View Full Version : Native american men /Turkic appreciation thread

09-23-2015, 02:08 PM






https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/74932_516832081684117_30776292_n.jpg?oh=407ca9a9f1 53b9a70f0c9dfa3da9d0d9&oe=565635A7

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/63705_501687243198601_1032557956_n.jpg?oh=24a9c4b7 17429b107afc5e9a17107230&oe=5659C6A5

since Turkics and Natives are basically the same thing in terms of phenotype Ive merged this thread and I want you guys to post some yummy Native/Turkic protomongoloid men !

09-23-2015, 02:11 PM
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/31591_501687056531953_1299750309_n.jpg?oh=0bc36850 4afca83cc21f70c20ba5ad2a&oe=5651FEAB
my fav aboriginal model :Michael Hudson ;)

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/405662_581705075196817_1561702465_n.jpg?oh=b4f2785 6deca7493d073e10242d2811d&oe=560DCAAC
his Doppelganger


https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/1380278_644365795597411_640210000_n.jpg?oh=68bcbd5 4222c6614a2f53164a7857e3b&oe=56134289

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1526791_691152844252039_1290205800_n.jpg?oh=3ba931 a8ac946dc365d5cba65088c394&oe=56110A32

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11025932_939449032755751_2842418737506544384_n.jpg ?oh=69cb888df65f50393de0b91e1c01607d&oe=561BE2CF

09-23-2015, 02:15 PM





09-23-2015, 02:21 PM


09-23-2015, 02:33 PM
It sounds gay.

09-23-2015, 02:36 PM
Meh half at least thalf of them are mestizos and not really predominantely native.

09-23-2015, 03:05 PM




senseimer one of the ebst native models out there


the native ballou lool

09-23-2015, 03:07 PM
Meh half at least thalf of them are mestizos and not really predominantely native.

only 1 is a mestizo(mario rodriguez)and if you knew anything,native phenotypes are predominate even in 1/4 natives.mongoloid genetics even override subsaharan genetics in phenotype,let alone whites.but this is another case of the magical its that 2% white blood that makes that fully subsaharana fricna featured/native featured/eastasian featured woman attractive!lol when we all know how most whites looklike and that stereorotypical classic caucasoid features are pretty much incel.all goodlooking caucasoids dont look pure caucasoid but show native american traits.

its quiet pathetic and shows how insecure caucasoids are,when we all know caucasoid features are literally the definition of incel(long midfaces,hooked/prominent noses,shapeless bug eyes,shallow cheekbones,thin lips,hairy) and any caucasoid or caucasoid amixed individual is goodlooking in spite of that admixture not because of it.if anything all hot caucasoid women are psuedo-negroid and psuedo-mongoloid in phenotype lmao

09-23-2015, 03:12 PM
only 1 is a mestizo(mario rodriguez)and if you knew anything,native phenotypes are predominate even in 1/4 natives.mongoloid genetics even override subsaharan genetics in phenotype,let alone whites.but this is another case of the magical its that 2% white blood that makes that fully subsaharana fricna featured/native featured/eastasian featured woman attractive!lol when we all know how most whites looklike and that stereorotypical classic caucasoid features are pretty much incel.all goodlooking caucasoids dont look pure caucasoid but show native american traits.

its quiet pathetic and shows how insecure caucasoids are,when we all know caucasoid features are literally the definition of incel(long midfaces,hooked/prominent noses,shapeless bug eyes,shallow cheekbones,thin lips,hairy) and any caucasoid or caucasoid amixed individual is goodlooking in spite of that admixture not because of it.if anything all hot caucasoid women are psuedo-negroid and psuedo-mongoloid in phenotype lmao


Half if not all of them are mestizos you can take it for granted.


09-23-2015, 03:15 PM
since caucasoid and mongoloids descend from protomongoloids there is bound to be some overlap superficially in features,since you know,natives/ainus/turkics are your guys's daddies..but make no mistake,natives are neither caucasoid or mongoloid but their own race and phenotype.in my opinion they have the best of all races(the browridges of caucasoids,the full lips ,smooth skin,atheltic bodies of negroids,the hair and eyes and cuteness,hairlessness of neomongoloids,the bodily elongation of all races ) and non of the negative traits of any race.basically the ideal human.like they were created in a lab somewhere.its sad I even ahd tow rite this in their defence,its like whites cant comment on any nonwhite appreciation thread without trying to downplay them,thats your insecurity issues,deal...

09-23-2015, 03:16 PM
This ..

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11025932_939449032755751_2842418737506544384_n.jpg ?oh=69cb888df65f50393de0b91e1c01607d&oe=561BE2CF

and this

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1526791_691152844252039_1290205800_n.jpg?oh=3ba931 a8ac946dc365d5cba65088c394&oe=56110A32

Are the most native looking.

The rest of the are mestizos and not exactly balanced mestizos.

09-23-2015, 03:20 PM

Half if not all of them are mestizos you can take it for granted.


oh...another spaniard confused muttspawn ..of course you would say that..keep in mind that appearance-wise''mestizo''doesnt exist...even ''Harnizos''look merely like canadian first nations or uyghurs.remember that caucasoid features are improved by native features and not vice-versa....caucasoid features without alpinization are pretty much the definition of ugly and incel(shallow cheekbones,bug eyes,long midfaces and huge noses,thin lips,jewish looking faces)while native features are the defintion of MM tier(wide set catty eyes,browridges,high prominent and wide cheekbones,button noses,full lips,broad shoulders).

09-23-2015, 03:24 PM
this is why Ive always thought mestizos were worse than whites when it comes to anti-nativeness.lol your insecurity was so deep,youf elt so in danger of this thread that you HAD to comment with some bullshit you cant even prove lol we know how meds look like,none of these guys have white features AT ALL.lol and they are all NORTH american natives except for endo and mario rodrigues lmao you cant point out ANY white features among them ....its the typical isnecure WN ;;they msut be mixed with white''bullshit when we all know how ugly whites are on the street and how undeveloped their faces are.

09-23-2015, 03:25 PM
Most of them show European influences

And you counting the pros of being an native american how is the " hairlessness" a good thing ? for women yes but for men must be an embarrasing thing to not have a beard and no chest hair

09-23-2015, 03:26 PM
You gay.

09-23-2015, 03:27 PM

09-23-2015, 03:28 PM

09-23-2015, 03:30 PM
Most of them show European influences

And you counting the pros of being an native american how is the " hairlessness" a good thing ? for women yes but for men must be an embarrasing thing to not have a beard and no chest hair
can you further expound upon that by showing proof or detail?

a beard and no chest hair

because women love nasty beards and back hair and stomach,booty hair and leg hair hair lmao it must be embaressing to have narrow shoulders comapreed to their natural physiques doesnt it?inb4 you call them effeminatte

09-23-2015, 03:37 PM
a few things ebfore i avalanche this bish with pics so my thread doesnt grt derailed into a WN buttfuck fest.

1.protomongoloids show both eastasian and psuedo-caucasoid traits because both neomongoloid phenotypes and caucasoid phenotypes are devolved from this early human type.not the other way around.you are new,they are original(theya re the cold adapted australoids straight out of ethiopia FYI) .likening them to asians or menas is quiet dishonest in my opinion,when both these groups descend from them.

2.Native features are MM features.every so called modelesque feature found in the industry is basically a typical native feature.the biggest male model out there,sean opry..himself is half Choctaw and looks like an uyghur or typical eurasian..you will find the vast majority of models having this psuedo native look..natives are quiet simpely the standard of beauty
centralamerican natives are a devolved and neolithic race,their ugliness is a result of the same process whereby caucasoids and neomongoloids devolved :farming and sedentary lifestyles.

09-23-2015, 03:44 PM


Grab the Gauge
09-23-2015, 04:29 PM
Most of them show European influences

And you counting the pros of being an native american how is the " hairlessness" a good thing ? for women yes but for men must be an embarrasing thing to not have a beard and no chest hair

Facial and body hair are extremely unattractive and multiple studies confirm women are repulsed by it. Looks dirty, harbors fleas and odor, and conceals important reproductive fitness cues (jaw breadth, chin shape, zygomatic and malar prominence, etc.)

09-23-2015, 05:20 PM
Congratulations, you have created the gayest thread on TA!

09-23-2015, 05:25 PM
Congratulations, you have created the gayest thread on TA!
Definitely not a WN buttfuck fest... more like an Amerind/ mulatto buttfuck fest.

09-23-2015, 07:47 PM
Native american men don't look like that LOL. I wish.


They Actually look like dark and ugly Chinese people.

09-23-2015, 08:44 PM
saying what ''a''native american looks like is like saying what a ''european''looks like,there is too much diversity to make a representative claim.north american natives are more goodlooking than southern ones though.

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 10:10 PM
This is fucking gay. You're clearly a black male on the low down.

Native american men don't look like that LOL. I wish.


They Actually look like dark and ugly Chinese people.

How do you know that if ARGENTINA IS WHYTE?

Demon Revival
09-23-2015, 10:16 PM
this is why Ive always thought mestizos were worse than whites when it comes to anti-nativeness.lol your insecurity was so deep,youf elt so in danger of this thread that you HAD to comment with some bullshit you cant even prove lol we know how meds look like,none of these guys have white features AT ALL.lol and they are all NORTH american natives except for endo and mario rodrigues lmao you cant point out ANY white features among them ....its the typical isnecure WN ;;they msut be mixed with white''bullshit when we all know how ugly whites are on the street and how undeveloped their faces are.

Bitch, shut the fuck up. You're a gay whinny nigger, you probably don't even look like a "harnizo" like you claim. You're a nigga with a very weird perversion.

Jacques de Imbelloni
09-24-2015, 07:33 PM












09-24-2015, 07:44 PM
Bitch, shut the fuck up. You're a gay whinny nigger, you probably don't even look like a "harnizo" like you claim. You're a nigga with a very weird perversion.
funyn that a triracial chilean would call me a nigga.lol when all latinos are literally triracials.

well,I actually am mistaken for turkish/eurasian irl more than anything,take of that what you will.and unlike you''native pride''lol I can actually claim nativeness since I have actual native family and am maternally native(although I dont claim it)..you lol youre a confused spic and according to indegenous people themselves youre a european since thats what youre momma is.yet youre on here repping native americans when youre not even native american according to their laws and statutes(hint:I legally am).

as for ''nigga'',Im about 1/8th la creole and none of it shows in my phenotype although I dont find anything wrong with being a nigga,as Ive explaiend to the admin in an earlier thread,I am actually mostly native than anything maternally but thats outide of this discussion.its better than being a asskissing chilean.for latino confused mixedspawn standards you guys are incredibely lacking and soulless(and ugly and selfhating,typical of south america).nikkas atleast are popular and get girls and have some pride and loyal women.w/o nikkas latin culture would be even more crass and vulgar than it is already,I mean isnt chile's top dish the ''completo''lol hate to find out what youre music sounds like..or even worse women look like..thank god for those caribeno nikkas and their musical genres and good food and women,they really helped your fake latino image in the world'..too bad we know the reality on the ground

your euro overlords dont like panchitos.although Im sure chilean women love blonde cock.youre really in NO place to insult''nikkas''.

09-24-2015, 08:45 PM
This is how it really looks like some real native americans.



Min 0.50

There are only two women who are actually mestizo, I think you'll notice them,the rest are Kikapoo indians, the only one Algonquin tribe in Mexico.

Demon Revival
09-24-2015, 09:26 PM
funyn that a triracial chilean would call me a nigga.lol when all latinos are literally triracials.

well,I actually am mistaken for turkish/eurasian irl more than anything,take of that what you will.and unlike you''native pride''lol I can actually claim nativeness since I have actual native family and am maternally native(although I dont claim it)..you lol youre a confused spic and according to indegenous people themselves youre a european since thats what youre momma is.yet youre on here repping native americans when youre not even native american according to their laws and statutes(hint:I legally am).

as for ''nigga'',Im about 1/8th la creole and none of it shows in my phenotype although I dont find anything wrong with being a nigga,as Ive explaiend to the admin in an earlier thread,I am actually mostly native than anything maternally but thats outide of this discussion.its better than being a asskissing chilean.for latino confused mixedspawn standards you guys are incredibely lacking and soulless(and ugly and selfhating,typical of south america).nikkas atleast are popular and get girls and have some pride and loyal women.w/o nikkas latin culture would be even more crass and vulgar than it is already,I mean isnt chile's top dish the ''completo''lol hate to find out what youre music sounds like..or even worse women look like..thank god for those caribeno nikkas and their musical genres and good food and women,they really helped your fake latino image in the world'..too bad we know the reality on the ground

your euro overlords dont like panchitos.although Im sure chilean women love blonde cock.youre really in NO place to insult''nikkas''.

When a nigger throws you an entire bible, and explains how he is mistaken for Turkish, that he is 1/8 creole, you already know you're entering full niggerdom.

And bro, if you really believe all whiny shit you wrote about Latinos and Mestizos, why did you open this apparently contradictory thread? Nigga you gay. That is my main issue, the faggotry and niggerdom this thread is being treated with.

09-25-2015, 12:11 AM
latinos are like the ugly moroccans or pakis to the caucasoid world.anything south of the rio grande is severely lacking.all mestizos are selfhaters in denial abot their native american looks and origins,i mean for christsakes you guys are the ones that came up with all this castizo cholo shit,when half of you guys could fit on any reservation.this thread however is for evolved and goodlooking native americans:algonquins and muskogeans being the pinnacle .although i will admit those brazilid females can be sexy in a strange exotic way.there is no way you really thought I made this thread about latin american muttspawn.fucking trolldoll looking fucks,an embarresment to say the least.

Demon Revival
09-25-2015, 12:26 AM
Nigga you're embarrassing yourself. Since your post is figuratively and literally unreadable for most people as your redacting is well below the gutter, I'll feel free to break it down as I please:

latinos are like the ugly moroccans or pakis to the caucasoid world.anything south of the rio grande is severely lacking.all mestizos are selfhaters in denial abot their native american looks and origins,

Bitch nigga are you crazy? You opened a thread lusting Native Americans or Native admixed people, even posting some infiltrated Mexican Americans in the first post and now you be saying all this stupid shit just because I called you out?

i mean for christsakes you guys are the ones that came up with all this castizo cholo shit,when half of you guys could fit on any reservation.

Big talk coming a bitch who puts in his profile he looks "castizo-harnizo" when he could fit on any bantustan.... without even being from a Spanish speaking country.

this thread however is for evolved and goodlooking native americans:algonquins and muskogeans being the pinnacle .although i will admit those brazilid females can be sexy in a strange exotic way.there is no way you really thought I made this thread about latin american muttspawn.fucking trolldoll looking fucks,an embarresment to say the least.

Bitch, big talk coming from someone who added random latinos in the middle and even got called on it before I started posting.

09-25-2015, 10:30 AM
the two ''latinos'' posted are nigga ricans,keep that in mind.according to you were a island of mulattos and congoids who speak spanish(in reality were the most caucasoid latin nation only argentina is slightly more caucasoid(maybe 12%)followed by highlander amerindian admixed types like this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtOJwsHSa74 while mulattos are a minority only around the caribbean sea)

09-25-2015, 02:34 PM
This is how it really looks like some real native americans.



Min 0.50

There are only two women who are actually mestizo, I think you'll notice them,the rest are Kikapoo indians, the only one Algonquin tribe in Mexico.

The girls are obviously models, they are not native, but mixed race.
It surprised me the look of that people, they don't look mexican but north american.
Then, I searched some info, and I found that this people was originally from US, and emmigrated to Mexico.
There are no much photos or information about them, but apparently they look better looking or less ugly than average native people, but probably that is because they are mixed. I don't know.
The north american tribes are the most interesting to me, I don't know why.

09-25-2015, 02:51 PM
http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r496/redmoon01zxr/149847195_zpsmqdis4ru.jpg (http://s1168.photobucket.com/user/redmoon01zxr/media/149847195_zpsmqdis4ru.jpg.html)

http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r496/redmoon01zxr/ll5a1g-ll5a0821cdg_zpsaff81rw8.jpg (http://s1168.photobucket.com/user/redmoon01zxr/media/ll5a1g-ll5a0821cdg_zpsaff81rw8.jpg.html)

09-25-2015, 07:59 PM
The girls are obviously models, they are not native, but mixed race.
It surprised me the look of that people, they don't look mexican but north american.
Then, I searched some info, and I found that this people was originally from US, and emmigrated to Mexico.
There are no much photos or information about them, but apparently they look better looking or less ugly than average native people, but probably that is because they are mixed. I don't know.
The north american tribes are the most interesting to me, I don't know why.
why do caucasians always say this?we all know white genes are recessive and native genes are the most dominant genes on earth(they even override SSA genes!look at the miskito in nicaragua)and that just like among whites there are ugly and hot people in every race and diversity intra-race just like among caucasoids or anybody else.it is quiet tiring and boring.its like whites use the same responces or coping mechanisms all the time.is it some kind of fear?most whites are average looking.do you live in a white country?Ive lived in predominately white countries my entire life!lol

can you name any specific white features these natives have?why when I ask that,there is only crickets?maybe if theyw ere hypothetically mixed,its the native that improves the white?or is that option to outlandish for the inflated white ego to accept?

09-25-2015, 08:08 PM
if a native doesnt look like a fullblown tungid siberian they are called mixed its crazy.when natives are not NEAs and if they have any superficial resemblance to asians its usually SEAs and Turkics at most(depending on the region,Canadians tend to look oddly indonesian as do tropicals,while Brazilids and Oriconoco river peoples have monolids and look much more NEA asian and are lighter skinned,its wierd) .

Natives are NOT mongolooids and they arent asians get over it!theya rent caucasoid either.they intermediate between the two because they descend from a founder people that created both caucasoids and neomongoloids!
just keep in mind that caucasoid classic feature include:

long midfaces

high prominent noses

sharp noses

thin lips

shallow cheekbones

round eyes with weak orbital rims

close set neutral to negative tilts


native traits:

usually short to medium button noses with a bridge

short to medium faces

full lips

extremely prominent cheeks

almond shaped,wide set positive tilted

good orbitals

attractive whites have native american features.

Demon Revival
09-25-2015, 08:11 PM
if a native doesnt look like a fullblown tungid siberian they are called mixed its crazy.when natives are not NEAs and if they have any superficial resemblance to asians its usually SEAs and Turkics at most(depending on the region,Canadians tend to look oddly indonesian as do tropicals,while Brazilids and Oriconoco river peoples have monolids and look much more NEA asian and are lighter skinned,its wierd) .

Natives are NOT mongolooids and they arent asians get over it!theya rent caucasoid either.they intermediate between the two because they descend from a founder people that created both caucasoids and neomongoloids!
just keep in mind that caucasoid classic feature include:

long midfaces

high prominent noses

sharp noses

thin lips

shallow cheekbones

round eyes with weak orbital rims

close set neutral to negative tilts


native trits:

usually short to medium button noses with a bridge

short to medium faces

full lips

extremely prominent cheeks

almond shaped,wide set positive tilted

good orbitals

Natives are like 70% to 50% East Eurasian. So to say they're totally, completely different is not exactly the case. They also don't seem to be a basal branch, but to be a mix of Older East Asians (probably Ainu-like?) combined with an Eurasian component of yet unknown appearance, but seemed to be of West Eurasian origin, which also appears in Aghanistan, Central Asia, India, Iran, West Asia, Europe.

09-25-2015, 08:45 PM
natives and ainus are both cold adapted australoids.most ainus fit easily in latin america lol see where I schooled someone who was claiming they were white http://sluthate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1000936&p=2011516#p2011516

Id also be skeptical of natives having westasian admixture or proto-caucasoid admixture.haplogroups sometimes change while phenotypes dont and vice-versa.the biggest clue is skulls.and so far we dont have any evidence of caucasoid skulls in the new world.unless you believe that solutrean crap that was debunked ages ago .keep in mind prootcaucasoids and neomongoloids both originate from protomongolid types so it could be a case of westasians having native admixture rather than vice-versa.keep in mind eastasians as in morphology are only 10,000 yrs old if you look at skulls.caucasoids are probabely slightly older at best.euros are triracial mutts anyway(Natufian nigs,eurasians,levantine swarthy sandnigs and of course Iberberian megalithic subhuman brown australoid lookin cavemen).they have no claim of influencing anyone morphologically.sorry for the sermon on the mount,but I get pissed when people try to steal the glory from natives.

Demon Revival
09-25-2015, 08:57 PM
natives and ainus are both cold adapted australoids.most ainus fit easily in latin america lol see where I schooled someone who was claiming they were white http://sluthate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1000936&p=2011516#p2011516

Australoid (South Eurasian) influence is minimal in Americas, in the single digits.

Id also be skeptical of natives having westasian admixture or proto-caucasoid admixture.haplogroups sometimes change while phenotypes dont and vice-versa.the biggest clue is skulls.and so far we dont have any evidence of caucasoid skulls in the new world.unless you believe that solutrean crap that was debunked ages ago

Solutrean stuff doesn't have anything to do with is. West Eurasian-like admixture is real in Americans. There is no reason for fully Caucasoid skulls to be in Americas because such admixture happened in Siberia. There are plenty of Caucasoid-like ancient remnants in Siberia.

.keep in mind prootcaucasoids and neomongoloids both originate from protomongolid types so it could be a case of westasians having native admixture rather than vice-versa.keep in mind eastasians as in morphology are only 10,000 yrs old if you look at skulls.caucasoids are probabely slightly older at best.euros are triracial mutts anyway(Natufian nigs,eurasians,levantine swarthy sandnigs and of course Iberberian megalithic subhuman brown australoid lookin cavemen).they have no claim of influencing anyone morphologically.sorry for the sermon on the mount,but I get pissed when people try to steal the glory from natives.

This is just pseudo science rabbling. This qualifies as "Not even wrong":

Not even wrong refers to any statement, argument or explanation that can be neither correct nor incorrect, because it fails to meet the criteria by which correctness and incorrectness are determined. As a more formal fallacy, it refers to the fine art of generating an ostensibly "correct" conclusion, but from premises known to be wrong or inapplicable.

The phrase implies that not only is someone not making a valid point in a discussion, but they don't even understand the nature of the discussion itself, or the things that need to be understood in order to participate.

A correct argument or explanation is easy to spot; it may look like this:
“”2 + 2 = 4

A wrong argument has an incorrect conclusion, but is presented in such a way that we can evaluate it, like so:
“”2 + 2 = 6

The above two examples can be shown to be right and wrong; they at least make enough sense for us to spot where the error is. Something that is not even wrong is usually so far out of the ballpark or so far from reality that it is, quite simply, flabbergastingly irrelevant. For example:
“”2 + zebra ÷ glockenspiel = homeopathy works!

So, not worth responding to this.

09-25-2015, 09:03 PM
I already told you.ainus and natives are australoids that changed physichally in the ice age and also sprung new haplogroups due to isolation.this makes ainus and natives the oldest human race after australoids.maybe a portion of natives started to develop westeurasian phenotypes and a small part of them stayed among the protomongoloid population while others went west and became caucasoids.thats what I ment.there is no way caucasoids in their modern form mated with natives though.

Demon Revival
09-25-2015, 09:09 PM
I already told you.ainus and natives are australoids that changed physichally in the ice age

No, they aren't. No more than the rest of non-African humans. Even very, very old fossil ancestors of Europeans, Middle Easterners, Siberians show archaic traits what would put them closer to Australoid than today. Extant Australoid-featured group's genetic relation with Native Americans is non-existent.

and also sprung new haplogroups due to isolation.this makes ainus and natives the oldest human race after australoids.

Irrelevant. How do you even say a race is oldest? Are you even aware how evolution works? We all stem from the same ancestors. All you can say is identify when the actual features manifested themselves. You can not really say cats are older than modern lizards or otherwise. Lizards just have more archaic traits than cats. In this case, certainly Native Americans aren't one of the most archaic, although they do show archaic features. But most other races conserve other archaic features as well. Some, far more than them.

maybe a portion of natives started to develop westeurasian phenotypes and a small part of them stayed among the protomongoloid population while others went west and became caucasoids.thats what I ment.there is no way caucasoids in their modern form mated with natives though.

Irrelevant. This admixture happened before even Native Americans branched themselves into the many distinct groups. Modern Europeans didn't exist at a time, please don't make fallacies.

09-25-2015, 09:19 PM

Go back in time and all of Asia was Australoid forever. Asia was Australoid from 63,000 YBP on. Australoid-Mongoloid transition occurred in NE Asia 9,000 YBP and in SE Asia ~2-5,000 YBP.

Without a doubt extremely high IQ’s can evolve from probable low IQ bases in a very short period of time, only a few thousand years.

Far South Chinese have sky high IQ’s. 5,000 years ago, they were all a Negrito/Melanesian type. 2-5,000 YBP, they transitioned to Mongoloid, and now some of them have IQ’s ranging from 105-111.

Selection is a powerful instrument and dramatic genetic change can occur very quickly not only in lower animals but in humans as well.

you dont have to agree with this,but it is what I believe and it makes the most sence.even ainus have the same exact haplogroups as australoids like andamanese and papuan .

09-25-2015, 09:23 PM
The girls are obviously models, they are not native, but mixed race.
It surprised me the look of that people, they don't look mexican but north american.
Then, I searched some info, and I found that this people was originally from US, and emmigrated to Mexico.
There are no much photos or information about them, but apparently they look better looking or less ugly than average native people, but probably that is because they are mixed. I don't know.
The north american tribes are the most interesting to me, I don't know why.

I think you are basied to mexicans because you see a lot of low class mexicans in the USA and thus yoy think mexicans and native mexicans are just fugly people, while actually native americans, (mexicans included) are quite diverse so added to that diversity, you should take into account the european and middle eastern blood that also form part of the now a days mexican diversity.

This is an almost balanced mexican mestiza:


Of course you wouldn't see someone like her as a wetback.