View Full Version : Best fit(s) for each of these Bulgarian men

The Blade
08-24-2016, 06:21 PM
As the title says. Diverse phenotypes and looks which can fit in different European regions.
Southern, Balkan, Western and Eastern phenotypes.
1.Andrey Slabakov
2.Ivan Cvetkov
3.Marian Hristov
4.Robin Kafaliev
5.Dimitar Penev
6.Malin Krastev
7.Atanas Atanasov
8.Kiril Domuschiev
9.Georgi Milkov
10.Velizar Dimitrov
http://narodensport.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%80-%D0%94%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2.j pg
11.Kalin Velyov
12.Ivaylo Kalfin
13.Stefan Popov
14.Veselin Panteleev
15.Vasil Draganov
16.Grisha Ganchev
17.Dimitar Berbatov
18.Rumen Ovcharov
19.Boyko Borisov
20.Andrey Raychev

08-24-2016, 06:26 PM
Outside of Bulgaria I'd say:

1. Greece
2. North Italy
3. Russia
4. Italy, Greece
5. Greece
6. Italy
7. UK
8. Albania
9. Ukraine
10. Greece
11. Greece
12. Romania or Greece
13. Pan-Balkan
14. France
15. Italy
16. France
17. Italy
18. France
19. Romania
20. Greece

The Blade
08-26-2016, 11:22 AM
My rate is:
1 - pan-Southern Euro look + would fit in Romania also, imo
2 - Germany/The Netherlands (strongly Faelid look)
3 - Northwestern, Central European and Balkan states
4 - Romania but probably would not look very out of place in Southern states in general
5 - Greece, imo
6 - France or Britain
7 - Northwestern Europe mostly
8 - mainly other Balkan states + Italy
9 - Western and Central Europe (I post another photo)
10 - Balkans and maybe West Slavic states
11 - kind of pan-Southern phenotype
12 - Romania, Greece, Italy and maybe wouldn't look too out of place in other Southern European states
13 - The Netherlands and Germany (imo, Nordo-Faelid type)
14 - Britain and Ireland (Brunn) - I post another pic
15 - Poland (looks very Slavic and strongly Baltid to my eye)
16 - West Balkans
17 - Romania and Northern Italy
18 - pan-Western look, imo
19 - Romania and Italy
20 - Central Europe

The Blade
08-26-2016, 09:37 PM
Many of these guys look Germanic to me. Perhaps the descendants of tribes who travel south from modern day Poland/Germany?

Seems to fit genetically too:

Well, my friend, a lot of them can fit in Western states, imo. The Balkans and Bulgaria in particular have a complex genetic history. The first inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula that left a significant trace in Bulgarian gene pool were Thracians. Original ones were people of Mediterranean type that shared some similarities with other Southern populations (hence the pan-Southern look of some Bulgarians). Haplogroup J2 in Bulgaria is mainly associated with them. However, during the millennia B.C. some tribes from the continental Northwest migrated to the Balkans and became part of the Thracian culture. These people were positively R1b carriers as later Thracian burials contain this haplogroup also (however, people of this wave are said to have been mostly light-eyed, with a wide range of hair colors from different shades of blonde through brown and reddish to dark) - they became part of Thracian culture but shared stronger similarities with modern Germanics. Also, important substrate of our population at that time became I2 Illyrians from the West Balkans. Their traits (Dinaric type) are nowadays strongest among Northwest Bulgarians but common throughout the country. Also in the centuries B.C. the Balkans became a home to a good number of Scythians (R1a carriers of Corded type) and some Celts. Goths settled in these areas during the second century A.D. They became one of the main reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire and threatened Byzantium also. A lot of them remained here as allies of Bulgars. They increased the rate of Germanic haplogroups (especially I1) among our lands. Bulgars, of course, left a very strong trace over the population. Contrary to the pan-communist theory that was popular decades ago (but based on no actual data), archaeological, genetic and linguistic studies during the last decades proved that they were people of Mediterranean (Pontid variety) and Iranic type. Mongoloid influence was negligible among them (even rarer among nowadays Bulgarians - less than 2% of Bulgarians belong to Asian/Uralic haplogroups like Q and N1c1). Bulgars brought haplogroups like E1b1b and some eastern varieties of R1a. R1a rates were increased by Slavic settlement. Cumans also belonged to this haplogroup (though to a different subclade - present among modern Chuvash people). Of course, Greeks also influenced (to some extent) Bulgarian gene pool (mainly in the southeast).

The Blade
10-17-2016, 10:33 AM