View Full Version : Which Time Traveler Are You?

09-12-2016, 05:57 AM
Which Time Traveler Are You?

Your Result: The Eleventh Doctor Who 86%

You resemble the last Time Lord, in his 11th incarnation (a role played by Matt Smith, 2010 to present, in BBC’s Dr. Who.) He travels through space and time in a blue police box defending innocents and having fun. You rarely reveal your true self to others and you’re bigger on the inside than you appear on the outside. You’re youthful, but an old soul. You’re goofy, and rather geeky, too. You have a brilliant IQ, very high moral virtue, and you would be voted “Best Dancer,” and “Class Clown.” Timeless wisdom: “Always pack a towel because they’re endlessly useful, and a bowtie, too—bowties are cool,” and “Today’s a good day to save the world, or a friend.”

79%The Tenth Doctor Who

65%Dr. Sam Beckett

52%Bill S. Preston, Esq.

46%H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler

43%Phil Connors

41%"Ted" Theodore Logan

40%Dr. Emmett Brown

36%The T-800 Terminator

33%Marty McFly

Best dancer? Hahahaha more like the worst of the worst lol. A bowtie and a towel? :confused:

09-12-2016, 06:09 AM
Your Result: Phil Connors


You resemble an egocentric TV weatherman who once found himself trapped repeating February 2nd in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (Bill Murray in the great 1993 comedy, Groundhog Day.) You have pleasure-seeking and melancholic tendencies, but you learn from your mistakes. Eventually, you always attain whatever you strive after. You have an above average IQ, low (but rising) moral values, and you would be voted “Most Likely to Be Elected President.” Timeless wisdom: “Don’t drive angry,” and “Live this day like it were the first, the last, and the only day of your life.”

89%Dr. Sam Beckett
69%Dr. Emmett Brown
65%H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler
62%The Eleventh Doctor Who
60%Bill S. Preston, Esq.
58%The Tenth Doctor Who
55%"Ted" Theodore Logan
53%Marty McFly
52%The T-800 Terminator

09-12-2016, 06:12 AM
Your Result: Phil Connors


You resemble an egocentric TV weatherman who once found himself trapped repeating February 2nd in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (Bill Murray in the great 1993 comedy, Groundhog Day.) You have pleasure-seeking and melancholic tendencies, but you learn from your mistakes. Eventually, you always attain whatever you strive after. You have an above average IQ, low (but rising) moral values, and you would be voted “Most Likely to Be Elected President.” Timeless wisdom: “Don’t drive angry,” and “Live this day like it were the first, the last, and the only day of your life.”

89%Dr. Sam Beckett
69%Dr. Emmett Brown
65%H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler
62%The Eleventh Doctor Who
60%Bill S. Preston, Esq.
58%The Tenth Doctor Who
55%"Ted" Theodore Logan
53%Marty McFly
52%The T-800 Terminator

Do you think it was right about you?

09-12-2016, 06:15 AM
Groundhog day every day :/

Sui Generis
09-12-2016, 04:36 PM
H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler

You resemble a certain dashing, British gentleman-scientist from the dawn of the 1900’s (the hero of H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine and the classic 1960 film of the same name.) You are patient and curious by nature. You wonder and worry about our future. You would take your seat in a time machine just to see tomorrow flash before your eyes. Yet, if you stopped (say, in 802,701 AD) and saw a pretty girl being chased by green orcs, you would fight to save her and the primitive remnant of mankind, too. You have a genius IQ, above average moral virtue, and you would be voted “Most Likely to Rebuild Human Civilization.” Timeless wisdom: “Choose your books carefully,” and remember, “This too shall pass.”

76%"Ted" Theodore Logan

72%The Eleventh Doctor Who

65%Bill S. Preston, Esq.

64%The Tenth Doctor Who

58%Phil Connors

53%Dr. Emmett Brown

53%Marty McFly

52%Dr. Sam Beckett

52%The T-800 Terminator

02-19-2017, 08:39 PM
I am Phil Connors.

02-19-2017, 09:23 PM
That kind of traveler that goes back in time and converts Mohammed into Christianity.

02-20-2017, 03:12 AM
None. Regardless of what mathematical models may permit, time travel is logically impossible because the past cannot be changed inasmuch as that which has been done and had a sequence of consequences cannot be UNdone.

02-20-2017, 03:32 AM
Which Time Traveler Are You?
Your Result: Marty McFly

resultYou resemble an unlikely time traveler, Marty McFly, a resident of Hill Valley, California, circa 1985 (Michael J. Fox in the Back to the Future trilogy.) You have an above average IQ, average moral virtue, and you would be voted “Most Congenial,” and “Best Kisser.” Maybe you’re still a kid in high school, but you’re no chicken. Some may call you a slacker, but you have big dreams. Timeless wisdom: “Don’t be ruled by peer-pressure. Be your own man,” and remember, “Boards don’t work on water, unless you’ve got power!”

86%The Tenth Doctor Who

82%Bill S. Preston, Esq.

78%The T-800 Terminator

76%"Ted" Theodore Logan

76%H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler

66%The Eleventh Doctor Who

64%Dr. Sam Beckett

62%Dr. Emmett Brown

56%Phil Connors

02-20-2017, 04:14 AM
Which Time Traveler Are You?
Your Result: H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler

resultYou resemble a certain dashing, British gentleman-scientist from the dawn of the 1900’s (the hero of H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine and the classic 1960 film of the same name.) You are patient and curious by nature. You wonder and worry about our future. You would take your seat in a time machine just to see tomorrow flash before your eyes. Yet, if you stopped (say, in 802,701 AD) and saw a pretty girl being chased by green orcs, you would fight to save her and the primitive remnant of mankind, too. You have a genius IQ, above average moral virtue, and you would be voted “Most Likely to Rebuild Human Civilization.” Timeless wisdom: “Choose your books carefully,” and remember, “This too shall pass.”

55%Dr. Sam Beckett

55%Phil Connors

54%The Tenth Doctor Who

53%The T-800 Terminator

49%The Eleventh Doctor Who

42%Dr. Emmett Brown

42%Marty McFly

41%"Ted" Theodore Logan

32%Bill S. Preston, Esq.

02-20-2017, 04:31 AM
You resemble an egocentric TV weatherman who once found himself trapped repeating February 2nd in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (Bill Murray in the great 1993 comedy, Groundhog Day.) You have pleasure-seeking and melancholic tendencies, but you learn from your mistakes. Eventually, you always attain whatever you strive after. You have an above average IQ, low (but rising) moral values, and you would be voted “Most Likely to Be Elected President.” Timeless wisdom: “Don’t drive angry,” and “Live this day like it were the first, the last, and the only day of your life.”

02-20-2017, 05:06 AM
The hardest part of the quiz was the question on chosing your biggest vice... It really stumped me. They need an "All of the above" option.

02-20-2017, 06:40 AM
You have a genius IQ, above average moral virtue, and you would be voted “Most Likely to Rebuild Human Civilization.” Timeless wisdom: “Choose your books carefully,”