View Full Version : Stop throwing around the word "OWD"

09-17-2016, 09:58 PM
There are OWD people on this forum, but only like 3. It is not OWD if you're saying that your ethnicity is not as dark as people are portraying it as. OWD is someone who claims to be white that isn't, and a lot of people called this aren't trying to be related to whites, simply un dark washing their ethnicity. Calling someone OWD when they don't identify as white makes you seem desperate to prove a failing point.

09-17-2016, 10:05 PM
OWD was originally derrived from Turks.

Grandmaster Wadaad's elder scrolls on OWD,this is ancient preserved knowledge:

For those who have no idea what the off-white dilemma is, its a phenomona exhibited by people based on an ideal 'racial hierarchy'. Not everyone has the same ideal of course, but a person who suffers from OWD, knows that whatever racial hierarchial ideal he believes in, his racial group, identity, phenotype, whatever...does not fit it. So what does he or she do? He tries to tweak facts, figures, anything to put him closer to that racial ideal.

For example, using Obsidian as a case. Obsidian is a Turk. When I posted as "Lou Bricant" for a few days, the first thing I did was confront Obsidian on his obvious disdain and scapegoating of Kurds on everything 'negative' about Turks. Worse, Obsidian really disliked anyone mentioning that Turkey is a "Middle Eastern country" (which in many ways it is). As much as I pointed out that a bit of Turkey is in Europe, the cultural and historic slant and weltenschaaung of Turkey has always been Oriental.

A typical tactic of someone with OWD would be dismissing a large segment of his own people, even going so far as using them as scapegoats for any characteristic he may deem negative. When talk of arranged marriages in Turkey is mentioned...Obsidian is quick to mention that its the Kurds who do that, not the Turks. When not doing that, it seems Obsidian has a need to convince everyone of his view on Turkey. "In Istanbul, we have modern, western style architecture...and we all drink capucinno at our cafes, we dont engage in arranged marriages"...that line of thinking.

The more endemic kind of OWD is denying the facts on the ground when it comes to how people physically look like. I dont want to go on detail here, but I have seen hundreds of this, where some South European, or even Middle Eastern person embellishes the extent of blonde hair, or blue eyes in his country, and for what reason? Because of a need to make his country seem lighter than it really is. Now Im not going to confine OWD only to European and periphery European nations. I've seen Latin Americans, Asians, even Somalis suffer from it. So its not some tool I use to insult people, as some have accused me of, nor is it something I use as a 'card' to win arguments. It exists, and is pretty endemic on race forums.

09-17-2016, 10:13 PM
OWD was originally derrived from Turks.

Grandmaster Wadaad's elder scrolls on OWD,this is ancient preserved knowledge:

Yesx but sometimes things are highly exaggerated by anthropology amateurs who have never met anyone of ethnicity y or even heard of it before the internet, and it is okay for someone of ethnciity y to correct them.

09-17-2016, 10:14 PM
If someone said all pashtuns are blonde haired for example, that would be just as ignorant and I would correct rhem.

de Burgh II
09-17-2016, 10:22 PM


09-18-2016, 12:41 AM
Just lol...This is like a Taliban saying 'stop throwing around the label 'terrorist'

Filipino Kastrioti
09-18-2016, 12:42 AM
There are OWD people on this forum, but only like 3. It is not OWD if you're saying that your ethnicity is not as dark as people are portraying it as. OWD is someone who claims to be white that isn't, and a lot of people called this aren't trying to be related to whites, simply un dark washing their ethnicity. Calling someone OWD when they don't identify as white makes you seem desperate to prove a failing point.

Shut the fuck up you homo assfucker son of a malay prostitute!

09-18-2016, 01:03 AM
you are a good example of owd

09-18-2016, 01:14 AM
Stop your OWD and we wont throw it around

09-19-2016, 02:38 AM

09-19-2016, 03:04 AM
Stop your OWD and we wont throw it around

How am I owd (using examples of things I actually said and not exaggerations).

09-19-2016, 03:06 AM
How am I owd (using examples of things I actually said and not exaggerations).

I take my comment back, maybe I misunderstood you. I wont accuse you of OWD anymore. And you are generally cool with me.

09-21-2016, 06:52 PM
Shut the fuck up you homo assfucker son of a malay prostitute!

You don't speak for me. Are you really Filipino?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
09-21-2016, 07:01 PM

09-22-2016, 06:43 PM
To begin using Apricity-specific "anthropological" terms and acronyms is to die a little. I oppose the term "OWD" for this reason.

05-11-2017, 02:51 PM
Let me throw it: OWD