View Full Version : Classify members of my favourite Russian band. ;)

09-04-2010, 02:56 PM

They look very Russian for me (except being suprisingly dark), I am curious, how would you classify them.

Sorry for lack of better pictures but members of RAC bands aren't people that are photographed too often. ;)

09-04-2010, 03:40 PM
I didn't know Kolovrat was still around.

09-04-2010, 10:17 PM
They're still around. :) I have just listened to their split album with October 15/Attack/Imperium. Great thing!

Anyway, Denis (guy in the middle) looks a lot like my friend, except he is darker (my friend is blonde). This friend of mine is Baltid/Ostbaltid for my (untrained) eye, so I guess Denis is Osteuropid as well...

Guy in the top left also looks Osteuropid for me. Seems to be brachycephalic and somewhat infantilized compared to others.