View Full Version : Is Davai King of Wikipedia?

09-27-2016, 02:33 PM



09-27-2016, 02:35 PM

Nobody is King of Wikipedia it's a crowdsource free to edit wikipedia, anyone can edit or counter-edit any wikipedia page. I know because I'm an avid contributor there.

09-27-2016, 02:41 PM
Nobody is King of Wikipedia it's a crowdsource free to edit wikipedia, anyone can edit or counter-edit any wikipedia page. I know because I'm an avid contributor there.

Lol. That's why you can't just believe everything there. Regarding Albanian history in wiki there seem to be shitloads of Serbian sources cited. Which are very biased.

09-27-2016, 02:49 PM
Lol. That's why you can't just believe everything there. Regarding Albanian history in wiki there seem to be shitloads of Serbian sources cited. Which are very biased.

If you think it's biased you can register and edit the info yourself. You can personally solve it, instead of just being a spectator.

09-27-2016, 02:53 PM
If you think it's biased you can register and edit the info yourself. You can personally solve it, instead of just being a spectator.

I know. I've done it before. And it got changed. But I just prefer to read books.

09-27-2016, 03:00 PM
The art is not to edit an article so that its dead obvious and someone reverses it,but to slip in something small that would go unnoticed and will stay there for a very long time.

09-27-2016, 05:10 PM
Nobody is King of Wikipedia it's a crowdsource free to edit wikipedia, anyone can edit or counter-edit any wikipedia page. I know because I'm an avid contributor there.

davai is the zoupan of Wikipedia.

09-27-2016, 05:13 PM
The art is not to edit an article so that its dead obvious and someone reverses it,but to slip in something small that would go unnoticed and will stay there for a very long time.

A good way to do that is to make some beneficial or at least harmless edits and then put what you want between there. The only problem is if you care enough to edit a page,someone else cares enough to eventually spot it and reverse it,

09-27-2016, 05:19 PM
I can't believed he edited that. That's just fucking pathetic, the "man" has no life haha.

09-27-2016, 05:29 PM
I can't believed he edited that. That's just fucking pathetic, the "man" has no life haha.

Who the fuck spends their time editing Wikipedia. It seems it's filled with Serbian nationalists. And what's funny is they mostly quote Serbian sources that are not even in English and books that are hard to find. Some of these sources are from ultra nationalists that claim the most stupid shit disproven by modern genetics, such as that Albanian Gheg tribes are Albanized Serbs.

09-27-2016, 05:48 PM
pathetic, i've honestly never seen davai post anything non albanian related.
Maybe an albanian girl dumped him

09-27-2016, 06:49 PM
I don't know for the english version, but on the french version you must quote your source for every information you add on wiki. And I'am only participated in the sport section.
So I imagine the condition are even more strict on sensitive topics.

09-28-2016, 12:25 PM
I don't know for the english version, but on the french version you must quote your source for every information you add on wiki. And I'am only participated in the sport section.
So I imagine the condition are even more strict on sensitive topics.
davai is the zoupan of Wikipedia. But it's not only him. There is a bunch of servs and greeks who spend their time in Wikipedia and their only purpose is to falsify our history. It's high probabile that this persons are paid from their governments and other obscure organisations There is a category of trolls:

Corporate, political, and special interest sponsored trolls

The NATO report describes that a "Wikipedia troll" uses a type of message design where a troll does not add "emotional value" to reliable "essentially true" information in re-posts, but presents it "in the wrong context, intending the audience to draw false conclusions." For example, information, without context, from Wikipedia about the military history of the United States "becomes value-laden if it is posted in the comment section of an article criticizing Russia for its military actions and interests in Ukraine. The Wikipedia troll is 'tricky', because in terms of actual text, the information is true, but the way it is expressed gives it a completely different meaning to its readers."[48](p62) Unlike "classic trolls," Wikipedia trolls "have no emotional input, they just supply misinformation" and are one of "the most dangerous" as well as one of "the most effective trolling message designs."[48](pp70, 76) Even among people who are "emotionally immune to aggressive messages" and apolitical, "training in critical thinking" is needed, according to the NATO report, because "they have relatively blind trust in Wikipedia sources and are not able to filter information that comes from platforms they consider authoritative."[48](p72) While Russian-language hybrid trolls use the Wikipedia troll message design to promote anti-Western sentiment in comments, they "mostly attack aggressively to maintain emotional attachment to issues covered in articles."[48](p75) Discussions about topics, other than International sanctions during the Ukrainian crisis, "attracted very aggressive trolling" and became polarized according to the NATO report, which "suggests that in subjects in which there is little potential for re-educating audiences, emotional harm is considered more effective" for pro-Russian Latvian-language trolls.[48](p76)

The problem is that the bibliography about Albania, Albanians, etc, is huge. The first source of this greek and serv trolls are their "scholars". In international academic environments there are no serious scholars who use as a source in their studies, greek or servian scholars. The intention of this army of trolls in Wikipedia is not just to falsify the Albanian history but also to give an international passport to this pseudoscholars.
Let me give you an example of an article of Albanian history in Wikipedia forged by bot, servs and greeks.
The Muzaka family is one of the most important family in the medieval Albania. Here you have an chronicle from one of the most important members of this family, John Muzaka, Despot of Epir:


And now please read the article of Wikipedia about this family, a total forgery:


Origin Edit
The Muzaka were one of the most important families of Albanian origin.[5] According to Albanian historian S. Anamali the family originated from Opar in the Korēa region,[6] a village which was said by Gjon Muzaka (who is regarded unreliable[7]) to have been inhabited by Slavs.[8] Gjon Muzaka further claimed that the family received its name from the Muzakija region, named after its population, the Molossians (an ancient Greek tribe), through the corruption of the name Molossi (into Molosachi and finally Musachi).[9] The coat of arms of Muzaka family was a two-headed eagle.[10]
So, it's not an scientific article, is one of article of davai aka zoupan in Apricity.
The reason why the board of Wikipedia tolerate this situation are unknown to me, maybe has to do with the situation of general economicall crisis. The situation is that many people in Albania speak about wikimafia.
So, the situation is much more complicated. We have to do here with states, powerful organisations, secret services, etc and not just with idiots like davai, aka zoupan, or greek alexikua. I invite you to observe something. Every time when i ask davai about the sources used by him or when i make to him a simple question, he never answere to me. You know why? Because he is just the parrot who repeat what other people prepare for him.

09-28-2016, 12:46 PM
No Laberia is.

09-28-2016, 01:18 PM
No Laberia is.

Raine, i am not an historian(history is just a hobby for me) and my English is a shit. So, i am not.

09-28-2016, 01:40 PM
Off topic but I remembered something I wanted to ask by looking the article. Is there anywhere in the internet the text written by Theodor of Shkodra (1210)? If someone has read it, is it more similar to Gheg or Tosk?

09-28-2016, 01:49 PM
Un'te paghesont' pr'emenit t'Atit e t'Birit e t'Spirit Senit
Unė tė pagėzoj nė emėr tė Atit, tė Birit, e tė Shpirtit tė Shenjtė

How's that sentence in Gheg?

09-28-2016, 02:05 PM
Un'te paghesont' pr'emenit t'Atit e t'Birit e t'Spirit Senit
Unė tė pagėzoj nė emėr tė Atit, tė Birit, e tė Shpirtit tė Shenjtė

How's that sentence in Gheg?

It's old Albanian. I can understand it though. It's a christian text. In the name of the father and the holy son etc.

09-28-2016, 03:00 PM
Un'te paghesont' pr'emenit t'Atit e t'Birit e t'Spirit Senit
Unė tė pagėzoj nė emėr tė Atit, tė Birit, e tė Shpirtit tė Shenjtė

How's that sentence in Gheg?

i'm tosk and i can understand it.

09-28-2016, 03:10 PM
It is only Albanians who are obsessed with wikipedia and edit pages all the time. 90% of Albanian wiki pages are full of revisionist crap.

09-28-2016, 03:10 PM
Un'te paghesont' pr'emenit t'Atit e t'Birit e t'Spirit Senit
Unė tė pagėzoj nė emėr tė Atit, tė Birit, e tė Shpirtit tė Shenjtė

How's that sentence in Gheg?

Un t'pagėzoj n'emėn t'Atit, e t'Birit, e t'Shpirtit Shejtė

basically same

09-28-2016, 03:15 PM
It is only Albanians who are obsessed with wikipedia and edit pages all the time. 90% of Albanian wiki pages are full of revisionist crap.

then why do you care enough to write a 26 word reply to this thread?

09-28-2016, 03:24 PM
By day he is polite Slovenian taxi driver by night he becomes internet chetnik warrior

09-28-2016, 05:07 PM
By day he is polite Slovenian taxi driver by night he becomes internet chetnik warrior

Correction he is a dark Serbian imigrant taxi driver with a unibrow by day among Aryan Slovenes.

09-28-2016, 05:08 PM
Correction he is a dark Serbian imigrant taxi driver with a unibrow by day among Aryan Slovenes.

hes a slavicised turk

09-28-2016, 05:13 PM
hes a serbizied turkogypsy hybrid
