View Full Version : What ethnicity/phenotype is the hairiest?

09-28-2016, 03:47 PM
In my opinion it's Iranians, but I've heard Armenoids/Dinarids are also very hairy. Which is most hairiest in your opinion? I've noticed some North Indians can be very hairy also.

09-28-2016, 03:54 PM
Mediterranean and Scandinavian according to American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Ainu also apparently. Not sure if it is correct but I would guess so.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Bodyhair_map_according_to_American_Journal_of_Phys ical_Anthropology_and_other_sources.jpg

09-28-2016, 03:59 PM
Depends what hairing type you mean.

There are hairy types that look dirty,unlean,hairs everywhere,that give the impression of an unkept appearance.

And there are types that have very strong hairing but its uniform and in the right places,which gives a very groomed and maintained look without even doing anything to it.

The first type is usually seen in MENA/South Asian types,and the second in Europeans.

09-28-2016, 04:00 PM
Ainus probably

could also be this tribal group from South India(Todas)

09-28-2016, 04:12 PM
Mediterranean and Scandinavian according to American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Ainu also apparently. Not sure if it is correct but I would guess so.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Bodyhair_map_according_to_American_Journal_of_Phys ical_Anthropology_and_other_sources.jpg

I think that means something else, cause there's no way Finns are as hairy as Caucasians.

09-28-2016, 04:22 PM
MENA, followed by some South-Asians, followed by Europeans. Not counting small minority populations.

The hairiest person I've seen in my entire life looked Indian/South-Asian. He trained at my gym and you could barely see the skin on his arms and his chest hair went up half his neck, almost connecting with his beard stubble.

♥ Lily ♥
09-28-2016, 04:24 PM
I've seen several Indian females with really hairy arms and legs and moustaches on them. I was standing at a reception desk once and a South Asian Indian female receptionist had so much body hair on her chest and enlarged sweaty skin pores and thick bushy masculine eyebrows. My boyfriend (who was standing next to me) was repulsed and kept whispering in my ear, 'Geez, look at her moustache and all that thick dark hair all over her arms!'

I knew an Indian female once with really thick hair over her arms and legs and underneath her arms, thick eyebrows and a slight moustache.

Hairiest women I've ever seen in my life.

09-28-2016, 04:26 PM
I had an Indian friend who was dating an Indian girl who had more facial hair than him.

09-28-2016, 04:33 PM
I've seen several Indian females with really hairy arms and legs and moustaches on them. I was standing at a reception desk once and a South Asian Indian female receptionist had so much body hair on her chest and enlarged sweaty skin pores and thick bushy masculine eyebrows. My boyfriend (who was standing next to me) was repulsed and kept whispering in my ear, 'Geez, look at her moustache and all that thick dark hair all over her arms!'

I knew an Indian female once with really thick hair over her arms and legs and underneath her arms, thick eyebrows and a slight moustache.

Hairiest women I've ever seen in my life. :puke:

Almost as bad as British teeth and mouth odor.

Those aren't typical Indians. But Indians definitey are a hairy race because they are pure bred Aryans, far hairier than a mongrel race mutated race like you Brits.

09-28-2016, 04:34 PM
lol how does he make accounts so fast :lol:

♥ Lily ♥
09-29-2016, 07:41 PM
Almost as bad as British teeth and mouth odor.



But Indians definitey are a hairy race because they are pure bred Aryans, far hairier than a mongrel race mutated race like you Brits.

You sound like an inbred!

Why do you have an obsession with skin bleaching and cosmetic surgery in India?

India's inbreeding is a major problem in causing deformities in people: http://www.westernfreepress.com/2013/06/13/disturbing-inbreeding-is-a-huge-problem-in-the-muslim-world/

Medical evidence shows that one of the negative consequences of inbreeding is a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths. One study comparing Norwegians and Pakistanis shows the risk that the child dies during labor increases by 50 percent. The risk of death due to autosomal recessive disorders — e.g., cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy — is 18 times higher. Risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Mental health is also at risk: the probability of depression is higher in communities where consanguine marriages are also high. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of mental and physical retardation and schizophrenic illness.

And then there are the findings on intelligence. Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being “retarded”) increases 400 percent among children from cousin marriages. An academic paper published in the Indian National Science Academy found that “the onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.” Another study found that Indian Muslim school boys whose parents were first cousins tested significantly lower than boys whose parents were unrelated in a non-verbal test on intelligence.

09-29-2016, 07:45 PM
FME, Sikhs probably

10-03-2016, 04:06 AM


You sound like an inbred!

Why do you have an obsession with skin bleaching and cosmetic surgery in India?

India's inbreeding is a major problem in causing deformities in people: http://www.westernfreepress.com/2013/06/13/disturbing-inbreeding-is-a-huge-problem-in-the-muslim-world/

Get the fuck outta here, ugly slimey mutant non-Aryan British pig. :rotfl:






♥ Lily ♥
10-03-2016, 05:47 AM
Get the fuck outta here, ugly slimey mutant non-Aryan British pig. :rotfl:

:eek: Nothing wrong with my teeth, thanks! (I use an expensive electric flosser and electric toothbrush and mouthwash twice each day and avoid sugary foods.) My mum even considered becoming a tooth model as her teeth are excellent (and naturally white.) How about your own teeth and your daily dental hygiene practice?! How many fillings do you have? :)

You're non-European and you come on a European forum telling white Europeans to gtfo while speaking in vile sewer-level language.

You're not even interested in European cultures, music, literature, art, cities, etc... you only care for India, so why are you here?!

It's easy to find cherry-selected pics.
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQW2C_IVpjCoTk7VEvZjUpqmIqUCULKz KJ855gMe4iGp1v4IYyTbA

But I'll post crowds of everday people instead in vids (no photoshop!) When I look around me in West London, I'm not seeing all these alleged 'ugly pigs' that you're on about? :icon_ask:

London;- where people are entitled to free dental healthcare if they can't pay privately at Bupa or Harley Street clinics.



Mumbai - The World Capital of Rape.


More skin bleaching products are sold in India and plastic surgery is done there than in most other nations. If you're so naturally 'beautiful' (in your eyes) then why is your country obsessed with skin bleaching and having cosmetic surgery?!


10-03-2016, 05:50 AM
West asians and Europeans but more typically southern Euros from Europeans. Some celts like scots can be extremely hairy though

10-03-2016, 05:50 AM

when you actually take a look at the stats, India has a lower rape rate than your Nordick 1st world utopias

“We have four rapes per 100,000 women, while Sweden has more than 130,” Maneka Gandhi said in an interview with Swedish television channel SVT on Sunday, as cited by The Local. She claimed that the incidence of rape in India was among the lowest in the world.

10-03-2016, 05:58 AM
I think that means something else, cause there's no way Finns are as hairy as Caucasians.

You'd be surprised how hairy blond people can be.

♥ Lily ♥
10-03-2016, 06:45 AM
I worship cows and drink too much cow piss.

The rape attacks on the Swedish (and on other western females too in the UK, the Netherlands, Norway, and Germany, for example) is being done by muslim immigrants who aren't from Europe. That's a statistical fact.

At least we don't drink cow piss and eat filthy rats in Europe.


10-03-2016, 06:55 AM

you dont do any of that, but you rape way more than us u r a bunch of rapist degenerates

♥ Lily ♥
10-03-2016, 06:59 AM
↑ Whatever.

10-03-2016, 07:06 AM
↑ Whatever.

Immigrant crime is highly overepresented

yes, obviously the average migrant is probably more likely to commit crimes than a native european, but this doesnt mean 130 out of every 100000 swedish women were all raped by migrants, that is literally impossible. Migrants just offer an easy scapegoat for natives to cover up their own crimes.

♥ Lily ♥
10-03-2016, 07:13 AM








10-03-2016, 07:20 AM
Immigrant crime is highly overepresented

yes, obviously the average migrant is probably more likely to commit crimes than a native european, but this doesnt mean 130 out of every 100000 swedish women were all raped by migrants, that is literally impossible. Migrants just offer an easy scapegoat for natives to cover up their own crimes.

There is definitely a correlation between mena immgirants and high rape rates. Just look at how low rape rate eastern european countries have in comparison. Eastern euro countires have little to no immigrants at all. I don't see why western and northern european people (natives) should be more rapist than easterners. They are wealthier, have higher HDI and thought to be more cultured etc.

10-03-2016, 07:21 AM
well no shit in a country of 1.2 fucking billion people there are going to be crimes taking place at a greater rate than some country 9.5 million people. That is why talk about the rate of things as an absolute number in these cases is irrelevant and deceptive.

as for taking in Migrants into your country, at your own will,
"sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind"

10-03-2016, 07:23 AM
There is definitely a correlation between mena immgirants and high rape rates. Just look at how low rape rate eastern european countries have in comparison. Eastern euro countires have little to no immigrants at all.

sure there is, I'm not denying that at all. All I'm saying is MENA migrants can't be held accountable for all the rapes in a nation, especially if the rates are like 130 out of every 100000 women.

10-03-2016, 07:26 AM
sure there is, I'm not denying that at all. All I'm saying is MENA migrants can't be held accountable for all the rapes in a nation, especially if the rates are like 130 out of every 100000 women.

Maybe 3-4 out of 130 are native swedes. I really don't believe non-immigrant swedes have higher rape rate than eastern euros. But whatever. I can't prove it, and i don't really care.

10-03-2016, 07:28 AM
Maybe 3-4 out of 130 are native swedes. I really don't believe non-immigrant swedes have higher rape rate than eastern euros. But whatever. I can't prove it, and i don't really care.

sweden only has 350K muslims, out of which only max, half can be men(not even counting children)
EVEN IF IT IS 3-4 out of 130
that is the same as India's rate

We have four rapes per 100,000 women, while Sweden has more than 130,” Maneka Gandhi said in an interview with Swedish television channel SVT on Sunday, as cited by The Local. She claimed that the incidence of rape in India was among the lowest in the world.

ie, they are no better or worse than us indians(IF we make that assumption of 3-4/130)

Western media just finds a way to paint the East in a bad light, to make themselves feel superior. The fact is they are ignorant of other people.

10-03-2016, 07:32 AM
sweden only has 350K muslims, out of which only max, half can be men(not even counting children)
EVEN IF IT IS 3-4 out of 130
that is the same as India's rate

Ok ,i didn't accuse indians of being rapist.

10-03-2016, 07:36 AM
Ain't nothing better than hairy sexy men

10-03-2016, 09:08 AM








OMG disgusting...

10-03-2016, 09:23 AM
Middle easterners and most southern europeans.

10-03-2016, 10:40 AM
The rape attacks on the Swedish (and on other western females too in the UK, the Netherlands, Norway, and Germany, for example) is being done by muslim immigrants who aren't from Europe. That's a statistical fact.

At least we don't drink cow piss and eat filthy rats in Europe.


Those are tribal Dalits from Southern India, they are Bromin's ancestors and relatives not my Gujarati (Indo-Aryan) friends'. Most Indians are VEGETARIAN (Hindus)
at any rate.

Indians are the hairiest race, Indo-Aryans specifically, my Gujarati friends shave DAILY and have according to them have lots of chest, back and leg hair. pictured here is a Hindu Rajput from Rajasthan.


Indian culture in the United States. Indians are proud of their roots and heritage and I respect them for this. They don't care to be white or European, they are proud BROWN people.




10-03-2016, 10:51 AM
Compare the above to British culture




10-03-2016, 10:58 AM
Indian culture


British (or American/European) culture :rotfl:


10-03-2016, 11:44 AM
Compare the above to British culture




Second pics, it's just a group of young males who celebrates football or rugby victory, what's the problem?
The last, nice cherrypick, i can pick thousand of pictures with classy and chic english lady.
Ur such a stupid troll :picard2:

♥ Lily ♥
10-03-2016, 12:33 PM
@MajorSykes: Oh my gosh, such ignorance about other cultures! Not surprised if uncultivated people only know about the low end of cultures.

But even the poor end of western culture still has better living standards than the low-end of living in India, which is why migrants flood to western nations for free healthcare, free education, free homes, etc.


Haven't you heard of the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show, Sir David Attenborough and BBC Wildlife productions, the 250 year old UNESCO Kew Botanic Gardens, Wimbledon, charming English countryside cottages, charismatic Queen Anne houses, gentlemen's tailored suits and briefcases in Savile Row, Hatton Garden jewellery quarter, Harrods in Knightsbridge, the clock outside the Fortnum & Mason store, Covent Garden, the open-air amphitheatre in Regent's Park, St Pancras International, National Trust Properties and grade listed architecture, the Thames Flood Barrier, West End theatres and musicals, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Highgate, the stylish Ladies Hats Day at The Grand National horse-racing event, Royal Ascot horse-racing event, the very stylish and prestigious V&A museum, The Tate, Royal Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, The Proms, Phantom Of The Opera musical, The Snowman musical animation with the beautiful singing voice of a choir boy, Wind In The Willows, Lord Norman Foster designing the Millau Sky Bridge in France and designing the ceiling inside the Great Court of the British Museum, and designing the intelligent Gherkin skyscraper as well designing as other impressive modern architectural sites across Europe, prestigious Rolls Royce engines, the Eurotunnel, supersonic Concorde, RAF Red Arrows, Aston Martins, the QE2 ship, Queen Mary ship, the Skylon, etc?!








London Symphony Orchestra performing Romeo & Juliet, No 13 Dance Of The Knights


The Blade
10-03-2016, 02:00 PM
MENAS from what I have seen.

10-04-2016, 09:26 AM
@MajorSykes: Oh my gosh, such ignorance about other cultures! Not surprised if uncultivated people only know about the low end of cultures.

But even the poor end of western culture still has better living standards than the low-end of living in India, which is why migrants flood to western nations for free healthcare, free education, free homes, etc.


Haven't you heard of the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show, Sir David Attenborough and BBC Wildlife productions, the 250 year old UNESCO Kew Botanic Gardens, Wimbledon, charming English countryside cottages, charismatic Queen Anne houses, gentlemen's tailored suits and briefcases in Savile Row, Hatton Garden jewellery quarter, Harrods in Knightsbridge, the clock outside the Fortnum & Mason store, Covent Garden, the open-air amphitheatre in Regent's Park, St Pancras International, National Trust Properties and grade listed architecture, the Thames Flood Barrier, West End theatres and musicals, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Highgate, the stylish Ladies Hats Day at The Grand National horse-racing event, Royal Ascot horse-racing event, the very stylish and prestigious V&A museum, The Tate, Royal Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, The Proms, Phantom Of The Opera musical, The Snowman musical animation with the beautiful singing voice of a choir boy, Wind In The Willows, Lord Norman Foster designing the Millau Sky Bridge in France and designing the ceiling inside the Great Court of the British Museum, and designing the intelligent Gherkin skyscraper as well designing as other impressive modern architectural sites across Europe, prestigious Rolls Royce engines, the Eurotunnel, supersonic Concorde, RAF Red Arrows, Aston Martins, the QE2 ship, Queen Mary ship, the Skylon, etc?!








London Symphony Orchestra performing Romeo & Juliet, No 13 Dance Of The Knights


(by the way, Filipino should not be even in the top 5, they are WAYYY at the bottom in the U.S.)

11-28-2016, 11:16 AM
Various Caucasian subraces

11-13-2019, 05:58 AM
Nordid and Mediterranid

11-13-2019, 06:02 AM
West Asians + Europeans.

11-13-2019, 06:03 AM
Greeks and French.

11-13-2019, 06:04 AM
Whoever has more neanderthal admixture so that singles out Africans, Asians etc

11-13-2019, 08:40 AM
Armenoids, Iranids, Syrids and Indids.

11-13-2019, 10:39 AM
Mediterranean and Scandinavian according to American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Ainu also apparently. Not sure if it is correct but I would guess so.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Bodyhair_map_according_to_American_Journal_of_Phys ical_Anthropology_and_other_sources.jpg

Looks correct.
It seems that, compared to peninsular Scandinavia and the Mediterranean area, Central Europe is a lower testosterone zone.
Because of the Baltid and/or Alpinid component?

11-13-2019, 10:47 AM
Not Nordid nor Mediterraneans. Armenoids, iranids, arabids, syrids etc. are the most hairy. I can't understand what caused such an ugly sexual trait to stay alive. Moderate arm, chest hair is good on men, but excessive leg hair is disgusting.

11-13-2019, 11:28 AM
Mediterranean and Scandinavian according to American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Ainu also apparently. Not sure if it is correct but I would guess so.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Bodyhair_map_according_to_American_Journal_of_Phys ical_Anthropology_and_other_sources.jpg

Shit, iberian legacy is very strong here. We are the only country on the tropic that surpass the 50% according to this index.

11-13-2019, 11:29 AM
Armenoids, Iranids, Syrids and Indids.

Surprised you didn't included Arabid as well.

11-13-2019, 11:31 AM
Nordid and Mediterranid

Nordids? Lol, no. The hairiest creatures on this planet earth are middle easterners and southern Europeans.

11-13-2019, 11:36 AM
Northern west asians + Levant, peninsular Arabs and NA are not that hairy; south euros + some other euros as well

Özgür Adam
11-13-2019, 04:27 PM
Southern Europeoids group

01-02-2021, 02:37 PM
I think that means something else, cause there's no way Finns are as hairy as Caucasians.

Depends on the hair type. Caucasians have more body hair, but no way the Finns have less beard.

https://img.ilcdn.fi/GYjdS3UxV4OKf5_Spq08Va64WNc=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/b3a6dad4738f400fba54e7868749a24697a019447d0c89b211 674b82092dc3a9.jpg

01-02-2021, 02:53 PM
Generally speaking, Scandinavians seem to be less hairy than other European groups, albeit i'm not sure if part of it could be due to the fact that there's less contrast between hair and skin-tone, compared for example to central and southern Europeans.

05-27-2021, 11:09 PM
@MajorSykes: Oh my gosh, such ignorance about other cultures! Not surprised if uncultivated people only know about the low end of cultures.

But even the poor end of western culture still has better living standards than the low-end of living in India, which is why migrants flood to western nations for free healthcare, free education, free homes, etc.


Haven't you heard of the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show, Sir David Attenborough and BBC Wildlife productions, the 250 year old UNESCO Kew Botanic Gardens, Wimbledon, charming English countryside cottages, charismatic Queen Anne houses, gentlemen's tailored suits and briefcases in Savile Row, Hatton Garden jewellery quarter, Harrods in Knightsbridge, the clock outside the Fortnum & Mason store, Covent Garden, the open-air amphitheatre in Regent's Park, St Pancras International, National Trust Properties and grade listed architecture, the Thames Flood Barrier, West End theatres and musicals, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Highgate, the stylish Ladies Hats Day at The Grand National horse-racing event, Royal Ascot horse-racing event, the very stylish and prestigious V&A museum, The Tate, Royal Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, The Proms, Phantom Of The Opera musical, The Snowman musical animation with the beautiful singing voice of a choir boy, Wind In The Willows, Lord Norman Foster designing the Millau Sky Bridge in France and designing the ceiling inside the Great Court of the British Museum, and designing the intelligent Gherkin skyscraper as well designing as other impressive modern architectural sites across Europe, prestigious Rolls Royce engines, the Eurotunnel, supersonic Concorde, RAF Red Arrows, Aston Martins, the QE2 ship, Queen Mary ship, the Skylon, etc?!








London Symphony Orchestra performing Romeo & Juliet, No 13 Dance Of The Knights


Nah, Indians mostly flood to Anglo-speaking nations. I've lived in Germany and Italy and I could go weeks without seeing an Indian