View Full Version : Makers of Brazil

09-03-2016, 10:58 PM
On this thread I will post people who had a important role in the constitution of Brazil. These people founded cities, fought wars in Brazil and sometimes in other locations of Portuguese Empire and contributed to make the actual Brazil.

João Ramalho


He was born in Vouzela, a town in Beira, son of João Vieira Maldonado and Catarina Afonso de Balbode. He embarked on a ship searching for Ilha do Paraíso (literally Paradise Island) in Brazil. He shipwrecked in 1513, in the coast of the future Captaincy of São Vicente.
He was found by the tribe of Guaianases, and he won prestige with the Indigenous people in the region. He later married with daughter of Tibiriçá, a Tupiniquim cacique (cacique is leader of a Indigenous tribe), Bartirá, named after the wedding Isabel Dias. He had nine children with Isabel, and many other children with other Indigenous women. The jesuits priets criticised his sexual liberty, his habit of walking nude like the Ameridians, his rudeness. But he was fundamental in the acceptation of jesuits priests among the Indians and later founded the School, who gave origin to São Paulo.
With his children he controlled various posts to make commerce with Europeans, sold Indigenous slaves and negociated Pau-Brasil.
He had a giant army made of Indians, and used his influence among Indians to help his countrymen.

Among his descendants are Queen Silvia of Sweden and her children:

Getúlio Vargas, President of Brazil during 1930-1945 and 1951-1954:

Carlos Drummond de Andrade, poet and writer:

09-05-2016, 02:00 AM
Very interesting! :thumb001:

09-06-2016, 10:53 AM
O Barão do Rio Branco:


09-06-2016, 10:02 PM
O Barão do Rio Branco:


Eu vou postar ele. Porém antes eu vou postar Albuquerque, Caramuru e os heróis da Guerra Luso-Holandesa.

09-07-2016, 01:07 AM
Diogo Alvares Correia, o Caramuru (the Caramuru)
Diogo Alvares Correia was born in Viana do Castelo, a town in Minho. His parents are not know, but reportedly his parents were fidalgos (noblemen).
He received the nickname of Caramuru from the Tupinambá (an Indigenous people), because he was found between algae and rocks like a moray eel. Caramuru means moray eel. Other know version is that Caramuru means stick who spits fire, and he won this nickname because when the Indians tried to eat him, he killed a bird with a firegun.
After that he won the trust of the Tupinambá people. He maintened contact with European, and helped them using his influence among Indians.
He also married an Indian woman, daughter of a cacique, who was baptised as Cathérine du Brésil (Catherine of Brazil) in Saint Malo, France. Her godmother was Catherine des Granches, wife of Jacques Cartier, who was friend of Caramuru. They married and became the first Brazilian Christian family.
The King D. João III, asked him for help the Portuguese to establish a Portuguese settlement in Bahia. Because of his help, the King conceded him the title of Fidalgo da Casa Real (Nobleman of Royal Household).
His wife, Catarina Álvares, devout catholic, founded one of the very first churches in Brazil, Igreja da Graça (Church of Grace). She left all her possesions to the Benedictine monks. Caramuru, left half of his wealth to the Jesuits.
Their daughters married Portuguese noblemen. His sons were knighted by Tomé de Sousa, the first Governor-General of Brazil. One son-of-law was also knighted, João de Figueiredo Mascarenhas. Their descendants constituted the core of Bahia's Aristocracy. The lords of Casa da Torre (literally Tower House), were their descendants. Also, they (the lords) controlled one of largests latifundium of history. Their latifudium is equivalent to 1/10 of actual Brazilian territory.

09-07-2016, 01:03 PM
Pedro I e Pedro II: em uma América espanhola marcada por fortíssima instabilidade política, eles souberam administrar o país durante longo período (1822 a 1889) de maneira que houvesse estabilidade. O México, por exemplo, foi invadido não só pelos americanos, mas pelos franceses também. A Argentina teve que lidar com ingleses e franceses. O Chile e Peru, com os espanhóis. O Brasil, com ninguém. A navegação do Amazonas foi mantida fechada, e sob controle. O Brasil se manteve unido. Mais, eram governantes com formação cultural extraordinária. O Pedro I, ele próprio, compôs o hino do Império, hoje hino da independência (ele tinha múltiplos talentos!). O Pedro II tinha excelente formação. Em uma visita à Síria, em uma sinagoga, ele leu hebraico tão bem que os judeus ficaram espantados! Duvido que algum governante, em todas as Américas, desde a independência de seus países, tenha tido a bagagem cultural desses dois. Falam de Lincoln e outros americanos, mas eles não chegam nem perto, na minha opinião.

Pedro I:


Pedro II: