View Full Version : Catholic church financially/politically supporting illegal immigration/amnesty

09-04-2010, 06:22 AM
Sick...... what a cabal and all to get new income err I mean members from the archaic old-school Catholic wife-beating illegals from Mexico.QjWJ5ELOx4Q

gQ5L0L1g1W4Notice anything? Notice how FEW European people are at that mass? Know why? The Catholic church is on a massive, unstoppable decline among European people in the U.S. They either must become a Mexican based immigrant church that attacks European Americans or accept marginalization. Clearly from this reality they have chosen to support criminals who don't even belong in the country.

Basically create a new, legal revenue stream out of illegal aliens by making them citizens since they have lost people like me and tens of millions of others of younger generation European Americans.

09-04-2010, 07:26 AM
Ugh. As someone who defends the Catholic Church at times, this is really annoying. Misplaced altruism. Vatican II/cultural Marxist syndrome at best, political opportunism at worst. It's probably a mixture of each.

09-04-2010, 09:13 AM
You know I was baptized as a Catholic in a Catholic church, moms side is all Catholic all the way from when they came from Germany but I can't stand to see what Catholicism has become it just sickens me.

The pope gets up and rants about global warming and "wonderful third world immigrants who deserve rights" whilst in the U.S. the European population is being sold out by the church in favor of ignorant/zealous illegal immigrants who still give half their income to the church.

Where is the good Catholic church of old? What is this new pathetic, numerically dwindling, human-rights obsessed travesty that seems to care more about the latest political trend socially over what it used to be. The catholic church has gone from a protector and further-er of European values and people to a direct internal undermining facilitator.

09-04-2010, 10:29 AM
Literally you see what happened to Catholicism with the size of its territories now. Italy was conquered by the Americans and Casa Nostra, and just look at the size of P2. Vatican II is the time of greater counterculture "cultural Marxism", but that meant prior infiltration and I don't think it was Mussolini.

But actually, the formation of modern Italy itself destroyed the Papal States.


A certain classic Puritan and obviously Jewish, that is, American view of the RCC.

It should be noted just what else was destroyed. Ignoring the liberalism, the church has been converted to church devoid of "Pagan trappings", symbolism, contemplative prayer. It's become Protestant yet an eternal scapegoat for liberal and American Protestant Christianity through the homosexual scandals.

My baptism is "Roman Catholic" and with all possible sympathies for the strong church of the past, but my mentality remains unavoidably Puritanical and I think that is the same for all the "cultural Marxists" out and inside the church. Something is just ideo-spiritually wrong in terms of the person's relation to the rest of everything.

09-04-2010, 11:03 AM
Ehhhhh I don't necessarily think it has anything to do really with a particular version/strain of theology or what happened during/after WW2.

It is just the natural evolution and secularization due to superiority of European peoples in both Europe and America and their societies to which the Catholic church no longer appealed to and even worse, rather than attempting to cater to that reality and retain their constituencies the church turned a blind eye to it and now is wondering where did all the younger generation European youth who we baptized all those years ago wonder off to?

In The U.S. it was doomed from the beginning as I see it. Gone to enough Catholic masses to know that there is wayyyyyy too much pomp and ceremony for my generation, if they wanted to retain us they should have opened their eyes and reformed some aspects in order to appeal to new norms and sentiments among young people.

The Catholic church is far too elitist still, most my generation won't put up with that, they don't want to have to be that serious and engage in that level of tradition and pomp just to be allowed in. It is silly and disillusioned future would-be-Catholics who couldn't relate to all that in any substantial way. Instead most just stayed away completely or went somewhere where they were instantly included.