View Full Version : Classify Polish-Brazilian Youtuber girl

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 09:51 PM
Technically she is full polish ancestry, but from Brazil.


Kazemiera like:


Puting ice in her pants:


08-16-2016, 09:53 PM
real west-baltid

08-16-2016, 09:58 PM
She is not Brazilian, just Polish : Baltid.

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 10:06 PM
If she is baltid was for she be a Kazimiera clone.

08-16-2016, 10:23 PM
If she is baltid was for she be a Kazimiera clone.

Maybe, but she is not Brazilian : it's just a Polish girl ; no matter if she was born in Brazil. She didn't even Iberian blood.

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 10:35 PM
Maybe, but she is not Brazilian : it's just a Polish girl ; no matter if she was born in Brazil. She didn't even Iberian blood.

Yes, in Brazil we have polish communities those preserved their isolation during centuries. But she is brazilian, as nationality and already absorbed much of brazilian ethnicity and identity in her behaviour. You need only born in Brazil to have brazilian nationality, even if your parents aren't brazilian, we have no other exigency.

08-16-2016, 10:45 PM
Maybe, but she is not Brazilian : it's just a Polish girl ; no matter if she was born in Brazil. She didn't even Iberian blood.
Well, she was born in Brazil, speaks Portuguese and is a Brazilian citzen, so yes, she is Brazilian.

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 10:52 PM
real west-baltid

West-baltids tend to have a mature appearance. She still have some baby like features. I think she ranges in Westbaltid/Baltid proper/Eastbaltid, some cam angles reminds me some russian girls.

08-16-2016, 10:54 PM
Well, she was born in Brazil, speaks Portuguese and is a Brazilian citzen, so yes, she is Brazilian.

No, an example: it is not because i was born in China, i speak Chinese, i'm impregnated to the Chinese culture : that I am Chinese, racially speaking.

She is not Brazilian, She has no drop of Iberian blood (look his face typically Slave) and she certainly has no native ancestor.

Only Polish, just Slavic.

08-16-2016, 11:00 PM
No, an example: it is not because i was born in China, i speak Chinese, i'm impregnated to the Chinese culture : that I am Chinese, racially speaking.

She is not Brazilian, She has no drop of Iberian blood (look his face typically Slave) and she certainly has no native ancestor.

Only Polish, just Slavic.

Brazilian isn't an ethnicity. Brazilian is a nationality. So, she can be fully Polish, but still she is Brazilian.

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 11:02 PM
No, an example: it is not because i was born in China, i speak Chinese, i'm impregnated to the Chinese culture : that I am Chinese, racially speaking.

She is not Brazilian, She has no drop of Iberian blood (look his face typically Slave) and she certainly has no native ancestor.

Only Polish, just Slavic.

Agree she is full polish in her appearance, her genetic and she even said in one of her videos she spoke only polish in her infancy. But in her documents is brazilian citizenship.

Difficult is to say brazilian is an ethnicity, we are diverse and still not amalgamated in only one identity.

08-16-2016, 11:04 PM

Jus sanguinis (Latin: right of blood) is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not determined by place of birth but by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state. Children at birth may automatically be citizens if their parents have state citizenship or national identities of ethnic, cultural, or other origins.[1] Citizenship can also apply to children whose parents belong to a diaspora and were not themselves citizens of the state conferring citizenship. This principle contrasts with jus soli (Latin: right of soil).[2]


08-16-2016, 11:07 PM
She is not Brazilian, just Polish : Baltid.

Maybe, but she is not Brazilian : it's just a Polish girl ; no matter if she was born in Brazil. She didn't even Iberian blood.

No, an example: it is not because i was born in China, i speak Chinese, i'm impregnated to the Chinese culture : that I am Chinese, racially speaking.

She is not Brazilian, She has no drop of Iberian blood (look his face typically Slave) and she certainly has no native ancestor.

Only Polish, just Slavic.

She is Brazilian of polish ancestry i dont get your point

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 11:07 PM
Brazil is Jus Soli.

08-16-2016, 11:09 PM
Agree she is full polish in her appearance, her genetic and she even said in one of her videos she spoke only polish in her infancy. But in her documents is brazilian citizenship.

Difficult is to say brazilian is an ethnicity, we are diverse and still not amalgamated in only one identity.

That she is citizen "Brazilian": ok, objectively she is. But for me, citizenship is not taken into account, for example: it is not because a Congolese had Polish citizenship, he would be Polish ...

Anyway, I could not say that there is a very homogeneous ethnic Brazilian. By cons, we can say that, generally, Brazilians people share in common to have Iberian ancestors (mostly), sometimes mixed with other ancestors (Italian, Germanic, etc.) and native ancestors, are you okay with that?

08-16-2016, 11:13 PM
She is Brazilian of polish ancestry i dont get your point

For me, she is just Polish.

Sebastianus Rex
08-16-2016, 11:15 PM
real west-baltid

Baltid imo.

textbook Slav

West Slav, i agree.

She is not Brazilian, just Polish : Baltid.

Everybody can be Brazilian like everybody can be American, those are multi-cultural countries per definition, they were built that way.

Sebastianus Rex
08-16-2016, 11:16 PM
For me, she is just Polish.

And Quebecoises are just French, right ?

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 11:20 PM
That she is citizen "Brazilian": ok, objectively she is. But for me, citizenship is not taken into account, for example: it is not because a Congolese had Polish citizenship, he would be Polish ...

Anyway, I could not say that there is a very homogeneous ethnic Brazilian. By cons, we can say that, generally, Brazilians people share in common to have Iberian ancestors (mostly), sometimes mixed with other ancestors (Italian, Germanic, etc.) and native ancestors, are you okay with that?

Ethnicity =/= Citizenship =/= Phenotype =/= Genetic. These things not necessarily overlap.

08-16-2016, 11:27 PM
Agree with baltid

08-16-2016, 11:32 PM
And Quebecoises are just French, right ?

Les Québécois sont le mélange de Bretons, Picards, Normands et autres ethnies issues des diverses provinces de France.

Québécois are the result of a mixture of Bretons, Picards, Normans and other ethnic groups from the various provinces of France.

People who have ideas close to the left, think that nationality it should not be linked to of origin racial; nationalism thinks otherwise. A Congolese guy having "French"nationality, remains a negro. He is not European and he has no genetic link with the people of Francie (France).

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 11:38 PM
Only CRO-MAGNONS can be true frenchs. :rofl_002:

08-16-2016, 11:41 PM
Only CRO-MAGNONS can be true frenchs. :rofl_002:

Pour savoir cela, tu devrais venir ici, en France (et apprendre le français aussi). Tu es un troll, je ne m'occupe pas de tes enfantillages.

Sacrificed Ram
08-16-2016, 11:44 PM
Pour savoir cela, tu devrais venir ici, en France (et apprendre le français aussi). Tu es un troll, je ne m'occupe pas de tes enfantillages.


Davy Jones's Locker
08-28-2016, 07:57 PM

The Blade
08-28-2016, 09:25 PM

08-28-2016, 09:40 PM