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View Full Version : MENAs, if you ever had a kid with someone of European descent

09-26-2016, 01:39 PM
If you ever had kids with someone of European descent, how would you have your kids identify? According to some people on this site, it's okay to identify as solely white/European if you genetically cluster with a European group, despite what your ancestry is. I find that wrong. If I ever have kids with a European descended person (which could happen given that I'm American and I'm mostly surrounded by people of European descent), my kids are not going to identify as "white" just because they may end up genetically clustering with or near some European group. Half of my swarthy genetic material contributed to their existence and I want credit for that. I also don't want the to forget where they come from. I don't care if they're the palest, blondest, blue eyed child ever, they are going to be half afghan.

09-26-2016, 01:44 PM
They can identify however they'd like. However, it'd be lamentable if they only identified with their Euro or Pali sides. Although I don't intend to have relations with a non-Levantine woman, I think that few people would consider the children of an indigenous Pali + Euro couple to be non-white.

09-26-2016, 01:44 PM
What sane person would have a child with an Afghan?

09-26-2016, 01:45 PM
What sane person would have a child with an Afghan?

Happens more often than you think. I know numerous Euro-Afghan relationships.

09-26-2016, 01:50 PM
Afghans are MENAs?

09-26-2016, 02:01 PM
What sane person would have a child with an Afghan?

What sane person would have a child with a clearly mentally deranged, Two-Face, split personality Greek girl who posts on TA about how the Greeks invented everything and whores history to fit her narrative? Not to mention who is all bark and no bite.

09-26-2016, 02:05 PM
Afghans are MENAs?

They consider themselves menas, because they are closest to iranians when you weigh in everything, who are MENAs

09-26-2016, 05:01 PM
My step siblings are half Swedish half Persian. They only identify with their Persian side and don't see themselves as white.

Well I identify as both Italian and Dutch, so I don't see the problem here; perhaps an identity crisis, or stuck in puberty?

09-26-2016, 05:07 PM
It's different in Europe as opposed to America. Pretty much everyone here is American first,regardless of ancestry.

09-26-2016, 05:09 PM
Afghans are not MENA.

09-26-2016, 05:27 PM
My Persian step father is just very dominant. It seems like everything around him turns Persian. Swedish and Ecuadorian culture don't stand a chance around him. He's made me resent Persian culture. I miss Ecuadorian culture. :(

I don't know anything about Persian culture - all I know is that they are Shia and something about Persian history that's all.

09-26-2016, 05:30 PM
Afghans are not MENA.

Afghans are Turko-Mongol + South Asian.

09-26-2016, 05:49 PM
My step siblings are half Swedish half Persian. They only identify with their Persian side and don't see themselves as white.

Persians are White (at least some of them), they are Whites in denial:



09-26-2016, 05:51 PM
Persians look German, just like you Crazy Daisy.

But they don't have any extra Mapuche influence.

09-26-2016, 05:57 PM
Before the forum crash a Persian girl Arya was posting here, and she looks 100% White.

And she was born as a Muslim, but abandoned Islam. :clap2: After moving to Canada.

09-26-2016, 06:09 PM
Afghans are MENAs?

Yes, genetically they are MENAs.

09-26-2016, 06:18 PM
Persians are White (at least some of them), they are Whites in denial:

They are not whites, wtf.

Yes, genetically they are MENAs.

Pred. MENA then with South Asian flavor.

09-26-2016, 06:20 PM
I am not MENA, but if I marry a foreign woman and my children came out identifying more with the mother's culture than with Brazilian culture, I would be pretty upset.

09-26-2016, 06:24 PM
It is Middle Eastern tradition for a child to take the father's ethnic identity. For example my Turkmen relatives who have Kurdish fathers (their mothers are Turkmen) identify as Kurd. Going by this I expect my children to identify as Kurd too but at the end of the day it is up to them.

09-26-2016, 06:50 PM
What sane person would have a child with an Afghan?

Stop ignoring me RAINE! Depigmentized Mongoloid or Brown Hairy Albanana?

09-26-2016, 06:51 PM
Persians look German, just like you Crazy Daisy.

But they don't have any extra Mapuche influence.:rotfl2

09-26-2016, 06:52 PM
In my expirience with mixed Bulgarian/MENA, mostly Bulgarian women, the offspring always identify with his MENA side, has Arabic name, is muslim etc..

09-26-2016, 08:14 PM
They consider themselves menas, because they are closest to iranians when you weigh in everything, who are MENAs

I don't think all Iranians consider themselves Middle Easterns..
Do you (Afghans) feel a connection to Pakistanis? Do you like them?

09-26-2016, 08:26 PM
It is Middle Eastern tradition for a child to take the father's ethnic identity. For example my Turkmen relatives who have Kurdish fathers (their mothers are Turkmen) identify as Kurd. Going by this I expect my children to identify as Kurd too but at the end of the day it is up to them.

My friend who is half Iranian half German identifies more as German actually, and he has an Iranian dad.

09-26-2016, 09:41 PM
Stop ignoring me RAINE! Depigmentized Mongoloid or Brown Hairy Albanana?

Lol she's both of those things. That's why she says offensive things to people even though she's never shown here face before. I am 98% sure she is one of those swarthy atypical greeks.

09-26-2016, 09:43 PM
Afghans are not MENA.

Fine. Russians are not European.

09-26-2016, 09:46 PM
They are not whites, wtf.

Pred. MENA then with South Asian flavor.

That's stupid. That's like me saying arabs are pred. Mena with SSA flavor. Iranians and Kurds aren't much less South asian influenced than Afghans are anyways. The south asian influence is very little too.

09-26-2016, 09:47 PM
Afghans are Turko-Mongol + South Asian.
And you adopted the culture of mongrels, and your people believe they are mongrels too. So are you any better? stupid faggot.

09-26-2016, 09:55 PM
Lol 91% of the people who up voted Raines comment are the butthurt mongrels I usually trash in debates, no wonder.

09-26-2016, 10:01 PM
If you ever have children with someone, just tell them that race is just some bullshit lines drawn by individual perception. Nothing good has ever came out of putting forward definitions of who belong to race X and who doesn't.

And they will know about your ancestry anyway unless you impregnate some random chick who doesn't know your name and dissapears or if you donate sperm.

09-26-2016, 10:02 PM
Georgians, Armenians, even Iranians - have largely the same admixtures as Europeans (only in different proportions):


09-26-2016, 10:16 PM
If you ever had kids with someone of European descent, how would you have your kids identify? According to some people on this site, it's okay to identify as solely white/European if you genetically cluster with a European group, despite what your ancestry is. I find that wrong. If I ever have kids with a European descended person (which could happen given that I'm American and I'm mostly surrounded by people of European descent), my kids are not going to identify as "white" just because they may end up genetically clustering with or near some European group. Half of my swarthy genetic material contributed to their existence and I want credit for that. I also don't want the to forget where they come from. I don't care if they're the palest, blondest, blue eyed child ever, they are going to be half afghan.

I'm not sure it's possible for parents to make kids identify either way. Maybe they can influence them, but you can't really force an identity on them. As they grow up, they may end up gravitating more towards one or the other depending on various factors.

09-26-2016, 10:18 PM
I'm not sure it's possible for parents to make kids identify either way. Maybe they can influence them, but you can't really force an identity on them. As they grow up, they may end up gravitating more towards one or the other depending on various factors.

That's true. I guess this applies to any multi culture background anyways.

09-26-2016, 10:27 PM
Im not MENA but if I had kids with a european wife, they would not be viewed as fully white by society anyways, but I would teach them to not resent or be ashamed of their heritage and with knowledge of their full heritage.

09-28-2016, 05:06 PM
Fine. Russians are not European.

Ethnic Russians are obviously Europeans, by ethnogenesis native to Eastern Europe. Also 80% of ethnic Russians live in European part of Russia.

That's stupid. That's like me saying arabs are pred. Mena with SSA flavor. Iranians and Kurds aren't much less South asian influenced than Afghans are anyways. The south asian influence is very little too.

Arabs are MENAs with SSA flavor, but not pred. MENA. Afghanistan is simply not a country commonly accepted as a MENA country since it is a country located in the south-central Asia.

I don't know what you mean by much less:

Eurogenes K13

But ok, I have a hunch you will start talking about Iranian_Neolithic blah blah blah. Here:

Gedrosia Near East Neolithic K13

Lol 91% of the people who up voted Raines comment are the butthurt mongrels

You should be the last person to talk about other people being mongrels.

I usually trash in debates, no wonder.


09-28-2016, 07:04 PM
Ethnic Russians are obviously Europeans, by ethnogenesis native to Eastern Europe. Also 80% of ethnic Russians live in European part of Russia.

Arabs are MENAs with SSA flavor, but not pred. MENA. Afghanistan is simply not a country commonly accepted as a MENA country since it is a country located in the south-central Asia.

I don't know what you mean by much less:

Eurogenes K13

But ok, I have a hunch you will start talking about Iranian_Neolithic blah blah blah. Here:

Gedrosia Near East Neolithic K13

You should be the last person to talk about other people being mongrels.


Afghanistan is a commonly accepted MENA country by MENAs, dimwit, every single time I tell a mena I'm afghan, they feel obligated to chime and say "oh!!?? I'm _____ mena ethnicity." And stop using that stupid outdated aheet, we have better calculators now. You just look like an in idiot when you use outdated shit to prove a point. And why should I? I'm not more of a mongrel than any other caucasoid on this damn site is. Why don't you link me to results of the other calculator? Not even Punjabis score 19%. There is no way a pashtun scores 19% ancestral indian.

At least afghans have an identity unlike Croatia. What the fuck is Croatia? I never heard of that sorry country till a year ago. I've even taken college geography and history courses, and not once have we ever talked about Croatia. Maybe that's why you're obsessed with being European. Being Croatian isn't good enough, so you cling onto your "European" identity more to connect yourself to cooler people in Europe than Croatians, even if you have nothing to do with those people at all.

09-28-2016, 07:08 PM
At least afghans have an identity unlike Croatia. What the fuck is Croatia? I never heard of that sorry country till a year ago. I've even taken college geography and history courses. Not once have we ever talked about Croatia. Maybe that's why you're obsessed with being European. Being Croatian isn't good enough, so cling onto your "European" identity more to connect yourself to cooler people in Europe than Croatians, even if you have nothing to do with those people at all.

Croatians are pretty cool people with beautiful country and history, educate yourself

09-28-2016, 07:09 PM
Croatians are pretty cool people with beautiful country and history, educate yourself

I'm not saying the country isn't beautiful, but they obviously don't have a significant history if they didn't make the textbooks or if most people don't know about them. It doesn't mean Croatians are inferior or whatever, but this troll has no room to talk when he shits on other nations.

I'll educate myself on Croatia when people educate themselves on Afghanistan and stopped pulling stuff about the country out of their asses.

09-28-2016, 07:09 PM
Croatians are pretty cool people with beautiful country and history, educate yourself

Croats are low class worthless peasants in the U.S.., like all Slavs who immigrate here. The last person that shined my shoes was Croatian.

09-28-2016, 07:12 PM
Croats are low class worthless peasants in the U.S.., like all Slavs who immigrate here. The last person that shined my shoes was Croatian.

I'm sure there are many cool and smart Croatians, but the culture/tradition/history of them probably isn't that cool, which is why many of the ones obsessed with Europe on this site are from Croatia and countries alike.

09-28-2016, 07:17 PM
I'm sure there are many cool and smart Croatians, but the culture/tradition/history of them probably isn't that cool, which is why many of the ones obsessed with Europe on this site are from Croatia and countries alike.

They're basically just catholic serbs

09-28-2016, 07:18 PM
They're basically just catholic serbs

Lol nobody knows what Serbs are here too (but I will admit, i like some of Serbian culture).

09-28-2016, 07:20 PM
Afghanistan is a commonly accepted MENA country by MENAs, dimwit.

No, it isn't.

And stop using that stupid outdated aheet, we have better calculators now.

It is the only one with Iran_Neo and one of the latest.

Why don't you link me to results of the other calculator?

What calculator? You tell me, I will link you everything you want.

Not even Punjabis score 19%.

There are no Punjabis in this spreadsheet, only four groups of Gujaratis scoring from 40-55%.

There is no way a pashtun scores 19% ancestral indian.:noidea:

At least afghans have an identity unlike Croatia. What the fuck is Croatia? I never heard of that sorry country till a year ago. I've even taken college geography and history courses, and not once have we ever talked about Croatia. Maybe that's why you're obsessed with being European. Being Croatian isn't good enough, so you cling onto your "European" identity more to connect yourself to cooler people in Europe than Croatians, even if you have nothing to do with those people at all.

Plz, why do you think I cling onto that more than anything, but since I am European I care about Europeans not that a shitard like yourself can understand that.

1. Real nationalist
2. Real nationalist, but having close cooperation and friendship with other European countries
3. Real nationalist (English spoken as a secondary language, same as now)

But why do you suffer from OWD, why do you want to see yourself MENA, why do you care so much about being Caucasoid etc? Is that because you want to connect yourself to cooler people?

09-28-2016, 07:20 PM
What do you get when you mix a Greek and a French? A freak.

09-28-2016, 07:21 PM
They're basically just catholic serbs

Why are Serbs not Catholic Croats?

09-28-2016, 07:23 PM
Probably depends on how they are raised. A lot of mixed Lebanese/Euros pretty much function and identify as White.

On the other hand, I've met half MENAs who were really Muslim.

09-28-2016, 07:25 PM
It is the only one with Iran_Neo and one the latest.

What calculator? You tell me I will link you everything you want.

There are no Punjabis in this spreadsheet, only four groups of Gujaratis scoris from 40-55%.


Plz, why do you think I cling onto that more than anything, but since I am European I care about Europeans not that a shitard like yourself can understand that.

But why do you suffer from OWD, why do you want to see yourself MENA, why do you care so much about being Caucasoid etc? Is that because you want to connect yourself to cooler people?

My people are already cool, and actually majority of caucasoids don't really have a cool history. Africans and East Asians are way cooler. You just butthurt because I pressed one of your insecurity buttons? I don't have to see myself as MENA, I AM MENA. That region, like Europe, doesn't exist geographically anyways, they're both political continents, and Afghanistan definitely belongs in the MENA spectrum in every way. Most Afghans consider themselves MENAs because we're Eastern Iranians, and Iranians proper are Middle Eastern. There's nothing OWD about that.

Also Gujurati are not the same as Punjabi. You even showed me a Pakistani Pashtun one time which was labeled as Afghan Pashtun (on Anthrogenica). Why do you care about Europeans so much if most of them don't give a fuck about you?

09-28-2016, 07:25 PM
Why are Serbs not Catholic Croats?

Ok then.
Serbs are Croats,Croats are Serbs. However you prefer.
I do not mean to offend,but your languages and cultures are practically identical.

09-28-2016, 07:26 PM
Ok then.
Serbs are Croats,Croats are Serbs. However you prefer.
I do not mean to offend,but your languages and cultures are practically identical.

LOL That's a first

09-28-2016, 07:31 PM
If i ve learnt something on Apricity, is that honestly i never began to imagine to which extends some could have identity crisis due to mixed origins. Yes we have all the freaks but i wasn't thinking it was even possible (we re not dumb, we see). You would not wish that for any kid.

09-28-2016, 07:42 PM
You just butthurt because I pressed one of your insecurity buttons?


I don't have to see myself as MENA, I AM MENA

Nope. Most Afghans consider themselves MENAs because we're Eastern Iranians, and Iranians proper are Middle Eastern. There's nothing OWD about that.

Are Pathans MENA?

Also Gujurati are not the same as Punjabi.

I have found Punjabis. I was using chrome search function and everytime I type in punj it says nothing was found.:confused: Their ancestreal Indian result is 47%.

You even showed me a Pakistani Pashtun one time which was labeled as Afghan Pashtun (on Anthrogenica).

That was my mistake.

Why do you care about Europeans so much if most of them don't give a fuck about you?

Why do you care (with all that South Asian) about being a Caucasoid when nobody gives a fuck about you?

09-28-2016, 07:51 PM
'what the fuck is croatia' , 'Croatia doesn't have history'






meanwhile shithole afghanistan




05-27-2020, 09:41 AM
6000 years ago.. there was no modern indoeuropean ( no germanic slavic latin celts greeks.. hittites...) in Europe and South Russia Ukraine.. all their ancestors came from middle east and iranian plateau....