soy más caucásico de lo que tu nunca seras jamás, apestoso marrano converso. ¿Quieres te vuelva a enseñar mis resultados de 23andMe?.

yo voy por libre, realmente a un mestizo como tu que le importa las discusiones entre españoles. Anda y ve a comerte un plato de frijoles mientras ves tu telenovela favorita.

Bueno, no te des tantos aires, cabrón. A ti lo único que se te tiene que dar bien es comer pollas, pues bien que quedó demostrado que ni siquiera te has descolgado todavía (si eres andaluz, como dices, sabrás lo que significa esta expresión).

La única duda que tengo es si tu boca es una porquería llena de pústulas y mierda, o tu culo lo tienes como un bebedero de patos...

Y de español nada de nada. Tú no nacieste en España. Si estás por aquí es por la misma razón y motivo que los gitanos pueden dar vueltas para arriba y para abajo, nada más.

Sabes que nadie te quiere, nadie te respeta, nadie te echa cuentas y que eres eso, un desgraciado.

No briegues demasiado y trata de vivir con ello. Te dolerá menos cada vez.

09-22-2015, 04:49 PM
yo voy por libre, realmente a un mestizo como tu que le importa las discusiones entre españoles. Anda y ve a comerte un plato de frijoles mientras ves tu telenovela favorita.

Tú podrías meterte esos frijoles directamente por el ojete, dado la holgura que tiene que tener.

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 06:52 PM
BTW you are pulling that out of your ass. It doesn't matter how many trolling strategies you plan at the other forum, and how many creative insults you come up with for Cristiano Viejo and Sikelito.The only truth is that you have a board with 532 pages speaking almost exclusively about those two users. Thi says alot about you lot, and not so much about CV or Sikeliot.

someone linked me to it. its a forum for banned trolls where all they do is speak about sikeliot and cristiano viejo and plan trolling startegies and sockpupets to come here. It's all sorts of (ironic) fun.
What the fuck is this!! are you saying that these retards of Italic Rats have a thread to talk about me in their dirty forum? :jump0000::bump2::bowlol::rotfl::bounce::lmao:roll ::victory0::clap::rofl:

at least you could try and choose actual moroccan-looking spaniards hahahaa , not Ivan Fandiño
hahaha yeah, that I thought xD
Iván Fandiño has not been his best shoot. There are hundreds of thousands same than him in Italy that I could post but that is boring.
Or super-exotical or nothing.
Iván Fandiño could not compete with this swarthy Italian http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?185207-Classify-Italian-footballer-Francesco-Cosenza
to be honest, who could? :rolleyes:

lol you should have chose a photo directly with the lights off




This Australian wog always posts the darker pictures, not surprised at all.
The true question is why he repeats the same threads again and again xD
He made 2 threads of the Gypsies El Cigala and another two of Alba Flores, another two about Sergio Asenjo and usually he makes existent threads already, like this same thread xD

Also no one here ever has said Italians look non-european hahahaha. Not even CV thinks that, he just gets a kick of trolling the lot of you.
Eh, I do think so :blink:

09-22-2015, 08:29 PM
no he wouldn't be as rare as a chinese or finlandic-looking north african, but he would still be unusual, relatively speaking.

I have my doutbs, but than again i'm not north african.
I liked the chinese or finlandic-looking north african as examples:thumb001:

and of course there are tall NA S there are tall Chinese.

and tall Portuguese and short Dutch... if they exist he could be one of them ;)

Hosever the median stature for NA is still avfew inches shorter than north mediterraneans.

Being totally honest i don't know their exacts averages regarding height, but for example my own people are not known for being a tall population! I don't think they are that much shorter than us.
Although this does not seem very acurate , in this article morrocans are taller than Portuguese

and their framing is different.

Fandiño framing is not robust at all, chicken neck and narrow shoulders.


There aren't many Asenjos or Fandiños in morocco, but they have amazing marathon runners.

There aren't many Badr Haris in Portugal and Spain concerning body type and height.


Bottom line if you tell me this Fandiño guy does not pass as North African based on facial features, i totally understand:D, now based on his body seems a little bit far fetched! we have to agree to disagree:p

Sorry for the late reply, but for some reason i don't receive some notifications.

09-22-2015, 08:37 PM


09-22-2015, 08:51 PM
yo voy por libre, realmente a un mestizo como tu que le importa las discusiones entre españoles. Anda y ve a comerte un plato de frijoles mientras ves tu telenovela favorita.

Si pero eso será hasta la noche, que sale "Caminos de Guanajuato", de hecho ya me espera mi plato de frijoles.

¿Qué insultos tan bobos, no tienes algo mejor?.

09-22-2015, 08:52 PM

reminds me of cristiano ronaldo... i don't understand why some say cristian ronaldo look mixed race/non iberian

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 09:11 PM
reminds me of cristiano ronaldo... i don't understand why some say cristian ronaldo look mixed race/non iberian

That pic is cherrypicked as usual, look normal pictures of him. He even does not look exotic at all.

Cristiano Ronaldo has a Cape Verdean grandmother.

09-22-2015, 09:25 PM
Half moor/Half white

09-22-2015, 09:35 PM
Si pero eso será hasta la noche, que sale "Caminos de Guanajuato", de hecho ya me espera mi plato de frijoles.

¿Qué insultos tan bobos, no tienes algo mejor?.

Es un niño grande. Resulta así de ridículo.

Damião de Góis
09-22-2015, 09:40 PM
I googled this guy and found something saying that one Ivan Garcia was replacing him on some bullfight.


Will he also have a thread started by foreign users from a certain region?

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 11:25 PM
I googled this guy and found something saying that one Ivan Garcia was replacing him on some bullfight.


Will he also have a thread started by foreign users from a certain region?
My threads :victory0:

09-22-2015, 11:43 PM
He can pass easily as a Moroccan-Berber in all of his pictures. As other North-African ethnicities too.

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 11:48 PM
He can pass easily as a Moroccan-Berber in all of his pictures. As other North-African ethnicities too.


09-22-2015, 11:49 PM

Don't worry, you still look Brit. :D

Cristiano viejo
09-23-2015, 12:01 AM
Don't worry, you still look Brit. :D

Always better than Italian :D

09-23-2015, 12:06 AM

why laughing? have u seen moroccan-berbers from the riff? i see them all the time in the netherlands. they also look very mediterranean.

Cristiano viejo
09-23-2015, 12:09 AM
why laughing? have u seen moroccan-berbers from the riff? i see them all the time in the netherlands. they also look very mediterranean.


09-23-2015, 12:10 AM
Always better than Italian :D

He shows Amerindian admixture that Italian. :D

09-23-2015, 01:17 AM
why laughing? have u seen moroccan-berbers from the riff? i see them all the time in the netherlands. they also look very mediterranean.
Most moroccans where I live (Catalonia) are also Riffians...and they don't look mediterranean. They look north-african.

09-23-2015, 02:05 AM
He can pass easily as a Moroccan-Berber in all of his pictures. As other North-African ethnicities too.


09-23-2015, 08:12 AM
your behaviour. And the arrangement of your (facial) features and bone structure.

wow, classy. so you are also an anticastilian, antisemite and a specist.

I like pigs, they are good animals. Better than some people. Insults say more of the person that proffers them than of the person they are directed to.

We now have found out just how many people you hate and how quickly you run out of arguments and need to resort to personal insults and call for genocide. You must be desperate for getting banned again....

vaya con el marrano castellano, imbecil soy más europeo que tu, ya me han clasificado gilipollas atlanto med + baskid, algunos atlantid, ¿y a ti te han clasificado?, lo dudo no tienes huevos de poner tu foto y que los europeos vean tu cara de mestizo. Me vas a decir tu a mi lo que soy gilipollas mestizo de mierda.

Bueno que los europeos de verdad decidan y no un puto marrano medio norte africano como tu.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/nt9p3SV_peJflDjTMq45Pv8twmzKIe6AMcoxh6rTAB_4Bo7rGZ wfwIr3Dbq_hvY28Mld4ITR-iIrNBl17CcLzg-cgQPvU-U5u0pijLW-pfqy1l6p3XPp_zI-zqK-X2JWS1ZycJkIgJZdHAQGXSmtNMyKQGgafVg8tN8WZPBFHo-uXjTj_H1OepnmLlv158AIUK6sueV4V9KzCNtKbvhShD_Chm1ji QRfyaClDYnn4GWTaKsLKrw7xK3BSVxK-LJTtxEU2NC_lj4pBG4wfbr1MlIz_v_9zk9TPnO8QLjpHMHoOHi YOzk-swxYyLsyi8y_8Pt2lMYf8sbd6fgOtXSttikwWWQ6eZJbc3ngEt rfuQYDHpxdj2B4XlWaI-LMVcJdXgKdnaOs1FHjmED4tozRtuY_9cuDUS0_yKaDearJwP2A 6ZwSCwJTsqbce3EQswHh_TB5q0Az7KWOtlqBE8_hv87for7I21 Y1xkffNf6oyvCluJsLhAcfAwZJy6qULVlwLpnxb67xwdPmfC78 orMBZOhaQOPOn2IgkYQR3-gTGHs=w735-h979-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wUyOdt_GqgTP-b-Edybl5W1jJBccGofWg3FPD1gPVpyqJQq0K03sQ-TU_qSI78CHC5Z6Wazuf0oZwT2Ge9yZ5CPafaUgtODOt61MlGvR 8Gm3yFuvayTJYxg_-uny2DI-tbSS_XaJuy8jVvx_-rJV7dJ9AVBXsNYJ9iWgVt6wKygH7v42uDrFeRu_-HWtFBuQSw4REGWB4bDlRjKecSYdMNykNfoht3ILDAgSQbvh0dc ZaW2UkpMwjBwRzAM_NEp1_cxgo0H0ofhUmv-qg4Ytvs0FqLDHrfbiYMGyG6WHfgRqmCfik_tj1A-K5KJnt-Nw0cL8W5tXtLjxCTQITHZnAuagTqcM7Ch2KtKHlGlaYOJaFU9R jlK8NXc_ooGPJbXAy9oUa93BHfyc2lcxcxFiIng2lnDq1Ftr7q UJ7hw3mx6g3bP5IKznxlbaKtbJGla8CpzV3YVyOKXgNr11UkZX 0UtgKCLjMLS1fUe0d6uxjriNc_V9ILa8WL_hf-5IhD2H7PE-xiF2b5HsuUW7UOcVEtBRZoDjh4251qglOKne-NM=w1726-h969-no

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09-23-2015, 08:13 AM
Si pero eso será hasta la noche, que sale "Caminos de Guanajuato", de hecho ya me espera mi plato de frijoles.

¿Qué insultos tan bobos, no tienes algo mejor?.

que te calles mestizo.

09-23-2015, 08:14 AM
Bueno, no te des tantos aires, cabrón. A ti lo único que se te tiene que dar bien es comer pollas, pues bien que quedó demostrado que ni siquiera te has descolgado todavía (si eres andaluz, como dices, sabrás lo que significa esta expresión).

La única duda que tengo es si tu boca es una porquería llena de pústulas y mierda, o tu culo lo tienes como un bebedero de patos...

Y de español nada de nada. Tú no nacieste en España. Si estás por aquí es por la misma razón y motivo que los gitanos pueden dar vueltas para arriba y para abajo, nada más.

Sabes que nadie te quiere, nadie te respeta, nadie te echa cuentas y que eres eso, un desgraciado.

No briegues demasiado y trata de vivir con ello. Te dolerá menos cada vez.

anda gitanillo con sangre norte africana vete a buscar chatarra.

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 08:36 AM
anda gitanillo con sangre norte africana vete a buscar chatarra.

Sabes que todos los ibéricos (sin excepciones, ni siquiera los vascos) comparten al menos 70% del código genético con los norteafricanos, verdad? Un moro en realidad no es nada más que un ibérico que habla árabe, tiene sangre SSA y nada de ANE (Indo-Europeo):


Si yo fuera tú, me moderaría más en ese tipo de comentarios estúpidos. Evidentemente, tú tienes gran parte de sangre del oriente medio también, evidenciado por tu comportamiento errático e impulsivo.

Deberías de dejar de tocarles las bolas a tus compatriotas por aparentemente tener más sangre árabe que tú (que no tendría nada de malo de hecho aunque fuera verdad), de verdad estás quedando como un maniático.

09-23-2015, 08:39 AM
anda gitanillo con sangre norte africana vete a buscar chatarra.

Es lo que ando haciendo ahora mismo. Manejando chatarra asquerosa como tú. :)

Dime ¿sigues andando para arriba y para abajo por España como el gitano que llevas dentro de ti?

¿Terminaste de quitar ya todas las mierdas de los jardines y de reponer todos los tampax en los supermercados?

¿Ya te echaron del trabajo por apestoso? :D

09-23-2015, 08:50 AM
Sabes que todos los ibéricos (sin excepciones, ni siquiera los vascos) comparten al menos 70% del código genético con los norteafricanos, verdad? Un moro en realidad no es nada más que un ibérico que habla árabe, tiene sangre SSA y nada de ANE (Indo-Europeo):


Si yo fuera tú, me moderaría más en ese tipo de comentarios estúpidos. Evidentemente, tú tienes gran parte de sangre del oriente medio también, evidenciado por tu comportamiento errático e impulsivo.

Deberías de dejar de tocarles las bolas a tus compatriotas por aparentemente tener más sangre árabe que tú (que no tendría nada de malo de hecho aunque fuera verdad), de verdad estás quedando como un maniático.

¿donde ves tu que yo tenga sangre árabe, norte africana, gitana o negra?, ¿donde lo ves?. Si es verdad hay muchos españoles con SSA, sangre bereber, árabe y gitana, pero yo no, mis resultados 23andMe lo evidencian.

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 08:52 AM
¿donde ves tu que yo tenga sangre árabe, norte africana, gitana o negra?, ¿donde lo ves?.

Las pelotas, dónde? Dónde no, querrás decir? Lo que escribes está sonando como un Imam neurótico expidiendo una fatwa para hacer guerra santa.

Si es verdad hay muchos españoles con SSA, sangre bereber, árabe y gitana, pero yo no, mis resultados 23andMe lo evidencian.

Descarga lo que se llama "raw data" de tu 23andme, mándalo a un calculador más avanzado y verás los litros a borbotones de sangre norte africana y sub-saharina que te van a salir, al igual que al 100% de los ibéricos que se someten a ese tipo de pruebas.

09-23-2015, 08:53 AM
Es lo que ando haciendo ahora mismo. Manejando chatarra asquerosa como tú. :)

Dime ¿sigues andando para arriba y para abajo por España como el gitano que llevas dentro de ti?

¿Terminaste de quitar ya todas las mierdas de los jardines y de reponer todos los tampax en los supermercados?

¿Ya te echaron del trabajo por apestoso? :D

escoria racial muestra tu foto de mestizo, quiero ver tu cara de moreno.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-23-2015, 08:53 AM
que te calles mestizo.

Tú no eres español, ojete. Ya se sabe.

You're not Spanish, It's already known.

09-23-2015, 08:54 AM
Las pelotas, dónde? Dónde no, querrás decir? Lo que escribes está sonando como un Imam neurótico expidiendo una fatwa para hacer guerra santa.

me refiero racialmente, que pasa hay algún problema porque insulte a otros españoles, me pareces que poco conoces mi país, en mi país es lo más normal del mundo, lo llevamos en la sangre.

09-23-2015, 08:57 AM
Tú no eres español, ojete. Ya se sabe.

You're not Spanish, It's already known.

joder ya llego otro sudamericano, esto es sorprendente vosotros los sudamericanos que sois los que más odiáis a los españoles y entráis aquí a defender el orgullo español, patético.

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 08:57 AM
me refiero racialmente, que pasa hay algún problema porque insulte a otros españoles, me pareces que poco conoces mi país, en mi país es lo más normal del mundo, lo llevamos en la sangre.

El problema es como los estás insultando "moro de mierda", "gitano", "árabe". Qué te hace pensar que son más moros que tú? Si ellos son moros, tú también lo eres en igual medida.

joder ya llego otro sudamericano, esto es sorprendente vosotros los sudamericanos que sois los que más odiáis a los españoles y entráis aquí a defender el orgullo español, patético.

Te estás confundiendo. Dónde estoy defendiendo su... "orgullo"? En todo caso, te estoy defendiendo a ti mismo de tu propia estupidez, antes de que quedes más en rídiculo. Que tu los llames moros es algo rídiculo, cuando en realidad genéticamente sean igual de "moros" que tú. Si me percatara de algún chileno llamándole "indio" a otro chileno, evidentemente también intervendría para llamarlo un completo idiota.

King Claus
09-23-2015, 09:00 AM
He looks light for a spaniard

09-23-2015, 09:01 AM
El problema es como los estás insultando "moro de mierda", "gitano", "árabe". Qué te hace pensar que son más moros que tú? Si ellos son moros, tú también lo eres en igual medida.

Te estás confundiendo. Dónde estoy defendiendo su... "orgullo"? En todo caso, te estoy defendiendo a ti mismo de tu propia estupidez, antes de que quedes más en rídiculo. Que tu los llames moros es algo rídiculo, cuando en realidad genéticamente sean igual de "moros" que tú. Si me percatara de algún chileno llamándole "indio" a otro chileno, evidentemente también intervendría para llamarlo un completo idiota.

acaso no existen blancos en tu país solo porque la mayoría son mestizos?, si tu eres blanco te vas a considerar mestizo solo porque tus compatriotas lo son?

09-23-2015, 09:04 AM
El problema es como los estás insultando "moro de mierda", "gitano", "árabe". Qué te hace pensar que son más moros que tú? Si ellos son moros, tú también lo eres en igual medida.

Te estás confundiendo. Dónde estoy defendiendo su... "orgullo"? En todo caso, te estoy defendiendo a ti mismo de tu propia estupidez, antes de que quedes más en rídiculo. Que tu los llames moros es algo rídiculo, cuando en realidad genéticamente sean igual de "moros" que tú. Si me percatara de algún chileno llamándole "indio" a otro chileno, evidentemente también intervendría para llamarlo un completo idiota.

voy a seguir con mis comentarios porque los españoles de este foro me parecen una panda de gilipollas y además porque me caen muy mal.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-23-2015, 09:06 AM
vaya con el marrano castellano, imbecil soy más europeo que tu, ya me han clasificado gilipollas atlanto med + baskid, algunos atlantid, ¿y a ti te han clasificado?, lo dudo no tienes huevos de poner tu foto y que los europeos vean tu cara de mestizo. Me vas a decir tu a mi lo que soy gilipollas mestizo de mierda.

Bueno que los europeos de verdad decidan y no un puto marrano medio norte africano como tu.


Tú no eres español, ojete. Ya se sabe.

You're not Spanish.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

09-23-2015, 09:06 AM
El problema es como los estás insultando "moro de mierda", "gitano", "árabe". Qué te hace pensar que son más moros que tú? Si ellos son moros, tú también lo eres en igual medida.

Te estás confundiendo. Dónde estoy defendiendo su... "orgullo"? En todo caso, te estoy defendiendo a ti mismo de tu propia estupidez, antes de que quedes más en rídiculo. Que tu los llames moros es algo rídiculo, cuando en realidad genéticamente sean igual de "moros" que tú. Si me percatara de algún chileno llamándole "indio" a otro chileno, evidentemente también intervendría para llamarlo un completo idiota.

joder es que no ves mi foto y mis resultasdos 23andMe, ¿acaso no son suficiente prueba?, la foto de ese torero con cara de moro medio negro le saldría un 60% de norte africano, un 10 % de SSA y a lo mucho un 30% de ibero.

09-23-2015, 09:07 AM
Tú no eres español, ojete. Ya se sabe.

You're not Spanish.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

y que capullo, tenía curiosidad para saber si pasaba como irani. Deja ya de tocarme los huevos sudamericano.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-23-2015, 09:09 AM
"Green" is a "Spaniard", Yeah, sure he is.
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 09:10 AM
acaso no existen blancos en tu país solo porque la mayoría son mestizos?, si tu eres blanco te vas a considerar mestizo solo porque tus compatriotas lo son?

A mí me da igual como me consideren. En el hilo de las fotos la coloqué hace meses. En todo caso, aunque existan chilenos de apariencia 'blanca', genéticamente todos tienen al menos 5-10% de amerindio (si no es que mucho, mucho más).

Y sobre decirme que de dónde te veo lo moro en la cara, yo no soy la persona indicada para preguntar eso, ni siquiera te he visto en mi vida.

09-23-2015, 09:11 AM
"Green" is a "Spaniard", Yeah, sure he is.
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

que pesado eres joder, acaso tienes ancestros españoles para opinar del tema. joder que pesao, anda el burro pa ti carajote.

09-23-2015, 09:13 AM
"Green" is a "Spaniard", Yeah, sure he is.
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

hahahaha xD

09-23-2015, 09:19 AM
A mí me da igual como me consideren. En el hilo de las fotos la coloqué hace meses. En todo caso, aunque existan chilenos de apariencia 'blanca', genéticamente todos tienen al menos 5-10% de amerindio (si no es que mucho, mucho más).

Y sobre decirme que de dónde te veo lo moro en la cara, yo no soy la persona indicada para preguntar eso, ni siquiera te he visto en mi vida.

tu ves mucho porcentaje de moro aquí?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/kWOEo5nK-r7TdwYb_T0s1wkq9RYYYab-7n9-5FefWB-MLKAwX82wPFAcR-u-GwrG3SiA5she_0nieuzEnliSxzn4WX07l7s75CEyu_MJbfVodz Gc9DbwdL-s9Qa0DJ5rxu9rHYIdkHF6kfvxKk30lWUihs4w3W_452wstibDv f6tQEZ0Fu2Z62dAnnWyWE1HN_SC_J0wBuHprfK1M3xajxzhwEI 8g0S5tPIlE2BRhWVgdoSwThpWumDt9T-ghvFKjsmpYuyTOR1Zv9fM4HNrGOv5MNlMhJtFy0-Q_zf1js1q4MHpbCTglJwJH4pie9iHVVuqgZSR4XNZVVXFXk6uJ rV9YhABvAOy2hnzKvHfK-AsSr2YYi5JnjTjh7p-3rxnt4quMQ3P2w8R9ewnBWprm36_C3BWMQO7AjSbnTSe_GD2hI-cbuLKl7k6AQcsk0D8tCRS5s_VQblBmccvTRrX1ii2XhJ9NvuzK _iJYUuO7-4L4JrDlY0n2Aju-IhDYHXmdpb0Jy5nK2KBQbN9xQEmyx7UnIVFCwpk5IuCv7Lrpxw =w1726-h969-no

moros serán estos españoles, pero yo no.





A esos les tienen que salir mínimo un 10% de moro y siendo generoso.

09-23-2015, 09:21 AM
hahahaha xD

Hungarian blood of the Huns.

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 09:22 AM
tu ves mucho porcentaje de moro aquí?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/kWOEo5nK-r7TdwYb_T0s1wkq9RYYYab-7n9-5FefWB-MLKAwX82wPFAcR-u-GwrG3SiA5she_0nieuzEnliSxzn4WX07l7s75CEyu_MJbfVodz Gc9DbwdL-s9Qa0DJ5rxu9rHYIdkHF6kfvxKk30lWUihs4w3W_452wstibDv f6tQEZ0Fu2Z62dAnnWyWE1HN_SC_J0wBuHprfK1M3xajxzhwEI 8g0S5tPIlE2BRhWVgdoSwThpWumDt9T-ghvFKjsmpYuyTOR1Zv9fM4HNrGOv5MNlMhJtFy0-Q_zf1js1q4MHpbCTglJwJH4pie9iHVVuqgZSR4XNZVVXFXk6uJ rV9YhABvAOy2hnzKvHfK-AsSr2YYi5JnjTjh7p-3rxnt4quMQ3P2w8R9ewnBWprm36_C3BWMQO7AjSbnTSe_GD2hI-cbuLKl7k6AQcsk0D8tCRS5s_VQblBmccvTRrX1ii2XhJ9NvuzK _iJYUuO7-4L4JrDlY0n2Aju-IhDYHXmdpb0Jy5nK2KBQbN9xQEmyx7UnIVFCwpk5IuCv7Lrpxw =w1726-h969-no

moros serán estos españoles, pero yo no.





A esos les tienen que salir mínimo un 10% de moro y siendo generoso.

Eso no importa mucho. Descarga el "raw data", pásalo por un calculador más avanzado (que use muestreos de grupos genéticos antiguos, entre más prehistóricos mejor) y luego pegas lo que te salga.

Ese "100% Europeo" que tienes te aseguro que disminuye hasta menos del 50% una vez que lo pases por un calculador más específico. En realidad, considerando que los lituanos son lo más europeo que existe actualmente, y solamente son 50% europeos, incluso estando al norte de europa donde se supone que el verdadero componente genético europeo nativo es más grande (a pesar de tener más mezcla euroasiática).

Ahora imaginate alguien como tú, al extremo sur de Europa... a un charco de distancia de África.... Mucha suerte tendrías ya si al menos fueras 35% europeo.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-23-2015, 09:24 AM
y que capullo, tenía curiosidad para saber si pasaba como irani. Deja ya de tocarme los huevos sudamericano.

Si seguro. :rolleyes:

09-23-2015, 09:32 AM
Eso no importa mucho. Descarga el "raw data", pásalo por un calculador más avanzado (que use muestreos de grupos genéticos antiguos, entre más prehistóricos mejor) y luego pegas lo que te salga.

Ese "100% Europeo" que tienes te aseguro que disminuye hasta menos del 50% una vez que lo pases por un calculador más específico. En realidad, considerando que los lituanos son lo más europeo que existe actualmente, y solamente son 50% europeos, incluso estando al norte de europa donde se supone que el verdadero componente genético europeo nativo es más grande (a pesar de tener más mezcla euroasiática).

Ahora imaginate alguien como tú, al extremo sur de Europa... a un charco de distancia de África.... Mucha suerte tendrías ya si al menos fueras 35% europeo.

pues vaya tontería evidentemente no me saldría esa cantidad pues el gedmatch se remonta a más de 6.000 años o más, la península ibérica fue probada en el neolítico pueblos venidos de oriente medio, ¿y que?.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-23-2015, 09:35 AM
que pesado eres joder, acaso tienes ancestros españoles para opinar del tema. joder que pesao, anda el burro pa ti carajote.

Joder, yo también puedo ser lo mismo que tu ojete, joder.

Mn The Loki TA Son
09-23-2015, 09:39 AM
Bueno ya me voy, joder. aquí dejo tu españolidad en alto, joder.
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

09-23-2015, 09:46 AM
Hungarian blood of the Huns.

Sorry, what are you trying to express?

09-23-2015, 10:02 AM
Bueno ya me voy, joder. aquí dejo tu españolidad en alto, joder.
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF

pues claro que soy español, ¿y tu que coño eres?, un conglomerado de etnias que no tienen nada en común una con la otra, tienes que tener un problema grande de identidad. No sabes si eres indio o blanco, que dilema.

09-23-2015, 10:03 AM
Sorry, what are you trying to express?

you do not comment where you were not invited.

09-23-2015, 10:26 AM
There's nothing wrong with being Iranian, they are a lovely people.

09-23-2015, 10:31 AM
There's nothing wrong with being Iranian, they are a lovely people.

Do you think I'm Iranian?, I'm more Spanish than your.

09-23-2015, 10:37 AM
Do you think I'm Iranian?, I'm more Spanish than your.

you said you were iranian, not me, and your profile details here you said your spanish was very low until you got a soplo de aire this week and decided to become "uberspanishche" and startt insulting everyone and calling for the genocide of nortj africans in Francr etc.

Whatever you want to be, this is the internet, you don't have to convince anyone. As long as you convince yourself....

09-23-2015, 11:09 AM
escoria racial muestra tu foto de mestizo, quiero ver tu cara de moreno.

Lo único que vas a ver es mi cipote en tu asquerosa boca (con goma claro), comepollas :rotfl:

Que no eres más quinqui porque el día no es más largo :D

09-23-2015, 11:17 AM
Tú no eres español, ojete. Ya se sabe.

You're not Spanish.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/12032576_1057152170992442_700061562_n.jpg?oh=cf8e0 ec0ca009fc504527fecbfc20c44&oe=560505EF


09-23-2015, 11:18 AM
Lo único que vas a ver es mi cipote en tu asquerosa boca (con goma claro), comepollas :rotfl:

Que no eres más quinqui porque el día no es más largo :D

que me dejes en paz, jodido inferior.

09-23-2015, 11:21 AM
que me dejes en paz, jodido inferior.


Estás tú apañao si piensas que te voy a dejar en paz :D

Nos lo vamos a pasar a lo grande! Y eso que todavía ni he empezado!! :rotfl:

Quinquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :rotfl:

09-23-2015, 11:29 AM

Estás tú apañao si piensas que te voy a dejar en paz :D

Nos lo vamos a pasar a lo grande! Y eso que todavía ni he empezado!! :rotfl:

Quinquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :rotfl:

hombre a igualdad de condiciones deberías poner tu foto, uuuuuuuuuu andaluz gaditano vs andaluz malagueño. ¿Donde vives en el barrio de Los asperones?.


¿Cuál de esos eres tu?, puto malagitano, como va en la liga tu málaga con el moro de presidente, como el culo, ¿verdad?.


Mira ahí esta tu casa de donde comentas entre la basura.


Mira es tu abuela del clan de la Paca.


Mira tu de cuando te casaste con la Jeni del clan de los Montoya :D


Seguro que te llamas el "Richard" o tal vez "Jony" y seguro que escuchas Camarón a toda pastilla con tu seat León tuneado.

09-23-2015, 11:35 AM
hombre a igualdad de condiciones deberías poner tu foto, uuuuuuuuuu andaluz gaditano vs andaluz malagueño. ¿Donde viven en el barrio de Los asperones?.

¿Cuál de esos eres tu?, puto malagitano, como va en la liga tu málaga con el moro de presidente, como el culo, ¿verdad?.


Mira ahí esta tu casa de donde comentas entre la basura.



Seguro que te llamas el "Richard" o tal vez "Jony" y seguro que escuchas Camarón a toda pastilla con tu seat León tuneado.

Sí, sí, seguro, seguro :D

Quinquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!

Iraní culeroooooooooooo !!


09-23-2015, 11:36 AM
The Spanish-Italian forum wars of mud throwing, name-calling and being accused of a horrible crime, such as looking like "MENA" and who's more European, never gets old Lol......


09-23-2015, 12:20 PM
Sabes que todos los ibéricos (sin excepciones, ni siquiera los vascos) comparten al menos 70% del código genético con los norteafricanos, verdad? Un moro en realidad no es nada más que un ibérico que habla árabe, tiene sangre SSA y nada de ANE (Indo-Europeo):

Siguendo tu razonamiento, media Europa es mora. Los que se parecen más a nosotros en esos números son France e Italia del Norte.

09-23-2015, 12:26 PM
Siguendo tu razonamiento, media Europa es mora.

MENA and Euros sharing a common ancestral population is not the same that saying Europeans are dedcended from MENA. We have come a long way since then and evolved differently and natural selection and different admixtures have played a great role too.

09-23-2015, 12:56 PM
me cago en la puta este foro esta invadido por los malditos castellanos, en otros foros españoles no existen y aquí aparecen como las ratas.

09-23-2015, 06:51 PM
me cago en la puta este foro esta invadido por los malditos castellanos, en otros foros españoles no existen y aquí aparecen como las ratas.


Vive con ello, quinqui iraní de mierda :rofl:

09-23-2015, 06:59 PM
The Spanish-Italian forum wars of mud throwing, name-calling and being accused of a horrible crime, such as looking like "MENA" and who's more European, never gets old Lol......


It's pathetic isn't it :sad::nod

09-23-2015, 08:50 PM

Vive con ello, quinqui iraní de mierda :rofl:

callate gitanillo, creo que esta noche echan en la Paramount Perros callejeros 2, tu peli favorita.




09-23-2015, 08:58 PM
Sí, se ve que la conoces bien, quinqui :D

Dime, qué se siente siendo un mariconazo de mierda como tú? :rotfl:

Una canción y un video que te mando. Parece hecho ex profeso para ti, zumbao!!! :D


Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 09:42 PM
Siguendo tu razonamiento, media Europa es mora. Los que se parecen más a nosotros en esos números son France e Italia del Norte.

O todos los moros son medio-europeos también. :D Ese era precisamente mi punto. Es ridículo que Green utilice eso como insulto barato conociendo toda la información genética que conocemos del mundo.

09-24-2015, 11:15 AM
O todos los moros son medio-europeos también. :D Ese era precisamente mi punto. Es ridículo que Green utilice eso como insulto barato conociendo toda la información genética que conocemos del mundo.

Green es un pobre diablo ignorante, percibiéndose claramente que está enfermo además.

Simplemente está agonizando en el conocimiento y significado de su ser.

Y tomó el camino equivocado para darse respuestas, pues seguramente no tendrá ni amigos a los que planteárselas.

Incluso me da cierta vergüenza reírme y burlarme de él como lo hago (pero es que lo pone tan en bandeja).

No os lo toméis demasiado en serio.

09-24-2015, 06:14 PM
He's Atlantid. You showed his darkest photo LOL. He's just a white guy who takes the sun too much, so he often gets very tanned. However, this is a photo that was taken when he wasn't so tanned yet:
This is the Italian footballer Alessandro Nesta LMFAO:

09-24-2015, 06:32 PM
I have not read the whole thread because it doesn't interest me but I don't understand why people like picking on Alessandro Nesta.
There's nothing non-European about him, he's just a (super tan) Med type:



09-24-2015, 06:45 PM
I have not read the whole thread because it doesn't interest me but I don't understand why people like picking on Alessandro Nesta.
There's nothing non-European about him, he's just a (super tan) Med type:



He isn't white. He wouldn't be considered white in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, nor even here in Brazil.

09-25-2015, 01:14 AM
tu ves mucho porcentaje de moro aquí?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/kWOEo5nK-r7TdwYb_T0s1wkq9RYYYab-7n9-5FefWB-MLKAwX82wPFAcR-u-GwrG3SiA5she_0nieuzEnliSxzn4WX07l7s75CEyu_MJbfVodz Gc9DbwdL-s9Qa0DJ5rxu9rHYIdkHF6kfvxKk30lWUihs4w3W_452wstibDv f6tQEZ0Fu2Z62dAnnWyWE1HN_SC_J0wBuHprfK1M3xajxzhwEI 8g0S5tPIlE2BRhWVgdoSwThpWumDt9T-ghvFKjsmpYuyTOR1Zv9fM4HNrGOv5MNlMhJtFy0-Q_zf1js1q4MHpbCTglJwJH4pie9iHVVuqgZSR4XNZVVXFXk6uJ rV9YhABvAOy2hnzKvHfK-AsSr2YYi5JnjTjh7p-3rxnt4quMQ3P2w8R9ewnBWprm36_C3BWMQO7AjSbnTSe_GD2hI-cbuLKl7k6AQcsk0D8tCRS5s_VQblBmccvTRrX1ii2XhJ9NvuzK _iJYUuO7-4L4JrDlY0n2Aju-IhDYHXmdpb0Jy5nK2KBQbN9xQEmyx7UnIVFCwpk5IuCv7Lrpxw =w1726-h969-no

moros serán estos españoles, pero yo no.





A esos les tienen que salir mínimo un 10% de moro y siendo generoso.

Why are you so hateful? They are too part of your people

Here people are hatefull on dark people..
..it s really evil

And even agisnt regular imigrants who are darker..

..some people even don't consider adopted people like part of their nation; or people born to a native and a imigrants ..they consider them foreigner

The world is really twisted and evil

09-25-2015, 06:31 AM
He isn't white. He wouldn't be considered white in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, nor even here in Brazil.

Like many of those Spanish football players.

09-25-2015, 07:13 AM
He's Atlantid. You showed his darkest photo LOL. He's just a white guy who takes the sun too much, so he often gets very tanned. However, this is a photo that was taken when he wasn't so tanned yet:
This is the Italian footballer Alessandro Nesta LMFAO:

to be honest he doesnt look white at all, he is just a little lighter in the second photo, but he looks quiete armenoid or assyroid, he looks not european (if white means a european then he doesnt look it maybe spanish but he couldnt be austrian)

09-25-2015, 07:15 AM

he is spanish but he could also be italian, he doesnt look white though, i know he is white etc. in a larger sense that all europeans are white, so if he is spanish he is white but he doesnt look "real" white

09-25-2015, 01:47 PM
I don't think he is fully spaniard though.

09-25-2015, 04:21 PM

he is spanish but he could also be italian, he doesnt look white though, i know he is white etc. in a larger sense that all europeans are white, so if he is spanish he is white but he doesnt look "real" white

He doesn't look really white like North American white, but I think it's because his skin got tanned. Maybe his original skin was white but I'm not sure. I think he would look white if his skin was lighter. His facial features look white to me.

09-25-2015, 10:09 PM
I don't think he is fully spaniard though.


I smell racism against even one of the most common phebotype among your people

09-25-2015, 10:44 PM

I smell racism against even one of the most common phebotype among your people

I think the most common phenotype among Spaniards is like Fernando Torres.

09-26-2015, 02:08 AM
He doesn't look really white like North American white, but I think it's because his skin got tanned. Maybe his original skin was white but I'm not sure. I think he would look white if his skin was lighter. His facial features look white to me.

his features dont look white to me

08-16-2016, 09:46 PM
I don't know.

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 10:38 PM

08-16-2016, 11:42 PM
Gracile Mediterranean altered by berid and minor SSA in my opinion.

08-17-2016, 01:09 PM
I think the most common phenotype among Spaniards is like Fernando Torres.

hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahah hahahahahahah nope.

06-20-2017, 09:28 PM
Classify Torero Iván Fandiño born in Urduña (Basque Country) and died on June 17 2017 in a Corrida event in Aire-sur-l'Adour (South West France).



https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Iv%C3%A1n_Fandi%C3%B1o_en_las_fiestas_de_Otxomaio_ de_Ordu%C3%B1a_en_2015.jpg






06-21-2017, 09:03 AM
Dominantly Med. he could have some slight Dinaric influence depending on actual length of back of the head which is hidden under hair.

06-21-2017, 09:11 AM
looks very north African , barkoo you re a swede compared to him

06-21-2017, 09:12 AM
he really looks like the north Africans who flooded my city back in 2010 lol

06-21-2017, 09:27 AM
Dominantly Med. he could have some slight Dinaric influence depending on actual length of back of the head which is hidden under hair.

Which Med though ?
South Med ? Gracile-Med ? Meditteranoid ? Dude i respect your opinion but this is not Med, clearly.
Metrically Berberid Saharid in skin tome and Armenoid in admixture.

06-21-2017, 09:29 AM
looks very north African , barkoo you re a swede compared to him

Hahaha yes he's even darker than the average Gypsy lol. Med..omg :picard1:
He could pass as straight Moroccan or straight Gypsy, nothing less nothing more.

06-21-2017, 09:30 AM
I think Mediteranid

06-21-2017, 09:31 AM
Hahaha yes he's even darker than the average Gypsy lol. Med..omg :picard1:
He could pass as straight Moroccan or straight Gypsy, nothing less nothing more.

he doesn't look romani , you can ask Mortimer. he looks zero influenced by indian while he looks heavily influenced by north African .. not surprising as Iberians are 10 % north African and a minority of them must show it

06-21-2017, 09:32 AM
atlanto berberid intermediate

06-21-2017, 09:34 AM
here he could be the brother of the berlin terrorist who claimed to be Calabrian , he should have claimed to be Spanish instead jk


06-21-2017, 09:34 AM
he doesn't look romani , you can ask Mortimer. he looks zero influenced by indian while he looks heavily influenced by north African .. not surprising as Iberians are 10 % north African and a minority of them must show it

Iberian Gypsies look different than Balkan/East European Gypsies (more European) and many Gitanos have been famous toreros. His features are west med but he's very swarthy. So who knows.

06-21-2017, 09:37 AM
Ibrian Gyposies look different than Balkan/East European Gypsies (more European) and many Gitanos have been famous toreros. His features are west med but he's very swarthy.

his swartiness could be because he is very tanned he is probably younger than 40 too but has the skin of a 50 years old . must spend a lot of time under the sun for training

but his eyes , nose and lips look a bit off European and menaish not indian like, I doubt he is romani or even has romani origins
he s just an atypical tanned iberian

06-21-2017, 09:42 AM
he doesn't look romani , you can ask Mortimer. he looks zero influenced by indian while he looks heavily influenced by north African .. not surprising as Iberians are 10 % north African and a minority of them must show it

He could pass easily as a Gypsy too imo, skin tone is Gypsoid but nose not so much, more like Armenoid.
Morocco would be his best fit but could pass indeed anywhere in NA anyway. Just imagine he was from Northern Spain and CV constantly crying i couldn't pass in Spain, lol, he's a serious clown.

06-21-2017, 09:44 AM
Iberian Gypsies look different than Balkan/East European Gypsies (more European) and many Gitanos have been famous toreros. His features are west med but he's very swarthy. So who knows.

Spanish romas
they look nothing like that torero and it would be an insult to these 4 men to compare them to a dirty animal abuser


06-21-2017, 09:44 AM
He could pass easily as a Gypsy too imo, skin tone is Gypsoid but nose not so much, more like Armenoid.
Morocco would be his best fit but could pass indeed anywhere in NA anyway. Just imagine he was from Northern Spain and CV constantly crying i couldn't pass in Spain, lol, he's a serious clown.

doesn't look romani , maybe he passes but atypical. while he can be a typical costal north African , it s clear who is to blame for his look . moors not romanis.

06-21-2017, 09:45 AM
Hahaha yes he's even darker than the average Gypsy lol. Med..omg :picard1:
He could pass as straight Moroccan or straight Gypsy, nothing less nothing more.

Tanning has nothing to do with origins. Certainly you have chosen the darkest pics you could.

He's nothing to do with north Africans, unlike you, not out of your tanning, but out of your facial features.

There are darker and lighter north africans, you, whatever your skin tone, are closer to them that this dead torero.

It's not your tanning what defines you, but your facial features and your cranial structure. Yours, definitively, is MENA.

He's not MENA at all, even if you could paint him in black.

06-21-2017, 09:48 AM
Spanish romas
they look nothing like that torero and it would be an insult to these 4 men to compare them to a dirty animal abuser

I don't like Corrida (it's cruel) but it's Spanish tradition so who are we to judge it ? Btw when Torero is killed the bull is retired and safe from further fighting, so it is also a risk for them. As you can see this man is dead.
Some Spanish Gypsies can't pass for eastern Gypsies, they look different (more ''western''). But I guess there's overlap. He is just a swarthy gracile med, I don't see anything North African because Berbers have visible negroid admixture and he has not any.

06-21-2017, 09:48 AM
Tanning has nothing to do with origins. Certainly you have chosen the darkest pics you could.

He's nothing to do with north Africans, unlike you, not out of your tanning, but out of your facial features.

There are darker and lighter north africans, you, whatever your skin tone, are closer to them that this dead torero.

It's not your tanning what defines you, but your facial features and your cranial structure. Yours, definitively, is MENA.

He's not MENA at all, even if you could paint him in black.

his facial features are menaish , he looks like a bit like the young gheddafi .

06-21-2017, 09:48 AM
Spanish romas
they look nothing like that torero and it would be an insult to these 4 men to compare them to a dirty animal abuser


Aha, your crazy obsession against the bullfight makes you to assert such a bullshit about that dead torero.

Whichever, and you are totally aware about, he's nothing to do with a MENA (Near Eastern, Middle Eastern or Northern African). Don't let your burning hatred eat your brain.

06-21-2017, 09:49 AM
I don't like Corrida (it's cruel) but it's Spanish tradition so who are we to judge it ? Btw when Torero is killed the bull is retired and safe from further fighting, so it is also a risk for them. As you can see this man is dead.
Some Spanish Gypsies can't pass for eastern Gypsies, they look different (more ''western''). But I guess there's overlap. He is just a swarthy gracile med, I don't see anything North African because Berbers have visible negroid admixture and he has not any.

many north African men I have seen didn't show subsaharian admixture. he could pass for one of them.

06-21-2017, 09:51 AM
many north African men I have seen didn't show subsaharian admixture. he could pass for one of them.

In the same way you could pass for an afghan gal --without sheet upon.

That doesn't show anything.

06-21-2017, 09:51 AM
Aha, your crazy obsession against the bullfight makes you to assert such a bullshit about that dead torero.

Whichever, and you are totally aware about, he's nothing to do with a MENA (Near Eastern, Middle Eastern or Northern African). Don't let your burning hatred eat your brain.

I'm not hating, I'm just trolling around aware of the responses I can get but I don't care.

now i am on a serious mode.
how can you say that this guy isn't exotic ? the average Iberian looks far more European. he looks closer to north Africans than to the Iberians I have seen on documentaries about spain and portugal

06-21-2017, 09:54 AM
Tanning has nothing to do with origins. Certainly you have chosen the darkest pics you could.

He's nothing to do with north Africans, unlike you, not out of your tanning, but out of your facial features.

There are darker and lighter north africans, you, whatever your skin tone, are closer to them that this dead torero.

It's not your tanning what defines you, but your facial features and your cranial structure. Yours, definitively, is MENA.

He's not MENA at all, even if you could paint him in black.

Lol sure your pity trolling is very pathetic actually, i was wondering how he could pass indifferently among "ethnic" Spaniards actually.
The answer is that he fit very easily among the various Spanish looking spectrum > Gypsy, North African, Meds.
And stop arguing he doesn't look NA because he is a textbook one, i'm a Danish compared to him in every ways.
You have nothing to defend over here except if you might be perceived as a clown as your boyfriend Viejo, just resign to recognize it or stfu, that's simple.

06-21-2017, 09:59 AM
many north African men I have seen didn't show subsaharian admixture. he could pass for one of them.
That's hard to believe since they have around 20% od subsaharian admixture and practically no European HG ancestry. Genetical gap is like ocean.
Here is famous Algerian from Croatia (plays football there)

Very Iberian indeed....

06-21-2017, 10:00 AM

I was willing to make my comment longer to explain you you're wrong, but I throw the toal in.

Obviously, your hatred makes you blind.

You seem to be drunk.

I'm so sorry for you.

06-21-2017, 10:02 AM
That's hard to believe since they have around 20% od subsaharian admixture and practically no European HG ancestry. Genetical gap is like ocean.
Here is famous Algerian from Croatia (plays football there)

Very Iberian indeed....

not all north Africans look like mulattos

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTY4OTc0NjkwMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTcwOTgyNQ@@._ V1_UY1200_CR89,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjI5NjYwNTMxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjA2MjM1OQ@@._ V1_UY1200_CR86,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg


https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjQ4ODg2NDkxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTI5Nzk4MQ@@._ V1_UY1200_CR87,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg





06-21-2017, 10:04 AM
Lol sure your pity trolling is very pathetic actually, i was wondering how he could pass indifferently among "ethnic" Spaniards actually.
The answer is that he fit very easily among the various Spanish looking spectrum > Gypsy, North African, Meds.
And stop arguing he doesn't look NA because he is a textbook one, i'm a Danish compared to him in every ways.
You have nothing to defend over here except if you might be perceived as a clown as your boyfriend Viejo, just resign to recognize it or stfu, that's simple.

Nope, I'm sorry, bakoo. I'm afraid to dissapoint you, but you look like an ape comparated to him. On the real.

If I were a clown, then you'd be a circus handicaped chimpazee, barkoo.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-21-2017, 10:06 AM
What's up with your Iberian obsession lately?

06-21-2017, 10:11 AM
Nope, I'm sorry, bakoo. I'm afraid to dissapoint you, but you look like an ape comparated to him. On the real.

If I were a clown, then you'd be a circus handicaped chimpazee, barkoo.

This guy doesn't even pass anywhere outside Spain in Europe, while being a Northern Spanish and i am the clown, lol ?
Seriously don't miss again your shrink appointment next time.

06-21-2017, 10:17 AM
What's up with your Iberian obsession lately?

Misshaped-brained barkoo's serious psychopathic disfunction, Viriato.

Nothing new.

06-21-2017, 10:17 AM
not all north Africans look like mulattos

Being Arab I doubt he is mulatto. Ofcourse not all look like that, but these people are minority and they don't look especially European, either. Coastal North Africans are more neolithic and less subsaharian.
If you want to discuss their average looks it is nowhere close to Spain or anywhere in Europe for that matter.

06-21-2017, 10:17 AM
What's up with your Iberian obsession lately?

A classification thread is an obsession, retard.

06-21-2017, 10:21 AM
This guy doesn't even pass anywhere outside Spain in Europe, while being a Northern Spanish and i am the clown, lol ?
Seriously don't miss again your shrink appointment next time.

No. The clown was me. Don't you remember? You was the circus handicaped chimpanzee, barkoo.


Take it easy, barkoo...

06-21-2017, 10:23 AM
Spanish romas
they look nothing like that torero and it would be an insult to these 4 men to compare them to a dirty animal abuser

http://k33.kn3.net/taringa/C/6/9/3/7/9/totetote/446.jpgI bet my ass those guys are not "spanish" gypsies. I'm not an expert in this issue but Spanish gypsies live in normal buildings not in plastic or wood houses (I think is forbidden by law) like in this picture and in my opinion they are very dark. In the last years arrived some groups of Romanian and Bulgarian gypsies and maybe they are some of them.

Real pictures about spanish gypsieshttp://cdn.20m.es/img2/recortes/2016/04/07/268689-944-708.jpghttp://salonesvalantains.com/share/fiesta-de-15-anos-al-estilo-gitano.jpghttp://teleprograma.diezminutos.es/var/plan_site/storage/images/programas-tv/2017/febrero/gipsy-kings-tercera-temporada/10751652-2-esl-ES/vuelven-los-gipsy-kings-con-nuevos-negocios-!y-una-vuelta-al-mundo_gallery_a.jpghttps://imagizer.prod.carbyne.ps.ooyala.com/1800x635/https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ingest-mediaset-production.carbyne.ps.ooyala.com/nf3fkxl8lby9_masthead-gipsykings.jpg

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-21-2017, 10:27 AM
A classification thread is an obsession, retard.

Calm your tits.

Countless threads on taxonomy section lately about Iberian people created by you does sound like an obsession. Not to talk about that for weeks you've been classifying every single Spaniard as Berberid. This thread purpose was clear too, you even got upset when someone classified him as Med and completely disregarded his opinion. You're not interested in classifications, you're interested in targeting Spaniards.

As for saying that he is a gypsy merely based on his skin color, then you would have to be one as well. You have the darkest skin color of all South European members on this forum that have posted a photo.

06-21-2017, 10:31 AM
Being Arab I doubt he is mulatto. Ofcourse not all look like that, but these people are minority and they don't look especially European, either. Coastal North Africans are more neolithic and less subsaharian.
If you want to discuss their average looks it is nowhere close to Spain or anywhere in Europe for that matter.

I'm not arguing there, all I said that this torero looks more north African than Iberian.maybe it depends on the photo

06-21-2017, 10:33 AM
I bet my life those guys are not "spanish" gypsies. I'm not an expert in this issue but Spanish gypsies live in normal buildings not in plastic or wood houses (I think is forbidden by law) like in this picture and in my opinion they are very dark. In the last years arrived some groups of Romanian and Bulgarian gypsies and maybe they are some of them.

Real pictures about spanish gypsieshttp://cdn.20m.es/img2/recortes/2016/04/07/268689-944-708.jpghttp://salonesvalantains.com/share/fiesta-de-15-anos-al-estilo-gitano.jpghttp://teleprograma.diezminutos.es/var/plan_site/storage/images/programas-tv/2017/febrero/gipsy-kings-tercera-temporada/10751652-2-esl-ES/vuelven-los-gipsy-kings-con-nuevos-negocios-!y-una-vuelta-al-mundo_gallery_a.jpghttps://imagizer.prod.carbyne.ps.ooyala.com/1800x635/https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ingest-mediaset-production.carbyne.ps.ooyala.com/nf3fkxl8lby9_masthead-gipsykings.jpg

It's a part of barkoo et als's circus spectacle. Boring enough, by the way.

06-21-2017, 10:40 AM
Somewhere between this Small Med from Coon
Greek "Irano -Cappadocian" of Angel
+. Possible Dinaric tendency

06-21-2017, 10:45 AM
Calm your tits.

Countless threads on taxonomy section lately about Iberian people created by you does sound like an obsession. Not to talk about that for weeks you've been classifying every single Spaniard as Berberid. This thread purpose was clear too, you even got upset when someone classified him as Med and completely disregarded his opinion. You're not interested in classifications, you're interested in targeting Spaniards.

As for saying that he is a gypsy merely based on his skin color, then you would have to be one as well. You have the darkest skin color of all South Europeans members on this forum that have posted a photo.

First of all,

I asked for a classification he is clearly not Med pred however too that's for sure, this is not Med the same goes for you (pred Berberid with a hint of Alpine and Med by the way).

Secondly, you are deliberately lying, when Berberids classified this is on CV's thread nowhere else, he constantly want to paint Spain as a Scandinavian country as you never take irony but a straight moron lecture, in other way > show us the true average Spaniards for once.

Tertio this is enough being perceived as a NA myself by a clown whose country is a very NA admix one in term of looking.
Finally the torrero is clearly darker than me and isn't even in the same range the Med skin to be anyway.
Either you're an idiot, or just trolling, i will contenting myself of the second option for now on.

06-21-2017, 10:49 AM
It's a part of barkoo et als's circus spectacle. Boring enough, by the way.

Howdy Alejandro, Ale Ale Alejandro, Fernando. :rotfl:


06-21-2017, 10:57 AM
First of all,

I asked for a classification he is clearly not Med pred however too that's for sure, this is not Med the same goes for you (pred Berberid with a hint of Alpine and Med by the way).

Secondly, you are deliberately lying, when Berberids classified this is on CV's thread nowhere else, he constantly want to paint Spain as a Scandinavian country as you never take irony but a straight moron lecture, in other way > show us the true average Spaniards for once.

Tertio this is enough being perceived as a NA myself by a clown whose country is a very NA admix one in term of looking.
Finally the torrero is clearly darker than me and isn't even in the same range the Med skin to be anyway.
Either you're an idiot, or just trolling, i will contenting myself of the second option for now on.

Hey, barkoo, you're just the only one taking yourself for a swede or a danish in this thread...

Dark? He's tanned. He used to work and to train under the sun - this sun. Besides, you have comically chosen the darkest pics of him on the net. Why haven't you picked others?


Paint him in deepest black, paint yourself in shining white: you keep looking like a MENA, unlike him.

N.B.: It's really sad to witness how you fight against yourself. Be happy with what you really are and look like, barkoo. No shame at all.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-21-2017, 10:59 AM
First of all,

I asked for a classification he is clearly not Med pred however too that's for sure, this is not Med the same goes for you (pred Berberid with a hint of Alpine and Med by the way).

Secondly, you are deliberately lying, when Berberids classified this is on CV's thread nowhere else, he constantly want to paint Spain as a Scandinavian country as you never take irony but a straight moron lecture, in other way > show us the true average Spaniards for once.

Tertio this is enough being perceived as a NA myself by a clown whose country is a very NA admix one in term of looking.
Finally the torrero is clearly darker than me and isn't even in the same range the Med skin to be anyway.
Either you're an idiot, or just trolling, i will contenting myself of the second option for now on.

I struggled to understand what you wrote in your butt hurted English, but I will try to reply.

You never classified me as Berbere in both classifications threads I have made. You went even as far as saying that I look similar to you (I don't, but that's your opinion). Are you classifying yourself as Berber too? I wouldn't be surprised because every week you seem to change the way you perceive yourself...I have seen you saying you were Gracile Med, then you said you are the best example of Atlanto-Med, that you were Berid, etc. I've heard it all.

I can't show you what a "true" Spaniard looks like because they are diverse. I am not lying, you have been classifying every single Spaniard as Berberid lately. Spanish people do not overlap with North Africans as you're claiming as well.

The bullfighter looks different from you but in terms of skin color you're on the same range. You can't always come up with the "I'm tanned" excuse because in all your photos you always have that skin tone, even when you were a kid.

06-21-2017, 11:01 AM
Howdy Alejandro, Ale Ale Alejandro, Fernando. :rotfl:


Apu, would you like to become a torero? I can even see the large blinking neon lights: "El Niño del Caril" :)

06-21-2017, 11:11 AM
typical troll cherrypicked

06-21-2017, 11:12 AM


06-21-2017, 11:13 AM
He's Atlantid. You showed his darkest photo LOL. He's just a white guy who takes the sun too much, so he often gets very tanned. However, this is a photo that was taken when he wasn't so tanned yet:
This is the Italian footballer Alessandro Nesta LMFAO:

the only difference is that nesta has a more europid nose

06-21-2017, 11:22 AM
the only difference is that nesta has a more europid nose

The main difference is that Nesta is in the Atlanto-Mediterranean range and looks European unlike Fandino who look Moroccan and has SSA. That's the very slightly distinct point.

06-21-2017, 11:26 AM
The main difference is that Nesta is in the Atlanto-Mediterranean range and looks European unlike Fandino who look Moroccan and has SSA. That's the very slightly distinct point.

If you say so...

06-21-2017, 11:26 AM

Nesta even if dark still looks Med and especially Southern Italian.


Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-21-2017, 11:29 AM


Una mera coincidencia claramente ...

06-21-2017, 12:15 PM
Med + Berberid.

Cristiano viejo
06-21-2017, 02:43 PM
If you say so...

I think blackoo thinks exactly the opposite to the reality. If you ask him what colour is the moon he will say yellow, while the sun white.
This guy is hilarious and I wonder how he makes his claims without the least sense of ridicolous :lol:

06-21-2017, 08:03 PM
I think blackoo thinks exactly the opposite to the reality. If you ask him what colour is the moon he will say yellow, while the sun white.
This guy is hilarious and I wonder how he makes his claims without the least sense of ridicolous :lol:

I guess he's fallen in love with you, Cristiano... Exactly, exactly how it happened with GiCa...

That's a fault of yours, you know. You are too kind with those people sometimes...

06-21-2017, 08:05 PM
I think he's an Atlantid who works under the sun 24/7 and his skin adopted to such conditions. Why do people blame those who work hard under the sun and make a living for themselves and their family members?

06-21-2017, 08:14 PM
The guy recently past away (4 days ago), and people here discussing if he looks Iberian or Moroccan (WHO GIVES A FUCK BTW) ... mmm kinda on the morbid side of things.

Obsessions, weird ones ...

06-21-2017, 08:21 PM
Fuck it. We don't live in Cambodia where skin is the only status and everyone see themselves based on physical qualities. It's a true non European trait to judge others based on skin tone, rather their real personality.

06-22-2017, 06:13 PM
Spaniards are obviously the most delusional members of this forum. But barkoo is clearly trolling.

Fandino is basically Med. He can pass as North African though. But so does barkoo. A substantial minority of Southern Euros would pass as NA. There is more overlap than people here would like to admit.

What's the problem with all this? Seems that most people here are just insecure and need to create these artificial boundaries between 'Euro' look and the rest of Eurasia when Europeans can overlap with other Eurasians and some North Africans. So they can go to bed and dream about how they are special. LOL

06-22-2017, 06:18 PM
Rest in piece my nigga! I'd wish rest in piece to all the bulls who died during the show

Dedicate this song to the guy and those who make fun of other peoples death


Cristiano viejo
06-22-2017, 06:41 PM
Spaniards are obviously the most delusional members of this forum. But barkoo is clearly trolling.

Fandino is basically Med. He can pass as North African though. But so does barkoo. A substantial minority of Southern Euros would pass as NA. There is more overlap than people here would like to admit.

What's the problem with all this? Seems that most people here are just insecure and need to create these artificial boundaries between 'Euro' look and the rest of Eurasia when Europeans can overlap with other Eurasians and some North Africans. So they can go to bed and dream about how they are special. LOL

Why are we delusional, because we deny this guy pass in North Africa? come on.

This guy looked more European that barkoo will do ever, that is the reason why he has the need to troll him.
According him this guy was Berberid while this Italian who is clearly black influenced, is Alpine :laugh2:

and we are the delusional...

06-22-2017, 06:47 PM
Why are we delusional, because we deny this guy pass in North Africa? come on.

This guy looked more European that barkoo will do ever, that is the reason why he has the need to troll him.
According him this guy was Berberid while this Italian who is clearly black influenced, is Alpine :laugh2:

and we are the delusional...

Keep dreaming, dude.

I've posted a friend of mine who is thousand times more ''European'' looking than this bullfighter and you classified him as Gypsy. The Italian guy looks exotic, yes. What then? Fuck it. ''Exotic'' people (a very innacurate term btw) can be found in almost all European countries, specially in Southern Europe. Fandino not only pass in NA, he passes very good there. It doesn't mean he is non-European. lol

Cristiano viejo
06-22-2017, 06:50 PM
Keep dreaming, dude.

I've posted a friend of mine who is thousand times more ''European'' looking than this bullfighter and you classified him as Gypsy. The Italian guy looks exotic, yes. What then? Fuck it. ''Exotic'' people (a very innacurate term btw) can be found in almost all European countries, specially in Southern Europe. Fandino not only pass in NA, he passes very good there. It doesn't mean he is non-European. lol
It is difficult to read more stupidities in a same post :picard1: (except if the post is from barkoo :icon_lol:).

06-22-2017, 06:58 PM
Let's compare:

Does this guy (that the Spaniards here classified as Gypsy) looks more exotic than Fandino?



As we can obviously see, both are Meds. But Fandino looks somewhat closer to North African spectrum and my friend is closer to the European spectrum. He is what most people here would classify as Atlanto-Med.

In fact, we can find a lot of NAs who are LIGHTER than Fandino (Ex: Benzema, Zidane).


Полковник 95
06-22-2017, 07:06 PM
Berid mixed with gracile Med. He doesn't look Moroccan. Only like a niggerish ethnic Spaniard.

06-22-2017, 07:23 PM
he really looked north african shifted.

Rest In Peace. you died at young age.

Cristiano viejo
06-22-2017, 08:20 PM
Let's compare:

Does this guy (that the Spaniards here classified as Gypsy) looks more exotic than Fandino?

Yes, especially in the rest of pictures you posted.

In fact, we can find a lot of NAs who are LIGHTER than Fandino (Ex: Benzema, Zidane).

Their skin tone is lighter but they look less European than him, specially Benzema.
And in any case they are not representative of the North African average.

06-22-2017, 08:42 PM
Yes, especially in the rest of pictures you posted.

Even in the other pictures (when he was more tanned) he is less exotic. His facial features can hardly be found outside Europe/Iberia. Fandino also have European facial features, but his features can be found in a substantial minority of North Africans. Show me just one Gypsy or North African that looks like my friend and doesn't have Iberian ancestry.

Their skin tone is lighter but they look less European than him, specially Benzema.
And in any case they are not representative of the North African average.

Neither is Fandino representative of European and even Iberian average. So what? And in the case of Zidane, if no one knew he is Kabyle he could easily pass as ethnic French.
I never implied that to be more European means to be lighter. You, on the other hand, have said this a lot of times.

Cristiano viejo
06-22-2017, 09:00 PM
Even in the other pictures (when he was more tanned) he is less exotic. His facial features can hardly be found outside Europe/Iberia. Fandino also have European facial features, but his features can be found in a substantial minority of North Africans. Show me just one Gypsy or North African that looks like my friend and doesn't have Iberian ancestry.

I did not say your friend looked like a North African. I think that I did not say nor even like a Gypsy. What I said is that he did not look Spanish.

Now show me just one North African that looks like Fandiño

These are typical, VERY TYPICAL, North Africans. Seriously do you have any resemblance with them? :rolleyes:

Neither is Fandino representative of European and even Iberian average. So what? And in the case of Zidane, if no one knew he is Kabyle he could easily pass as ethnic French.
I never implied that to be more European means to be lighter. You, on the other hand, have said this a lot of times.
Zidane is a special case because people only see him bald and such but look how he looked when young


He looks blatantly non-white.

06-22-2017, 09:01 PM
White man.

06-22-2017, 09:12 PM
Now show me just one North African that looks like Fandiño



I would say these ones look even more Euro than Fandino.

These are typical, VERY TYPICAL, North Africans. Seriously do you have any resemblance with them?

Unfortunately for you, I look way more lighter and European than these North Africans. And than Fandino as well. Not that I care.

06-22-2017, 09:14 PM
Their skin tone is lighter but they look less European than him, specially Benzema.
And in any case they are not representative of the North African average.

Zidane could pass as European while Fandino cannot and being Northern Spanish (lol). This is quite simple actually.
Just recognize Spain is not homogeneous and that would be fair for everyone.

06-22-2017, 09:17 PM
How Cristiano Viejo cannot see that this guy pass easily as North African?

I think this dude is blind.

06-22-2017, 09:18 PM
Someone like Tom Jones (British) can pass better in North Africa than this guy.

06-22-2017, 09:23 PM


Yeah he could be part of the same pic actually. Btw about Zidane, Zaza is more exotic when bald than haired so your theory is total BS as usual.

06-22-2017, 09:25 PM


I would say these ones look even more Euro than Fandino.

Unfortunately for you, I look way more lighter and European than these North Africans. And than Fandino as well. Not that I care.

Both of your examples show clear non-caucasoid influence. North Africans that look fully caucasoid are rarer than one would think IMO.

On another topic, skin color is clearly a defining trait of Europeans and Europeans vary from rosy, pale to brunet white and this guy is clearly swarthy. His skin tone is average in Northern Africa, but his features aren't. Either way it's laughable to say he's "only tanned".... Was this dude born tanned? Find me the untanned photo of him. He's clearly brown-skinned.

06-22-2017, 09:31 PM
Both of your examples show clear non-caucasoid influence. North Africans that look fully caucasoid are rarer than one would think IMO.

On another topic, skin color is clearly a defining trait of Europeans and Europeans vary from rosy, pale to brunet white and this guy is clearly swarthy. His skin tone is average in Northern Africa, but his features aren't. Either way it's laughable to say he's "only tanned".... Was this dude born tanned? Find me the untanned photo of him. He's clearly brown-skinned.

Yeah lol


06-22-2017, 09:33 PM
Yeah lol


I found more pics and he does look caucasoid, IDK about the other guy, his nose seems SSA influenced. However this guy is very atypical for north Africans.

06-22-2017, 09:37 PM
Both of your examples show clear non-caucasoid influence. North Africans that look fully caucasoid are rarer than one would think IMO.

These ones look predominantly Caucasoid. Which of their features are non-Caucasoid? Are you on drugs?

Genetically they're mostly mixed (depending on the individual) but there are few who can resemble Southern Europeans. Not that I care about this bullshit anyway, most users on this forum are pathetic betas who need to constantly masturbate about looking European and all that stuff to feed their insecurities. Now stop to chimp out with me because of Fandino cause I never said this guy is the quintecensse of Europeaness. Quite the contrary.

06-22-2017, 09:38 PM
I found more pics and he does look caucasoid, IDK about the other guy, his nose seems SSA influenced. However this guy is very atypical for north Africans.

Well not so much, NA are not that homogeneous, even he is not representative of the average Algerian phenotype though, he enters in its spectrum.

06-22-2017, 09:46 PM
He could pass very well as Iberian btw, and looks Spanish anyway no one can deny.


06-22-2017, 09:46 PM
Well not so much, NA are not that homogeneous, even he is not representative of the average Algerian phenotype though, he enters in its spectrum.

Most Riffians look similar to this guy. North Africa is very diverse as is Europe. Most people discussing here are just fags that doesn't know shit about the world.

Pathetic basement dwellers. Little cucks being fucked in the ass daily by Muslims, Negroes, South Asians, Mestizos etc.

06-22-2017, 09:51 PM
Most Riffians look similar to this guy. North Africa is very diverse as is Europe. Most people discussing here are just fags that doesn't know shit about the world.

Pathetic basement dwellers. Little cucks being fucked in the ass daily by Muslims, Negroes, South Asians, Mestizos etc.

That's very true and especially Algerians and even more about Kabyles who can easily being spot as Europeans.

06-22-2017, 10:35 PM
Zidane could pass as European while Fandino cannot and being Northern Spanish (lol). This is quite simple actually.
Just recognize Spain is not homogeneous and that would be fair for everyone.

it seems that Fandino was basque

you are wrong

thought i don t know if of true blood. i'm no expert with them. it s even much i answer to this thread but i'm curious as he had slight exotic look


Rest In Peace anyway

06-22-2017, 10:41 PM
it seems that Fandino was basque

you are wrong

thought i don t know if of true blood. i'm no expert with them. it s even much i answer to this thread but i'm curious as he had slight exotic look


Rest In Peace anyway

Basque Country is in Northern Spain, and i got zero regard for that kind of asshole anyway.

06-22-2017, 10:46 PM
Basque Country is in Northern Spain, and i got zero regard for that kind of asshole anyway.

he seems to be from there. but i dont know as im no expert on spanish surnames so i don t know if he actually then had blood from there

06-22-2017, 10:49 PM
I'd add that Barkoo is not Italian but some kind of Algerian troll trying to make Italians look bad with this constant trolling.

06-22-2017, 10:53 PM
he seems to be from there. but i dont know as im no expert on spanish surnames so i don t know if he actually then had blood from there

Don't know, but even if it was of Andalusian origin he's still looks NA.

Cristiano viejo
06-23-2017, 05:45 PM
I would say these ones look even more Euro than Fandino.
First guy probably is Jew, according the own link you posted.
But does not matter, first they dont look like Fandiño and second, despite your claims, are not representative of the North African average, especially the second guy.

Unfortunately for you, I look way more lighter and European than these North Africans. And than Fandino as well. Not that I care.
Why unfortunately for me? what do you have to do in this discussion?

Zidane could pass as European while Fandino cannot and being Northern Spanish (lol). This is quite simple actually.
Just recognize Spain is not homogeneous and that would be fair for everyone.
No, Zidane could not. His baldness conceals his extra-European appearance.


Seeing carefully his semi-closed Afroasiatic eyes, I appreciate you also have these kind of eyes. Not the colour, of course. Even in that you are brown.

How Cristiano Viejo cannot see that this guy pass easily as North African?

I think this dude is blind.
You are the blind and plus you are a total demagogue and rabble rouser. It is like if I claim that the Dutch footballer Mark Van Bommel would pass in North Africa just because I searched and found a couple of North Africans the enough exotic to look more European than him :picard1:


Someone like Tom Jones (British) can pass better in North Africa than this guy.
And no one claims that Tom Jones passes in North Africa, as these-obsessed-with-Spanish people do.

I found more pics and he does look caucasoid, IDK about the other guy, his nose seems SSA influenced. However this guy is very atypical for north Africans.
Agreed, his examples are too cherrypicking to be taken seriously. It seems as that he does not know how North Africans look...

Most Riffians look similar to this guy. North Africa is very diverse as is Europe. Most people discussing here are just fags that doesn't know shit about the world.

Pathetic basement dwellers. Little cucks being fucked in the ass daily by Muslims, Negroes, South Asians, Mestizos etc.
You need psychiatric help if you think that Riffians look like him.

I'd add that Barkoo is not Italian but some kind of Algerian troll trying to make Italians look bad with this constant trolling.

I think he is Italo-Argelino or something weird.
Or his mother had an extramarital affaire with a Maghrebian... Living in France it makes sense.

06-24-2017, 06:48 PM
Looks mediterranid, north african caucasoid

08-25-2018, 12:17 AM
Saharid + Berid.