View Full Version : Perception of color

09-05-2016, 01:56 PM
Hey guys!

Hope everyone is doing well on here.

The other day my girlfriend and I had the longest (and pointless) debate over the color of my shirt. I clearly perceive it green and she sees it blue. After several google searches and comparisons we agreed that we were both right (meaning we still disagree). Anyway, it's been proven scientifically that women perceived more colors than men because of "insert scientific fact here" and that they nuance their colors more than we (males) do.

The last point is also valid. I guess that "technically" my shirt is turquoise, but to me it isn't a color in itself. It has one dominant "color" (if y'all see what I mean)

The chart below sums it up


But we can also wonder if color doesn't hold some sort of cultural meaning as well. I read a very interesting article the other day (which I cannot seem to find) which said that the sky wasn't perceived as "blue" everywhere. The color "blue" itself was fairly new and if I remember well Egyptians were the first ones to have invented blue dye. The Sky was often referred to as grey or white and often didn't need to have a color associated to it.

The same applies with hair color and especially blonde hair. Some cultures have a different perception and notion of blondism than others. It seems that "being blonde" basically means "having a lighter shade of hair" in most cultures.

For example an Italian coworker of mine called me "blond" a few months ago. I was really surprised and she then added "well you're not blonde but you would be considered blond in Italy". The same occurence happened with Argentines calling my brother and I "rubio!". My girlfriend was recently called "the girl with the red hair" by a Latino. We both have brown hair.

On the other hand, I once talked with my Norwegian friend about a blonde coworker and she was like "oh no she's not blond, she's ash, but I can see why she would be considered blonde". She then showed me a blond coworker to illustrate what "blond" was and to me the guy was blonde too, only with a lighter shade.

I also recall a croatian user on here stating that the Croatian word for "blond" derived from the word "blue", so you couldn't be a blonde without blue eyes in Croatia. Which I find interesting

Is my blond the same as your blond? My blue the same as your blue?

Let's have a little test.

Is Jasmine's outfit blue or green in this picture? (no turquoise bullshit!)


Does this guy have brown or blond hair?

https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14212170_1051417998287147_4602334574914915102_n.jp g?oh=5bf732fa8349caa9500bf275e7e7b407&oe=5880EA49 https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14237676_1051418044953809_4977491762433989536_n.jp g?oh=711efa11aad8076a36929706ea53a42f&oe=584B380D

Is her jacket pink or red?

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBthjanuprlqGbs2p0dO_qt37yVVRKX r-bQlYNfsj3gC2x64Hy4toBUlc

It'd be interesting if you posted your nationality and gender with your answer. So we'd see the differences :)

09-05-2016, 02:02 PM
In case of Jasmine I would say between blue and green, but to not waste my time on saying 3 more words, I would say blue. It looks closer to blue, but green influence is noticable too.

Hair are brown.

Last image doesn't work.

My nationality and gender are below my avatar.

09-05-2016, 02:14 PM
A month ago we had THE argument with my boyfriend about the color of some restaurant tiles. I said they were in the orange range and he said they were plain red. It's all about perception and color blindness.

Green (but its turquoise)
Blondish (though not really, its in between)
pic dont load

09-05-2016, 02:27 PM
Hey guys!

Hope everyone is doing well on here.

The other day my girlfriend and I had the longest (and pointless) debate over the color of my shirt. I clearly perceive it green and she sees it blue. After several google searches and comparisons we agreed that we were both right (meaning we still disagree). Anyway, it's been proven scientifically that women perceived more colors than men because of "insert scientific fact here" and that they nuance their colors more than we (males) do.

The last point is also valid. I guess that "technically" my shirt is turquoise, but to me it isn't a color in itself. It has one dominant "color" (if y'all see what I mean)

The chart below sums it up


But we can also wonder if color doesn't hold some sort of cultural meaning as well. I read a very interesting article the other day (which I cannot seem to find) which said that the sky wasn't perceived as "blue" everywhere. The color "blue" itself was fairly new and if I remember well Egyptians were the first ones to have invented blue dye. The Sky was often referred to as grey or white and often didn't need to have a color associated to it.

The same applies with hair color and especially blonde hair. Some cultures have a different perception and notion of blondism than others. It seems that "being blonde" basically means "having a lighter shade of hair" in most cultures.

For example an Italian coworker of mine called me "blond" a few months ago. I was really surprised and she then added "well you're not blonde but you would be considered blond in Italy". The same occurence happened with Argentines calling my brother and I "rubio!". My girlfriend was recently called "the girl with the red hair" by a Latino. We both have brown hair.

On the other hand, I once talked with my Norwegian friend about a blonde coworker and she was like "oh no she's not blond, she's ash, but I can see why she would be considered blonde". She then showed me a blond coworker to illustrate what "blond" was and to me the guy was blonde too, only with a lighter shade.

I also recall a croatian user on here stating that the Croatian word for "blond" derived from the word "blue", so you couldn't be a blonde without blue eyes in Croatia. Which I find interesting

Is my blond the same as your blond? My blue the same as your blue?

Let's have a little test.

Is Jasmine's outfit blue or green in this picture? (no turquoise bullshit!)


Does this guy have brown or blond hair?

https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14212170_1051417998287147_4602334574914915102_n.jp g?oh=5bf732fa8349caa9500bf275e7e7b407&oe=5880EA49 https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14237676_1051418044953809_4977491762433989536_n.jp g?oh=711efa11aad8076a36929706ea53a42f&oe=584B380D

Is her jacket pink or red?


It'd be interesting if you posted your nationality and gender with your answer. So we'd see the differences :)

Jasmine clothes is a very light green tho i consider it blue,blue is the guy on the right.
The guys hair is blonde.

09-05-2016, 02:31 PM
i'd say seam foam is blue, not green

09-05-2016, 02:46 PM
1. Green
2. Light brown
3. Red

09-05-2016, 06:22 PM

09-05-2016, 06:24 PM
Is Jasmine's outfit blue or green in this picture? (no turquoise bullshit!)

Out of the two, closest to green

Does this guy have brown or blond hair?
Light brown

Is her jacket pink or red?

09-05-2016, 06:25 PM
I don't see colors very well...

09-05-2016, 06:26 PM
Green, light Brown, Red.

American Male.

09-05-2016, 06:35 PM
1. Green
2. Blond
3. Red

09-05-2016, 06:48 PM
I call the sky: Azzurro or Celeste; not Blue

blue is the color of the sea in the evening in deep water profundity; not the sky.

Sky would be Azure

09-05-2016, 06:54 PM
Jasmines dress is not really on the list of colors you provided but the closest there is steam foam.
Its slightly more green than steam foam though

The hair is dirty blonde. It has streaks of browns at various shades and blonde as well.

Her jacket is reddish but its not the reference red color. Still More like Maraschino though

09-05-2016, 06:54 PM
Sky would be Azure

Short Polish language lesson.

Sky - niebo
Blue - niebieski

"Niebieski" literally means "of the colour of the sky".

Sui Generis
09-05-2016, 06:55 PM
1. Jasmin's clothes blue-green mix but it more close to green. Blue is Jinn's color
2. Light brown or dark blonde :icon_cheesygrin:
3. Red

09-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Dark Blonde

09-05-2016, 07:09 PM
- Spindrift

- Blown

- Gaaaah

09-05-2016, 07:47 PM
aladin picture: green
hair: ash blond/brown, not sure?
jacket: red

09-05-2016, 08:04 PM
Light brown (more so bronde).

Female. USA.

Queen B
09-05-2016, 08:12 PM
•Jasmine's clothes : teal
(More like green , though)
•Guy's hair : Honey, or dirty blonde, or light honey-ish brown
•Red jacket

Greek, female

09-05-2016, 08:25 PM

Greek female http://yoursmiles.org/ssmile/girls/s1211.gif