View Full Version : Dietary Suggestion for Mortimer

09-28-2016, 06:31 AM
Mort, my nigga, listen to this blonde MILF. You need to be eating this super food Quinoa. Lay off the fucking McDonalds, you dont need to get your fat ass fatter. What you need to do is burning that fat every day doing at least 1 hour of cardio, 1 hour of weightlifting and eating this Incan super food, then in about 3-4 months and after that skin tightening surgery (since you've decided to stretch your skin the fuck out all these years) you're gonna get cut as fuck and be laying hot ass Austrian bitches left and right. Listen to me, my gypsy nigga. This is what you need to do, stop fucking around with your life. Carpe diem and all that shit, get it right.


09-28-2016, 06:32 AM
this looks even delicious would eat it

09-28-2016, 06:35 AM
this looks even delicious would eat it

Trust me bro. After a solid half year of eating quinoa and shrimp, or quinoa and chicken, or quinoa and beef for every meal (no more than 1000 calories per meal, got it?) you'll be laying hot ass Austrian bitches like these in your neighborhood left and right. You'll have to schedule a different bitch for every day of the week, they'll be so many on your shady gypsy cock, you'll probably have to schedule them for the next month just to keep track. Seriously, listen to my advice you stubborn nigga.


09-28-2016, 06:36 AM
you are funny bro, are you drunk?

09-28-2016, 06:37 AM
you are funny bro, are you drunk?

yeah, im buzzed. had a bottle and a half of champagne and a few shots of vodka. fuck it.

09-28-2016, 06:58 AM
Mortimer are you good at cooking, do you cook your own meals??:icon_hungry:



09-28-2016, 08:50 AM
Alimentation is secondary to working out.

09-28-2016, 09:07 AM

09-28-2016, 09:16 AM
firstly he has to change your mentality, from defended person to conqueror, psychics could be changed in short this way ---> straighten your back


conquerors do not have many time to eat and eat

09-28-2016, 09:43 AM
lolz at dem drunk tips.

I have actually lost 5+ kilos before (which is a lot since I had like 12% bodyfat before losing weight). Here is what can help you. First use some online site to calculate how many calories you should take in to lose weight in a healthy way. Then try to educate yourself about around how much calories foods have (I never calculated it, I just estimated, calculating it makes it grueling and too complicated). You should also write down everything you eat and I mean everything. One singe cookie, you need to write it down and split it in days and weeks.
Eat food without "empty calories" meaning eat food that gives you the best bank for your buck. 500 calories of chicken breast gives you tons of proteins and healthy fats for example, while 500 calories of ice cream gives you tons of sugar and you won't even quench your hunger.
Remember to keep it simple. Do something you know you can do or else you'll give up.

09-28-2016, 09:46 AM
I don't know what's going to eat morti today, but I....


I'm sorry, but I'm really hunger today...

knowledge is king
10-01-2016, 07:58 PM
I would recommend this recipe.

There is products that can cause a fat burning effect.
It is a green tea, a lemon and honey.
The another products are ginger and cinnamon powder.

It actually works. I have lose 10 kilograms in two month on this diet.
You can buy all this products in local grocery store. Also you can read on the internet about it.


Bobby Martnen
02-21-2018, 06:35 AM
Mort, my nigga, listen to this blonde MILF. You need to be eating this super food Quinoa. Lay off the fucking McDonalds, you dont need to get your fat ass fatter. What you need to do is burning that fat every day doing at least 1 hour of cardio, 1 hour of weightlifting and eating this Incan super food, then in about 3-4 months and after that skin tightening surgery (since you've decided to stretch your skin the fuck out all these years) you're gonna get cut as fuck and be laying hot ass Austrian bitches left and right. Listen to me, my gypsy nigga. This is what you need to do, stop fucking around with your life. Carpe diem and all that shit, get it right.


Quinoa honestly looks kinda gross. I'd much rather eat junk food, just in moderation.