View Full Version : Biased classifications

Bell Beaker
09-12-2016, 02:51 AM
I don't know why people can't be objective when classifying someone.

Why do people classify persons on base of Nationality?

Why when I see some European who looks exotic, people say "Med" (vage therm as fuck), "overtanned bla bla bla", exotic med, dark Atlanto-Med. Pure jack shit, just to don't offend anyone. I don't care if I offend someone. It's because it has insecurities.

Why are you not Impartial?

Read a book about phenotypes, how each one looks, its physical characteristics but DON'T overvalue a phenotype just because it's more common let's say in Sweden than in Greece or Portugal.

If a person, independent of ethnic origins shows Armenoid characteristics, Armenoid it is.
The same for someone who might look, Arabid, Saharid, Nordid, Sudanid..... Everyfucking type.

Just don't came to me with the overtanned bullshit or the darker than average Alpinid, just because you don't want to associate with MENA or non-European types.

A fine example.

This lady, Kelly Brook looks very Southern European and look at the answers, Atlanto-nordid, North Atlantid, Irish-German mix....

Jack shit.


09-12-2016, 02:53 AM
are people using calipers when they're making these classifications?

09-12-2016, 06:27 AM
It's pretty hard not to be biased. Which is why I didn't reveal my ancestry when I asked for me first classifications.

09-12-2016, 06:28 AM
nobody cares.

09-12-2016, 06:31 AM
One the other hand, white passing menas and jews on here get "depigmented Iranid or Armenoid." Lol.

But if you're referring to Alessio's thread, then I do think he looks like a darker Atlanto med, and im never biased when classifying. He looks like he could be italian or Levantine, but people were trolling the poor guy a bit too much and spinning off his words.

Grab the Gauge
09-12-2016, 06:32 AM
There's no biased classifications; just wimpy insecure babybitches who are afraid they or someone who looks like them is going to be truthfully told that they aren't what they want to be.

09-12-2016, 06:34 AM
There's no biased classifications; just wimpy insecure babybitches who are afraid they or someone who looks like them is going to be truthfully told that they aren't what they want to be.

The OP is gonn get deported in 2017.

09-12-2016, 06:50 AM
I try to explain you, what I mean.

Taxonomy is individual - that is not exactly representable.

For example:
* Bavarian herder - 61958
* King Henry VIII - 61956

Both men have (aproximately) the same skull, they are DNA-related, both are Celtic men - that's my assessment.

The herder is classified Alpin - but you cannot classify King VIII Alpin, cause he lived far away from the Alps.
Same mistake: Somone classify any Rajasthan woman with round face as Alpin. This is nonsense. A round face is common in India - maybe 10 to 20 % of population.

Bell Beaker
09-12-2016, 11:50 AM
The OP is gonn get deported in 2017.

The op is Portuguese living in Portugal.

Never needed to get out of my country, like your ancestors.

03-14-2020, 08:09 PM
About "biased classifications" say only Southern/Eastern Euros. They just show their inferiority complex because they do not consider themselves true Europeans. One Bulgarian user always thumbs down my posts when I classify Bulgarians as Med or Dinaric (two main phenotypes among Bulgarians). He thinks Bulgarians look like North-Western Euros: Faelids, Tronders, Nordids, Brunns, Paleo-Atlantids, etc (as he usually classifies Bulgarians). There are many such users from South/East Europe. Their main mantra: if i didn't say he/she is Bulgarian/Romanian/Portuguese/Spanish/etc people would think she/he is British/Swedish/French/Dane/German/etc. You might think that only Northern/North-Western Euros are true Europeans. Clearly an inferiority complex and OWD. There are no greater anti-Europeans than they are.

03-14-2020, 08:20 PM
About "biased classifications" say only Southern/Eastern Euros. They just show their inferiority complex because they do not consider themselves true Europeans. One Bulgarian user always thumbs down my posts when I classify Bulgarians as Med or Dinaric (two main phenotypes among Bulgarians). He thinks Bulgarians look like North-Western Euros: Faelids, Tronders, Nordids, Brunns, Paleo-Atlantids, etc (as he usually classifies Bulgarians). There are many such users from South/East Europe. Their main mantra: if i didn't say he/she is Bulgarian/Romanian/Portuguese/Spanish/etc people would think she/he is British/Swedish/French/Dane/German/etc. You might think that only Northern/North-Western Euros are true Europeans. Clearly an inferiority complex and OWD. There are no greater anti-Europeans than they are.

but Turkey (on the Black(Pontos) and Mediterranean seas) is Atlantid as. f..ck, right?

03-14-2020, 08:29 PM
but Turkey (on the Black(Pontos) and Mediterranean seas) is Atlantid as. f..ck, right?

wishes or reality? ©


Alpine + Brünn, i think

As once said Kivan Faelids, Brunns, Tronders not common in Turkey but also not rare.

03-14-2020, 08:54 PM
but Turkey (on the Black(Pontos) and Mediterranean seas) is Atlantid as. f..ck, right?

But yes according to Turkish TA users Atlantid and also Atlanto-Med, Nordocromagnid and Paleo-Atlantids are typical Turkish phenotypes.

03-14-2020, 11:25 PM
As once said Kivan Faelids, Brunns, Tronders not common in Turkey but also not rare.He has a tendency to use northern phenotypes frequently. But this is also because of central/west asian caucasoid phenotypes are underrated in ta and people are pretending that turks were nothing than mongoloids before mixing with europeans.

03-14-2020, 11:52 PM
About "biased classifications" say only Southern/Eastern Euros. They just show their inferiority complex because they do not consider themselves true Europeans. One Bulgarian user always thumbs down my posts when I classify Bulgarians as Med or Dinaric (two main phenotypes among Bulgarians). He thinks Bulgarians look like North-Western Euros: Faelids, Tronders, Nordids, Brunns, Paleo-Atlantids, etc (as he usually classifies Bulgarians). There are many such users from South/East Europe. Their main mantra: if i didn't say he/she is Bulgarian/Romanian/Portuguese/Spanish/etc people would think she/he is British/Swedish/French/Dane/German/etc. You might think that only Northern/North-Western Euros are true Europeans. Clearly an inferiority complex and OWD. There are no greater anti-Europeans than they are.

No, no, "Med" doesn't exist :laugh:

There's literally a war in another thread because some people play the nordicists for some Southern Euro countries.

Med phenotypes are very good looking, generally speaking while at the same time there are clearly much more ugly NW Euro phenotypes or very horsy faces (like the textbook "Halstatt Nordid") that aren't very attractive. I've never understood what is so shameful about that. Neither about having a dark pigmentation (I'm not even in that category so I'm not biased).

People should embrace what they are.

03-15-2020, 12:26 AM
He has a tendency to use northern phenotypes frequently. But this is also because of central/west asian caucasoid phenotypes are underrated in ta and people are pretending that turks were nothing than mongoloids before mixing with europeans.

This is totally non sense. I classified people simply based on the physical appearance, not ethnicity or nationality. Unlike this Laag who keep posting Mongoloids and classifying them as Northern European, "Upper-Paleolitic", etc. Not my fault if someone else post photos of people who look Northern shifted and pretend they are average Southern.

Anyway, i have no idea why this Laag and that Polish guy are obsessed with me and with user The Blade. Wasting time in an anthroforum obsessed with other users is probably result of lack of woman or/and social life.

These were some of the latest Turks i classified and apparently most people agreed with me:


I'm gonna classify them individually. My humble opinion:

0:11 - Dinaro-Med
0:12 - Pontid
0:13 - North Pontid
0:15 - Nordid
0:16 - Turanid/Aralid
0:19 - Atlanto-Med
0:20 - Med-Armenoid
0:22 - Berid
0:23 - Norid
0:25 - Gracile-Med + Armenoid
0:27 - Med-Brünn
0:28 - Berid
0:32 - Littorid
0:33 - Atlantid
0:34 - Gracile-Med & Gracile-Med + Alpine
0:35 - Dinaro-Med + Alpine
0:36 - Atlantid
0:38 - Transmed
0:39 - Gracile-Med
0:41 - Alpinid & East-Med
0:42 - Asiatic Alpine
0:44 - Dinaro-Med
0:48 - Dinarid + East-Med
0:49 - South Med
0:51 - Dinaro-Med
0:54 - Gracile-Med
0:55 - Saharid and Alpine/Gracile-Med
0:58 - Dinaro-CM
1:00 - Dinarid + East-Med
1:02 - Norid
1:03 - Atlanto-Med
1:06 - Norid
1:08 - Iranid + Armenoid
1:09 - Armenoid
1:10 - Atlanto-Med
1:11 - Atlantid/CM
1:11 - Saharid + Dinarid
1:12 - Nordid
1:13 - Littorid
1:15 - Dinarid
1:17 - Norid
1:21 - Atlantid/CM
1:23 - Alpine-Med
1:25 - Dinaro-Med
1:27 - Dinarid
1:29 - Atlanto-Med
1:32 - East-Med + Dinarid
1:33 - Atlantid
1:35 - Gracile-Med
1:38 - Pontid
1:40 - Irano-Nordoid
1:42 - Turanid
1:44 - Nordocromagnid
1:47 - Gracile-Med + Armenoid
1:47 - Brunn
1:48 - Alpine
1:49 - Armenoid
1:53 - East-Med+ Dinarid
1:56 - Gracile-Med + Saharid
1:58 - Dinaro-Med
1:59 - Anatolid
2:03 - Atlantid


But for me, whatever. I will just put on the ignore list and move on.

03-15-2020, 03:40 AM
Well, Laag classifies mongoloid-pseudo mongoloid peoples as true northern europeans daily...

03-15-2020, 03:53 AM
I don't know why people can't be objective when classifying someone.

Why do people classify persons on base of Nationality?

Why when I see some European who looks exotic, people say "Med" (vage therm as fuck), "overtanned bla bla bla", exotic med, dark Atlanto-Med. Pure jack shit, just to don't offend anyone. I don't care if I offend someone. It's because it has insecurities.

Why are you not Impartial?

Read a book about phenotypes, how each one looks, its physical characteristics but DON'T overvalue a phenotype just because it's more common let's say in Sweden than in Greece or Portugal.

If a person, independent of ethnic origins shows Armenoid characteristics, Armenoid it is.
The same for someone who might look, Arabid, Saharid, Nordid, Sudanid..... Everyfucking type.

Just don't came to me with the overtanned bullshit or the darker than average Alpinid, just because you don't want to associate with MENA or non-European types.

A fine example.

This lady, Kelly Brook looks very Southern European and look at the answers, Atlanto-nordid, North Atlantid, Irish-German mix....

Jack shit.

http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?49499-Classify-Kelly-Brooks&highlight=Kelly+brookBeen asking myself this for a long time now....

I noticed the change in opinions about my own looks too before and after revealing my results.

TA is way too biased.

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03-15-2020, 08:15 AM
Atlantid is regional phenotype with lack of all those Turanid/Pamirid or whatsoever (and other Pecheneg) features
for people who live in other part of the world the regional differences screams and don't let to call them Atlantids

et voila - Italian site about Nordo-Med


Il termine Nordo-Mediterraneo definisce un ibrido tra il fenotipo nordico e quello mediterraneo.
Come abbiamo visto in precedenza, secondo alcune teorie, anche l'atlantico sarebbe un ibrido di nordico e mediterraneo e quindi il termine nordo-mediterraneo sarebbe sinonimo di atlantico.
Per chi invece sostiene la teoria dell'adattamento climatico l'atlantid sarebbe un fenotipo circoscritto all'area europea nordoccidentale, mentre il nordomediterraneo sarebbe piů presente nell'Europa meridionale o al massimo centrale.
Essendo un ibrido di due tipologie, non ha caratteristiche ben distinte:possono venire classificati in questo modo dei soggetti di statura media/medio bassa con pelle mediterranea, una forte "vibe" sud europea e tratti chiari ma anche soggetti simili agli atlantici che perň sono originari di aree in cui il fenotipo atlantico non č presente, come č il caso del primo soggetto dell'esempio qui sotto che č nord-italiano.

The North-Mediterranean term defines a hybrid between the Nordic and the Mediterranean phenotype.
As we have seen previously, according to some theories, the Atlantic would also be a hybrid of Nordic and Mediterranean and therefore the term north-Mediterranean would be synonymous with Atlantic.
For those who support the theory of climate adaptation, atlantid would be a phenotype limited to the north-western European area, while the north-Mediterranean would be more present in southern Europe or at most central Europe.
Being a hybrid of two types, it does not have very distinct characteristics: medium / medium-low subjects with Mediterranean skin, a strong southern European "vibe" and clear traits but also subjects similar to the Atlantic ones can be classified in this way. originating in areas where the Atlantic phenotype is not present, as is the case of the first subject of the example below which is North Italian.

so between Atlantids and Pontids we have tranistional phenotypes even

03-15-2020, 08:31 AM
Atlantid is regional phenotype with lack of all those Turanid/Pamirid or whatsoever (and other Pecheneg) features
for people who live in other part of the world the regional differences screams and don't let to call them Atlantids

et voila - Italian site about Nordo-Med


so between Atlantids and Pontids we have tranistional phenotypes even

Correct. Atlantid, Atlanto-Med etc are Western European phenotypes and can't be found in Turkey. Kivan thinks if he classifies Turanid/Central Asian looking Turks in such a way they will look more European.

03-15-2020, 08:34 AM
This is totally non sense. I classified people simply based on the physical appearance, not ethnicity or nationality. Unlike this Laag who keep posting Mongoloids and classifying them as Northern European, "Upper-Paleolitic", etc. Not my fault if someone else post photos of people who look Northern shifted and pretend they are average Southern.

Anyway, i have no idea why this Laag and that Polish guy are obsessed with me and with user The Blade. Wasting time in an anthroforum obsessed with other users is probably result of lack of woman or/and social life.

These were some of the latest Turks i classified and apparently most people agreed with me:

But for me, whatever. I will just put on the ignore list and move on.

1:47 - Brunn

Brunn is North-West European phenotype: mostly the British Isles and Scandinavia. Barely can be found outside North-West Europe let alone Turkey.

03-15-2020, 08:45 AM
Been asking myself this for a long time now....

I noticed the change in opinions about my own looks too before and after revealing my results.

TA is way too biased.

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So true :D I sense even butthurt of some users because of this :lol:

Logic of Apricity classifiers:


03-15-2020, 08:47 AM
Brunn is the type described by Coon and used by him in relation to the British Isles and also Scandinavia. I don't know how someone who isn't British/Scandinavian can be a Brunn. It doesn't make sense. One Bulgarian user said 15-20% of Bulgarians are Brunns and can pass in the British Isles easily.
Typical OWD.

03-15-2020, 08:50 AM
Upper-Paleolitic + Brünn:


03-15-2020, 08:51 AM
^^ she would be that 1% of people outside the Atlantid coast (for example Turkey) with Atlantid and not Pontid look
lack of that wild eye shape makes her look Atlantid more than anything else for example
but still I can't classify her without profile pictures

edit: the first one example

03-15-2020, 08:53 AM
So true :D I sense even butthurt of some users because of this [emoji38]OK but that's accurate hahaha honestly, that's why I lowkey prefer listening to the guesses of common ppl irl who aren't biased and are just deadly straightforward haha

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03-15-2020, 10:03 AM
Atlantid, Atlanto-Med etc are Western European phenotypes and can't be found in Turkey.That's not true. Every caucasoid type can be found in turkey. Atlantid type is rare but i remember very irish/welsh looking faces with long heads; especially in northern-central turkey where is associated with celtic input. When you see long heads in turkey, this can only be central asian or western head, the population between CA and WEU, which is consisting most of turkey, don't have long heads.

03-15-2020, 10:23 AM
That's not true. Every caucasoid type can be found in turkey. Atlantid type is rare but i remember very irish/welsh looking faces with long heads; especially in northern-central turkey where is associated with celtic input. When you see long heads in turkey, this can only be central asian or western head, the population between CA and WEU, which is consisting most of turkey, don't have long heads.

Long head doesnt mean having celtic input.... I have long head and Im a wog.

03-15-2020, 10:24 AM
About "biased classifications" say only Southern/Eastern Euros. They just show their inferiority complex because they do not consider themselves true Europeans. One Bulgarian user always thumbs down my posts when I classify Bulgarians as Med or Dinaric (two main phenotypes among Bulgarians). He thinks Bulgarians look like North-Western Euros: Faelids, Tronders, Nordids, Brunns, Paleo-Atlantids, etc (as he usually classifies Bulgarians). There are many such users from South/East Europe. Their main mantra: if i didn't say he/she is Bulgarian/Romanian/Portuguese/Spanish/etc people would think she/he is British/Swedish/French/Dane/German/etc. You might think that only Northern/North-Western Euros are true Europeans. Clearly an inferiority complex and OWD. There are no greater anti-Europeans than they are.

I got a lot of hate from fellow Romanian users for saying we have enough Oriental types in southeast Europe and posting natives that pass from Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Turkey and the Caucasus. one nice thing about southeast Europe phenotypes is this "exotic" influence (so to speak, otherwise it's not really exotic), which is normal since we're at the edge of Europe - it gives a very diverse palette of looks to the natives, it is far more diverse than southern/western/northern Europe.

also, there's far more people in the Middle East that pass in Europe by looks than Europeans admit.

and in general there's far more overlap in looks across Europe than perceived.

03-15-2020, 10:24 AM
Biased classifications in pseudo science, it sounds hilarious.

03-15-2020, 10:29 AM
That's not true. Every caucasoid type can be found in turkey. Atlantid type is rare but i remember very irish/welsh looking faces with long heads; especially in northern-central turkey where is associated with celtic input. When you see long heads in turkey, this can only be central asian or western head, the population between CA and WEU, which is consisting most of turkey, don't have long heads.

1. No, it's not true. Most Anglos, Scandinavians and Slavs can't pass in Turkey at all.

2. Don't reply this stupid troll. You are just embarrasing yourself and giving him more reasons to shitpost against Turks here. :picard1:

3. You shouldn't wasting your time arguing about it. This is just subjective pseudo-science.

03-15-2020, 10:32 AM
Logic of Apricity classifiers:


best meme I've seen on this forum xD

now seriously, who is she? that's my favourite type (tell me where she's from and I'll tell you her classification and where she can pass xD)

03-15-2020, 10:35 AM
best meme I've seen on this forum xD

now seriously, who is she? that's my favourite type (tell me where she's from and I'll tell you her classification and where she can pass xD)

She is an American actress called Taylor Cole and she has been classified as North Atlantid by some users here.
I posted her because she looks identical to this Turkish journalist:


People classified the Turkish as Pontid and the American as North Atlantid, even though their phenotypes are pretty similar...

But who cares. As i said, this is just Anthrotardism and pseudo science after all.

03-15-2020, 10:58 AM
She is an American actress called Taylor Cole and she has been classified as North Atlantid by some users here.
I posted her because she looks identical to this Turkish journalist:


People classified the Turkish as Pontid and the American as North Atlantid, even though their phenotypes are pretty similar...

But who cares. As i said, this is just Anthrotardism and pseudo science after all.

Lol this shows only how biased people are about phenotype.

I've noticed also that when someone is from UK the word "North-Atlantid" is given very rapidly to everyone that's not really "Nordic" looking.

03-15-2020, 11:01 AM
She is an American actress called Taylor Cole and she has been classified as North Atlantid by some users here.
I posted her because she looks identical to this Turkish journalist:


People classified the Turkish as Pontid and the American as North Atlantid, even though their phenotypes are pretty similar...

But who cares. As i said, this is just Anthrotardism and pseudo science after all.

North Atlantid is the type described by Lundman and he placed it in the British Isles only. Can't be found outside of NW Europe.


On other hand "Pontid" is Eastern phenotype and can't be found in Westren Europe.

So it's logical that NW woman was classified as North Atlantid and Turkish woman was classified as Pontid.
It not "biased classification" it just goes to show that 99% of people on this forum are smarter than you.

03-15-2020, 11:09 AM
She is an American actress called Taylor Cole and she has been classified as North Atlantid by some users here.
I posted her because she looks identical to this Turkish journalist:


People classified the Turkish as Pontid and the American as North Atlantid, even though their phenotypes are pretty similar...

But who cares. As i said, this is just Anthrotardism and pseudo science after all.

Also she's doesn't look NW at all. Can't pass in the British Isles. She looks Eastren but not Turkish but Circassian. I think she's Turkish Circassian. Pontid is very common among Circassians. So Pontid is very good classification for her.

03-15-2020, 11:26 AM
Also she's doesn't look NW at all. Can't pass in the British Isles. She looks Eastren but not Turkish but Circassian. I think she's Turkish Circassian. Pontid is very common among Circassians. So Pontid is very good classification for her.

exactly, different eye shape, and I bet closer to brachy than dolicho (it is not face length)

03-15-2020, 11:59 AM
exactly, different eye shape, and I bet closer to brachy than dolicho (it is not face length)

Yes, that woman from Kivan's pic looks distinctly Western European. It's impossible find woman like her in such countries like Bulgaria, Romania or Ukraine let alone Turkey.

03-15-2020, 12:02 PM
North Atlantid is the type described by Lundman and he placed it in the British Isles only. Can't be found outside of NW Europe.


On other hand "Pontid" is Eastern phenotype and can't be found in Westren Europe.

So it's logical that NW woman was classified as North Atlantid and Turkish woman was classified as Pontid.
It not "biased classification" it just goes to show that 99% of people on this forum are smarter than you.That's just bullshit though. And why it is biased. Bc when I posted here many said I was baltid and uralid and after seeing my results many changed it to saying I'm alpine bc there's no "baltid" or "uralid" in Romania.

Its all bs, and not just bc of my case, but also bc of the one Kivan posted lol. It's just stupid that depending on their ethnicity you pick whichever people want.

It should be based on the looks alone, and if someone doesn't look typical for a region that's fine. But changing the phenotype just so that it fits better the region is stupid.

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03-15-2020, 12:06 PM
Yes, that woman from Kivan's pic looks distinctly Western European. It's impossible find woman like her in such countries like Bulgaria, Romania or Ukraine let alone Turkey.She wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb in Romania tho, just like the komi I told you would pass easily as Romanian :)

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03-15-2020, 12:11 PM
one heal one kill
1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrolepiota_procera
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorophyllum_molybdites


Cedar grows elsewhere than siberian pine-both conifers -and that's all about them

03-15-2020, 12:39 PM
She wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb in Romania tho, just like the komi I told you would pass easily as Romanian :)

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Europeans don't look the same. If Bulgarians and Romanians do not look like Central or Northern Europeans this does not mean that they are less European than Germans, Polish, Swedes, Komis or Udmurts. Nothing wrong with that.

03-15-2020, 12:42 PM
Europeans don't look the same. If Bulgarians and Romanians do not look like Central or Northern Europeans this does not mean that they are less European than Germans, Polish, Swedes, Komis or Udmurts. Nothing wrong with that.Idk what your idea of Romanian and Bulgarian looks like but I was told I could pass in Poland and Germany and I'm Romanian.

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03-15-2020, 12:46 PM
lol at statement that Europeans don't look slike and even bigger lol at taking Coon's book as Holy Bible (he never visited most of countries, just quoted other anthropologist). :rotfl::rotfl:

03-15-2020, 12:48 PM
lol at statement that Europeans don't look slike and even bigger lol at taking Coon's book as Holy Bible (he never visited most of countries, just quoted other anthropologist). :rotfl::rotfl:I mean there are some extreme opposites but acting like no Balkaners could pass in other European countries is just dumb

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03-15-2020, 12:52 PM
While I don't like Laag's trolling, I think he has some points here. Eastern looking people are getting classified as Atlantid on this forum way too often.
Besides that biased classifications, like Kivan mentioned, happen too in this Forum and most people are not free of that (including myself)

03-15-2020, 01:23 PM
Idk what your idea of Romanian and Bulgarian looks like but I was told I could pass in Poland and Germany and I'm Romanian.

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Bulgarians and Romanians are mostly Meds, Dinarics and Alpines.

03-15-2020, 01:34 PM
Bulgarians and Romanians are mostly Meds, Dinarics and Alpines.Yes but no. There are preslavic, baltid, neodanubian, gorid, and to a more rare extent ladogan too.

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03-15-2020, 01:57 PM
Yes but no. There are preslavic, baltid, neodanubian, gorid, and to a more rare extent ladogan too.

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and sudanid

03-15-2020, 01:57 PM
Yes but no. There are preslavic, baltid, neodanubian, gorid, and to a more rare extent ladogan too.

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and sudanid

03-15-2020, 02:17 PM
One Bulgarian user always thumbs down my posts when I classify Bulgarians as Med or Dinaric (two main phenotypes among Bulgarians). He thinks Bulgarians look like North-Western Euros: Faelids, Tronders, Nordids, Brunns, Paleo-Atlantids, etc (as he usually classifies Bulgarians).

You post photos of Gypsies protesting to show how "Southern European" Bulgarians look. We don't look NW European but we aren't all Med or Dinaric. Med phenotypes like Blagoi Georgiev or Meglena Kakanasheva are not common. Average Bulgarian is a balanced East-South phenotype like Gorid or Pontid. Dinaric isn't a southern type, it is common in Balkans and Central Europe the most.

03-15-2020, 02:23 PM
and sudanidNice joke

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03-15-2020, 02:33 PM

my knowledge of Bulgarians and their phenotypes from there- try those sites Laag

03-15-2020, 02:41 PM
You post photos of Gypsies protesting to show how "Southern European" Bulgarians look. We don't look NW European but we aren't all Med or Dinaric. Med phenotypes like Blagoi Georgiev or Meglena Kakanasheva are not common. Average Bulgarian is a balanced East-South phenotype like Gorid or Pontid. Dinaric isn't a southern type, it is common in Balkans and Central Europe the most.

I posted regular Bulgarian crowds found on the Internet: students, workers, farmers and also supporters of Bulgarian nationalist party "Ataka". There is no chance that any of them were Gypsies.

These are Bulgarians from various anthropological studies. You can't say they aren't Bulgarians.

03-15-2020, 03:06 PM
I posted regular Bulgarian crowds found on the Internet: students, workers, farmers and also supporters of Bulgarian nationalist party "Ataka". There is no chance that any of them were Gypsies.

These are Bulgarians from various anthropological studies. You can't say they aren't Bulgarians.

Many of them are Gypsies, you don't know how Gypsies and Bulgarians look like. Ataka membership is open for all ethnic groups, the leader of Ataka in Sliven is a Gypsy


Just like 50% of "Bulgarians" posted by you.

03-15-2020, 03:12 PM

my knowledge of Bulgarians and their phenotypes from there- try those sites Laag

Now I prefer use examples from anthropological studies because no one can accuse me of bias in this case.

03-15-2020, 03:23 PM
Many of them are Gypsies, you don't know how Gypsies and Bulgarians look like. Ataka membership is open for all ethnic groups, the leader of Ataka in Sliven is a Gypsy


Just like 50% of "Bulgarians" posted by you.

Also Gypsies?

https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.prod.s3.amazonaws .com%2F7d47f7e6-c851-11e6-9043-7e34c07b46ef?fit=scale-down&source=next&width=700

03-15-2020, 03:26 PM

my knowledge of Bulgarians and their phenotypes from there- try those sites Laag

A lot of Turkic looking people. :)

03-15-2020, 03:52 PM
Also Gypsies?

No, but photos are taken on poor light and people look darker than they are.

03-15-2020, 04:11 PM
No, but photos are taken on poor light and people look darker than they are.

According to anthropological studies Bulgarians are among the darkset Europeans.

03-15-2020, 04:14 PM
No, but photos are taken on poor light and people look darker than they are.


03-15-2020, 04:19 PM
According to anthropological studies Bulgarians are among the darkset Europeans.

Amateur map. There is no study of pigmentation under unified criteria.

03-15-2020, 04:27 PM
Amateur map. There is no study of pigmentation under unified criteria.

No, this map based on professional anthropological research.
Sources: https://justpaste.it/40dd8

03-15-2020, 07:45 PM
No, this map based on professional anthropological research.
Sources: https://justpaste.it/40dd8

1. You can't compare data when it is not based on the same criteria. Different anthropologists means different results. It's not an applied or natural science.
2. These data just prove that Bulgarians aren't uniformly dark.

03-15-2020, 11:28 PM
1. You can't compare data when it is not based on the same criteria. Different anthropologists means different results. It's not an applied or natural science.
2. These data just prove that Bulgarians aren't uniformly dark.

Based on non-cherrypicked photos of Bulgarian crowds Bulgarians look pretty similar dark hair dark eyes and olive skin. Just look at those Bulgarian pilgrims.

03-15-2020, 11:43 PM
Bulgarians are the darkest Slavic group. In terms of pigmentation they are closer to Albanians and Greeks than to other Slavs.

03-20-2020, 05:15 PM
Unlike this Laag who keep posting Mongoloids and classifying them as Northern European, "Upper-Paleolitic", etc.

Northern European it isn't taxonomic classification but geographical location. Komi and Udmurts are Northern European because they live and are native people in the Northern part of Europe (North-Eastern Europe).


Upper Paleolithic is the term that used Coon. In Upper Paleolithic he placed the following types: Brunn, Borreby, Alpine, UP types in North Africa and also Ladogan which he described as Eastern Upper Paleolithic type. Basically Upper Paleolithic types are those that come from the Upper Paleolithic period.

During the Late Pleistocene age, the post-glacial Mesolithic cultural period, descendants of Upper Palaeolithic hunters lived in North Africa, in most of Europe, and in western Siberia, where some of them merged into the ancestors of the mongoloid group of humanity. Even during the Upper Palaeolithic cultural period in western Europe, some of the hunting peoples showed incipiently mongoloid racial tendencies. Among the living descendants of these hunters, these tendencies are more common in the eastern groups than among those living in the west.

Komi/Mari/Udmurts mainly belong to Ladogan (Uralische race in Soviet/Russian literature) phenotype.

Bunak described Uralische race(Coon's Ladogan) as inherited the features of the oldest "undifferentiated" anthropological complex (type), which existed even before the division of mankind into Caucasoid and Mongoloid racial trunks.

You as always show a low knowledge of the subject about which you are trying to talk.

03-20-2020, 05:34 PM
You as always show a low knowledge of the subject about which you are trying to talk.German aryan theory is unexpectedly has some popularity among a limited amount of turkish youth. Unfortunately we have some of them here. But you are also not clean, with an open hate against certain nations and always in hurry to demote them.

03-21-2020, 12:38 AM
German aryan theory is unexpectedly has some popularity among a limited amount of turkish youth. Unfortunately we have some of them here. But you are also not clean, with an open hate against certain nations and always in hurry to demote them.

Westernized hardrocker is a good example I think. But I think he is rather an uneducated person which is now a lot of young people.